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Do thai atm cards + mobile banking work outside thailand ?

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i plan to do some travelling soon (indonesia ,cambodia and malaysia and phillipines ) and would like to avoid

carrying large amounts of cash and withdraw as necessary from kasikorn and bkk bank if possible

the online banking part im not sure about because they send a OTP to my thai mobile number before

i can book a flight etc ......and i dont know if the OTP will arrive outside thailand or even if i will

i would also like to make transfers to my landlord and pay utility bills from abroad if possible but currently

bkk bank only allows me to do this via thai 4g (not wifi ) so im unsure if i can open the app in another country from a foreign

ip address

has anyone done this sucessfully ?

(i have asked the bank and the guy said no problem but id like to double check if anyone has experience )

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Hello, no problem, it work. I have 2 main Thai bank accounts with online banking, one with Bangkok Bank and one with SCB. Both are working well outside Thailand. I have been using them in the countries you mentioned + much more. Of course all depend on your internet connection in the country and make sure to have roaming activated before travelling. For the phone, I am with AIS but i am sure it work with any others Thai operators. I am using ibanking to transfer fund within Thailand, pay bills...anything while i am abroad. I am also using a Bangkok Bank Visa credit card online (especially to book flight ticket) which require OTP and work fine. One more thing about ibanking. I am using it through wifi or through mobile data (3G /4G)without issues.

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I have used my Bangkok Bank ATM card on many occasions in Cambodia and Malaysia. Did not do any online banking on those trips, so I couldn't say.

My BB ATM card is chip type as opposed to magnetic strip.

I have already been told it only works within Thailand on BB machines.

How about yours?

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Hello, no problem, it work. I have 2 main Thai bank accounts with online banking, one with Bangkok Bank and one with SCB. Both are working well outside Thailand. I have been using them in the countries you mentioned + much more. Of course all depend on your internet connection in the country and make sure to have roaming activated before travelling. For the phone, I am with AIS but i am sure it work with any others Thai operators. I am using ibanking to transfer fund within Thailand, pay bills...anything while i am abroad. I am also using a Bangkok Bank Visa credit card online (especially to book flight ticket) which require OTP and work fine. One more thing about ibanking. I am using it through wifi or through mobile data (3G /4G)without issues.

As JPH says above, however, recently after several years using my (SCB) ATM card outwith Thailand it was blocked upon my return. The bank informed me I have to notify them if using outwith Thailand. If you intend using a Thai ATM as your main money source outwith the Kingdom it may be an idea to check with your bank if they need prior notification.

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Hello, no problem, it work. I have 2 main Thai bank accounts with online banking, one with Bangkok Bank and one with SCB. Both are working well outside Thailand. I have been using them in the countries you mentioned + much more. Of course all depend on your internet connection in the country and make sure to have roaming activated before travelling. For the phone, I am with AIS but i am sure it work with any others Thai operators. I am using ibanking to transfer fund within Thailand, pay bills...anything while i am abroad. I am also using a Bangkok Bank Visa credit card online (especially to book flight ticket) which require OTP and work fine. One more thing about ibanking. I am using it through wifi or through mobile data (3G /4G)without issues.

As JPH says above, however, recently after several years using my (SCB) ATM card outwith Thailand it was blocked upon my return. The bank informed me I have to notify them if using outwith Thailand. If you intend using a Thai ATM as your main money source outwith the Kingdom it may be an idea to check with your bank if they need prior notification.

Really? That something new to me. Is it specific to simple "ATM"card only? Mine, both Bangkok Bank and SCB are debit card. I have been using them abroad for years and never been blocked. I might check with my banks anyway.
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I recently was successful using online banking with Bangkok bank abroad. Just won't be able to get text message confirmations to add new bills, new transfers, etc. or install the app on a new device.

Each time something is debited or credited to my accounts (both bb or scb) i am getting a text message on my phone whenever i am in Thailand or abroad. It's a setting matter I guess. Even if i withdraw cash from an atm machine abroad, i instantly get a sms on my Thai phone.
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Could depend. In my case online banking requires a code sent to my phone. Got caught out first time around because hadn't international access on my thai phone.

Yep. That's why I mentioned to ensure that international roaming in activated on the Thai phone in my previous post.
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It works, you may need to switch it on, call your bank about that and be careful that you use major banks ATM's at busy and secure locations.

When using internet banking make sure you never use it on hotel or other not secure WiFi networks. Make sure you use either a VPN or a TOR browser at all times.

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YES: When using your ATM / Debit card in an ATM - No issues in any of the countries I've used my Thai *(SCB) ATM card in a cash machine or as a debit card over the counter.

NO: When trying to use my Bank Account online while overseas, but this is purely because I switch SIM cards in my phone and I can't receive my OTP when I use Online Banking from overseas.

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SMS for OTP's can received for for free outside of Thailand so long as you have roaming enabled by your Thai carrier. Since International SMS's are free to receive there are no restrictions on them. You just have to be careful not to make or receive voice calls while roaming since that can really be expensive

I think I paid DTAC 20 THB to enable roaming so I can receive OTP's from both Bangkok Bank and SCB wherever I am

Bangkok Banks alerts whenever I EFTS from my US bank to my Thai Bangkok Bank via their New York branch are especially welcome since that SMS gives me the actual exchange rate I received for the transfer

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I have a BKK Visa Debit card:

My experience was that it worked in 'some' ATMs and shops in Malaysia and Indonesia, but not all, even at the airport I needed to go to specific ATMs to withdraw cash because the Visa card wasn't accepted at some shops.

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I have a K-Bank Visa Platinum credit card which is also an ATM card for my savings bank account with them. It has both a chip and a magnetic strip. Has worked fine as both credit card and to withdraw cash from ATM machines in Singapore, China, UK etc

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I have used my Bangkok Bank ATM card on many occasions in Cambodia and Malaysia. Did not do any online banking on those trips, so I couldn't say.

My BB ATM card is chip type as opposed to magnetic strip.

I have already been told it only works within Thailand on BB machines.

How about yours?

Mine has a magnetic strip.

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Don't forget there are fees for ATM withdrawals.I have a Khrung Thai debit card.In the Philippines for example the local banks charge a 200 peso fee for a maximum withdrawal of 10000 pesos.

In Indonesia the local bank charged nothing, but visa withdrew a 100 baht fee per transaction.

I don't think you have to activate roaming for flight bookings . I just put my Dtac SIM back in the phone only for the duration of the booking process and received the OTP code free of charge.I think receiving text messages within Asean is free.As soon as you enter foreign soil Dtac sends you a SMS welcoming you to Cambodia, Laos or wherever you are going, and informing you about roaming charges, asking you to deactivate roaming if you don't want to incur these charges. I immediately take out my Thai card and only put it back in when making online bookings.

I assume activation of roaming is automatic,so watch out.

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I have both DTAC (Happy) and AIS (1-2-call) SIMs.

Roaming had to be explicitly enabled for both so that I can receive SMSes while in my home country (which I need for my heavy use of KBANK online banking, as they require one-time passwords)

DTAC didn't charge me for this (curious about these 20B another poster mentioned), neither did AIS. But for some reason despite AIS claims that roaming is activated automatically, it didn't work at first. I had to use the USSD codes while in Thailand to disable it (because it was supposed to be enabled already) then re-enable it and then now it works. Go figure...

Agreed, you do not want to take calls while roaming. The price DTAC charges for this while here in Europe are ridiculous, like almost 100B/min.

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I am off the coast of Labuan Malaysia at the moment and have just finished using Bangkok ibanking. We only got here 4 days ago from Vietnam and it worked there too. Also could use atm card there. There was one bank atm that didnt accept (cant remember name) but all others worked. And there is many.

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Online banking works fine as long as your Thai sim roams and you can receive the otp SMS.

I have a dual sim phone for travel. I keep my Thai sim off, but activate it for the purpose of each transaction. Once the transaction is complete I deactivate the sim avoiding roaming charges.

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