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Trump boycotts Fox news debate but still takes centre stage in presidential race


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Trump boycotts Fox news debate but still takes centre stage in presidential race


USA -- Presidential hopeful Donald Trump may have been absent from the Republican debate in Iowa on the Fox News channel on Thursday but that didn’t stop him stealing the limelight.

Trump is boycotting Fox over a row with presenter Megyn Kelly. He refused to take part unless the channel removed her as one of the moderators, a demand that was turned down.

Kelly was keen to highlight the issue as she opened the debate:

“Senator Cruz, before we get to the issues, let’s address the elephant not in the room tonight. Donald Trump has chosen not to attend this evening’s presidential debate. What message do you think that sends to the people of Iowa?”

“Let me say,” Ted Cruz replied. “I’m a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. And Ben, you’re a terrible surgeon. Now that we’ve gotten the the Donald Trump portion out of the way.”

But just a few miles down the road Trump filled a hall at short notice with around 700 people. Billing the event as a benefit to veterans he was able to attract extensive coverage from CNN and MSNBC and social media.

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2016/01/29/trump-boycotts-fox-news-debate-but-still-takes-centre-stage-in-presidential-race/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-29

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He did not attend because he was afraid. Afraid he would be grilled by intelligent people, and that he would be confronted about his insulting remarks regarding Megyn Kelly. Because he is nothing but a bloated, blustering, bellicose girlie man.

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I see the news source is calling this a Presidential race debate. I thought it was just a Republican debate. Do they know something that we don't about the Republicans being pre-selected to win the next federal election and present the next puppet leader? Jeb Bush would suit that role -- carry on the family tradition. When another Bush ends up in the White House, will people be convinced that there's a very twisted and possibly rigged election system? Regardless of popularity, the elite establishment will never let Trump be President.

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I think DJT doesn't really want to be the nominee and is just enjoying the publicity while doing just enough crazy stuff to keep himself from being electable.

He's driving talking points then saying see how important I am?

He's not serious about being electable and when passed over he will spin his participation in the nomination process from the peanut gallery for years to come.

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...and raising over $6 million for the Wounded Warrior Project.

That's a bit hypocritical coming from Trump the draft dodger
John McCain broke both arms and a leg as he ejected from his navy dive bomber, then endured pain and torture during his 5 years in captivity.
I wonder if he qualifies, or were funds raised for veterans who got wounded but not captured.
Many veterans rightly criticized Trump's event as a cheap publicity stunt, riding on the coat tails of genuine heroes..
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He did not attend because he was afraid. Afraid he would be grilled by intelligent people, and that he would be confronted about his insulting remarks regarding Megyn Kelly. Because he is nothing but a bloated, blustering, bellicose girlie man.

Alfalfa must be missing the rest of "Our Gang".

" girlie man."


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Mind you, it's still better than his last effort.

Hear hear...great must read link.

The link is to "Occupy Democrats" from information provided by opensecrets.org. Things don't get any closer to George Soros that that. It's a hit piece...nothing more and nothing less.

At least The Onion knows when they are being foolish.

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He did not attend because he was afraid. Afraid he would be grilled by intelligent people, and that he would be confronted about his insulting remarks regarding Megyn Kelly. Because he is nothing but a bloated, blustering, bellicose girlie man.

And he was right, finally somebody did want some real answers this time and not settle for the usual evasions.

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He did not attend because he was afraid. Afraid he would be grilled by intelligent people, and that he would be confronted about his insulting remarks regarding Megyn Kelly. Because he is nothing but a bloated, blustering, bellicose girlie man.


YEH Right.

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"INTELLIGENT people on FOX." Oxymoron quadruptled. A little info about the Donald and his support for Veterans. For all of the Donald's bad mouth, uncouth, lying bullshit one would think he would at least somewhat protect his six with a tiny bit of honesty. Especially since he is preaching support the Vets (like all the other lying right wingers). Well NO! Like all the other lying right wingers screaming at the top of their lungs, "honor the troops", to him it means screw the troops every chance you get, without the K-Y.

Please read the following links.



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An hilarious piece by Colbert showing how Trump will say anything, anytime to try and milk the mood.

He flip flops more than Romney!



A superb debate, really enlightening not only the American public, but also the whole world about Donald's policies versus Trump's. A reconciliation harder than the red and yellow shirts in Thailand but I suppose Trump could market himself as 'buy one (opinion), get one free' ..

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