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US urges Thailand to investigate disappearance of Chinese journalist


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The US should mind their own bussines and worry about Quantanamo

The US should close Guantanamo, however, that is a mere red herring and has no bearing on the disappearance of this person. Just b/c the US isn't perfect does not mean that we cannot challenge other nations to become better.

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The US should mind their own bussines and worry about Quantanamo

Childish and boring. Invite an Embassy representative from Ethiopia, Sweden, Turkmenistan, Jamaica or wherever else to comment and what do you imagine the respose would be - 'We in - simply couldn't give a shit, to be honest with you'? What else then would you expect the Americans would say if asked? Edited by baboon
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The US should mind their own bussines and worry about Quantanamo

By this comment I'm assuming you are OK with human rights activists being kidnapped in foreign countries while applying for political asylum?

Not too smart of a comment, mr. Craig, from your posts we know you.

I agree with mr. Frits that the US has brought enough pain and suffering to the world, and that a low profile on part of the US would

be quite welcome.

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The US should mind their own bussines and worry about Quantanamo

By this comment I'm assuming you are OK with human rights activists being kidnapped in foreign countries while applying for political asylum?

Not too smart of a comment, mr. Craig, from your posts we know you.

I agree with mr. Frits that the US has brought enough pain and suffering to the world, and that a low profile on part of the US would

be quite welcome.

Since both of you have such a one-sided and hate-filled view of the US, unless you want to be a hypocrite, don't consume anything that came from the US--food, products, TV shows, movies, music.

And, of course, two wrongs make a right, thanks for pointing that out.

Since the most anti-Americanism I experience is from Europeans, whether you are or not, I'll point out the Europeans have easily been responsible for more pain and suffering world-wide than any other race or group of people in the history of the world. 500 years of colonialism and genocide internationally, along with thousands of years of warring with each other, including two 20th century world wars started by and prosecuted for years by Europeans. The US gov't's bad acts hardly begin to match that.

Edited by PaPiPuPePo
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The US should mind their own bussines and worry about Quantanamo

By this comment I'm assuming you are OK with human rights activists being kidnapped in foreign countries while applying for political asylum?

Not too smart of a comment, mr. Craig, from your posts we know you.

I agree with mr. Frits that the US has brought enough pain and suffering to the world, and that a low profile on part of the US would

be quite welcome.

I think it would be terrible for developed nations to ignore human rights violations. It's part of what makes us civilized. This isn't about other actions of the US. Only about this topic. Though many who have strong anti US feelings try to deflect.
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The US should mind their own bussines and worry about Quantanamo

By this comment I'm assuming you are OK with human rights activists being kidnapped in foreign countries while applying for political asylum?

Not too smart of a comment, mr. Craig, from your posts we know you.

I agree with mr. Frits that the US has brought enough pain and suffering to the world, and that a low profile on part of the US would

be quite welcome.

I think it would be terrible for developed nations to ignore human rights violations. It's part of what makes us civilized. This isn't about other actions of the US. Only about this topic. Though many who have strong anti US feelings try to deflect.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US, so they are not in the position to lecture someone else.

The US urges everyone on everything but if someone has something to say about their actions they get their knickers in a twist.

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Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US. Arney you for getting all the other countries that were with them but I digress. Bear with me.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations yes I agree should have just shot the lot of them when captured end of debate on Guantanamo and end of a lot of terrorist scum end of story.

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Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US. Arney you for getting all the other countries that were with them but I digress. Bear with me.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations yes I agree should have just shot the lot of them when captured end of debate on Guantanamo and end of a lot of terrorist scum end of story.

So you decide who is quilty without lawyers, judges and want to kill everybody. Land of the free, what a joke
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Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US. Arney you for getting all the other countries that were with them but I digress. Bear with me.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations yes I agree should have just shot the lot of them when captured end of debate on Guantanamo and end of a lot of terrorist scum end of story.

So you decide who is quilty without lawyers, judges and want to kill everybody. Land of the free, what a joke
Sorry for going off topic but I deem a response is necessary.

Hey I ain't from the land of the free thank god. As for guilt and innocence in conflict there is no such thing. They were in a war zone I suspect IMHO most of them were fighting men ok a few inocents mixed in that's war shoot first before the ones hiding behind women (who are just as guilty by the way) shoot you. I don't care what the bleeding hearts/doogoders/not in my name brigade say. They would soon change there mind if we did nothing and just let them bomb everywhere. If you don't like the way the UN and allies work feel free to go over to the other side and preach to them, let's see how long you keep your heads.

Edited by Sutty
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Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US. Arney you for getting all the other countries that were with them but I digress. Bear with me.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations yes I agree should have just shot the lot of them when captured end of debate on Guantanamo and end of a lot of terrorist scum end of story.

So you decide who is quilty without lawyers, judges and want to kill everybody. Land of the free, what a joke
Hey I ain't from the land of the free thank god. As for guilt and innocence in conflict there is no such thing. They were in a war zone I suspect IMHO most of them were fighting men ok a few inocents mixed in that's war shoot first before the ones hiding behind women (who are just as guilty by the way) shoot you. I don't care what the bleeding hearts/doogoders/not in my name brigade say. They would soon change there mind if we did nothing and just let them bomb everywhere. If you don't like the way the UN and alias work go over to the other side and preach to them let's see how long you keep your heads.
there were people kidnapped from all over the world. as there are also 3 year olds on the terror 'no fly' list by mistake, how can you possible know if they are quilty? you can't, you are so scared you do anything to feel a bit safer.

a bit of scare tactics and every idiot gives up his human rights

Edited by FritsSikkink
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Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US. Arney you for getting all the other countries that were with them but I digress. Bear with me.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations yes I agree should have just shot the lot of them when captured end of debate on Guantanamo and end of a lot of terrorist scum end of story.

So you decide who is quilty without lawyers, judges and want to kill everybody. Land of the free, what a joke
Hey I ain't from the land of the free thank god. As for guilt and innocence in conflict there is no such thing. They were in a war zone I suspect IMHO most of them were fighting men ok a few inocents mixed in that's war shoot first before the ones hiding behind women (who are just as guilty by the way) shoot you. I don't care what the bleeding hearts/doogoders/not in my name brigade say. They would soon change there mind if we did nothing and just let them bomb everywhere. If you don't like the way the UN and alias work go over to the other side and preach to them let's see how long you keep your heads.
there were people kidnapped from all over the world. as there are also 3 year olds on the terror 'no fly' list by mistake, how can you possible know if they are quilty? you can't, you are so scared you do anything to feel a bit safer.

a bit of scare tactics and every idiot gives up his human rights

I have never and will never be scared as for human rights isn't that supposed to work two ways. It's people who would tie our hands behind our back whilst preaching the human rights act at us whilst turning a blind eye to what our common enemy is doing. Please don't presume to know me I will/would/have done whatever it takes to 1. Keep me alive

2. Protect my family and whilst doing that the bye product is to keep the bleeding hearts/doogoders safe as well but they tend to forget that don't they.

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I think it would be terrible for developed nations to ignore human rights violations. It's part of what makes us civilized. This isn't about other actions of the US. Only about this topic. Though many who have strong anti US feelings try to deflect.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US, so they are not in the position to lecture someone else.

The US urges everyone on everything but if someone has something to say about their actions they get their knickers in a twist.

I'm not in favor of Guantanamo, but a bit of a stretch comparing the inmates there with human rights activists abducted by a foreign country here in Thailand. Apples to oranges.

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I think it would be terrible for developed nations to ignore human rights violations. It's part of what makes us civilized. This isn't about other actions of the US. Only about this topic. Though many who have strong anti US feelings try to deflect.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US, so they are not in the position to lecture someone else.

The US urges everyone on everything but if someone has something to say about their actions they get their knickers in a twist.

I'm not in favor of Guantanamo, but a bit of a stretch comparing the inmates there with human rights activists abducted by a foreign country here in Thailand. Apples to oranges.

The connection between anything in Thailand and some abuse that's occurred in the US can be gossamer thin but the US-haters will jump on it. If it weren't so hypocritical it would be amusing to read (especially) Germans criticising the US about human rights abuses.....I guess there's a 70-year statute of limitations on moral responsibility.

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I think it would be terrible for developed nations to ignore human rights violations. It's part of what makes us civilized. This isn't about other actions of the US. Only about this topic. Though many who have strong anti US feelings try to deflect.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US, so they are not in the position to lecture someone else.

The US urges everyone on everything but if someone has something to say about their actions they get their knickers in a twist.

I'm not in favor of Guantanamo, but a bit of a stretch comparing the inmates there with human rights activists abducted by a foreign country here in Thailand. Apples to oranges.

The connection between anything in Thailand and some abuse that's occurred in the US can be gossamer thin but the US-haters will jump on it. If it weren't so hypocritical it would be amusing to read (especially) Germans criticising the US about human rights abuses.....I guess there's a 70-year statute of limitations on moral responsibility.

where are those Germans?
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Not too smart of a comment, mr. Craig, from your posts we know you.

I agree with mr. Frits that the US has brought enough pain and suffering to the world, and that a low profile on part of the US would

be quite welcome.

I think it would be terrible for developed nations to ignore human rights violations. It's part of what makes us civilized. This isn't about other actions of the US. Only about this topic. Though many who have strong anti US feelings try to deflect.

Guantanamo is an example of human rights violations by the US, so they are not in the position to lecture someone else.

The US urges everyone on everything but if someone has something to say about their actions they get their knickers in a twist.

your logic is nonsense.

your view of reality is uninformed.

Guantanamo is a black mark on the US and the president has been trying to close it since he took office. You may or may not be aware of the reasons why it is not yet closed. I suspect, more likely, not.

None of which detracts from the US government's right to address human rights issues worldwide.

But according to your logic, until the USA is perfect, they cannot do anything about human rights globally.

That is a childish position to take. And an ignorant one as well.

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