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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Seven Days, hardly a lame, oops main stream media and the article was not backed by any facts, just 4 anonymous people, maybe. Newsbusters, oh give me a break, not even lame stream media but a right wing rag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Research_Center#NewsBusters. Lancingcitypulse, an alternative weekly, well not exactly main stream https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_Pulse not is it. Frankly Bernie has all the right in the world to be angry.

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Some information about Bernie's electability some of you will find interesting. The first one is rather long is about reasons to be angry especially at the lame stream media and I doubt some of shall we say brain impaired posters can make it through. The 2nd contains a link inside that is worth a quick read. Funny, the only anger I see on the presidential campaign is all on behalf of the right wing bigots, racists and fascists. http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200952


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Some information about Bernie's electability some of you will find interesting. The first one is rather long is about reasons to be angry especially at the lame stream media and I doubt some of shall we say brain impaired posters can make it through. The 2nd contains a link inside that is worth a quick read. Funny, the only anger I see on the presidential campaign is all on behalf of the right wing bigots, racists and fascists. http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200952 http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200960

Some strong arguments and compelling data in that link. Worth posting again.


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Some information about Bernie's electability some of you will find interesting. The first one is rather long is about reasons to be angry especially at the lame stream media and I doubt some of shall we say brain impaired posters can make it through. The 2nd contains a link inside that is worth a quick read. Funny, the only anger I see on the presidential campaign is all on behalf of the right wing bigots, racists and fascists. http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200952 http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200960

I knew you would be along rambling away in your usual style.

I worked my way through both of your links and neither of them addressed why Bernie allegedly mistreats his employees.

All they did was explain why Bernie is angry with Hillary, the DNC and, of course,, everything associated with Trump and the MSM. It seemed more like sour grapes on his part than anything else.

My links were both written by long time journalists having watched Bernie in operation for years.

I still don't understand why you and a few others get so upset over Bernie. He won't get the Democratic nomination anyway.

The Bern will Bern out when the DNC convention is held.

Then all his supporters can protest the DNC instead of Trump and gracefully retire to a life of leisure as professional students.

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Some information about Bernie's electability some of you will find interesting. The first one is rather long is about reasons to be angry especially at the lame stream media and I doubt some of shall we say brain impaired posters can make it through. The 2nd contains a link inside that is worth a quick read. Funny, the only anger I see on the presidential campaign is all on behalf of the right wing bigots, racists and fascists. http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200952 http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200960

Some strong arguments and compelling data in that link. Worth posting again.


12. Unfortunately, Clinton isn't just uninspiring. She's disliked.

Wildly disliked.

Fair or unfair, it's true.

And it could decide the most important election of our lifetimes -- one that could elevate a sociopath to the White House. Please accept and respect the fact that this combination -- Clinton's garish unfavorables and a Donald Trump candidacy -- scare the pants off the overwhelming majority of Sanders supporters.

Yes, thanks for that.

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Sanders has labelled himself that way, socialist, so that's the deal breaker aside from the other stuff.

Of course all candidates support some socialist style programs, even the republicans.

That's not the point.

The U.S. is still not Europe. Like it or not.

America hopefully will never be like the failed states of Europe. See the muppets running the show in the EU. That's why I hope the American people make Donald trump the next president.

America as a capitalist country with all of it horrible "corporations" brought you the computer you are using and the internet it's interfacing with. It brought you most of the other software on it in addition to the operating system.

All of this within your lifetime. Before that and perhaps within your lifetime was the TV and so many other things. Now everyone has all of this but protests that they are "poorer".

We have so much more technology and convenience than our grandparents had. How can anyone say we are poorer? How did they really live? Did I mention medical breakthroughs brought to us by big corporations including Big Pharma? We live a lot longer now too. How can we say this isn't some benefit from "big business"?

A big corporation named IBM which pioneered and owns much of the infrastructure that provides bandwidth for the internet (who would have stretched out all of that cable?) published a dictionary of more than 18,000 NEW AMERICAN ENGLISH WORDS brought to us by technology. Most of them are new within the last 50 years and more than half of them are much newer than that.

BTW and for the haters, there isn't a European socialist on the entire planet who can pronounce even one of the English words in this book correctly.

Just think of all of the things you have that your grandparents didn't have and tell me where they came from, and then how you are poorer.



Francois Mitterrand, the socialist and hero of many current Euro socialists, visited Mao in 1961, at the height of the famine, and returned to Europe to praise "a great scholar" and "genius" and to assert that infact reports of any famine were just lies.

Socialism is a very broad spectrum, and constantly morphing. For this reason it is hard to criticise somebody for being a socialist, as it could mean so many things.

One of the dangers that I saw in my very early life, was that in Sweden the socialists taxed some professions very heavily based on their "usefulness." My grandfather was violinist at the King's Orchestra in Sweden, and violin teacher at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm, working both of these jobs for decades. He was very popular on the radio too. He came from a very poor background, and saved up for his first cheap violin over a period of many years. He worked very hard almost every day for fifty years, did not drink or gamble, and then retired in abject poverty. The socialists taxed him at 73% of his earnings, because he was "an artistic person" and therefor not productive. However, crushing taxes were also the norm for most other trades too.

Sweden famously is socialist, and also famously has had the highest suicide rate in the world for many years. Many might say that the crushing taxes are partly responsible.

So I do despise that type of socialism, but I am more willing to listen to more sensible hybrid forms of socialism, should they arrive one day. I support the aspirational working class, the aspirational middle class. I could never vote for anyone who imposes crushing life-destroying taxes on those essential social groups.

It's amazing how unkillable these right wing myths are. Sweden has a lower suicide rate than the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate

The developed nation with the highest suicide rate is South Korea which has a very dynamic economy. It's suicide rate is almost 2 1/2 times as high as the suicide rate in the USA. Yet total taxes paid by South Koreans as a percentage of GDO are virtually the same as those paid by Americans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tax_revenue_as_percentage_of_GDP

I still can't believe that in the age of the internet, when pertinent data is so easily accessible, people still prefer to believe whatever supports their prejudices rather than look things up.

Edited by stillbornagain
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America hopefully will never be like the failed states of Europe. See the muppets running the show in the EU. That's why I hope the American people make Donald trump the next president.

America as a capitalist country with all of it horrible "corporations" brought you the computer you are using and the internet it's interfacing with. It brought you most of the other software on it in addition to the operating system.

All of this within your lifetime. Before that and perhaps within your lifetime was the TV and so many other things. Now everyone has all of this but protests that they are "poorer".

We have so much more technology and convenience than our grandparents had. How can anyone say we are poorer? How did they really live? Did I mention medical breakthroughs brought to us by big corporations including Big Pharma? We live a lot longer now too. How can we say this isn't some benefit from "big business"?

A big corporation named IBM which pioneered and owns much of the infrastructure that provides bandwidth for the internet (who would have stretched out all of that cable?) published a dictionary of more than 18,000 NEW AMERICAN ENGLISH WORDS brought to us by technology. Most of them are new within the last 50 years and more than half of them are much newer than that.

BTW and for the haters, there isn't a European socialist on the entire planet who can pronounce even one of the English words in this book correctly.

Just think of all of the things you have that your grandparents didn't have and tell me where they came from, and then how you are poorer.



Francois Mitterrand, the socialist and hero of many current Euro socialists, visited Mao in 1961, at the height of the famine, and returned to Europe to praise "a great scholar" and "genius" and to assert that infact reports of any famine were just lies.

Socialism is a very broad spectrum, and constantly morphing. For this reason it is hard to criticise somebody for being a socialist, as it could mean so many things.

One of the dangers that I saw in my very early life, was that in Sweden the socialists taxed some professions very heavily based on their "usefulness." My grandfather was violinist at the King's Orchestra in Sweden, and violin teacher at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm, working both of these jobs for decades. He was very popular on the radio too. He came from a very poor background, and saved up for his first cheap violin over a period of many years. He worked very hard almost every day for fifty years, did not drink or gamble, and then retired in abject poverty. The socialists taxed him at 73% of his earnings, because he was "an artistic person" and therefor not productive. However, crushing taxes were also the norm for most other trades too.

Sweden famously is socialist, and also famously has had the highest suicide rate in the world for many years. Many might say that the crushing taxes are partly responsible.

So I do despise that type of socialism, but I am more willing to listen to more sensible hybrid forms of socialism, should they arrive one day. I support the aspirational working class, the aspirational middle class. I could never vote for anyone who imposes crushing life-destroying taxes on those essential social groups.

It's amazing how unkillable these right wing myths are. Sweden has a lower suicide rate than the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate

The developed nation with the highest suicide rate is South Korea which has a very dynamic economy. It's suicide rate is almost 2 1/2 times as high as the suicide rate in the USA. Yet total taxes paid by South Koreans as a percentage of GDO are virtually the same as those paid by Americans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tax_revenue_as_percentage_of_GDP

I still can't believe that in the age of the internet, when pertinent data is so easily accessible, people still prefer to believe whatever supports their prejudices rather than look things up.

Also, 73% of the income taxed is not correct, nor is the assertion that artists are taxed higher because of their profession.

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No they didn't, because he doesn't. I see that as usual you were unable to comprehend. Your links, especially the right wing rag which should always be ignored, were not fact based. One "article" only had 4 anonymous people, or maybe they were imaginary. I see no evidence Bernie treats his employees badly and there is none. If there were evidence it would be all over the lame stream media and pushed by the DNC and the Hillary machine. Plenty of evidence Trump treats his employees badly. Just right wing made up lies and propaganda, as usual. If you paid attention you would know Bernie has a good long shot at winning the nomination. And oh my, drag out the old right wing myth about professional students. That one got worn out in the 70's, only works on those with less than 2 working brain cells. I was going to bring up Herr Goebbels and the repeat a lie, but I've been wrong. It wasn't Herr Goebbels or Rove, it was Hitler: If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. So wrote Adolf Hitler (not Goebbels, as often thought), in his chapter on War Propaganda in Mein Kampf. You right wingers should have caught me on that one.

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Some information about Bernie's electability some of you will find interesting. The first one is rather long is about reasons to be angry especially at the lame stream media and I doubt some of shall we say brain impaired posters can make it through. The 2nd contains a link inside that is worth a quick read. Funny, the only anger I see on the presidential campaign is all on behalf of the right wing bigots, racists and fascists. http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200952 http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200960

I knew you would be along rambling away in your usual style.

I worked my way through both of your links and neither of them addressed why Bernie allegedly mistreats his employees.

All they did was explain why Bernie is angry with Hillary, the DNC and, of course,, everything associated with Trump and the MSM. It seemed more like sour grapes on his part than anything else.

My links were both written by long time journalists having watched Bernie in operation for years.

I still don't understand why you and a few others get so upset over Bernie. He won't get the Democratic nomination anyway.

The Bern will Bern out when the DNC convention is held.

Then all his supporters can protest the DNC instead of Trump and gracefully retire to a life of leisure as professional students.

Bernie supporters are simply not interested in establishment main stream media gutter journalism based on innuendo, scuttlebutt and gossip. They are focused on the issues. That type of stupidity is best left to the Republicans to attack wives and 'hand size', attack people based on race and religion, inciting violence, advocating torture and personal vitriol and invective. Bernie supporters and true Left Wingers are simply far more sophisticated and intellectual and want to debate the real issues and solutions to those issues rather than be sidetracked by tittle tattle tabloid press.

Typical Right Wing Republican strategy. Can't debate out the issues so it's 'Hey look over there'!

Your attack on Sarge is totally unwarranted he has contributed some very insightful perspectives on Bernie's campaign.

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Ah, and the right wingers go boo hoo hoo, waa, waa, waa, my diapers need changing, where's my fascist papa Trump...lol. The same old tired tactics, attack the truth by turning the conversation. Change the subject. Try to turn it around so they are the victim. Can't win the conversation attack the person. Present cherry picked lies and act like they are the gospel truth, which frankly in many right wingers little pea picking' brains seems to be. We are discussing Bernie, his chances for winning and why it is so necessary for America and the world. One cannot debate without facts and some modicum of honesty, oops leaves the right wing out there well, in right field...lol. Bernie is closing the gap, and in spite of the purposeful lack of coverage his message is starting to get through. Around 14,000 at a rally in San Diego. How many at Hillary rallies? All polls show Bernie beating the Donald and all the Republican wacko's handily, the Dem's better pay attention. Oh, and I don't mind their attacks, in fact like FDR said, I welcome their hatred.

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Some information about Bernie's electability some of you will find interesting. The first one is rather long is about reasons to be angry especially at the lame stream media and I doubt some of shall we say brain impaired posters can make it through. The 2nd contains a link inside that is worth a quick read. Funny, the only anger I see on the presidential campaign is all on behalf of the right wing bigots, racists and fascists. http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200952 http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200960

I knew you would be along rambling away in your usual style.

I worked my way through both of your links and neither of them addressed why Bernie allegedly mistreats his employees.

All they did was explain why Bernie is angry with Hillary, the DNC and, of course,, everything associated with Trump and the MSM. It seemed more like sour grapes on his part than anything else.

My links were both written by long time journalists having watched Bernie in operation for years.

I still don't understand why you and a few others get so upset over Bernie. He won't get the Democratic nomination anyway.

The Bern will Bern out when the DNC convention is held.

Then all his supporters can protest the DNC instead of Trump and gracefully retire to a life of leisure as professional students.

Bernie supporters are simply not interested in establishment main stream media gutter journalism based on innuendo, scuttlebutt and gossip. They are focused on the issues. That type of stupidity is best left to the Republicans to attack wives and 'hand size', attack people based on race and religion, inciting violence, advocating torture and personal vitriol and invective. Bernie supporters and true Left Wingers are simply far more sophisticated and intellectual and want to debate the real issues and solutions to those issues rather than be sidetracked by tittle tattle tabloid press.

Typical Right Wing Republican strategy. Can't debate out the issues so it's 'Hey look over there'!

Your attack on Sarge is totally unwarranted he has contributed some very insightful perspectives on Bernie's campaign.

If you erroneously feel my alleged attack (your words) was unwarranted then use the "Report" function for violating forum rule.

The only argument you people have is to attack the source.

Do a little research, find something, anything, that refutes my earlier post and let it be known.

And my advice to you is to not drink down water from the herd.

And exactly how does one go about refuting anonymous sources? Where's the hard evidence?

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Maybe they should raise the voting age if kids are going to vote for who they think is cool...

“Young people for Bernie are very vocal, and it’s not exactly cool to be for Hillary,” said Brendan Cohen, 21, a political science major.


A professor is being quoted by the WP presenting his own characterisation of "young people."

Your post talks about "kids" and about disqualifying currently eligible voters, i.e., "young people" because the prof used the word "cool" in talking about our youngest voters.

What professor? You mean Brendan the 21-yr old student?

This is not the first time you have answered one of my posts with something you made up in your head. If you can't answer without doing that, it might be best just to skip replying at all.

Maybe you are not purposely misrepresenting what I wrote. Maybe you aren't a native speaker? Maybe reading comprehension wasn't one of your strong points in school? I am a native speaker and sometimes we forget that not everyone on this forum is. That is easy because so many of you non-native speakers can write fairly well. Writing well is one thing, understanding is another. So I don't want to imply that you are making things up if it is just a matter of misunderstanding.

Your point was that the voting age should be raised, and that point was clearly made. Who made the quote is really irrelevant.

The rest of your post is just deragartory towards another poster and does not deserve an answer.

It is relevant because it changes the original post in a sense. One 21-yr old student calling something "cool" is much different than a professor categorizing it as such.

What you call "derogatory" is not. I don't know that English is his/her native language. I don't really know the native language of anyone here, and there is no way of confirming anyone's claims.

I know I don't like it when "grammar nazis" go after someone who happens to be writing in their 2nd or 3rd language and I don't really want to be the person to go after someone for making things up when the issue is really one of reading comprehension in their 2nd or 3rd language.

Apologies if that offends you.

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Do you not understand slang? Cool has been in use for many years. As for as raising the voting age, bullcrap. Old enough to die, old enough to have a say in how, why and where. I would add old enough to have a drink. A definition from Merriam-Webster 7


a : very good : excellent; also : all right

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Let me add a bit more about 21 year olds. I was 21 when I went to VN, the young guys told me I was told old, I told them I would write home to their momma and tell how they died. I never had to write home but damn did I see them die. I was strongly against the draft back then, strongly for bringing it back now. If we had the draft 15 yrs ago those damned illegal, immoral wars in the Mideast would have been over long ago. No I wasn't drafted, I volunteered for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children and Vietnam. You sir are wrong, very wrong. That young man has every right to express his appreciation of Bernie in his way.

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Nice night tonight from Bernie. This means only one thing, the media will ignore him even more this week while touting their beloved Hillary's "insurmountable" lead. Obviously the goal is to keep the bovine-like block of Hillary lemmings, who flock to her like moths to a porch light, from actually realizing that there is another option and another candidate.

You do realize there is a way to say that without using the insulting language. Just because the republicans engage in this behavior, there is no reason for Bernie supporters to do it. In fact, Bernie is dead set against such behavior and language. Step up out of the gutter.



I'll leave the political speak to the talking heads in television media. As you can only speak for yourself, I'll defer to you to offer your suggestion on a re-phrase that makes you feel comfortable..

I watch Bernie with interested curiosity for now I agree with him on some things and not so much on others but I admire that he appears to be one of a very small handful of people in Congress who seem to put their needs behind the needs of the people. If he wins Wisconsin, you can bet the establishment DNC's collective sphincter will start puckering

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Some information about Bernie's electability some of you will find interesting. The first one is rather long is about reasons to be angry especially at the lame stream media and I doubt some of shall we say brain impaired posters can make it through. The 2nd contains a link inside that is worth a quick read. Funny, the only anger I see on the presidential campaign is all on behalf of the right wing bigots, racists and fascists. http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200952 http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=200960

I knew you would be along rambling away in your usual style.

I worked my way through both of your links and neither of them addressed why Bernie allegedly mistreats his employees.

All they did was explain why Bernie is angry with Hillary, the DNC and, of course,, everything associated with Trump and the MSM. It seemed more like sour grapes on his part than anything else.

My links were both written by long time journalists having watched Bernie in operation for years.

I still don't understand why you and a few others get so upset over Bernie. He won't get the Democratic nomination anyway.

The Bern will Bern out when the DNC convention is held.

Then all his supporters can protest the DNC instead of Trump and gracefully retire to a life of leisure as professional students.

Bernie allegedly mistreats his employees.

Let's offer a little insight in this respect which neither apologises for Bernie or does it singularly condemn the senator as a Capitol Hill employer: Members of the Senate and of the House have been notorious for decades for their abuse of their personal "professional" staff in their offices. Almost every single one of 'em is an ogre to their personal office staff. Present and former staff employees. It goes back a long time on the Hill and it is the rule; a constant.

It is a dirty little secret well known on Capitol Hill yet little known among even the lobbyists who work the Hill daily. It is certainly and entirely unknown back home to the constituents of Senators and House members. Many of the Washington MSM are well aware of the fact but they rarely report it, if ever. Any media, MSM or outside of it that suddenly report the fact are being consciously and actively selective.

The constant daily abuse of their personal congressional staff by Senators and Members of the House is not the property of either political party. Abusers are both Republicans and Democrats. The reason and direct cause is that each Senator and House Member looks daily at the bottom line, i.e., get the bill passed, get the amendment adopted....get Me reelected. A staff failure in any respect brings almost any or every Senator or House Member down on the staff member like a McCormick wheat reaper. Or a verbal slasher. Or a flame thrower.

The sources trying to single out Bernie reflects in this instance on the sources themselves.

It is in a valuable sense a public service for almost any revelations of the subterranean harsh realities of being a completely unprotected personal staff employee of a Senator of a Member of the US House. The 535 Members of the Senate and the House rule over their unprotected by law staff employees as tyrants. No employment laws protect Congress professional staff who are there entirely at the "pleasure" of each Senator or House Member.

"Take it from the boss."

The concluding statement in the cited link does indeed speak with inside knowledge. All employees of a Senator or a Member of the House refer to the employer as "the boss." While professional staff in speaking to almost everyone off Capitol Hill refer to the elected employer as "The Senator" or "The Congress man/woman", they among themselves and in a salient contrast refer to same the "boss" as if the guy were Jimmy Hoffa or the slick Gordon Gecko Wall Street composite. Or indeed the Donald Trump reality.

The particular cited link: http://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/anger-management-sanders-fights-for-employees-except-his-own/Content?oid=2834657

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Bernie collected a massive $44M in donations in March. Not from Superpacs or Wall Street or Fossil Fuel polluters or the Koch Bros et al but from an estimated 1.3M US citizens. Just amazing the support Bernie has. A true grass roots candidate powered by the American People. A true American Patriot if ever there was one.

Give em hell Bernie!

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

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Where things are at with Sander's numbers / latest contests.......

Democrats Abroad - 3/21

Bernie Sanders: 69% (9 delegates)

Hillary Clinton: 31% (4 delegates)

Idaho - 3/22

Bernie Sanders: 78% (17 delegates)

Hillary Clinton: 21% (5 delegates)

Utah - 3/22

Bernie Sanders: 79% (26 delegates)

Hillary Clinton: 20% (6 delegates)

Alaska - 3/26

Bernie Sanders: 82% (13 delegates)

Hillary Clinton: 18% (3 delegates)

Hawaii - 3/26

Bernie Sanders: 70% (17 delegates)

Hillary Clinton: 30% (8 delegates)

Washington - 3/26

Bernie Sanders: 73% (74 delegates)

Hillary Clinton: 27% (27 delegates)

ALSO: Bernie Sanders beats Trump by 24% in the latest (a week ago) head-to-head polling -- the largest margin between two first-tier major-party candidates that we've seen in many election cycles. Sanders beating Trump 58% to 34% could not only give the Democrats the Senate but the House also, and not only the House but possibly a commanding majority in both the House and Senate. source

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And the retaking of the Senate, slim possibility of the House due to voter suppression and gerrymandering, will not happen if Hillary is the next Manchurian Candidate. Also, the states and delegates she has taken are not really in play for the Democrats come the general while Bernie's are. Frankly nearly every time she opens her mouth she looses votes. A lot of indication that Bernie supporters know all too much about her and just won't/can't vote for her, i.e won't vote. That will cause the Senate to stay in the traitorous Republican hands. Many pundits still downplaying Bernie and kowtowing to the corporate Dem's. CNN got a little taste of "feel the Bern".

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Bernie collected a massive $44M in donations in March. Not from Superpacs or Wall Street or Fossil Fuel polluters or the Koch Bros et al but from an estimated 1.3M US citizens. Just amazing the support Bernie has. A true grass roots candidate powered by the American People. A true American Patriot if ever there was one.

Give em hell Bernie!

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

Yeah, at $27 per average donation. Here's what he's up against:


Those donations to the state party coffers is how she buys the superdelegates.

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Bernie collected a massive $44M in donations in March. Not from Superpacs or Wall Street or Fossil Fuel polluters or the Koch Bros et al but from an estimated 1.3M US citizens. Just amazing the support Bernie has. A true grass roots candidate powered by the American People. A true American Patriot if ever there was one.

Give em hell Bernie!

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

Yeah, at $27 per average donation. Here's what he's up against:


Those donations to the state party coffers is how she buys the superdelegates.

Yup, Lord and Lady Voldemort have "gamed" this election with years and years of strategic thinking and planning, and years of clever relationship building and deal making with the DNC and other power structures.

You have to admire Hilary in so many ways. She is singularly motivated, cunning, clever, and focused on her goal, and always has been. She uses her vast human resources (including Bill) wisely and recruits the best and most strategic as members of her team and rewards loyalty.

She does all the things a model leader does except inspire confidence in her vision, which is contrived. That is her only downfall, her lack of trustworthiness and inability to inspire because we just don't trust her. We know she is only in this for the good of Lady Voldemort.

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Bernie collected a massive $44M in donations in March. Not from Superpacs or Wall Street or Fossil Fuel polluters or the Koch Bros et al but from an estimated 1.3M US citizens. Just amazing the support Bernie has. A true grass roots candidate powered by the American People. A true American Patriot if ever there was one.

Give em hell Bernie!

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

Yeah, at $27 per average donation. Here's what he's up against:


Those donations to the state party coffers is how she buys the superdelegates.

Yup, Lord and Lady Voldemort have "gamed" this election with years and years of strategic thinking and planning, and years of clever relationship building and deal making with the DNC and other power structures.

You have to admire Hilary in so many ways. She is singularly motivated, cunning, clever, and focused on her goal, and always has been. She uses her vast human resources (including Bill) wisely and recruits the best and most strategic as members of her team and rewards loyalty.

She does all the things a model leader does except inspire confidence in her vision, which is contrived. That is her only downfall, her lack of trustworthiness and inability to inspire because we just don't trust her. We know she is only in this for the good of Lady Voldemort.

She does sound too much like a lawyer can sound at times, like the lawyer she in fact is.

It does help to get the desired attention and to clarify. I've never read her actual writing so maybe it's different.

First woman realistically running for Potus is gonna get a lot that's associated with the gender. Lookit Trump and women...it's looking like the turning point of Trump's campaign/riot he's been proliferating. No question Trump and so many of his supporters are misogynists. And it looks like this is what is bringing them down, finally.

Bernie has other issues but women aren't one of 'em. If Bernie had for instance been a registered Democrat he'd be doing a lot better in the primary campaign for the Democratic party nomination to be its candidate for Potus. Bernie says Hillary is getting "nervous" which means Bernie is getting desperate.

The vast majority of Bernie's supporters are enthusiastic because they share Bernie's views, not because they hate Hillary Clinton.

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On this we have to agree to disagree. Yes Bernie's supporters believe in the main as he does and they believe he will do the best he can as president to get America back on the correct track. No, that isn't all. Most despise Hillary and everything she represents. They know that no matter what she "promises" as she moves from the right back toward the center she will renege as soon as she is in office. She is a conniving evil neocon/neoliberal bitch that will stop at nothing in her quest for power. She could give a damn less about the people in the US. Those are reasons that many of his supporters probably will not be able to bring themselves to vote for her, including myself. Her nomination will cost the Democrats the Senate although the Republican potential nominees are so far out in right field la la land she will probably still win the presidency. While Obama didn't try to get anything done, it won't matter what Hillary does, 4 more years of Republican traitorous obstruction.

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On this we have to agree to disagree. Yes Bernie's supporters believe in the main as he does and they believe he will do the best he can as president to get America back on the correct track. No, that isn't all. Most despise Hillary and everything she represents. They know that no matter what she "promises" as she moves from the right back toward the center she will renege as soon as she is in office. She is a conniving evil neocon/neoliberal bitch that will stop at nothing in her quest for power. She could give a damn less about the people in the US. Those are reasons that many of his supporters probably will not be able to bring themselves to vote for her, including myself. Her nomination will cost the Democrats the Senate although the Republican potential nominees are so far out in right field la la land she will probably still win the presidency. While Obama didn't try to get anything done, it won't matter what Hillary does, 4 more years of Republican traitorous obstruction.

We agree on most things, but I can't agree with the sentences I enlarged above. I think you've been taking the pills that the Republican Attack Team have been distributing.

She's not evil, and she sincerely wants to help Americans fulfill their potential. Have you listened to any of her stump speeches? You don't have to like her as a person, but I think you can agree she knows the issues and can think on her feet. That's miles ahead of Trump the Angry Fwump. Personally, I like the idea of Sanders as POTUS, but would vote for HRC without hesitation if she's the Dem candidate.

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