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What has Thailand taught you about love? Anything?


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How can you possibly have a 100% "trustworthy" relationship with any female counter-part (from any cultural background), who cannot give a straight answer to a simple, straight question, unless she's first pissed-off with you, and for some (usually) trivial reason?

Can one of you LOS knowledgeable posters answer that question? Please!

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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How can you possibly have a 100% "trustworthy" relationship with any female counter-part (from any cultural background), who cannot give a straight answer to a simple, straight question, unless she's first pissed-off with you, and for some (usually) trivial reason?

Can one of you LOS knowledgeable posters answer that question? Please!

I can only speak from experience based on being married to one person - my wife who happens to be Thai....

100% trust = tough one....How many people can 100% trust themselves in all situations? Whether it be that one extra drink you know you shouldn't have taken.....That one additional purchase that blew up your budget.....Or maybe something else that possibly was an impulsively bad choice.....No one can trust blindly 100% except possibly the nutters blowing themselves up thinking bring on the broads......

Giving that....Over the years I've found my wife incapable of lying....As uncomfortable as I've seen her be over a situation or question I have never seen/caught her in a lie......At times when a deflection could have been used I have never seen it.....Sometimes I've thought of answers that would have skewed a situation and asked her why she didn't broach it that way - the answer received was "didn't happen like that/not true/that would be wrong".......Even when we had an accident that could have gone either way I was told "you were wrong" and didn't leave enough room (I still think I did - they hit us)......

What am I saying? That over the years I have never caught my wife not being truthful in any facet of our life together.....Whether it has made her/me/our kids/others uncomfortable and I find it refreshing and reassuring.....Disconcerting at times.....

I have only heard her yelling one time and that was to warn in an emergency situation.....Neither have I heard my MIL/FIL/BIL raise their voices in any circumstance.....

I am not one to trust easily....I spent my working years evaluating people and implementing solutions - at times having up to 2,000 managers and their departments reporting to me.....I've done the neuro linquistic programming thing in studying/leading people and the dissemenation of facts needed to make decisions......During that time the pretenders/frauds/wannabes - and people of value and candor were all out there.....

Luckily that came easy to me and my belief in those I chose worthy of trust never let me down as I chose to lead them for their benefit versus "manage" them.....Many went on to establish their own careers successfully - hopefully I helped them along the way.....

100%? That's the bait - and the trap in your post/question.....

Before I considered long term and marriage to my now wife I vetted her in every documented way I could = passed completely.....As far as another person goes on this planet and this life.....I trust her as much as anyone in my life.....

As an aside....While writing this I told our 15 year old daughter that our SUV needed to be cleaned....She does this at times and I'll pay her 200B same as the car wash.....My wife said no - our daughter also needs to learn that not everything is not attached to $$$$$.....Some things need to be done from giving/respect/ and love - from having a good heart.....

How can you not love a good woman like this....The Thai side only makes it better......

I'm sure many others are just as blessed/lucky.....

OK Tusker - that's one answer.....Maybe not knowledgeable enough to qualify but a reply just the same.....Her picture should be in my avatar but somehow the old picture is "stuck" even though replaced and updated.....If you click on my profile you'll see I got lucky in the looks department too.....Both of us are pictured.....

Maybe the mods can help with the avatar update....I've tried numerous times.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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