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Inquests shows Briton died in Thailand after 'downing buckets of Vodka and Red Bull'


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just like ANY nationalaty mate ANY YOU BRIT BASHERburp.gif

Seems Brits are psychologically similar to Thais when alcohol is involved...

Exactly! And if any one, it must be the Russians and Scandinaciands that drink as much as the locals. Rip young guy my heart goes out for his kid that he left behind

Do not forget the Aussies...

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Listen to yourselves, seems to be a lot of Saints posting here. The young guy done what millions have done before went on a bender on Holiday. He did not wake up!! It was not intentional, he did not mean to die and he probably had no idea he was drinking the cheapest toxins you can put in a bucket.

Show some respect have you never drank to much, never let go,, never had a heart. This young man has a family, son, partner, mother,father and maybe brothers and sisters. Who are you to lamblast him? Do you know him. Crawl back into your perfect little pods.


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My mum is actually proud of me, doesn't have jack to do with the calculations here, nor different tolerances for intoxicating agents for that matter. I'm a small dude, and by every calculation I should be dead everytime (as I said a couple of times per year) I start drinking though I must be then a statistical miracle.

bet your mum is so proud of you,

its 20 bottles, not pints and that 29 must be a guess as he was drinking in bars, not at home.

20 bottles doesn't give you volume, and I was lenient, and took a pint of 5.5% vol bottle instead of the actual "strong lagers" in to account - so I must be somewhere in the medium with that initial calculation. I even gave it a 30minute extension since don't know the bodyweight, or regular consumption in "alcohol units", so I was being generous. Like I said earlier, much more likely to have come by methanol in the drinks, than an actual alcohol poisoning from legit booze (- where most likely cause of death would be suffocating from your own vomit)

Any particular reason that you need to drink that much ?

I'd suppose that "that much" is subjective. I'm super rarely in a condition I cannot handle my drink (like passing out, going on all fours etc etc), so one could suggest that my spleen breaks alcohol compounds in a non-traditional way, or then it's just genetics me being a Finn, whistling.gif . Not that my drinking habits are any of your business anyways, but answered out of courtesy burp.gifwai.gif

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His local pub will miss him.

Probably not as much as his son will. But never mind, you got your cheap shot in.

His son is probably better of now than being brought up by an a father who has no control over alcohol.

I am astounded by this comment.

There is no need for this - he could have been a good father. The fact he went OTT on holiday does not mean he had any sort of drinking problem. People go on holiday, they tend to act less sensibly.

This is very sad, especially for the son.

Your comment is very low class.

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Never did this. Not a good exsuse for drinking yourself to death.

Seems a lot of you forgot you were young once, forgot about 'benders' with your chums. Forgot about your parents never knew what you were up to outside the home...

Sounds to me like a bunch of old guys with no memory to me...........rolleyes.gif

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Brits and alcohol, its one thing they are famous for. When i was 17 and on a holiday in France we were doing our own parties going to the local supermarket and buying wine and stuff all young kids English Dutch whatever. Great fun but the Dutch had a lot more sense about alcohol then the English. Probably because they were not as strict in our country so we were used to it.

There were quite a few young Brits that ended up in the hospital, one girl i remember was standing up to pee.. just fell over (unconscious).. i carried her with the help of some others to her parents next day we learned she had been brought to a hospital. Ever since that time I have known about the English drinking culture. Sure there were some Dutch I knew that would do the same.. but they were a minority.

I think there are many countries which would give the Brits a run for their money. Australia for starters.

On this list UK is 25th https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita

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Thailand was much safer and healthy when the tolerated soft drugs like marijuana. Alcohol is Satan.It is pathetic when you're in the US Colorado I can legally taking it. and Thailand somehow corrupt cop condemn me for life time .. pathetic 21st century

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Listen to yourselves, seems to be a lot of Saints posting here. The young guy done what millions have done before went on a bender on Holiday. He did not wake up!! It was not intentional, he did not mean to die and he probably had no idea he was drinking the cheapest toxins you can put in a bucket.

Show some respect have you never drank to much, never let go,, never had a heart. This young man has a family, son, partner, mother,father and maybe brothers and sisters. Who are you to lamblast him? Do you know him. Crawl back into your perfect little pods.


he has a daughter not a son
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'His consumption of the energy drink from the so-called ‘Thai buckets’ masked the effects of his alcohol intake – and he didn’t realise how he was drunk he was.' Seriously? Well that's two drunken episodes linked to Red Bull. But the amount he supposedly drunk, I doubt he could have differentiated between a so-called energy drink and an alcoholic one.

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Never did this. Not a good exsuse for drinking yourself to death.

Seems a lot of you forgot you were young once, forgot about 'benders' with your chums. Forgot about your parents never knew what you were up to outside the home...

Sounds to me like a bunch of old guys with no memory to me...........rolleyes.gif

I'm not sure buckets of vodka on top of twenty lagers, plus whatever else went down, counts as a mere bender.

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Brits and alcohol, its one thing they are famous for. When i was 17 and on a holiday in France we were doing our own parties going to the local supermarket and buying wine and stuff all young kids English Dutch whatever. Great fun but the Dutch had a lot more sense about alcohol then the English. Probably because they were not as strict in our country so we were used to it.

There were quite a few young Brits that ended up in the hospital, one girl i remember was standing up to pee.. just fell over (unconscious).. i carried her with the help of some others to her parents next day we learned she had been brought to a hospital. Ever since that time I have known about the English drinking culture. Sure there were some Dutch I knew that would do the same.. but they were a minority.

Brits also have many drinking games and when they go on holiday there's no limit in boozing. They only stop when they fall or get very sick. Boys or girls it doesn't matter, they all do the same. Just watch those tv-programs about Spain and teenagers.

Vodka redbull is a dangerous drink though, you don't feel how much you drank allready.

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4x the UK limit to drive isn't that much for a healthy 20 or 29 year old, but it was clearly too much for him, although I wonder what else he had had, apart from more larger and "shots"?

One pint of beer will not put a healthy person over the UK limit though, unless they are topping up only a few hours after a very heavy night boozing the night before. "Kriting Dang" and Vodka by the two pint bucket though is asking for trouble.

In the UK it is now common for the bar manager to be charged with an offense for serving someone who is clearly far to drunk and in danger of causing himself harm.

Another tourist that should have a death certificate that reads: Death caused by Terminal Stupidity.



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Listen to yourselves, seems to be a lot of Saints posting here. The young guy done what millions have done before went on a bender on Holiday. He did not wake up!! It was not intentional, he did not mean to die and he probably had no idea he was drinking the cheapest toxins you can put in a bucket.

Show some respect have you never drank to much, never let go,, never had a heart. This young man has a family, son, partner, mother,father and maybe brothers and sisters. Who are you to lamblast him? Do you know him. Crawl back into your perfect little pods.


It's sad and unforgivable that some people, who consider themselves to be at least of average intelligence or above even, can make derogatory comments about an individual, when they know absolutely nothing about them. Having read comment from his mother and sister, it's abundantly clear that he was a had working, responsible person and proud father of a little daughter, they also state that he did not normally drink in excess and keep himself fit, they also say that he had visited Thailand on a number of occasions and that he had friends there, so he wasn't exactly a newcomer. There is no mention of the child's mother, so it is possible that he had parental control, if that's the case it makes this whole sad incident so much worse for his family.

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"His consumption of the energy drink from the so-called ‘Thai buckets’ masked the effects of his alcohol intake – and he didn’t realise how he was drunk he was."

If this is a strategy to get someone to drink beyond their limit, shouldn't it be illegal? Or at the very least, immoral?

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Never seen, any, real, vodka been poured into those buckets... rather cheap surrogates with a vodka label on, at the best, but often the plain poisonous, worst and cheapest lao kao's... It could, at least partly, explain the fatal outcome.

But who cares? Not the Thai authorities, and least of all the greedy bar owners...

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"It's abundantly clear that he was a had[sic] working"

He wasn't "working hard" in Thailand. He was drinking excessively.

"responsible person"

What intelligent "responsible" person drinks 20 bottles of beer?

"proud father of a little daughter"

Where was his daughter? Who was taking care of her while he was drinking excessively? Doesn't sound like a responsible adult to me.

"they also state that he did not normally drink in excess"

Right. I know many drinkers who consider a daily 3 pints to be "not excessive". That's 5 drinks.

5 drinks a day, that's 35 drinks a week. That's excessive, according to modern science and medicine.

"and keep himself fit"


"they also say that he had visited Thailand on a number of occasions"

All the more reason to suspect this young man's life was troubled, incongruent and full of contradictions.

Reality is often not what it seems, 555

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4x over the legal driving limit is not that much actually, typically 1 beer will put you over the limit

From around 7.30pm Mr Nicholson drank more than 20 bottles of strong lager and consumed shots of Sambuca.Mr Wilson returned early to his hotel but Mr Nicholson and two other friends stayed out and shared the buckets of vodka and Red Bull before returning at 1am.

Further tests showed he had 452mg of alcohol per 100ml of urine. Deaths from alcohol toxicity are expected at levels of 350 mg.

according tohttp://mobile.dudamobile.com/site/chiangraitimes4?dm_redirected=true#30e06

20 pints (~0.57l/piece) for a binge starting at 16.00 would already give 820mg/100ml for a regular build adult male - so the maths is off already. 452mg/100ml is not deadly by a long haul.

EDIT: I can waste a 0.75l bottle of vodka, with a case (12x500ml) of beer during a night - and I weigh around 72kg - with every calculation I'd need to be in a morgue at least a couple of times per year.

With both the expotential rates that the liver breaks down, and the body excreats alcohol, you'd have to be a professor in both human biology and advanced calculus to even consider validating your first statement. Your second statement not only suggest you are neither, but also that you have serious alcohol issues that require addressing.

Note, you'll not be in a morgue a couple of times a year, just once a lifetime. "It up to you !".

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Listen to yourselves, seems to be a lot of Saints posting here. The young guy done what millions have done before went on a bender on Holiday. He did not wake up!! It was not intentional, he did not mean to die and he probably had no idea he was drinking the cheapest toxins you can put in a bucket.

Show some respect have you never drank to much, never let go,, never had a heart. This young man has a family, son, partner, mother,father and maybe brothers and sisters. Who are you to lamblast him? Do you know him. Crawl back into your perfect little pods.


It's sad and unforgivable that some people, who consider themselves to be at least of average intelligence or above even, can make derogatory comments about an individual, when they know absolutely nothing about them. Having read comment from his mother and sister, it's abundantly clear that he was a had working, responsible person and proud father of a little daughter, they also state that he did not normally drink in excess and keep himself fit, they also say that he had visited Thailand on a number of occasions and that he had friends there, so he wasn't exactly a newcomer. There is no mention of the child's mother, so it is possible that he had parental control, if that's the case it makes this whole sad incident so much worse for his family.
they said a couple of things which ain't true:

responsible - not if you drink that much

did not drink to much - yea sure

the fact he is not a newcomer makes it worse, he should have known that drinking those buckets is a stupid idea.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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His local pub will miss him.

Probably not as much as his son will. But never mind, you got your cheap shot in.

His son is probably better of now than being brought up by an a father who has no control over alcohol.

One of the most insensitive useless comments i've ever heard, may something like this never happen to you or any of your family..The more productive comments center around the possibility of fake alcohol, namely "methanol" ( as was said by some of the "wiser" contributors here) ..As was said a cheap shot, you can be rest assured that although he died of excessive consumption, it would be hard for anyone to stoop to the lower vibrational levels of your thinking..and realistically i would feel sorry for any child that had a father with a mind like yours,

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