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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

Global embarrassment?

You mean like in Calis where roaming bands of rapists and home invaders are storming peaceful villigers homes and Trump is an embarrassment? wink.png

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Far from it. Bernie is highly regarded throughout the world. Republican candidates are a little bit of a laughing stock. Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades.

The debate really isn't whether Republicans can win the election it is whether the Republican Party is going to survive into the future. Head to Head polling is showing that not one Republican candidate could beat Bernie in a General Election.

It is becoming obvious that Hillary will take the election easily. The Democrats have rigged the system in favor of Hillary so Bernie doesn't really get a shot. Personally if it was Trump (I) vs Hillary (D) vs Bernie (I) vs Cruz ®. Bernie would have a very good chance of winning. That is a possibility. Trump loses his ego would dictate he runs Independent. Although I don't think he has the money he says he has to fund the campaign. Could Bernie raise the billion dollars needed I am not sure.

I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade.

" Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades."

And what you can't seem to comprehend is this election is about the US and the policies of the rest of the world are immaterial, unnecessary and not germane to this election.

If you Europeans are upset about it, so what?

It likely makes no difference to the vast majority of US voters what the liberals in Europe think.

"I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade."

And I reckon you're overloaded with an excess dose of verbal diarrhea. thumbsup.gif

I agree it is a steep learning curve at first and it requires the American People to be educated on how various systems are structured and how they benefit communities. It has always been America's weak point not having much knowledge about the world around them. It isn't that all the other developed nations are upset about it, it is just that they see how dysfunctional key institutions are and how they can be improved.

Bernie is really the first time that the American People have been exposed to these relatively mundane healthcare, education, financial systems so it takes a little while to understand them properly.

The genie is out of the bottle now. The political dynamics in America have completely shifted. The Republican Party is in total disarray, to the point of imploding on themselves. Instead of moving to the center they have gone to the far Right, Hillary has had to move back to the left and it really is because Bernie has blindsided them all from the Left. However, keep in mind Bernie in all other developed Nations would be considered Center politically.

Your instinct has been to jump with the Right Wing Republican Party further to the Right and just like them as the majority of American People shift to the Left you end up isolated and history rolls over the top of you and the fractured Republican Party. I just think you're too smart to get hung out to dry. Looking at the last CNN three way with Rubio Cruz and Trump that was just embarrassing.

Surely you would have to agree that the Republican Party has been on a downward spiral since W Bush and it is only getting worse. I think Bernie has damaged the Right Wing ideology irreparably. It really is the last manoeuvre they expected. They ducked when they should have weaved.

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Far from it. Bernie is highly regarded throughout the world. Republican candidates are a little bit of a laughing stock. Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades.

The debate really isn't whether Republicans can win the election it is whether the Republican Party is going to survive into the future. Head to Head polling is showing that not one Republican candidate could beat Bernie in a General Election.

It is becoming obvious that Hillary will take the election easily. The Democrats have rigged the system in favor of Hillary so Bernie doesn't really get a shot. Personally if it was Trump (I) vs Hillary (D) vs Bernie (I) vs Cruz ®. Bernie would have a very good chance of winning. That is a possibility. Trump loses his ego would dictate he runs Independent. Although I don't think he has the money he says he has to fund the campaign. Could Bernie raise the billion dollars needed I am not sure.

I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade.

" Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades."

And what you can't seem to comprehend is this election is about the US and the policies of the rest of the world are immaterial, unnecessary and not germane to this election.

If you Europeans are upset about it, so what?

It likely makes no difference to the vast majority of US voters what the liberals in Europe think.

"I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade."

And I reckon you're overloaded with an excess dose of verbal diarrhea. thumbsup.gif

I agree it is a steep learning curve at first and it requires the American People to be educated on how various systems are structured and how they benefit communities. It has always been America's weak point not having much knowledge about the world around them. It isn't that all the other developed nations are upset about it, it is just that they see how dysfunctional key institutions are and how they can be improved.

Bernie is really the first time that the American People have been exposed to these relatively mundane healthcare, education, financial systems so it takes a little while to understand them properly.

The genie is out of the bottle now. The political dynamics in America have completely shifted. The Republican Party is in total disarray, to the point of imploding on themselves. Instead of moving to the center they have gone to the far Right, Hillary has had to move back to the left and it really is because Bernie has blindsided them all from the Left. However, keep in mind Bernie in all other developed Nations would be considered Center politically.

Your instinct has been to jump with the Right Wing Republican Party further to the Right and just like them as the majority of American People shift to the Left you end up isolated and history rolls over the top of you and the fractured Republican Party. I just think you're too smart to get hung out to dry. Looking at the last CNN three way with Rubio Cruz and Trump that was just embarrassing.

Surely you would have to agree that the Republican Party has been on a downward spiral since W Bush and it is only getting worse. I think Bernie has damaged the Right Wing ideology irreparably. It really is the last manoeuvre they expected. They ducked when they should have weaved.

"Bernie is really the first time that the American People have been exposed to these relatively mundane healthcare, education, financial systems so it takes a little while to understand them properly."

In other words, providing the American people are not too stupid to understand that the Sanders way is the right way they will come around.

I gotta say, that if your comments reflecting your understanding of basic economics are the same as those supporting Sanders, it is a very good thing that soon he will be out of the picture. Your simplistic, bombastic, angry perspectives against a corporation or an individual with a measure of success beyond what you deem as appropriate is vindictive and troublesome.

Add that perspective to your views on anyone who disagrees with you, and I wonder what you will do when Sanders disappears once again.

The ebb and flow of political parties is a large part of the US political landscape, and to conclude, as so many do on financial markets, elections etc that this time it is different is simply flawed thinking.

The only thing that I am absolutely certain of is that I have no idea what the future will bring. And neither does anyone else here spouting their opinions.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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"Bernie is really the first time that the American People have been exposed to these relatively mundane healthcare, education, financial systems so it takes a little while to understand them properly."

In other words, providing the American people are not too stupid to understand that the Sanders way is the right way they will come around.

I gotta say, that if your comments reflecting your understanding of basic economics are the same as those supporting Sanders, it is a very good thing that soon he will be out of the picture. Your simplistic, bombastic, angry perspectives against a corporation or an individual with a measure of success beyond what you deem as appropriate is vindictive and troublesome.

Add that perspective to your views on anyone who disagrees with you, and I wonder what you will do when Sanders disappears once again.

The ebb and flow of political parties is a large part of the US political landscape, and to conclude, as so many do on financial markets, elections etc that this time it is different is simply flawed thinking.

The only thing that I am absolutely certain of is that I have no idea what the future will bring. And neither does anyone else here spouting their opinions.

The economics are quite straight forward. The American Health Care system is the most expensive in the developed world with the worst patient outcomes.

'ebb and flow of political Partys' lol The Republican Party's ebb gets any lower we are going to have to put them on 'suicide watch'.

Scott Kelly returned to Earth after spending 12 months on the space station and after hearing Trump was going to be the Republican nominee he tried to crawl to the launch pad.

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Far from it. Bernie is highly regarded throughout the world. Republican candidates are a little bit of a laughing stock. Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades.

The debate really isn't whether Republicans can win the election it is whether the Republican Party is going to survive into the future. Head to Head polling is showing that not one Republican candidate could beat Bernie in a General Election.

It is becoming obvious that Hillary will take the election easily. The Democrats have rigged the system in favor of Hillary so Bernie doesn't really get a shot. Personally if it was Trump (I) vs Hillary (D) vs Bernie (I) vs Cruz ®. Bernie would have a very good chance of winning. That is a possibility. Trump loses his ego would dictate he runs Independent. Although I don't think he has the money he says he has to fund the campaign. Could Bernie raise the billion dollars needed I am not sure.

I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade.

" Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades."

And what you can't seem to comprehend is this election is about the US and the policies of the rest of the world are immaterial, unnecessary and not germane to this election.

If you Europeans are upset about it, so what?

It likely makes no difference to the vast majority of US voters what the liberals in Europe think.

"I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade."

And I reckon you're overloaded with an excess dose of verbal diarrhea. thumbsup.gif

I agree it is a steep learning curve at first and it requires the American People to be educated on how various systems are structured and how they benefit communities. It has always been America's weak point not having much knowledge about the world around them. It isn't that all the other developed nations are upset about it, it is just that they see how dysfunctional key institutions are and how they can be improved.

Bernie is really the first time that the American People have been exposed to these relatively mundane healthcare, education, financial systems so it takes a little while to understand them properly.

The genie is out of the bottle now. The political dynamics in America have completely shifted. The Republican Party is in total disarray, to the point of imploding on themselves. Instead of moving to the center they have gone to the far Right, Hillary has had to move back to the left and it really is because Bernie has blindsided them all from the Left. However, keep in mind Bernie in all other developed Nations would be considered Center politically.

Your instinct has been to jump with the Right Wing Republican Party further to the Right and just like them as the majority of American People shift to the Left you end up isolated and history rolls over the top of you and the fractured Republican Party. I just think you're too smart to get hung out to dry. Looking at the last CNN three way with Rubio Cruz and Trump that was just embarrassing.

Surely you would have to agree that the Republican Party has been on a downward spiral since W Bush and it is only getting worse. I think Bernie has damaged the Right Wing ideology irreparably. It really is the last manoeuvre they expected. They ducked when they should have weaved.

"Surely you would have to agree that the Republican Party has been on a downward spiral since W Bush and it is only getting worse."

Uh, no, I really wouldn't make such a silly claim.

If you were an American and really had your ear to the ground you would already know there has been a massive change in the makeup of the 50 states governors and state legislatures since President Bush left office.

What effect does that have on the political scene, you ask? Read on, intrepid explorer.


The 2015 election tightened the Republican stranglehold on state government
By Chris Cillizza November 4, 2015
The 2015 election is over. (You may not have known it was even happening.) And it proved one thing: Republicans have an absolute stranglehold on governorships and state legislatures all across the country.
* With Matt Bevin's win in Kentucky on Tuesday night, Republicans now hold 32 of the nation's governorships — 64 percent of all the governors mansions in the country. (One race, in Louisiana, won't be decided until next month. Democrats believe they have a good chance of winning that race against now-Sen. David Vitter.)
* Democrats' failure to take over the Virginia state Senate means that Republicans still hold total control of 30 of the country's 50 state legislatures (60 percent) and have total or split control of 38 of the 50 (76 percent.)
That dominance — and what it means to the policy and political calculations and prospects for both parties at the national level — is the single most overlooked and underappreciated story line of President Obama's time in office. Since 2009, Republicans have made massive and unprecedented gains at the state level, gains that played a central role in, among other things, handing control of the U.S. House back to the GOP in the 2010 election.
You still with me there, buckshot?
So, what difference does all this make, you say?
There are two ways to make Amendments to the Constitution.
One is for any proposed Constitutional Amendment to originate in Congress, be voted on by 75% of all Congress persons and then ratified by 75% of all the states.
The second way is for the States to call for and convene an Article V Constitutional Convention for the sole purpose of amending the constitution as they see fit.
It takes 34 states, including their legislatures and governors, to call for a convention and 38 of them to change the Constitution.
The Republicans are nearly to the minimum limits as prescribed by the Constitution to call a Constitutional Convention.
With this current President leaving and the Democrats running either Hillary or Bernie, there will be no coattails for the Democrat's candidates to latch on to. Expect even more losses in 2016.
Some states have already issued letters calling for an Article V Convention. Expect more to follow.
How could that impact us, you ask again?
How does 11 Supreme Court Justices sound to you.
Term limits for Congress persons.
Mandatory balanced budgets on the federal level.
Mandatory reductions in force by the federal government over the next 20 years.
Closing the EPA, Energy Department, Education Department, Bureau of Land Management...to name just a few.
Forbidding labor union participation within the federal government.
The possibilities are endless.
And, that is how the US could be impacted by a growing Republican presence in the various States.
All this would have absolutely no impact on you or your national brothers.
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I think you are getting a little ahead of yourself buckshot. lol

And with that, I am through wasting any more time on you.

Come back if you ever have anything to contribute.

You need control of Congress first.

Anything is possible. I doubt America could survive another Republican administration. It will unravel pretty quickly. At the moment the polls are against Republicans and with the candidates they have I don't see that changing.

One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that.

The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see.

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I think you are getting a little ahead of yourself buckshot. lol

And with that, I am through wasting any more time on you.

Come back if you ever have anything to contribute.

You need control of Congress first.

Anything is possible. I doubt America could survive another Republican administration. It will unravel pretty quickly. At the moment the polls are against Republicans and with the candidates they have I don't see that changing.

One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that.

The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see.

"You need control of Congress first."

Absolutely right, and then there is that litle thing called the constitution, and public opinion. To listen to some of these candidates, one would think they are running for Emperor.

"One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that"

I do'nt think they have learned a thing as evident by the support Trump is getting, cut they have one thing against them, changing demographics

To win the white house they would need to win a significant percentage of the Latino and Black vote, and I dont think Blacks and Latinos are insane.

'The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see."

There is still a path for Sanders via the Delegate rich remaining states., and there is still the chance that HRC will implode.There are so many skeletons in her closet. The person in charge of her email server is being offered immunity to testify, They would not offer him immunity if they did not think he had something to say, But I am sure he is looking at a Hillary win, and I am wondering what she is offering him to stay quite.

If he does not take the immunity offer, and Hillary wins, let's follow up and see what he gets;

I remember When Bill Clinton was ruining for the democratic nomination, Then NY governor Mario Cuomo was against him. They had a meeting and afterwards

Mario makes a 360 and offers his support to him, Fast forward to after Bill wins the Presidency and Mario's son Andrew Cuomo becomes HUD secretary.

I am not saying that a deal was done at the meeting, it is possible that Andrew was the best qualified person Bill could find for the position, But......

These are the Clintons

She would not be the worst, just business as usual.

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The genie is out of the bottle now. The political dynamics in America have completely shifted. The Republican Party is in total disarray, to the point of imploding on themselves. Instead of moving to the center they have gone to the far Right, Hillary has had to move back to the left and it really is because Bernie has blindsided them all from the Left. However, keep in mind Bernie in all other developed Nations would be considered Center politically.

Your instinct has been to jump with the Right Wing Republican Party further to the Right and just like them as the majority of American People shift to the Left you end up isolated and history rolls over the top of you and the fractured Republican Party.

As you imply, the America people via the Democrats are possibly shifting back to the center after a nationwide swing to the right beginning with Reagan and solidly anchored to the right with Bill Clinton as a Democrat taking the traditional moderate conservative Republican position. But I no more believe Hillary Clinton would become a centrist after Obama, despite his pledges, remained to the right of center despite his pledges of "change". Hillary has begun to spout somewhat centrist rhetoric, but I doubt that if elected she would stray far from the conservative neocon foreign policy and the neoliberal economic policies that she and her husband have so long been wedded to. And even Sanders does not pitch a true revolution, just a return to the center. Now if he were to run as an independent then that might be considered revolutionary in that it would be a modest attempt at breaking the two-party stranglehold that has been choking American democracy to death for nearly a century.

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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

Global embarrassment?

You mean like in Calis where roaming bands of rapists and home invaders are storming peaceful villigers homes and Trump is an embarrassment? wink.png

...and the award for the most fatuous comment on this thread goes to..........

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I think you are getting a little ahead of yourself buckshot. lol

And with that, I am through wasting any more time on you.

Come back if you ever have anything to contribute.

You need control of Congress first.

Anything is possible. I doubt America could survive another Republican administration. It will unravel pretty quickly. At the moment the polls are against Republicans and with the candidates they have I don't see that changing.

One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that.

The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see.

"You need control of Congress first."

Absolutely right, and then there is that litle thing called the constitution, and public opinion. To listen to some of these candidates, one would think they are running for Emperor.

"One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that"

I do'nt think they have learned a thing as evident by the support Trump is getting, cut they have one thing against them, changing demographics

To win the white house they would need to win a significant percentage of the Latino and Black vote, and I dont think Blacks and Latinos are insane.

'The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see."

There is still a path for Sanders via the Delegate rich remaining states., and there is still the chance that HRC will implode.There are so many skeletons in her closet. The person in charge of her email server is being offered immunity to testify, They would not offer him immunity if they did not think he had something to say, But I am sure he is looking at a Hillary win, and I am wondering what she is offering him to stay quite.

If he does not take the immunity offer, and Hillary wins, let's follow up and see what he gets;

I remember When Bill Clinton was ruining for the democratic nomination, Then NY governor Mario Cuomo was against him. They had a meeting and afterwards

Mario makes a 360 and offers his support to him, Fast forward to after Bill wins the Presidency and Mario's son Andrew Cuomo becomes HUD secretary.

I am not saying that a deal was done at the meeting, it is possible that Andrew was the best qualified person Bill could find for the position, But......

These are the Clintons

She would not be the worst, just business as usual.

Yes Siri I think Chuckd was counting chickens before the Hen had even laid them. A little over excited I think. Democrats really messed up on the Mid Terms they distanced themselves from Obama which was actually their strongest point as the economy was really turning around. A terrible voter turnout and that means the desperate Republican voters always turn out. All those 'Red' States will now be busy legislating their draconian Laws. Voter Suppression Laws, attacking Unions and shutting down worker representation, restricting access for abortion, creationism, shutting down corporate regulations you know all the usual Right Wing BS. Texas is before the Supreme Court. They have managed to shut down 20 of the 41 Abortion Clinics and if their restrictive legislation gets upheld a further 10 will closed. The usual story if you can't win find a way to cheat the system. With Scolia gone and a number of Justices have made some interesting remarks so it looks like they will be struck down. Here's hoping.

Those Super Delegate numbers for Hillary look a little overwhelming. My best case scenario is Trump gets tipped out of the Republican nomination and runs as an Independent, Cruz - Republican, Hillary - Democrat and Bernie manages to raise the money to run as an Independent. I think Bernie would win.

I agree Hillary is an Insider but she isn't surgically attached to Corporate America like Republicans are.

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The genie is out of the bottle now. The political dynamics in America have completely shifted. The Republican Party is in total disarray, to the point of imploding on themselves. Instead of moving to the center they have gone to the far Right, Hillary has had to move back to the left and it really is because Bernie has blindsided them all from the Left. However, keep in mind Bernie in all other developed Nations would be considered Center politically.

Your instinct has been to jump with the Right Wing Republican Party further to the Right and just like them as the majority of American People shift to the Left you end up isolated and history rolls over the top of you and the fractured Republican Party.

As you imply, the America people via the Democrats are possibly shifting back to the center after a nationwide swing to the right beginning with Reagan and solidly anchored to the right with Bill Clinton as a Democrat taking the traditional moderate conservative Republican position. But I no more believe Hillary Clinton would become a centrist after Obama, despite his pledges, remained to the right of center despite his pledges of "change". Hillary has begun to spout somewhat centrist rhetoric, but I doubt that if elected she would stray far from the conservative neocon foreign policy and the neoliberal economic policies that she and her husband have so long been wedded to. And even Sanders does not pitch a true revolution, just a return to the center. Now if he were to run as an independent then that might be considered revolutionary in that it would be a modest attempt at breaking the two-party stranglehold that has been choking American democracy to death for nearly a century.

It is interesting you mention Reagan. That was when the American Dream was removed from the system and the wealth began to be transferred to the, now, 1% wealthy elite and Corporate America. No share of productivity increases to the workers, dismantling of Unionised worker representation, no minimum wage, reduced taxation for the wealthy and sanctioning of Corporate tax avoidance. A slow malignant cancer that has strangled the poor and middle class and left the Nation with a peril-less economy. After the Reagan's imbalance consumed what little the poor had and the collective wealth of the middle class and any chance of achieving the American Dream it started the process of transferring the Nations wealth into its tax free offshore havens and Corporate Inversions. Not just some of the Nations wealth but ALL!! of it and then some.

I think you are correct America is further to the Right than I suggest. Will Hillary finally wind back Reaganomics? No she wont just the same as Bill didn't and Obama didn't. So America will remain as you correctly suggest Right of Center.

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I think you are getting a little ahead of yourself buckshot. lol

And with that, I am through wasting any more time on you.

Come back if you ever have anything to contribute.

You need control of Congress first.

Anything is possible. I doubt America could survive another Republican administration. It will unravel pretty quickly. At the moment the polls are against Republicans and with the candidates they have I don't see that changing.

One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that.

The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see.

"You need control of Congress first."
Absolutely right, and then there is that litle thing called the constitution, and public opinion. To listen to some of these candidates, one would think they are running for Emperor.

"One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that"
I do'nt think they have learned a thing as evident by the support Trump is getting, cut they have one thing against them, changing demographics
To win the white house they would need to win a significant percentage of the Latino and Black vote, and I dont think Blacks and Latinos are insane.

'The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see."
There is still a path for Sanders via the Delegate rich remaining states., and there is still the chance that HRC will implode.There are so many skeletons in her closet. The person in charge of her email server is being offered immunity to testify, They would not offer him immunity if they did not think he had something to say, But I am sure he is looking at a Hillary win, and I am wondering what she is offering him to stay quite.
If he does not take the immunity offer, and Hillary wins, let's follow up and see what he gets;
I remember When Bill Clinton was ruining for the democratic nomination, Then NY governor Mario Cuomo was against him. They had a meeting and afterwards
Mario makes a 360 and offers his support to him, Fast forward to after Bill wins the Presidency and Mario's son Andrew Cuomo becomes HUD secretary.
I am not saying that a deal was done at the meeting, it is possible that Andrew was the best qualified person Bill could find for the position, But......
These are the Clintons
She would not be the worst, just business as usual.

Yes Siri I think Chuckd was counting chickens before the Hen had even laid them. A little over excited I think. Democrats really messed up on the Mid Terms they distanced themselves from Obama which was actually their strongest point as the economy was really turning around. A terrible voter turnout and that means the desperate Republican voters always turn out. All those 'Red' States will now be busy legislating their draconian Laws. Voter Suppression Laws, attacking Unions and shutting down worker representation, restricting access for abortion, creationism, shutting down corporate regulations you know all the usual Right Wing BS. Texas is before the Supreme Court. They have managed to shut down 20 of the 41 Abortion Clinics and if their restrictive legislation gets upheld a further 10 will closed. The usual story if you can't win find a way to cheat the system. With Scolia gone and a number of Justices have made some interesting remarks so it looks like they will be struck down. Here's hoping.

Those Super Delegate numbers for Hillary look a little overwhelming. My best case scenario is Trump gets tipped out of the Republican nomination and runs as an Independent, Cruz - Republican, Hillary - Democrat and Bernie manages to raise the money to run as an Independent. I think Bernie would win.

I agree Hillary is an Insider but she isn't surgically attached to Corporate America like Republicans are.

I understand what you are saying and it's all possible.
One other way to look at it, I think Cruz will take it for the Republicans as trump is losing steam in the last few states. Everyone also is now on the bandwagon to bring him down.

If you remove the Super delegates from Hillary then Bernie is not that far behind that one big state can't cure. If I understand it correctly, the Super delegates can change their votes come convention time. They will normally cast their final vote for who ever has the most other ( none Super) delegates. This is what history tells us so no reason to think otherwise.
Between Sanders and Cruz I think Sanders will win.

Feel The Bern !
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Those Super Delegate numbers for Hillary look a little overwhelming. My best case scenario is Trump gets tipped out of the Republican nomination and runs as an Independent, Cruz - Republican, Hillary - Democrat and Bernie manages to raise the money to run as an Independent. I think Bernie would win.

I agree Hillary is an Insider but she isn't surgically attached to Corporate America like Republicans are.

Very interesting!

What if (and a big "if") there is a four-candidate race among those you have listed?

There's then the real possibility that no one gets the required 270 electoral votes to win, and the House of Reps then must decide among the three with the most electoral votes. After a quick check, this not surprisingly favors the Republicans (states vote en bloc, so each state gets one vote).

So, that's not promising for HRC or Sanders. Plus, that's probably not good for Trump.

Thus, my guess is that the Republican's establishment candidate, or the one they settled on (like a Cruz), would have an inside track if it comes to that.

Thus, as for Sanders in this hypothetical, he's got to look for the 270+ electoral votes.

Again, that's a big "if," but it has been a very strange year for national politics so far.

PS, add a possible Bloomberg candidacy for more speculation.

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These Super Delegates are giving me grief. If you make a pledge it should be honoured. I don't want them too but on principle they should. It is a dilemma for me.

Hillary: 1130

Bernie: 499

I think that is after Super Saturday where Bernie took Nebraska and Kansas

I think Bernie will take Michigan. The Flint poisoning of children plays right into establishment politics. He has the higher ground on this one. Seriously how low can Republican governors go to make a buck for their Corporate buddies. Poisoning children and turning a city into a struggling third world village.

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Those Super Delegate numbers for Hillary look a little overwhelming. My best case scenario is Trump gets tipped out of the Republican nomination and runs as an Independent, Cruz - Republican, Hillary - Democrat and Bernie manages to raise the money to run as an Independent. I think Bernie would win.

I agree Hillary is an Insider but she isn't surgically attached to Corporate America like Republicans are.

Very interesting!

What if (and a big "if") there is a four-candidate race among those you have listed?

There's then the real possibility that no one gets the required 270 electoral votes to win, and the House of Reps then must decide among the three with the most electoral votes. After a quick check, this not surprisingly favors the Republicans (states vote en bloc, so each state gets one vote).

So, that's not promising for HRC or Sanders. Plus, that's probably not good for Trump.

Thus, my guess is that the Republican's establishment candidate, or the one they settled on (like a Cruz), would have an inside track if it comes to that.

Thus, as for Sanders in this hypothetical, he's got to look for the 270+ electoral votes.

Again, that's a big "if," but it has been a very strange year for national politics so far.

PS, add a possible Bloomberg candidacy for more speculation.

Ah Haaaa that's what we call a 'Hung Congress' man you have no idea how much fun it is. lmao They fight tooth and nail. Trust me they earn their bribes in a 'Hung Congress' my friend.

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These Super Delegates are giving me grief. If you make a pledge it should be honoured. I don't want them too but on principle they should. It is a dilemma for me.

Hillary: 1130

Bernie: 499

I think that is after Super Saturday where Bernie took Nebraska and Kansas

I think Bernie will take Michigan. The Flint poisoning of children plays right into establishment politics. He has the higher ground on this one. Seriously how low can Republican governors go to make a buck for their Corporate buddies. Poisoning children and turning a city into a struggling third world village.

I am thinking now that the republicans are wishes they had Super Delegates to get trump out of the way. Reasons like trump are part of the reason the democrats have these votes. On the other hand if the people have spoken it would be very dangerous to not follow suit.

My belief is that super delegates are really used to sway the vote in the beginning but as the rules state can be then changed at the convention. At the convention many change their votes and the rules are clear that this is acceptable. It is part of the process.

Bernie is not out yet and I think far from it unless he really gets blown away in more if states.

Edited by ttthailand
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It rains monsoonal thunderstorms on Republicans with brides from Corporations but the slightest morning mist on Democrat politicians and there is hell to pay. Well just ammo for Bernie. Will be interesting to see if Bernie uses that angle in the Michigan Primary. I think he can carry Michigan on principle but if it gets tight he may be tempted to sneak in a left jab to the rib cage while the ref isn't looking.

I think Super Delegate pledges are like Commodity Futures Trading.

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These Super Delegates are giving me grief. If you make a pledge it should be honoured. I don't want them too but on principle they should. It is a dilemma for me.

Hillary: 1130

Bernie: 499

I think that is after Super Saturday where Bernie took Nebraska and Kansas

I think Bernie will take Michigan. The Flint poisoning of children plays right into establishment politics. He has the higher ground on this one. Seriously how low can Republican governors go to make a buck for their Corporate buddies. Poisoning children and turning a city into a struggling third world village.

I am thinking now that the republicans are wishes they had Super Delegates to get trump out of the way. Reasons like trump are part of the reason the democrats have these votes. On the other hand if the people have spoken it would be very dangerous to not follow suit.

My belief is that super delegates are really used to sway the vote in the beginning but as the rules state can be then changed at the convention. At the convention many change their votes and the rules are clear that this is acceptable. It is part of the process.

Bernie is not out yet and I think far from it unless he really gets blown away in more if states.

I agree with the assessment but absolutely hate the idea of Super Delegates

This would be a very tight race between Hilary and Bernie if you take the Super Delegates out...

It's almost like .. Ok , we'll let the people vote.. A little bit, but really we the party leaders know best ... So ... At the end of the day, we will make the final decision

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This would be a very tight race between Hilary and Bernie if you take the Super Delegates out...

It's almost like .. Ok , we'll let the people vote.. A little bit, but really we the party leaders know best ... So ... At the end of the day, we will make the final decision

The Dems are not in that much less disarray than our the Republicans as far as party unity, and this super delegate crap controlled by the Clinton core is going to come back to haunt the party for a very long time. It was just last week when U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii announced Sunday that she had to resign as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee after endorsing Bernie Sanders for president as I guess she upset Clinton's lap dog Wasserman-Schultz.

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There is no way Bernie will ever beat HRC with African Americans.

A somewhat competitive race, where she wins of course, is actually very good for HRC.

It hardens her for the general and it wipes away the perception that she is being crowned without opposition.

Where are Bernie voters going to go?

To the republicans? Not a chance.

No, they'll stay home in droves. And the longer he stays in, the more disappointed they'll be. Whereas, the independents are being driven by him to embrace the right.

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I wholly agree that a Republican insane buffoon in the White House, especially with control of Congress, is extremely dangerous, for the US and the world. Unfortunately, Hillary in the White House won't be a lot better. Social policy will be somewhat better, that's about it. She will nominate a corporatist judge for the Supreme court, Obama could bring back Scalia from the dead, nominate him and still couldn't get him confirmed. The money will continue to flow to the 1% and the very rich and corporations will continue to destroy what's left of America. One way or the other, unless the Dem's take back the Senate, nothing will get done, no chance of the house. Then after 4 more years of insanity and traitorous obstruction Dem's wake up and somehow work around the gerrymandering, voter repression and out and out computer voting fraud to take back both houses. Bernie recognizes this, so should you. It won't happen with Hillary in, she is the status quo. Like Obama, she won't try. Yes, I intensely dislike her because she is an out and out fraud only interested in being the 1st woman pres and could give a damn less about the real people in America.

unless the Dem's take back the Senate, nothing will get done,

5555555555555555 The Dems, IMO, are NO BETTER than the GOP and the snout in trough feeding frenzy will go on as long as the professional politicians become president.

I would go even further to say that IMO there is NO DIFFERENCE between the professional politicians of either party. They will all support the pork and to hades with the taxpayers.

Hasn't been a decent president since JFK.

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And with that, I am through wasting any more time on you.

Come back if you ever have anything to contribute.

You need control of Congress first.

Anything is possible. I doubt America could survive another Republican administration. It will unravel pretty quickly. At the moment the polls are against Republicans and with the candidates they have I don't see that changing.

One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that.

The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see.

"You need control of Congress first."

Absolutely right, and then there is that litle thing called the constitution, and public opinion. To listen to some of these candidates, one would think they are running for Emperor.

"One major factor against me is the American People voted W Bush in twice. Hopefully they have learned a hard lesson from doing that"

I do'nt think they have learned a thing as evident by the support Trump is getting, cut they have one thing against them, changing demographics

To win the white house they would need to win a significant percentage of the Latino and Black vote, and I dont think Blacks and Latinos are insane.

'The only chance Bernie has is if Super Delegates break ranks and that is unlikely. Just have to wait and see."

There is still a path for Sanders via the Delegate rich remaining states., and there is still the chance that HRC will implode.There are so many skeletons in her closet. The person in charge of her email server is being offered immunity to testify, They would not offer him immunity if they did not think he had something to say, But I am sure he is looking at a Hillary win, and I am wondering what she is offering him to stay quite.

If he does not take the immunity offer, and Hillary wins, let's follow up and see what he gets;

I remember When Bill Clinton was ruining for the democratic nomination, Then NY governor Mario Cuomo was against him. They had a meeting and afterwards

Mario makes a 360 and offers his support to him, Fast forward to after Bill wins the Presidency and Mario's son Andrew Cuomo becomes HUD secretary.

I am not saying that a deal was done at the meeting, it is possible that Andrew was the best qualified person Bill could find for the position, But......

These are the Clintons

She would not be the worst, just business as usual.

Yes Siri I think Chuckd was counting chickens before the Hen had even laid them. A little over excited I think. Democrats really messed up on the Mid Terms they distanced themselves from Obama which was actually their strongest point as the economy was really turning around. A terrible voter turnout and that means the desperate Republican voters always turn out. All those 'Red' States will now be busy legislating their draconian Laws. Voter Suppression Laws, attacking Unions and shutting down worker representation, restricting access for abortion, creationism, shutting down corporate regulations you know all the usual Right Wing BS. Texas is before the Supreme Court. They have managed to shut down 20 of the 41 Abortion Clinics and if their restrictive legislation gets upheld a further 10 will closed. The usual story if you can't win find a way to cheat the system. With Scolia gone and a number of Justices have made some interesting remarks so it looks like they will be struck down. Here's hoping.

Those Super Delegate numbers for Hillary look a little overwhelming. My best case scenario is Trump gets tipped out of the Republican nomination and runs as an Independent, Cruz - Republican, Hillary - Democrat and Bernie manages to raise the money to run as an Independent. I think Bernie would win.

I agree Hillary is an Insider but she isn't surgically attached to Corporate America like Republicans are.

she isn't surgically attached to Corporate America like Republicans are

LOL. HRC IS corporate America.

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There is no way Bernie will ever beat HRC with African Americans.

A somewhat competitive race, where she wins of course, is actually very good for HRC.

It hardens her for the general and it wipes away the perception that she is being crowned without opposition.

Where are Bernie voters going to go?

To the republicans? Not a chance.

No, they'll stay home in droves. And the longer he stays in, the more disappointed they'll be. Whereas, the independents are being driven by him to embrace the right.

Agree... If Hillary wins, I will have to decide, do I vote for the Republican or just not vote

Although if Trump and Hillary may likely vote for Trump...

Let Rome Burn

And maybe something better will rise from the ashes..

Edited by CWMcMurray
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