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Foreigners who brag about their status in Thailand

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These guys are the great pretenders they can not afford a comfortable retirement in their home country .My folks would not consider retiring in a 3rd world toilet.

the obvious pure stupidity of your posting is the reason why i don't report you for clearly violating forum rule #11.

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If I were to brag about my status, i would brag that I don't need to live in Thailand!

no expat "needs" to live in Thailand. it's just that some people prefer it to other countries.

but i'm sure a lot of people can't afford to live in Thailand because they depend on welfare and health care of their nanny countries. that's nothing to brag about.

Edited by Naam
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These guys are the great pretenders they can not afford a comfortable retirement in their home country .My folks would not consider retiring in a 3rd world toilet.

I have to laugh at this. No offence to the poster but I think I understand what he is trying to get at about being able to afford to retire in your home country but... Many retirees like and prefer to retire in warmer climates. Many retirees have always wanted to get away from home and had a job and family keep them from it. Now is their chance to see the big world. For your own education purposes google the list or 3rd world countries and be amazed what county is not on said list. Your folks are most likely happy where they are but just because they are does not mean other peoples folks are.

not to forget that a number of retirees finance their very comfortable life style (and more) with the taxes they don't pay in their home country.

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I've also never see them brag about how wealthy they are, it are always others that write how wealthy those people are.

But I see at least 3 members, who's names are visible on this page, do this frequently.

TV ought to create a special forum for these guys. The "TV Elite forum" or some such. So they won't have to deal with the riffraff. To be a member you need to verify your net worth.

Then again maybe there ought to be a "Cheap Charlie" forum as well. Again, net worth verified.

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I've also never see them brag about how wealthy they are, it are always others that write how wealthy those people are.

But I see at least 3 members, who's names are visible on this page, do this frequently.

TV ought to create a special forum for these guys. The "TV Elite forum" or some such. So they won't have to deal with the riffraff. To be a member you need to verify your net worth.

Then again maybe there ought to be a "Cheap Charlie" forum as well. Again, net worth verified.

Then you may also want to add a "Cheap Charlies who brag about their ability to find the cheapest things and cheapest places with the cheapest service" forum? There are a number of these too ;)

Edited by gerry1011
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  • 1 month later...

To add to the truth in this I look at lots of the guys I worked and work with in the oil field. While they are not seen as considerably rich a good few of them did or do earn well over $250k a year. Work 6 months a year for that no less. So that leaves 6 months onshore with an income of $250K and quite a few manage to piss it all away by the end of their months off. Now we are mid oil crisis and it has only been one year and most I know are frantically selling their stuff to try to make it through. No longer going out and locked away in their homes to save every cent they have left.

When I was but a wee young roughneck we had a phrase for those guys. " King for a day. Fool for a life time " Cheers to the oil crisis bringing a bit of normality back into the world.

In an economic downturn "rig-pigs" are the last lot I'd have any pitty on.....Go to Fort Mac these days and find sweet deals on Harleys, boats, trucks, quads et..Blue collar tend to spend on unessential things...work hard(ya,right),play hard......yawn... coffee1.gif

Edited by HaleySabai
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Talking of bragging...

I mean I am a poor schmuck and have managed to earn myself a diamond membership at Hilton staying in hotels here because they are so cheap.

From the OP.

That is what is called a "humble" brag. Poor schmucks don't stay at the Hilton.

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The OP is seriously jealous of those who have a lifestyle he cannot afford.

Oops! I'm out of champaigne - better get the Ferrari fired up and go to the shops.

I usually just tell the butler to take the Aston.

My butler would be seeking new employment if he ever let me get even close to running out of champagne! I mean how hard is it to call in the helicopter from France once or twice a week?

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There is a problem in this thread...

I don't think we have the same understanding of what is "being rich".

For me, someone who works and make 250k dollars a year is not rich. But he may appear extremely wealthy in the eyes of others I guess.

Shall we concentrate on the real rich please? It's much funnier :)

Please do tell me what is real rich??

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There is a problem in this thread...

I don't think we have the same understanding of what is "being rich".

For me, someone who works and make 250k dollars a year is not rich. But he may appear extremely wealthy in the eyes of others I guess.

Shall we concentrate on the real rich please? It's much funnier smile.png

Please do tell me what is real rich??

Gates, Zuckerberg, Slim, Prince Waleed bin-Talal al-Saud just to name a few.

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gerry1011, on 22 Feb 2016 - 14:11, said:snapback.png

There is a problem in this thread...

I don't think we have the same understanding of what is "being rich".

For me, someone who works and make 250k dollars a year is not rich. But he may appear extremely wealthy in the eyes of others I guess.

someone who does NOT work and makes 250k Dollars p.a. is also not rich. he is just "well-off".

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And you with your mercedes slc, 70inch 124k tv, indoor swimming pool and all other things you might have can be labeled as a very poor guy comparing to gates. Rich is thus relative. For me rich is someone who is totally satisfied with what he got. :)

Edited by George Harmony
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And you with your mercedes slc, 70inch 124k tv, indoor swimming pool and all other things you might have can be labeled as a very poor guy comparing to gates. Rich is thus relative. For me rich is someone who is totally satisfied with what he got. :)

"Someone rich is someone who is totally satisfied with what he got" is a rather romantic definition of being "rich". Even if rather true too.

Rich is indeed relative and depends on one's perspective, as well as one's background and/or achievements in life.

What is certain is that most people will never be rich enough. The yacht could be even bigger, a bigger garage could be built for more sports cars, Citation Latitude is still small compared to other models, what about one more house, winning horses, etc...

Most of us are only humans and always want more.

For me, making 250,000 usd per year, working or not, is certainly not being "rich". Not at all. Far from it.

But, if someone can be happy in life with only that, how wonderful :)

Wealth should be used to be happy, whatever the amount is :)

(And for those who consider themselves "rich", don't forget to share a bit, and make good use of your wealth to make others happy too).

Edited by gerry1011
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Gerry, one day I hope you share how you made your fortunes. I honestly hope it's not from the vault of the bank of mom and dad as that would be disappointing. Is it too late to amass a sick amount of money at 43 without slaving in the middle east? I'd doing ok, but definitely not living to the fullest. I remain hopeful.

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And you with your mercedes slc, 70inch 124k tv, indoor swimming pool and all other things you might have can be labeled as a very poor guy comparing to gates. Rich is thus relative. For me rich is someone who is totally satisfied with what he got. smile.png

"Someone rich is someone who is totally satisfied with what he got" is a rather romantic definition of being "rich". Even if rather true too.

Rich is indeed relative and depends on one's perspective, as well as one's background and/or achievements in life.

What is certain is that most people will never be rich enough. The yacht could be even bigger, a bigger garage could be built for more sports cars, Citation Latitude is still small compared to other models, what about one more house, winning horses, etc...

Most of us are only humans and always want more.

For me, making 250,000 usd per year, working or not, is certainly not being "rich". Not at all. Far from it.

But, if someone can be happy in life with only that, how wonderful smile.png

Wealth should be used to be happy, whatever the amount is smile.png

(And for those who consider themselves "rich", don't forget to share a bit, and make good use of your wealth to make others happy too).

Lovely post gerry1011.

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And you with your mercedes slc, 70inch 124k tv, indoor swimming pool and all other things you might have can be labeled as a very poor guy comparing to gates. Rich is thus relative. For me rich is someone who is totally satisfied with what he got. smile.png

"Someone rich is someone who is totally satisfied with what he got" is a rather romantic definition of being "rich". Even if rather true too.

Rich is indeed relative and depends on one's perspective, as well as one's background and/or achievements in life.

What is certain is that most people will never be rich enough. The yacht could be even bigger, a bigger garage could be built for more sports cars, Citation Latitude is still small compared to other models, what about one more house, winning horses, etc...

Most of us are only humans and always want more.

For me, making 250,000 usd per year, working or not, is certainly not being "rich". Not at all. Far from it.

But, if someone can be happy in life with only that, how wonderful smile.png

Wealth should be used to be happy, whatever the amount is smile.png

(And for those who consider themselves "rich", don't forget to share a bit, and make good use of your wealth to make others happy too).

Lovely post gerry1011.

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For me, making 250,000 usd per year, working or not, is certainly not being "rich". Not at all. Far from it.

Rich=relative. If this 250k income belongs to lets say the top 1-5% income in his country he can be labeled as rich in that country, no matter wether an individual labels him as poor or well-off.

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For me, making 250,000 usd per year, working or not, is certainly not being "rich". Not at all. Far from it.

Rich=relative. If this 250k income belongs to lets say the top 1-5% income in his country he can be labeled as rich in that country, no matter wether an individual labels him as poor or well-off.
250k is top 3% in USA as of 2012. Top 1% is 400k I believe.


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For me, making 250,000 usd per year, working or not, is certainly not being "rich". Not at all. Far from it.

Rich=relative. If this 250k income belongs to lets say the top 1-5% income in his country he can be labeled as rich in that country, no matter wether an individual labels him as poor or well-off.

250k from a one time inheritance, winning a lottery or an investment gain means the person is still poor.

correct is "rich=relative". most probably our domestic staff thinks we are rich. i think we are poor because we can neither afford to buy a Learjet nor a 300' yacht. and when there is a power cut our electric gate does not work and the pool pump stops.

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Herr Naam,

Stated clearly income and investment gains can also be considered as income if its yearly 250k and taxable. Many in NL put their investment gains in a lifetime pension.

and i thought you have ups for your electric gate. Even many small railway gates in indonesia are solar powered. Sure you can afford extra arrangement to open your gate in case of power outage. And dont forget to check the battery in the remote, otherwise it does not work either hahahahaha

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Gerry, one day I hope you share how you made your fortunes. I honestly hope it's not from the vault of the bank of mom and dad as that would be disappointing. Is it too late to amass a sick amount of money at 43 without slaving in the middle east? I'd doing ok, but definitely not living to the fullest. I remain hopeful.

I reassure you, I have nothing to do with the "vault of the bank of mom and dad" :)

Most people make money without taking advantage of others (I guess).

Edited by gerry1011
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Herr Naam,

Stated clearly income and investment gains can also be considered as income if its yearly 250k and taxable. Many in NL put their investment gains in a lifetime pension.

and i thought you have ups for your electric gate. Even many small railway gates in indonesia are solar powered. Sure you can afford extra arrangement to open your gate in case of power outage. And dont forget to check the battery in the remote, otherwise it does not work either hahahahaha

my wife's driver opens the gate manually without any need for solar power tongue.png

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There is a problem in this thread...


Shall we concentrate on the real rich please? It's much funnier :)

Ok,any thaivisa member owns a yacht like this with landing space for helicopter?


Edited by George Harmony
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There is a problem in this thread...

Shall we concentrate on the real rich please? It's much funnier smile.png

Ok,any thaivisa member owns a yacht like this with landing space for helicopter?

if the yacht is solar powered (12V DC) then it must be yours.

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