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What up with the contempt for poor people?


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I have no idea but it seems that years ago people were are smiling and friendly to each other regardless of financial status but nowadays it becoming quite tough especially when you are a struggling employee. I noticed the difference of treatment of a hi so and a normal customer in several department stores. This should not be happening because normal people spend money too and why look angry when someone pays a coke with 14 Baht in coins and be polite to somebody who buys this same coke with his gold card.

I do not understand this new mentality.

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Nothing has changed. Sales staff are aspirational and want to be like the customers who can afford to go shopping. They also learn to focus their time on people who are more likely to improve their sales performance for the month.

I was in Home Pro yesterday for the first time in months but the girl who helped me with my last purchase ignored other customers and came directly to me. She rightly figured there was a better chance I was actually going to buy something and wasn’t just looking around.
As for ThaiVisa, I read at least as many anti-hiso comments as I do anti-slob comments.
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The motorcycle taxi guys look at me with contempt when I pay for their 25 Baht service in one Baht coins. You would think they should be grateful that I am providing change they can use with future customers.

The 7/11 cashiers smile gratefully when I pay for my stuff using coins, but the people in the queue behind me look at me in contempt - while the cashier counts my coins.

What am I doing wrong?

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Is it new? i though rich people always looked down on poor people.

Understood but middle class or poor people should not be looked down at by department store staff. Is the 500 Baht of the non hiso worth less?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

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Is it new? i though rich people always looked down on poor people.

Understood but middle class or poor people should not be looked down at by department store staff. Is the 500 Baht of the non hiso worth less?

Or maybe you just have a chip on your shoulder and misread the expressions and attitudes of others.

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The motorcycle taxi guys look at me with contempt when I pay for their 25 Baht service in one Baht coins. You would think they should be grateful that I am providing change they can use with future customers.

The 7/11 cashiers smile gratefully when I pay for my stuff using coins, but the people in the queue behind me look at me in contempt - while the cashier counts my coins.

What am I doing wrong?

giving a s**t

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drronnie, rather than look at what you perceive to be Thai attitudes on this matter, which any case rely on interpreting often subtle behaviours in a culture that is not your own, look at the attitudes to the poor here on TVF.

This forum has a very special form of bile and disdain for anyone who falls on hard times or god forbid resorts to begging.

Trawl through the posts referencing 'faring/expat begged/living rough/can't afford medical care .. etc'

You'll see the worst of TVF in all its glory.

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drronnie, rather than look at what you perceive to be Thai attitudes on this matter, which any case rely on interpreting often subtle behaviours in a culture that is not your own, look at the attitudes to the poor here on TVF.

This forum has a very special form of bile and disdain for anyone who falls on hard times or god forbid resorts to begging.

Trawl through the posts referencing 'faring/expat begged/living rough/can't afford medical care .. etc'

You'll see the worst of TVF in all its glory.

I do disagree on some posts you made and that is my prerogative.

However, I do agree with you, with regards to this post and I am sure there are some that have replied with disgust at the OP and yet snub their noses at expats on hard times, due to inflicted or unforeseen circumstances

As for the OP, I do think there is a tradition of respect for hierarchy that may not be well founded, but could possibly be as a result of the historical status of the people of Thailand that has yet to be "washed off"

Thai TV does emphasize upper and lower classes with some force (IMHO)... whether its done on purpose or not, can be left to the conspiracy theorists

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My last experience with a hiso involved her pushing past 8 or 9 other customers and me to get to be served first. I observed her gleaming black Merc outside. Double parked it in a virtual one lane soi with traffic struggling to get past..

It was my turn to be served, only wanted a pack of ciggies and a lighter - left mine at home by mistake.

She pushes through and plants herself to my right, thrusts her small basket of purchases actually over my shoulder and on the counter in front of me. She barely opens her mouth before I firmly (but accidentally whistling.gif ) stepped on her left foot. Open toed jobs, probably Gucci.

She gives off a slight squeal, I offer a profound apology in my best Thai, and string on the end of my apology a request for a packet of LM ciggies and a lighter to the cashier.

The cashier served me with the biggest smirk I've ever seen from a Thai as she served me and gave me change, and the hiso woman stood there with her mouth agape, before she strung off a few lines at me in Thai that I figure were far from flattering.

I understood enough to know that she said she was a Thai Lady,I have no manners and was a rude Falang.

I gave her a "mai sohn jai" and flicked the imaginary hair underneath my ear a la a classic Thai soapy as I exited. The ten or so people at the counter were all fit to bust themselves laughing - the widest Thai grins you've ever seen.

LM Ciggies 66 Baht.

Lighter 12 Baht.

The look on the hiso girls face, priceless.

The icing on the cake - as I was leaving there was a sidecar vendor squeezing his bike through the narrow gap left by the Merc, his roof support smacked off her drivers side mirror. Needless to say, he did a runner.

I took the back way to where I was going, checking my mirrors continuously for a maniacal Gucci shoe wearing hiso driving a one mirrored black Merc with evil intentions on her mind. tongue.png

Some days are just so good!! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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The motorcycle taxi guys look at me with contempt when I pay for their 25 Baht service in one Baht coins. You would think they should be grateful that I am providing change they can use with future customers.

The 7/11 cashiers smile gratefully when I pay for my stuff using coins, but the people in the queue behind me look at me in contempt - while the cashier counts my coins.

What am I doing wrong?

Buying the marked down spring onions in little Lotus at 2200 with a paw full of 25 Satang coins excites pity. I find it kind of charming. It's like little boys sticking their arm out of the window of a car when you know it's hurting them to reach up, but they're starring in their own movie and can't pass up the opportunity to pose and sneer. You feel like saying, "If I told you my net worth it would blow your cerebral cortex", but of course that feeling is just as bone and (in the literal sense) pathetic as the sneering.

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Nothing has changed. Sales staff are aspirational and want to be like the customers who can afford to go shopping. They also learn to focus their time on people who are more likely to improve their sales performance for the month.

I was in Home Pro yesterday for the first time in months but the girl who helped me with my last purchase ignored other customers and came directly to me. She rightly figured there was a better chance I was actually going to buy something and wasnt just looking around.

As for ThaiVisa, I read at least as many anti-hiso comments as I do anti-slob comments.

Hi villagefarang, I think the example you gave about Home Pro, giving you preferential treatment is a good one, and I also see that it supports the OP argument, that money/hi so talks, because many Thais automatically regard farangs as being far richer than the locals. We'd be in denial if we said we didn't know this and possibly take advantage of it sometimes.

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POOR people dont buy Coke and if they do they arent poor, many of the "poor" arent really, just substitute " poor" for "bone idle"

Coke and Pepsi are the cheapest drinks available in Thailand at around 20bht/l.

If they aren't for the poor, then who are they for?

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drronnie, rather than look at what you perceive to be Thai attitudes on this matter, which any case rely on interpreting often subtle behaviours in a culture that is not your own, look at the attitudes to the poor here on TVF.

This forum has a very special form of bile and disdain for anyone who falls on hard times or god forbid resorts to begging.

Trawl through the posts referencing 'faring/expat begged/living rough/can't afford medical care .. etc'

You'll see the worst of TVF in all its glory.

It's always worth remembering the old adage "There but for the grace of God go I. Which should be repeated daily by those short on Empathy.

I have seen many people in my life,who thought they were untouchable,a few bad investments,acrimonious divorce,serious downturn in business,and empathy takes

on a new meaning,never say it will not happen to me !

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Just wondering where you have been up to now that you haven't noticed this before......lots of people with some kind of "inferiority complex, or low self esteem" have always looked up to celebrities, people in powerful positions....and the rich....it's mainly people who are not secure in their own skins. However, this is not a criticism of said people, we are all the direct result of our past experiences and unfortunately many people have had bad ones.

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Nothing has changed. Sales staff are aspirational and want to be like the customers who can afford to go shopping. They also learn to focus their time on people who are more likely to improve their sales performance for the month.

I was in Home Pro yesterday for the first time in months but the girl who helped me with my last purchase ignored other customers and came directly to me. She rightly figured there was a better chance I was actually going to buy something and wasnt just looking around.

As for ThaiVisa, I read at least as many anti-hiso comments as I do anti-slob comments.

Hi villagefarang, I think the example you gave about Home Pro, giving you preferential treatment is a good one, and I also see that it supports the OP argument, that money/hi so talks, because many Thais automatically regard farangs as being far richer than the locals. We'd be in denial if we said we didn't know this and possibly take advantage of it sometimes.

Isn’t it just common sense for sales staff to use their intuition when choosing who they spend their time on? It also makes sense for us to play the Thai game since we live here.

We know appearances are important here so why go out looking like a homeless person unless you want people to avoid you. People are not equal and things are not fair, never have been and never will be. You can learn to play this very simple game here in Thailand or you can sit and complain about life being unfair.
You are correct that farangs are given a head-start in Thailand and need to work hard at tarnishing the esteem lavished upon us. Sure we have all heard stories of misbehaving people of means but considering the small numbers of people in the upper and the large number in lower income brackets, my guess is there are plenty of stories to be told of misbehaving have-nots.
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We know appearances are important here so why go out looking like a homeless person unless you want people to avoid you. People are not equal and things are not fair, never have been and never will be. You can learn to play this very simple game here in Thailand or you can sit and complain about life being unfair.

What do homeless people in Thailand look like?

And is your idea of a homeless person the same as a Thais idea of a homeless person?

Most of the old losers posting here think sandals and socks are the way to go ........

Ever seen a Thai person wearing sandals and socks?

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On a recent trip down the Mekong I came to admire the poor(er) hill tribe people. I'll take them any day over the uptight, stuck up, HiSo POS that walk around. The others, scratching to stay alive are my favorite people. I appreciate people who like what they have. I also like the 50 cent millonaires. The others are coal and I have nothing foe them.

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We know appearances are important here so why go out looking like a homeless person unless you want people to avoid you. People are not equal and things are not fair, never have been and never will be. You can learn to play this very simple game here in Thailand or you can sit and complain about life being unfair.

What do homeless people in Thailand look like?

And is your idea of a homeless person the same as a Thais idea of a homeless person?

Most of the old losers posting here think sandals and socks are the way to go ........

Ever seen a Thai person wearing sandals and socks?

Whatever image comes to mind is fine with me. I suppose I had an image in mind when I made the comment but others are free to come up with their own images.

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