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Over one million Indians visited Thailand in 2015


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Now let's see the double standards applied here whereby chinese tourists who don't tip are stingy etc are condemned to the skies while indians who act the same or even worse are praised as model tourists and all their bad behavior overlooked or ignored while it is the opposite for chinese tourists.

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There's something rather odd about this picture. It almost seems to be a photo of a group of westerners and a few Asians dressed up as Rajahs and Indian princes wearing sherwanis or similar at a photo shoot.

I can't see any saris or any corpulent Indian ladies. I may be wrong.

Perhaps someone with Indian experience and knowledge can offer a comment.

The elephant is obviously borrowed from the turban transit system.

The thing about indians is that they are a very big group of people with vastly different but yet similar cultures. In fact india as a country could be described as what europe would be like if it was a country.

Anyway if one was to group indians due to nationality rather than ethnicity or a traditional western stereotypical indian they range from the eastern/thai looking indians to the fair skinned farang looking type to the darkest types and there are many in between.

Anyway i have noticed that the typical stereotype a farang has of an indian is that of the farang looking type with fairer skin which is actually the minority that lives in the far north of india. The majority of them don't look like that. Think of mike myers as an indian guru in the movie love guru where he played an indian. He doesn't even look indian at all.

From that picture they do look like farangs dressed in indian clothing the thing about indians is that the darker skinned ones are grouped in the same manner as the more farang looking fairer skinned ones so they can live off each other's reputation.

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There's something rather odd about this picture. It almost seems to be a photo of a group of westerners and a few Asians dressed up as Rajahs and Indian princes wearing sherwanis or similar at a photo shoot.

I can't see any saris or any corpulent Indian ladies. I may be wrong.

Perhaps someone with Indian experience and knowledge can offer a comment.

The elephant is obviously borrowed from the turban transit system.

The thing about indians is that they are a very big group of people with vastly different but yet similar cultures. In fact india as a country could be described as what europe would be like if it was a country.

Anyway if one was to group indians due to nationality rather than ethnicity or a traditional western stereotypical indian they range from the eastern/thai looking indians to the fair skinned farang looking type to the darkest types and there are many in between.

Anyway i have noticed that the typical stereotype a farang has of an indian is that of the farang looking type with fairer skin which is actually the minority that lives in the far north of india. The majority of them don't look like that. Think of mike myers as an indian guru in the movie love guru where he played an indian. He doesn't even look indian at all.

From that picture they do look like farangs dressed in indian clothing the thing about indians is that the darker skinned ones are grouped in the same manner as the more farang looking fairer skinned ones so they can live off each other's reputation.

Fink it is an out take from the Beatles album photo..."Magical Mystery Tour"...laugh.png

Actually after a small search, I find it is a TAT photo. Now I get it.



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  • 3 weeks later...

You're not Thai, you posted another thread asking about visas as you're Singaporean. Your 9 posts so far have been heavily edited for extremist comments like the above calling for a genocide of an entire race just because you a few read newspaper reports about western guys behaving badly. As was pointed out to you before, the media mostly reports the bad stuff to get clicks, and you shouldn't extrapolate a conclusion from that.

Edited by seedy
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Interesting brand of vitriol from lavelle above. With such distaste for farang it's ironic she'd choose a username of French origin. Her flawless English however implies where she's from. So what's with pretending to be a local?

"You farangs".... Excuse-moi?

Edited by lamyai3
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Still not Thai, but whatever.

Not crying just pointing out it's a bit ironic to complain about messageboard racism and then become a hardcore neonazi calling for a genocide smile.png

This will all get deleted as it's off topic but start a thread in the offtopic section (called the Pub) it'll be funny. Or link us to your Stormfront profile.

Edited by seedy
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Interesting brand of vitriol from lavelle above. With such distaste for farang it's ironic she'd choose a username of French origin. Her flawless English however implies where she's from. So what's with pretending to be a local?

"You farangs".... Excuse-moi?

So? White trash like you get Buddhist and 'Om' tattoos all over your bodies in SEA (don't even get me started on Bali) even though you loathe us in our own countries. You indulge in yoga and all your hippie mumbo-jumbo shit from our cultures. Yet you wanna talk about my name? Lmao, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Shame I was just beginning to like you and you had to add an 'Lmao'.

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It's funny how you're focusing on all that I've said yet you've said nothing about the views expressed by some of your kin on here. Do you realise it endangers you and makes your life in Thailand more dangerous and less viable? Your survival here is tied to our perceptions of you. We're Buddhists, we don't go out of our way to be violent, but take a look at what happens when you push us to our limit... the Rohingyas. Your reputation in Thailand dangles by a thread as it is, so feel free to make more antagonistic remarks about us and we'll have the last laugh when we drive you out. Violently, if need be.

Haven't met a Thai yet who wants to expel or exterminate me because of the internet messageboard posts of others.

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I am rather disappointed that some members of this Forum have dignified the

disgusting diatribe by "lavelle1", with a measured response to her, and an even

tone. Her comments fittingly belong in the gutter, I believe, and may be

construed as "hate speech". They are not worthy of reply.

It seems to me that she suffers from a huge inferiority complex, possibly

conflicted by her uncertainty as to which politico-socio-economic group she ought

fit into, owing to her mixed heritage.

Not content to quietly work her own way through her difficulties, she has to wear her

insecurity and bitterness on her sleeve for all to see.

I would wish her well in subduing and laying these demons to rest.

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