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Lies and videotapes: Uninsured Aussie tourist finds himself in hot water


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What kind of rental bike costs $5000 to fix?

If it wasn't a 650cc kawasaki or something similar has getting raped by that rental company....

Look at Nathan's huge cosmetic muscles. He wouldn't be seen riding anything less than one of those huge cosmetic Harleys.

Yup, he's quite the narcissist show-off, isn't he?

Sorry, don't wish ill of anyone but this is surely a case of som nam na.

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If the population of much of the world were more informed and did a little research on ''ripoffs in much of Asia as well as the lack of support you can expect when you are screwed, the only tourists you can expect are as ruthless and uncaring as those hosting / making a living from them. Both groups would probably fit the profile of most of the worlds prison populations in many cases.That may be why many long time expats are considered 'grumpy old folks'' as they have experienced the decline in quality of both groups over the years, thus are not trusting or tolerent of many who try to strike up a conversastion.

Nah, mate the Russians have pretty well gone ...

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Body improvement but taking roids?


Nathan was holidaying in Phuket on a so-called body improvement programme, reports News.com.au, taking growth hormones and steroids and wooing the local women in his spare time.

Yup, developing large muscles, but that obviously didn't extend to his brain - or his genitalia, If what I read on Facebook is correct. Let's just say that people there are saying they were pointed at the wrong gender ...

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He doesnt look like the sharpest tool in the shed does he?

Cops moved fast to bring the scam into play.. Seize his passport and pay now farang !

Australians have been constantly warned in the media about rental scams in LOS but no-ones listening.

Not the main point, but I wonder how many characters like this ever read a newspaper or ever watch a TV news service either at home or abroad.

My guess is close to zero. Therefore totally uninformed about everything.

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Lets say you had an old expired passport or dual nat, could you get away with handing the one that you didnt enter TH on over to the hire place?

The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

Most of the time when on anabolic steroids your sex drive goes insane and you feel invincible

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Lets say you had an old expired passport or dual nat, could you get away with handing the one that you didnt enter TH on over to the hire place?

The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

Most of the time when on anabolic steroids your sex drive goes insane and you feel invincible

Also your heart is a muscle and can double in size, but you don't have enough blood to feed it. My good friend and work colleague took steroids and was dead at 33 with all his internal organs failing.

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Lets say you had an old expired passport or dual nat, could you get away with handing the one that you didnt enter TH on over to the hire place?

The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

Most of the time when on anabolic steroids your sex drive goes insane and you feel invincible

and have sex with camels?

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Please correct me if I am wrong:

An accident on a motorbike makes null and void your "travel Insurance"

If the answer is "yes" .. can the Thai Visa "I have no pity or compassion foe a young guy who was in a bad accident ... he should have insurance" ... peanut gallery ... kindly clam up for a change?

What is wrong with you bitter old bar flies?? Taking pleasure in this guy's misery?

Really, get a freakin' life.


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The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

Seems you have no knowledge of beef juice and sundries and their side affects or the systems in place to avoid the side affects,

Lots of stuff out there to keep things working as normal while on the juice, but hey maybe it wasn't a beef tour but a cutting tour???

Possibly get some more info first big fell.

By the way all the info is quite freely available if you take the time too look, not a requirement to be on the gear to know how it works. Cheers.

$5,000 for the bike? ok not a scooter, also not just scooters for hire on Samui/Phuket, average repair's on average bingle is 3,000/5,000k baht,

Come on, this is Thaivisa why would he need to have real knowledge before he flaps his gums.

If you know your stuff there is not that much risk for your sex life unless you overdo stuff and don't do good PCT.

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Please correct me if I am wrong:

An accident on a motorbike makes null and void your "travel Insurance"

If the answer is "yes" .. can the Thai Visa "I have no pity or compassion foe a young guy who was in a bad accident ... he should have insurance" ... peanut gallery ... kindly clam up for a change?

What is wrong with you bitter old bar flies?? Taking pleasure in this guy's misery?

Really, get a freakin' life.


If your an obvious <deleted> like this guy, and your going to ride a motorbike while holidaying in Thailand either get proper motorbike orientated insurance or have a $100k credit card or two to bail yourself out if your not licensed and the shit hits the fan

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If it isn't bad enough having the Australian government disgracing the country from the top down, with it's cruel handling of asylum seekers and anti-environment policies, we also have sh*t-for-brain twerps like this, embarrassing the country from the ground up. How incredibly ugly he is.

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What kind of rental bike costs $5000 to fix?

If it wasn't a 650cc kawasaki or something similar has getting raped by that rental company....

There is a large motorcycle rental company there

near the center of town. In a conversation with the

owner about 10 years ago, he admitted he made

more money off of " repairs" than the rental of the


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....the vehicle must have insurance....

...the rest....

...people are advertising fitness packages....etc...etc....

...take them up on their offer at your own risk....since nothing seems regulated....???

...more of the rest...not enough details to form an opinion....

...maybe the photo does not help his image...or his case.....

... what does the T.V. Program crew say....???

...all rather thrown together...difficult to follow...

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Immigration should put this up in all offices as the poster boy for the type of tourist they do not want. \

If a Tourist cannot show that they have insurance that covers motorbikes, SCUBA diving, tree canopy visits, bunji jumping, alcohol poisoning, to name a few, then the government should price such risks and make sure that everyone can get health care. I think they will find that the standard travel insurance does not cover these things.

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"Please correct me if I am wrong:

An accident on a motorbike makes null and void your "travel Insurance""

Depends and it varies from company to company. I take out 8 months cover at a time and you have to read the Exclusions carefully. Some wont cover bike riding at all, some want a home country bike licence, some also want a holiday country licence, some restrict to 125cc etc etc

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Lets say you had an old expired passport or dual nat, could you get away with handing the one that you didnt enter TH on over to the hire place?

The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

Most of the time when on anabolic steroids your sex drive goes insane and you feel invincible

and have sex with camels?

If you can stand the spit

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What kind of rental bike costs $5000 to fix?

If it wasn't a 650cc kawasaki or something similar has getting raped by that rental company....

Look at Nathan's huge cosmetic muscles. He wouldn't be seen riding anything less than one of those huge cosmetic Harleys.

Well, sure. He needs something of substance between his legs.

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