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Pattaya tourism pushes cooperation to recover from bad press

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Pattaya tourism pushes cooperation to recover from bad press


PATTAYA:--With Pattaya’s overabundance of news outlets and social media’s tendency to blow out-of-proportion even the smallest incident, Pattaya’s business leaders have become hypersensitive to online publicity and have stepped up efforts to ensure everyone from large hotels to the smallest street vendor treat tourists fairly and work to put forward a positive image of the city.

Thanet Supornsahatrangsi, vice president of the Tourism Council of Thailand and a Pattaya Business & Tourism Association board member, said a lack of cooperation in the city’s tourist sector has resulted in people thinking of the city negatively and, in recent years, visitors have moved to other areas.

Tourism businesses and entrepreneurs need to constantly keep the city’s image in mind, he said.

Wandee, a beach chair and umbrella vendor on the beach in front of Royal Garden Plaza, said these days she relies more on Thai tourists to survive and by selling food at reasonable prices.

The Internet, she said, has become a key factor in her business, as online news has become very fast. There must be a way to bring in more tourists, she said, as her current business is not enough to support her family.

Thanet said that Pattaya, like the rest of Thailand, is experiencing a record boom in Chinese tourists. But they have not offset the loss of Russian visitors to the city.

He explained that, because Chinese travel largely on prepaid package tours, the amount of money spent in Pattaya is considerably less than normal tourists. One Russian visitor to Pattaya spends as much as six Chinese he said.

He said Chonburi should work more with tourism officials to attract more tourists from Eastern Europe, which remains a ripe market.

- See more at: http://www.pattayamail.com/news/pattaya-tourism-pushes-cooperation-to-recover-from-bad-press-55263#sthash.QXahtfpm.dpuf

-- Pattaya Mail 2016-01-29 footer_n.gif

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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With Pattaya’s overabundance of news outlets and social media’s tendency to blow out-of-proportion even the smallest incident, Pattaya’s business leaders have become hypersensitive to online publicity

Not even a fraction of Pattaya's crime gets reported as it is. through local influence and 'self'censorship.


they just dont get it, people arent coming back to your beach chairs because they dont like having to walk though rubbish to swim in rubbish, and now they think that they can blame the media because it tells people the truth about their polluted beach, but still too lazy to clean up any rubbish. lets hope they can get a job planting rice next year


Perhaps better sidewalks, hide the masses of cables overhead, terrible scooter taxi drivers, rip off baht bus drivers, hordes of huge buses, dirty water, open sewers, jet ski scams, terrible roads, and worse traffic...etc, etc, etc. Can't blame the press for that. Poor management.


Here,s what happened yesterday at the beach in jomtien, went to meet a friend who is on holiday here on the beach, sat on the deck chairs under the sun umbrellas, wife orders drinks and a coconut, me and mate wanders off for lunch, comes back and orders water, mate orders beer and his g/f has had a few beers by then. Hasseled by trinket sales people, who btw after selling their wares or not give the owner of said chair/ umbrella vendor 20 bht, a Russian couple with a baby in pushchair came by to sit down, they were initially told no, cannot, they then offered her 120 bht for 2 chairs, 50 bht each + 20 for the baby in the push chair and they sat down. After a chat I got up to go and asked for the bill, a few hundred bht, the missus paid her and I asked what she had for that, well it was 100 bht for the chairs the vendor really pulled a face as I questioned the price. As I left she shouted don't come back cheap Charlie, needless to say I wont or to any of the other vendors.

Here lies the story of the demise of the Pattaya tourist industry


Here,s what happened yesterday at the beach in jomtien, went to meet a friend who is on holiday here on the beach, sat on the deck chairs under the sun umbrellas, wife orders drinks and a coconut, me and mate wanders off for lunch, comes back and orders water, mate orders beer and his g/f has had a few beers by then. Hasseled by trinket sales people, who btw after selling their wares or not give the owner of said chair/ umbrella vendor 20 bht, a Russian couple with a baby in pushchair came by to sit down, they were initially told no, cannot, they then offered her 120 bht for 2 chairs, 50 bht each + 20 for the baby in the push chair and they sat down. After a chat I got up to go and asked for the bill, a few hundred bht, the missus paid her and I asked what she had for that, well it was 100 bht for the chairs the vendor really pulled a face as I questioned the price. As I left she shouted don't come back cheap Charlie, needless to say I wont or to any of the other vendors.

Here lies the story of the demise of the Pattaya tourist industry

I get that all the time trying to buy things in Pattaya, if you dont buy right then and there they will get angry and tell you not to come back, so I never do. bazaarly counterproductive behavior and they are beginning to see the results of it


A small thing granted, but recently being charged an extra 30% by motocy taxi drivers has stopped me using them. Now I drive to my favourite watering hole and they drive me and my motor back !! Less profit for the local motocy drivers.

The g/f (non-Thai) was charged moren than double for a m/c taxi to the market. As she complained, he sped off. Next weekend the same m/c driver followed her as she went to a different m/c taxi group for a m/c taxi.

Small things, but they all add up when added to overpriced 'Farang' prices for so many items. This stops people using their services, shops and other things. I doubt they will ever change much or learn. Then complain when there are fewer and fewer customers. Well, tough.


quote : Thanet said that Pattaya, like the rest of Thailand, is experiencing a record boom in Chinese tourists. But they have not offset the loss of Russian visitors to the city.

As a matter of fact it must be said that this 'record boom of chinese Tourists' which is indeed easily observable, is not part of the solution to the lowering income in Thai tourism but indeed part of the problem.

My Thai friends who try to make a living with some business in Pattaya all say (as mentioned in the article) that these Chinese, who travel in massive groups (I have often seen 'trains' of up to 20 buses) hardly spend a buck or two in their shops.

They make tourist numbers look good (and boy, does TAT boast about these figures!), for sure, but the actual impact on the Thai tourist industry, especially for the 'little people', is negligible, and in many ways even negative.

Aside from the fact that they're an eyesore, and dangerous because they drive way too fast, the buses are making Pattaya traffic rapidly unbearable. Pattaya dwellers who don't have a very short term memory will remember, I'm sure, that traffic was more or less OK as recently as 2/3 years ago, with minor peaks here and there especially when floods occured. Now it's hell, and it's mainly because of these buses.

Chinese groups are ill-mannered, rambunctious, totally oblivious of other people and of their own impact on other people. Being in their vicinity is so unpleasant that places like the Floating Market, which is one of their compulsory stops, has been more or less deserted by other tourists. One beach in Koh Larn can now be called 'the Chinese Beach' because they've done such a good job of making other people desert it. Sadly, this beach was the most beautiful on the island.


Perhaps better sidewalks, hide the masses of cables overhead, terrible scooter taxi drivers, rip off baht bus drivers, hordes of huge buses, dirty water, open sewers, jet ski scams, terrible roads, and worse traffic...etc, etc, etc. Can't blame the press for that. Poor management.

Let me add, the beachfront areas in both Pattaya and Jomtien need to be renovated (after the recent and disastrous renovations). The City has managed to destroy both areas. What was once a beautiful, people-friendly place w/ lots of green space is now a "concrete freeway" with no shade. "Poor management" indeed. Bad press sometimes reflects reality.


If the city want's tourists, other then chinese who are just in and out of the place and not spend much money that goes to the smaller business and restaurants...

YOU have to clean up this city!

On not only some plastic bags on the beach. It's the while city that is controlled by some corrupt gangs and mafia structure is the other problem.

Clean it up and you will have happy tourists spending money and not looking for other places in this world to have their holidays instead in Pattaya.

But I would be more than surprised that this will happen. So it's better lament and look for the culprits somewhere else and yes what the press and social media find out is far too little of the grievances that gets on the table!


They are just upset about the recent Soi 6 lady-boy video on you-tube. They should

remember there are all kinds of tourists in Thailand and plenty of attractions for every

kind. Some less savory than others, but they all spend money and that is key for

finding acceptance here in Thailand. whistling.gif


Perhaps better sidewalks, hide the masses of cables overhead, terrible scooter taxi drivers, rip off baht bus drivers, hordes of huge buses, dirty water, open sewers, jet ski scams, terrible roads, and worse traffic...etc, etc, etc. Can't blame the press for that. Poor management.

Yes, but apart from all that, what's the problem ? cheesy.gif


i cant believe no ne has commented on "the thoughts about getting more eastern europeans here" ........wow we will soon look like the UK

i thought there were enough atm skimmers here already however id feel more at home if there was a hand car wash and a kebab shop every 100m.....

the Chinese bus tourists might not buy much but I think you will see in a few years many of those tourists coming back as normal tourists and also setting up businesses, assuming that they like the place. besides they buy something, its not like they bring their own sandwiches. seems like racism to me, bus tours have been going on and still do in the west for years so why the horror when the Chinese start doing it?


I get that all the time trying to buy things in Pattaya, if you dont buy right then and there they will get angry and tell you not to come back, so I never do. bazaarly counterproductive behavior and they are beginning to see the results of it

LOL. In Bodyshop looking for night cream for the wife. Decide to buy the basic formula for 810 baht and the sales lady asks me why I don't buy the 1500 - 2000 baht creams which she claims are much better. Paying 810 baht for a 50 gram container of cream and made to look like a cheap charlie.


One of the problems is the Thai's don't get to travel the world and see how other holiday destinations work.

They can not work out what they are doing wrong because they don't know. Would they be willing to learn ? That is a different story.


Once again the message is: shoot the messenger!

Here's a great article about how posting images online damages the image of Pattaya.


"Although the official has tried to change the image of Pattaya from Sex Tourism to Sport Tourism, the good image is always damaged when videos are posted on the internet."

cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

this is the director of the Pattaya Business and Tourism Association. he really is having a difficult time thinking up a way to improve Pattayas image that doesnt involve media censorship.


this is the rest of what he said "As a result, he needs those concerned sectors to control and deal with those who spread videos that destroy the image of the city." I would comment but I dont want to be sued.


Once again the message is: shoot the messenger!

Here's a great article about how posting images online damages the image of Pattaya.


"Although the official has tried to change the image of Pattaya from Sex Tourism to Sport Tourism, the good image is always damaged when videos are posted on the internet."

cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

this is the director of the Pattaya Business and Tourism Association. he really is having a difficult time thinking up a way to improve Pattayas image that doesnt involve media censorship.


Meanwhile cleaning the place up never entered his mind. The guy reminds me of Peewee Herman or Mr. Bean.



One of the problems is the Thai's don't get to travel the world and see how other holiday destinations work.

They can not work out what they are doing wrong because they don't know. Would they be willing to learn ? That is a different story.

Wealthier Thais travel a lot. A lot of government officials go on trips abroad. These are mainly BS trips, and they take along their families. I've seen groups in the mountains of Argentina, the airport in Moscow and a small town in the Czech Republic. Sadly, they don't bring back what they saw there. Not sure why, but they just don't. No money in it for them????


Another one , i went to Kiss Food in Na Klua.

One day ,i did ask for the Wifi password for my mobile. Got it no problem. They did present me a CD where it was written with a pen on the CD.

( did not have to use the CD ! )

The next week i came back with my Tablet and ask for the password which i could not read from my phone.

One of the waitresses said 'Same as before'

My understanding is that she was lazy to find the CD.

I did insist and she replied angrily ' I FORGOT' with the usual face they make when they dont care.

After more attempts with a different waitress , also reluctant to move her ass , i finally go the carton where the WIFI password was written.

All this because they are lazy asses.

I could go on on many unpleasant situations like that. :-(

I decided this year that i wont bother comming back. Just not enough fun for all the troubles and i have enough not beeing respected by mediocre peoples


Once again the message is: shoot the messenger!

Here's a great article about how posting images online damages the image of Pattaya.


"Although the official has tried to change the image of Pattaya from Sex Tourism to Sport Tourism, the good image is always damaged when videos are posted on the internet."

cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

this is the director of the Pattaya [/size]Business and [/size]Tourism Association[/size]. he really is having a difficult time thinking up a way to improve Pattayas image that doesnt involve media censorship.

Indeed his hotels on Soi 7 and Soi 8(Flipper Group) are clearly in the epicentre of sporting Pattaya. Walk along either of those sois and what is featured is mainly sports....or perhaps not.

As to attracting Eastern Europeans...they already tried that a couple of years ago.






One of the problems is the Thai's don't get to travel the world and see how other holiday destinations work.

They can not work out what they are doing wrong because they don't know. Would they be willing to learn ? That is a different story.

Wealthier Thais travel a lot. A lot of government officials go on trips abroad. These are mainly BS trips, and they take along their families. I've seen groups in the mountains of Argentina, the airport in Moscow and a small town in the Czech Republic. Sadly, they don't bring back what they saw there. Not sure why, but they just don't. No money in it for them????

Because they prefer Thailand....

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