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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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<<snip>> An election win by Bernie gives him a clear mandate to introduce legislation in Congress to enact the social changes he proposes. He has the backing of the People and if Republicans think for one second they can deny the will of the electorate then that would be beautiful. Nothing would please me more. The American People have had enough of Republican obstructionist Congress. How many times did Republicans block supply bills and the last time they did it the Electorate made it quite clear they would be relegated to political backwaters. If they aren't already there.

The usual 'can't win fair and square then game the system' Republican attitude.

The Congress introduces legislation. Ironically, introducing legislation is something Bernie can do now but can not to as President.

Members of the House and the Senate of the party of Potus introduce legislative proposals sent to them by the Potus. They do it as a courtesy. Legislative proposals are sent in the exact legal language by Potus. Each propsoal can and is always amended later as nothing gets through word for word.

While the vp is president of the Senate, he is not authorised either by the Constitution to introduce legislation as he is a part of the executive branch who can sit in the Senate to vote only in the event of a tie. Constitution thus gives the executive branch that edge.

Which brings us to the Democratic party (sorry to talk to you about one political party only as I really don't intend to offend one's tender moral and independent sensibilities) gaining a majority control of the Senate in November. D's need a net win of five senators in the election to gain 51 of the 100 senators. However, if the D's win the White House, they'd need only four, which means, with six R senators up for reelection in Blue states, the anti political party sensibilities of some might get offended further.

Sorry again but real life goes on and so do the political parties in each democracy of the West and elsewhere. Well, maybe not the Republican party after this election. That's because they're going to run a political arsonist as their candidate. Don the Torch. The Blowtorch.

Before George W. starting expanding Executive Privilege, and as we have seen Obama continuing this trend and consolidation in the office of the Presidency, I never really thought the office of POTUS carried too much power which might upset the beautiful balance of power mechanisms put in place by the framers of the Constitution. For those of us who have formally studied that document, it is a thing of real beauty. But, BOTH recent Presidents (Republican and Democrat) have started a dangerous trend of getting away with wielding more power than the office originally granted.

Having said the above, I agree with your assessment of the POTUS "power to legislate" which normally is not overt. With a democrat President and Senate it really does set up a trifecta possibility: Dems win the POTUS, Dems win the Sentate, and Dems appoint a new Supreme Court Justice (assuming most probably the GOP successfully opposes any Obama nomination).

The GOP looks set to really take the biggest setback in generations. As I mentioned earlier, that is not necessarily a good thing for the country unless by some slim chance, Sanders should win. The most likely outcome, as you've correctly documented in many threads with your probability analysis and citation of Vegas & London odds, is a Clinton win, which I think would result in steady governance, but little reform in the party which is needs.

Well taken in all respects.

Still, the executive as being weak by Constitutional design was beefed up during the Cold War. There have been a proliferation of respected books since and up to the present, going back to titles such as The Imperial Presidency that well preceded GW and Barack.

More broadly speaking tho, I've been long greatly influenced by The Paranoid Style in American Politics by Historian Richard Hofsteader in 1964 which I bought in that year. In moments of self-indulgence, I could feel as if I were constantly updating it in my posts. wink.png

Reissued in 2008, here's from a review...

In The Paranoid Style in American Politics, acclaimed historian Richard Hofstadter examines the competing forces in American political discourse and how fringe groups can influence — and derail — the larger agendas of a political party. He investigates the politics of the irrational, shedding light on how the behavior of individuals can seem out of proportion with actual political issues, and how such behavior impacts larger groups. This fact is most evident on the extreme right wing, which has shown...how much political leverage can be got out of the animosities and passions of a small minority.


Enter Donald Trump. And the contemporary Republican party. Son of institutionalised paranoia.

No concern however about a dissolution of the Republican party as we know it. The Republic will endure with three or four political parties for some period of time going forward from the 2016 election. Recall as I'm completely confident you do there is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. Geo Washington belonged to none, the only Potus to have no political party affiliation.

It would be interesting indeed if after the Republican devastation at the polls in November the sorehead lunatic right assumes control of the wiped out Republican party, while the ragtag moderate remnants form and organise a new more centrist party.

Did I say the Republic will endure. After all, the USA has had one party rule previously, and for a remarkably extended period of time. From 1860 to 1912, of the 15 Potus 12 were Republican. However, throughout the period, Democrats controlled the Congress --Senate and House together-- during the entire time of nine of the R presidents. So the Constitution provides its own prescient way of balancing things out.

Conversely and fascinatingly, D presidents have had better luck over time. A number of D presidents spent their entire presidency with their party in control of both chambers of Congress, to include, from recent times to past, Carter, LBJ, JFK, FDR; then we must leap back to Andrew Jackson, James Madison, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams.

The Grand Old Party name is baloney no matter how Republicans slice it. The Republican party came into existence in 1855, to succeed the thoroughly spent Whig party. The Democratic party began with the 3rd Potus, Thomas Jefferson who was first Potus of the Democratic-Republican party when the Whigs were the opposition. The name was changed to Democratic party when Jackson ran successfully in 1829 in the name of the "common man."

Whigs were the first Republicans and they went to pieces too.

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Not even slightly interesting. An election win by Bernie gives him a clear mandate to introduce legislation in Congress to enact the social changes he proposes. He has the backing of the People and if Republicans think for one second they can deny the will of the electorate then that would be beautiful. Nothing would please me more. The American People have had enough of Republican obstructionist Congress. How many times did Republicans block supply bills and the last time they did it the Electorate made it quite clear they would be relegated to political backwaters. If they aren't already there.

The usual 'can't win fair and square then game the system' Republican attitude.

Actually republicans took over the house majority and most recently the senate majority under Obama's watch, not to mention a majority of governors are republican so I am not real clear on the point you are trying to make.

I suppose you mean that the liberal portion of America has had enough about republican obstructionism - as for me - keep it coming.

Also, each time a candidate wins the election he seems to think he has a mandate, and each time is proven wrong. He, or possibly she, can do nothing without some negotiation with congress.

talking heads predict Reps will lose more than a few seats in upcoming Congressional face-offs. You're somewhat right about mandates. Obama pledged to close Gitmo but hasn't been able to yet. Republicans block that, as they block everything else. It seems Reps don't have a problem with US spending $2.7 million per prisoner per year.

"I suppose you mean that the liberal portion of America has had enough about republican obstructionism - as for me - keep it coming."

That's another point we differ upon. I favor forward movement. Reps are comfortable with putting on the brakes or, as Trump would say, "delay, delay, delay."

It's ironic that Republican voters make so much noise about Washington not doing anything, yet it's their very Republican foot-draggers who are the problem. If an American wants Congressmen and women to do their jobs, they should vote in people who know the issues, and can get things done. Hopefully, those same leaders have at least a bit of wisdom and compassion ....well, that eliminates the Republican candidates.

The Senate voted in 2015 barring the transfer of any GITMO prisoners to the US.

The vote was 91 - 3.

Unless 37 Democrats suddenly changed parties, the vote would have to be considered as one the Democrats favor as well.

Blaming the Republicans for the Democrats vote is a no-no.

Oops and here on first glance I'd thought those were the odds of Trump being elected Potus. clap2.gif

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Stefan seems a little psycho. Sorry couldn't watch it for long.

Yes ... I think I see why Stefan might seem a "little psycho" to you as a Sanders supporter.:

Posted by up2u2 on Yesterday, 16:17 in World News HERE

"The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness."

Posted by up2u2 on Yesterday, 13:00 in World News HERE
"Thanks for the 'insider' news boomer. I hope Bernie does well. Nice of you to give a 'heads up' to HRC supporters. Hopefully they will be well girded should Bernie take a lot of Delegates that they weren't expecting."

Posted by up2u2 on 2016-03-14 15:58:28 in World News HERE

"“I’m a better person than the people I’m running against, that I can tell you. And I’m a better person than Hillary. Hillary is not good,” said Trump at rally of his supporters."

What an idiotic statement to make. Sorry but this is just getting too stupid for me. The only thing standing in the way of Trump becoming President is the intelligence of the American People.

I hope Bernie can gain some ground on Hillary. I lot of Delegates to be picked up this week."

So can we presume that a donation to Stefan Molyneux is out of the question?

Actually, now that I think about it, anything Stefan Molyneux says, as well, would probably seem really psycho to you. If you get my drift.


So sorry about Bernie. America's productive class so needed to have their "free" stuff confiscated by Sanders et al and "redistributed".

Edited by MaxYakov
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Stefan seems a little psycho. Sorry couldn't watch it for long.

Yes ... I think I see why Stefan might seem a "little psycho" to you as a Sanders supporter.:

Posted by up2u2 on Yesterday, 16:17 in World News HERE

"The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness."

Posted by up2u2 on Yesterday, 13:00 in World News HERE
"Thanks for the 'insider' news boomer. I hope Bernie does well. Nice of you to give a 'heads up' to HRC supporters. Hopefully they will be well girded should Bernie take a lot of Delegates that they weren't expecting."

Posted by up2u2 on 2016-03-14 15:58:28 in World News HERE

"“I’m a better person than the people I’m running against, that I can tell you. And I’m a better person than Hillary. Hillary is not good,” said Trump at rally of his supporters."

What an idiotic statement to make. Sorry but this is just getting too stupid for me. The only thing standing in the way of Trump becoming President is the intelligence of the American People.

I hope Bernie can gain some ground on Hillary. I lot of Delegates to be picked up this week."

So can we presume that a donation to Stefan Molyneux is out of the question?

Actually, now that I think about it, anything Stefan Molyneux says, as well, would probably seem really psycho to you. If you get my drift.


So sorry about Bernie. America's productive class so needed to have their "free" stuff confiscated by Sanders et al and "redistributed".

No he just seemed a little mentally unstable. I did manage a couple of minutes though.

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You can kill this topic. Sanders is done. Toast. The hag swept him tonight.

HRC took her magic broom and swept the board.

In the only state among the five that had still been still in doubt, Missouri, Kansas City just came in plus 7000 votes net for HRC. With 99% of Missouri reported, and HRC now up by 1200, they can pretty much turn out the lights there until November. (Trump barely squeezed by DistrustTed in MO also.)

Possibility of MO going D in November is strong in a Clinton-Trump contest.

MO consistently votes R for Potus, but in a squeaker each time.

In 2008 McCain won MO by 1300 votes of 2 million total votes. We didn't know how MO finally went for sure until three dayze after voting day.

In 2012 Romney won by 3000 of the 2 million votes cast.

Against Trump MO is very likely to vote D and for HRC by probably 30,000 votes or more. The governor is a D and HRC supporter D Sen. Claire McCaskill is their reelected US Senator most recently on the ballot (the other senator is an R, which is reliably a sign of a politically moderate and balanced state).

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You can kill this topic. Sanders is done. Toast. The hag swept him tonight.

HRC took her magic broom and swept the board.

In the only state among the five that had still been still in doubt, Missouri, Kansas City just came in plus 7000 votes net for HRC. With 99% of Missouri reported, and HRC now up by 1200, they can pretty much turn out the lights there until November. (Trump barely squeezed by DistrustTed in MO also.)

Possibility of MO going D in November is strong in a Clinton-Trump contest.

MO consistently votes R for Potus, but in a squeaker each time.

In 2008 McCain won MO by 1300 votes of 2 million total votes. We didn't know how MO finally went for sure until three dayze after voting day.

In 2012 Romney won by 3000 of the 2 million votes cast.

Against Trump MO is very likely to vote D and for HRC by probably 30,000 votes or more. The governor is a D and HRC supporter D Sen. Claire McCaskill is their reelected US Senator most recently on the ballot (the other senator is an R, which is reliably a sign of a politically moderate and balanced state).

An apt allusion to the Wizard of Oz per chance with the HRC "magic broom" reference? Or were you referring to the cleaning utensil she might have used on her email server?

Let's not forget that the Wicked Witch of the West traveled by broom and the Good Witch of the North arrived by anti-gravity bubble (or some such).

The remainder of your post may be accurate, but, hey, who knows?

Maybe you're reporting from somewhere in your private Emerald City?!

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Here is a different opinion on whether or not the democrat nomination process is actually over.


It is not over and no one in his right mind has said it is over.

There is no issue except that some are trying to create a false issue of presumptuousness and arrogance. Neither exists in the Clinton campaign thx.

All that's happening at this point is the right is trying to create a false strawman issue.


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Here is a different opinion on whether or not the democrat nomination process is actually over.


It is not over and no one in his right mind has said it is over.

There is no issue except that some are trying to create a false issue of presumptuousness and arrogance. Neither exists in the Clinton campaign thx.

All that's happening at this point is the right is trying to create a false strawman issue.


Come one, if all else fails blame the republican boogie man? It appears to me that the Clinton camp, with some in the DMC, are doing their best to assume the mantle based on "presumptuousness and arrogance."

The republicans have their own challenges.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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You can kill this topic. Sanders is done. Toast. The hag swept him tonight.

HRC took her magic broom and swept the board.

In the only state among the five that had still been still in doubt, Missouri, Kansas City just came in plus 7000 votes net for HRC. With 99% of Missouri reported, and HRC now up by 1200, they can pretty much turn out the lights there until November. (Trump barely squeezed by DistrustTed in MO also.)

Possibility of MO going D in November is strong in a Clinton-Trump contest.

MO consistently votes R for Potus, but in a squeaker each time.

In 2008 McCain won MO by 1300 votes of 2 million total votes. We didn't know how MO finally went for sure until three dayze after voting day.

In 2012 Romney won by 3000 of the 2 million votes cast.

Against Trump MO is very likely to vote D and for HRC by probably 30,000 votes or more. The governor is a D and HRC supporter D Sen. Claire McCaskill is their reelected US Senator most recently on the ballot (the other senator is an R, which is reliably a sign of a politically moderate and balanced state).

An apt allusion to the Wizard of Oz per chance with the HRC "magic broom" reference? Or were you referring to the cleaning utensil she might have used on her email server?

Let's not forget that the Wicked Witch of the West traveled by broom and the Good Witch of the North arrived by anti-gravity bubble (or some such).

The remainder of your post may be accurate, but, hey, who knows?

Maybe you're reporting from somewhere in your private Emerald City?!

<<photo of Trump as the Wizard of Oz bellowing in his chamber not allowed on this community>>


Pretty much on fire today eh.

Finally came up for air.

Seems a long rest from World News wuz an energiser.

Sound the alarms however as the Republican party has gone into a core meltdown.

Torpedo loose!

Edited by Publicus
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You can kill this topic. Sanders is done. Toast. The hag swept him tonight.

HRC took her magic broom and swept the board.

In the only state among the five that had still been still in doubt, Missouri, Kansas City just came in plus 7000 votes net for HRC. With 99% of Missouri reported, and HRC now up by 1200, they can pretty much turn out the lights there until November. (Trump barely squeezed by DistrustTed in MO also.)

Possibility of MO going D in November is strong in a Clinton-Trump contest.

MO consistently votes R for Potus, but in a squeaker each time.

In 2008 McCain won MO by 1300 votes of 2 million total votes. We didn't know how MO finally went for sure until three dayze after voting day.

In 2012 Romney won by 3000 of the 2 million votes cast.

Against Trump MO is very likely to vote D and for HRC by probably 30,000 votes or more. The governor is a D and HRC supporter D Sen. Claire McCaskill is their reelected US Senator most recently on the ballot (the other senator is an R, which is reliably a sign of a politically moderate and balanced state).

An apt allusion to the Wizard of Oz per chance with the HRC "magic broom" reference? Or were you referring to the cleaning utensil she might have used on her email server?

Let's not forget that the Wicked Witch of the West traveled by broom and the Good Witch of the North arrived by anti-gravity bubble (or some such).

The remainder of your post may be accurate, but, hey, who knows?

Maybe you're reporting from somewhere in your private Emerald City?!

<<photo of Trump as the Wizard of Oz bellowing in his chamber not allowed on this community>>


Pretty much on fire today eh.

Finally came up for air.

Seems a long rest from World News wuz an energiser.

Sound the alarms however as the Republican party has gone into a core meltdown.

Torpedo loose!

Berning up (or is that down?).

Not much air here and a lot of it that is here is hot and foul.

Molyneaux and his philosophy weren't very restful but I found them useful. Had to have a CPU and software upgrade to keep up with him.

I'll take your word on the Republican core meltdown. It appears to me to be a general meltdown of the American citizens' minds (probably due to the significant drug use and lack of education).

Trump loose, damn the torpedoes!

Well, congratulations, you got a few right and still have your trademark insight (or is it incite?). biggrin.png

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Frankly I'm a bit surprised at the results. Hillary's money wins and Americans loose. Again and again, Americans vote ageist their own best interests. Hillary is nothing but a neoliberal/neocon that is one very small fraction above the evil of proto-fascist Trump. I'll never switch to those that openly want to destroy America, but I damn sure as hell won't vote for Hillary. Hurricane seas ahead and I have serious doubts the USS America survives.

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Frankly I'm a bit surprised at the results. Hillary's money wins and Americans loose. Again and again, Americans vote ageist their own best interests. Hillary is nothing but a neoliberal/neocon that is one very small fraction above the evil of proto-fascist Trump. I'll never switch to those that openly want to destroy America, but I damn sure as hell won't vote for Hillary. Hurricane seas ahead and I have serious doubts the USS America survives.

You need to destroy both parties and their entrenched interests. We're doing our job on the Republican side, but there is too much of a machine to deal with on your side. Too many bought and paid for whose careers depend on supporting the machine.

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Usernames, for once I agree with you, to some degree. Although Bernie was doing, along with his supporters their best. Your side, is, if not evil, is very, very close. Proto-fascist Trump, I can't use his real name anymore, will bring the destruction of America. I would be very happy to see the destruction of both parties and I think America's survival depends on it. One way or the other, this election will mean the end of the 2 party system as we know it, please, please.

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Usernames, for once I agree with you, to some degree. Although Bernie was doing, along with his supporters their best. Your side, is, if not evil, is very, very close. Proto-fascist Trump, I can't use his real name anymore, will bring the destruction of America. I would be very happy to see the destruction of both parties and I think America's survival depends on it. One way or the other, this election will mean the end of the 2 party system as we know it, please, please.

One minor correction. It is the Democratic Party that is the evil party. The Republican Party is the stupid party. That's why you can actually inflict some real damage on the Republican establishment. They are blind, hulking dinosaurs feeding at the trough. That bright flash that Trump just ignited is the asteroid that landed just over the horizon. The Democrats, on the other hand, are an almost monolithic machine and have been since 1972.

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Frankly I'm a bit surprised at the results. Hillary's money wins and Americans loose. Again and again, Americans vote ageist their own best interests. Hillary is nothing but a neoliberal/neocon that is one very small fraction above the evil of proto-fascist Trump. I'll never switch to those that openly want to destroy America, but I damn sure as hell won't vote for Hillary. Hurricane seas ahead and I have serious doubts the USS America survives.

You need to destroy both parties and their entrenched interests. We're doing our job on the Republican side, but there is too much of a machine to deal with on your side. Too many bought and paid for whose careers depend on supporting the machine.

R party is in a suicidal self-destruct mode and its processes. Let 'em play through and by. Which really means bye.

As for the D party, it's time may come but the ol' gal still has life in her.

The first D party Potus was Thos Jefferson, 3rd Potus. That was when the Whig party was the predecessor of the Republican party. Republican party succeeded the disorganised and dispirited Whigs in 1855. Abe Lincoln the 16th Potus was the first Republican party Potus.

The Democratic party has held together while the original Republicans, the Whigs, could not.

Now the Whigs successor is dissembling itself too. Republicans seem not to be able to keep their house from collapsing, later if not sooner.

D's will continue to reform and revise whereas the R's cannot accomplish any such thing. So let's take each party one at a time. Presently and forseeably it's the Republicans disappearing under the rubble again. For the sake of the national political stability, let the R's have time to crawl out from under and dust themselves off before we start talking even-steven for the D party.

The D party can come later if need be. No sense in trying to wreck the D's too while the R's are busy demolishing their party. The radical fringe right just can't seem to make any sense in anything, to include the national political stability. The current ongoing Republican political calamity goes well beyond the common political tit for tat.

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Nope, it's over. Only the people in Bernie's bunker think he still has a chance.

Bernie isn't continuing his running to win the nomination, he is running to capture the policy committees and swing the DP to the left.

Edited by SheungWan
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Frankly I'm a bit surprised at the results. Hillary's money wins and Americans loose. Again and again, Americans vote ageist their own best interests. Hillary is nothing but a neoliberal/neocon that is one very small fraction above the evil of proto-fascist Trump. I'll never switch to those that openly want to destroy America, but I damn sure as hell won't vote for Hillary. Hurricane seas ahead and I have serious doubts the USS America survives.

You need to destroy both parties and their entrenched interests. We're doing our job on the Republican side, but there is too much of a machine to deal with on your side. Too many bought and paid for whose careers depend on supporting the machine.

Usernames, for once I agree with you, to some degree. Although Bernie was doing, along with his supporters their best. Your side, is, if not evil, is very, very close. Proto-fascist Trump, I can't use his real name anymore, will bring the destruction of America. I would be very happy to see the destruction of both parties and I think America's survival depends on it. One way or the other, this election will mean the end of the 2 party system as we know it, please, please.

I think its pretty clear that people are fed up with the status quo. Its also clear there are differences of opinion as to how to repair things (or even perceive the core problem); these are the philosophical differences that previously provided the tension that developed the status quo, and provides the same non-choice between degrees of bad. The philosophical differences between the left and the right created a super position between the the two core philosophies/parties and oligarchs and corporate masters set up shop in this niche of lobbyists, bankers, and criminals/politician. Each cycle Americans go through the motion of choosing the least worst while driving directly between the two philosophies is an insurgent philosophy of America last, redistribution, reducing all classes to units of production and consumption, and fundamentally transforming America.

The insurgent philosophy has variously masked itself as Republican agenda, Progressive agenda, etc., depending on who was in the executive, the congress, etc., at any given time, and which opposing group cast dispersion then. In all cases, it is an insurgent agenda to the core values of both groups of Americans (traditionally). This is the core pathology- the hijacking of both parties. Under the planks of each party special interests have written all the major recent legislation and packages all the injurious laws with Orwellian names to mislead. Example: Under national defense habeus corpus is suspended. Banking laws written by bankers. Consumer protection laws designed to collect data. Affordable Health Care being affordable and unavailable, etc.

Under the Democratic Party the entire electorate has shifted so far left that their center is homeless (blue collar traditional democrats). The Republican Party is in worse shape because their fracturing is not even recognized, it is objected to like a patient in denial. The Democrats at least embrace various elements of this insurgency agenda/anti-Americanism (manifest by Debbie WS, HRC, Obama, Sanders, etc) and shift the Progressive Agenda from the historical closet to open platform In fact, in the vacuum created in the Democratic Party because of America Last policies the Progressives have doubled down and now drive the closet Progressive Agenda to the center of the Party Platform- the current Democratic Party is not the party of our fathers!

The Republicans are dolts who do not even recognize that their fracturing is because the hybrid marriage of special interests, lobbyists, bankers, and criminals (RHINOs) have also thrust the center outside and moved the right to the center. The Republican Party is no longer the party of Lincoln.

It is true- an alien ideology (Progressivism=National Socialism*), that has operated in shadows since Wilson and Roosevelt, has effectively hijacked the center of American politics and now encamps openly in the Democratic Party.

*Progressivism is national in scope and socialist in philosophy. Progressivism is a label entirely dedicated to the means toward this philosophy's end- incremental.

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Frankly I'm a bit surprised at the results. Hillary's money wins and Americans loose. Again and again, Americans vote ageist their own best interests. Hillary is nothing but a neoliberal/neocon that is one very small fraction above the evil of proto-fascist Trump. I'll never switch to those that openly want to destroy America, but I damn sure as hell won't vote for Hillary. Hurricane seas ahead and I have serious doubts the USS America survives.

Serious doubts that the US survives? Hyperbole at its finest. The country has been through much worse than this and will survive just fine.

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How is Bernie doing:

Nominations needed to win: 2383

Hillary: 1606 (including 467 Super delegates)

Bernie: 851 (including 26 Super delegates)

Not yet counted 2308

Bernie needs more votes.

Bernie did really bad in Florida

Hillary Clinton 64.4% (151)

Bernie Sanders 33.3% (67)

Illinois he did well:

Hillary Clinton50.5% (88)

Bernie Sanders 48.7% (67)

Missouri was really close:

Hillary Clinton 49.6% (44)

Bernie Sanders 49.4% (32)

North Carolina not very good

Hillary Clinton 54.6% (67)

Bernie Sanders 40.8% (46)

Ohio not close enough

Hillary Clinton 56.5% (92)

Bernie Sanders 42.7% (63)

Coming up on the 22nd March Arizona Idaho and Utah not a huge amount of delegates in these electorates.

I thought Bernie would have good support in New York Super delegates there give Hillary 10% of the votes to start off with. That sucks.

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Bernie is not finished yet. You need to remember that Hillary's states were the first to vote. Now comes the Bernie states. I think it is something like Bernie needing 57% of remaining delegates to win. This is not counting the super delegates who will mostly switch to Bernie if he wins most other delegates.

These super delegates also slanted the playing field by casting their votes very early. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

Go Bernie !!!

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Bernie needs to hussle up some more votes ttt hopefully we can get some real strong support in the Bernie States. Florida really sucked for Bernie what's wrong with people from Florida? They need to take a good hard look at themselves.

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