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Is It Possible To Find True Love In Thailand?


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What is wrong with Thai men?

How much bandwidth we got? :D (j/k)

And people here wonder why Thai men hate farangs?

The only reason the post is still there is because 'kmart' did indicate that it was a joke.

Farangs do joke about other farangs too don't they?


When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.She had no toys. She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.She watched with a childs eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to reposess the refrigerator.She worked in the fields enduring scorpian bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 bhat needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck. She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I have never met a more brutally honest woman...and have no doubts about her feelings for me.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her.

That was a beautiful post 'pumpuiman'... congratulations on your relationship.


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Can you help restore my faith in Thai women?

Restore your faith in (Thai) women....??? :o

I would say: restore faith in yourself.

The point that you ask this question is a positive one, meaning that you are (albite slowly) opening-up yourself already.

It's not about (Thai) women; it's about yourself.

Once you have faith again in yourself...........................wait untill the world of beautiful, kind and 'really sincere' women open to YOU.

You will be amazed..............................amazed she'll probaly live around the corner where you are.

Good luck!

LaoPo :D

When you have faith in yourself you can give and give. The more you give the more happier your wife and her familiy will be.

My wife has 25 houses in her name and her nice brother has 6 houses in his name. Believe me they are happy and love me.

I have so much faith in myself I am buying them more houses this weekend.

I have faith in myself I am buying 7 more for them.

Edited by HenryB
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You will never find a perfect woman, in Thailand or anywhere else on earth. If you ever do find a perfect woman, she won't be interested in you, but will be looking for a perfect man. Anyone you pair up with, in Thailand or anywhere else on earth, will have problems and be less than the woman you dreamed of.

In the original post you said: "Im looking for a soulmate. Someone i can relate to on every level."

You won't find that anywhere. If you find someone you can relate to on half of the important levels you will be lucky. Read "How to stop looking for someone perfect and find someone to love".

Most women anywhere on earth think about how much money a man has, just as most men think about how good a woman looks. That is reality.

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When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.She had no toys. She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.She watched with a childs eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to reposess the refrigerator.She worked in the fields enduring scorpian bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 bhat needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck. She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I have never met a more brutally honest woman...and have no doubts about her feelings for me.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her.

What a touching story, I am touched.... Congratulations to you!! God will bless you both. :o

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You will never find a perfect woman, in Thailand or anywhere else on earth. If you ever do find a perfect woman, she won't be interested in you, but will be looking for a perfect man. Anyone you pair up with, in Thailand or anywhere else on earth, will have problems and be less than the woman you dreamed of.

In the original post you said: "Im looking for a soulmate. Someone i can relate to on every level."

You won't find that anywhere. If you find someone you can relate to on half of the important levels you will be lucky. Read "How to stop looking for someone perfect and find someone to love".

Most women anywhere on earth think about how much money a man has, just as most men think about how good a woman looks. That is reality.

Wow.. why are you so bitter? you are a very cynical dude..... have a caring and loving heart to everthing around you, love will arrive to you without you noticing it... :o

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I've been in Thailand for almost 2 years and whilst i find Thai ladies extremely attractive i am becoming disillusioned with the attitude of many. Whilst I didn't come here to look for ladies im not getting any younger and id like to find a lady to settle down with and build a life together. However, a pretty face is not enough for me. Im looking for a soulmate. Someone i can relate to on every level. Someone i can talk to about current affairs, sports, travel or whatever it might be. From my experience thus far im not so sure that i see my long term future with a Thai lady any longer.

I have met all sorts of ladies since ive been here both educated and uneducated. Many work in bars, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, banks or other financial companies. I have met university students and ladies who have travelled extensively outside Thailand. The message i am getting from all of them is quite clear.

"I want to marry a farang".

"Why only a farang" i ask.

"They take care very good".


"They have more money".

Before i came to Thailand i believed in true love. Loving someone for who they are and not what they had. For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. When i looked at a potential partner the amount of money they made was honestly bottom of the list. Now i have a serious question. How many who have Thai wives honestly believe their wife would stay with them if they lost everything they had? How many of you met your wife before you became financially successful?

Im not even against the idea of financially taking care of someone if they are taking good care of me. I want them to enter the relationship for the right reasons though. A lot of people have told me that Thai ladies are really good at taking care of their husbands. They cook, clean and do everything in the home. They never lift a finger they say. I have to tell you that this is not my experience here in Bangkok. The majority are lazy and do not expect to do anything in the home.

Im slowly losing hope that i can find what im looking for in Thailand so im begging you Thai visa users. Can you help restore my faith in Thai women? Have you had a different experience to me? Im really interested to hear your views.

How successful were you at finding "lovable" women in your own home country? What have you done to make yourself more "lovable" to Thai women? Do you speak Thai? Do you understand the culture? I could go on and on. Perhaps you need to take a closer look at yourself instead of criticizing Thai women.

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Wow.. why are you so bitter? you are a very cynical dude..... have a caring and loving heart to everthing around you, love will arrive to you without you noticing it... :o

I think you missunderstood my post and my point. The point is that we learn to love people with all their imperfections. All human beings have problems and imperfections. If we can just accept that and love people the way they are we can be much happier.

I have been with the same woman for 10 years. We love each other very much, but both of us understand how flawed we are. We love each other anyway. Admiting our flaws and weaknesses is the beginning of humility and makes love possible.

Does that make sense? I tried to say it in a different way in this post. If the original post sounded bitter and cynical it is because I did not express myself well.

Edited by tc101
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