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Trump refuses to debate; calls Fox's moderator 'lightweight'


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"...or what about when the banks want him to pay back loans, and he goes in and shouts at the loan officers, "Do you know who I am?! I could have your ass on a hot cake griddle. Do you know that if you insist I pay back my loan that I will have to lay off 5,500 people tomorrow! Do you want that on your conscience? You can't make demands on me. I own you and your bank."

Is that a quote from Putin or Trump?

Both huge business job creators.

Putin probably has more KGB people skills than Trump, if you know what I mean and I think you do


Edited by SiSePuede419
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The Donald has outfoxed the Fox. GOP nomination coming up next.

Clinton will be shaking in her boots and no doubt about it.

Clinton would love to run against Trump. It's the "new generation" Rubio she fears.

She should be. Rubio is the best candidate in either party. Intelligence, youth, looks and loads of charisma.

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The Donald has outfoxed the Fox. GOP nomination coming up next.

Clinton will be shaking in her boots and no doubt about it.

Clinton would love to run against Trump. It's the "new generation" Rubio she fears.

She should be. Rubio is the best candidate in either party. Intelligence, youth, looks and loads of charisma.

Yes. It seems crazy to me that he's not leading the GOP primary race. He's a national candidate whereas Trump and Cruz are extreme and stand no chance nationally.

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I'm surprised at some people who dislike FOX. The Donald is denying FOX some hefty revenue. Much of the audience won't be watching if Trump doesn't participate. These candidate speech events have been cheap to produce programming with big bucks generated for the media outlets producing them. When Trump doesn't show, FOX doesn't make a profit.

Looks like it's a win win for those who dislike FOX and those who are bored of the Donald. Admit it: It's sort of cool that a candidate told the self important FOX to shove it.

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The Donald has outfoxed the Fox. GOP nomination coming up next.

Clinton will be shaking in her boots and no doubt about it.

Clinton would love to run against Trump. It's the "new generation" Rubio she fears.

She should be. Rubio is the best candidate in either party. Intelligence, youth, looks and loads of charisma.

I would agree, Rubio is indeed one of the most intelligent and articulate running for the GOP nomination.

The problem is, that unfortunately, if the polls are to be believed, intelligence & articulate is not what the GOP primary voter seems to be looking for.

Extreme, loud mouthed, appealing to the lowest common denominator of fear and racism, seems to be what they want.

I for one worry about our democracy.

Regardless of who you support, democracy depends on 'sane' candidates for the electorate to choose from.

Again, if the polls are right, we will be confronted with the choice of one sane candidate, and one who will be somewhere between lunatic and demagogic

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He got a misdemeanor for actually giving classified information to his mistress during some pillow talk.

I don't think Clinton has been accused of actually passing classified information on to anyone, just that she had classified information outside of the State Dept. system.

Even if she were prosecuted, neither her or Petraeus' sins account for much that anyone outside of the Beltway actually care about ( or us nerds that frequent message boards, LOL)

Edited by GinBoy2
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He's posturing to run as an Independent

Doesn't have to. If he takes Iowa, the GOP nomination is his to lose.

Like Michele Bachmann? She won there and went on to great things. ???

The "huge" problem for the GOP is the two yoyos in 2nd and 3rd are no better.

The whole GOP field is unelectable, what difference does it make?

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I agree with much of what you have said. The only problem is that the "sane" candidate should be in jail for what she has done. General David Petraeus was prosecuted for far less.

That is an entirely political statement.

Petraeus consciously and willfully handed over to his whore highly classified information in an active war zone in which he was military commander. HR Clinton did no such thing as secstate.

The topic is Fox and Trump, not HR Clinton or General Petraeus or classified information, yet the obsessive compulsive right bangs and pounds on and on.

Trump does not discuss issues except in trite and cliched terms and absolutely avoids substantive policy discussions. That's because he doesn't know anything about being in government or about issues a potus must deal with domestic or international.

Trump has yet to prove he can discuss and analyze issues or programs domestic or global in a formal debate which voters always demand in the contest of the two major parties for the office of potus.

In 2008 Sen John McCain tried to get out of a debate and he got burned for it by everyone, from MSM to civic groups to the voters. Trump is going to have to stand the scrutiny of the nation in one on one debate or he will be burned ever more severely than any candidate for the office ever has been. As it is Trump is going to get badly burned anyway by voters among others.

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The whole GOP field is unelectable, what difference does it make?

A very foolish statement, but that is to be expected.

Au contraire, it is an accurate statement.

Rubio for instance varies from groveling to petulant and sounds like the angry high school junior class president who knows he's not going to win election again. Rubio is not popular and stinks on the issues, with millennials especially to include many younger evangelical voters.

Rubio does not command or even induce respect. It would be interesting to see if The Rube can get a leg up on the others so that Trump can focus his wrecking ball on him laugh.png. For one thing, the Kid senator from Florida hasn't ever had a job. He's lived off the teat of the taxpayer since he took a federal student loan for law school.

Rubio belongs in a 1950s movie as a square, the antithesis of Eddie Haskel who himself was always a far cry from Donald Trump. While Donald Trump is comfortable being an idiot Rubio is completely uncomfortable about being one.

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What an imbecile Trump is. Do people seriously want to vote this clown in. He's already

Packed up his bat and ball and is refusing to play with the other children.

Come on folks, get serious !

A vote for Trump is a Vote for a clown.

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Trump has managed to navigate the difficult waters and people of NYC very successfully. Take note that he has a good reputation there. Even his own employees don't diss him.

Not according to some people who have lived in apartments in NYC for decades. Trump buys an apartment complex, then immediately slaps eviction notices on everyone.

No one could climb the mountain that Trump has without excellent people skills. He is certainly a top negotiator. He has met with many of the top people from all over the world and not just survived but thrived.

His skills are so excellent, he calls women names which hint at menstration problems. He is so spooked by an intelligent strong woman that he won't show up to the debate. He loves Sarah Palin, though. Because she praises him. If she stopped praising him (God forbid) he would probably call her a loser or worse. In other words, if you kiss his ass, he likes you. If you don't kiss his ass, he calls you bad names. Sounds like a Jr. High bully if you ask me.

The Donald has outfoxed the Fox. GOP nomination coming up next.

Clinton will be shaking in her boots and no doubt about it.

So, that's how a person out-foxes Fox, eh? Don't show up to an invitation to join a debate? Oh, almost forgot, he's superior to all the other candidates and superior to the moderators, so he doesn't have to lower himself to be in their presence. To him, they're ALL LOSERS.

If H.Clinton is shaking in her boots, it's because she's doing a celebratory jig in anticipation of debating any one of the ding dongs dished up by the Republican party. Curly, Joe or Moe? Step right up boys, get ready to get rotisseried by the Queen of No-Nonsense.

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It's a smart move by Trump. He disses all his competitors by blowing them off, he also embarrasses Fox News, and you can be sure that every other TV network will want to milk the hell out of that as Fox is their competitor. Trump wins and gets all the free exposure.

It also had the effect of making Cruz the "man to beat" among all the remaining debate participants, causing Cruz to lose some ground in the polls. And Trump used the timeslot to raise money for vets. Love him or hate him, the man is shrewd.

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Here's one endorsement Trump won't be welcoming. (Although you never know with him).

In an essay to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Anne Frank's stepsister accused Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump of "acting like another Hitler."

Eva Schloss, now 86, was a friend of Frank's in Amsterdam after their families fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Her mother, Fritzi, would marry Otto Frank, Anne's father, after World War II.

"If Donald Trump become(s) the next president of the U.S. it would be a complete disaster," she told Newsweek on Wednesday. "I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism."


I seriously doubt his campaign was counting on getting many votes out of Dutch citizens living in London.

This probably won't make him withdraw his candidacy.

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The Donald has outfoxed the Fox. GOP nomination coming up next.

Clinton will be shaking in her boots and no doubt about it.

Clinton would love to run against Trump. It's the "new generation" Rubio she fears.

She should be. Rubio is the best candidate in either party. Intelligence, youth, looks and loads of charisma.

Republican PACs are already ripping him a new one with attack ads on constantly.

Clinton doesn't need to lift a finger.


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I love the way the Democrat clones say the same thing over and over again.

They avoid any discussion about their own slate of candidates. They have a failed Governor, a 73 year old wild eye socialist and a 69 year old pathological liar with 40 years of scandals behind her and in front of her.

Yet on the other hand, we have Trump who refused to debate on Fox News, or as all you Democrat clones prefer to say...Faux News.

So Trump turns down the offer to debate, holds his own event in Iowa and raises over $6 million for the Wounded Warrior Project.

In the eyes of middle America, who's looking like the good guy here?

Edited by chuckd
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The Donald has outfoxed the Fox. GOP nomination coming up next.

Clinton will be shaking in her boots and no doubt about it.

Clinton would love to run against Trump. It's the "new generation" Rubio she fears.

She should be. Rubio is the best candidate in either party. Intelligence, youth, looks and loads of charisma.

Republican PACs are already ripping him a new one with attack ads on constantly.

Clinton doesn't need to lift a finger.


If she did want to lift a finger, she could always wave that article by Anne Frank's step sister in Trump's face.

That will certainly teach him a thing or two.cheesy.gif

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I love the way the Democrat clones say the same thing over and over again.

They avoid any discussion about their own slate of candidates.

That would be because the this particular thread seems to be about Republican candidates, or maybe that's just me.


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If she did want to lift a finger, she could always wave that article by Anne Frank's step sister in Trump's face.

That will certainly teach him a thing or two.cheesy.gif

I'm pretty certain she'd leave that to the blue suede shoes.


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I love the way the Democrat clones say the same thing over and over again.

They avoid any discussion about their own slate of candidates.

That would be because the this particular thread seems to be about Republican candidates, or maybe that's just me.


Nice job of "snipping" there.

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I love the way the Democrat clones say the same thing over and over again.

They avoid any discussion about their own slate of candidates.

That would be because the this particular thread seems to be about Republican candidates, or maybe that's just me.


Nice job of "snipping" there.

No point in cluttering the thread when I'm merely pointing out to you that it's unreasonable to expect discussion of "their own slate of candidates" when the thread is entitled "Trump refuses to debate; calls Fox's moderator 'lightweight'.

It's not only the mainstream media that seems obsessed with Trump stories.

Edited by Chicog
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The whole GOP field is unelectable, what difference does it make?

A very foolish statement, but that is to be expected.

Why is that a 'very foolish' statement? Can you clarify why? what makes it very foolish?

They're so delusional in wingnuttia, they actually think these candidates are competitive and you would to if all you watched all day was Fox News. Remember, maybe 25% of the country are Republicans and Trump holds maybe 30% of those. The rest of his votes in a National election has to come from Democrats and Independents. That ain't going to happen. Most Republicans can't stand him. It will be a beat down of epic proportions and the rest of the GOP candidates are worse. Cruz? Rubio? cheesy.gif

The Republican party is in meltdown. It's so much fun watching this cluster....

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The whole GOP field is unelectable, what difference does it make?

A very foolish statement, but that is to be expected.

Why is that a 'very foolish' statement? Can you clarify why? what makes it very foolish?

Maybe I should have said a very foolish PARTISAN statement, because that is that it really is. There are a few members here who post little else.

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The Donald has outfoxed the Fox. GOP nomination coming up next.

Clinton will be shaking in her boots and no doubt about it.

Trump has to prove he can debate one on one for the office of potus.

He can't.

Trump does not know anything about it.

Still No.1 for the GOP nomination. The risk model is based on that assumption.

Potus is another level and not going to predict the outcome at this juncture. The possibility has been built in, though.

If Trump is indeed nominated then I'm confident of the most bonkers run in. The model favours Trump resident in the Oval Office the more surreal it gets and The Donald unceremoniously launching HRC in to hyperspace.

Debating skills won't get a look in.


Edited by wooloomooloo
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