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Stickman Weekly 31/1 - Clarification of why Immigration Challenge Some Visa Exempt Entries

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Apologies if this has been posted/asked before (I did do a couple of searches & couldn't find anything) but noticed this in Stickman's 31st January piece & wondered if it had been confirmed/refuted by any other source...

"Finally, there is some clarification on why some people are getting challenged at Immigration after visiting the country a number of times on visa waiver stamps. There had been much confusion because some people reported being asked questions after x number of visits while others claimed to have visited just as many times without so much as a word said. A visa run company advises that the Immigration computer system has a system alert feature which flags any traveller who has spent 90 days or more in Thailand in a calendar year on visa waiver stamps. It would seem that the number of entries someone makes to Thailand on such stamps is not relevant - but the total period of time spent in country is. If a flag comes up it seems the Immigration officer must ascertain your reasons for visiting and then has to make the decision whether to allow you entry or not. It seems that generally they will tell you that this time it's ok but next time you enter you must have a visa. I am not aware of anything official being announced by Immigration nor does there appear to be anything in the Immigration Act about it - but then there needn't be. Anyone who spends so much time in a country other than their own should expect to be asked about their travel plans. This applies only for time spent in Thailand on visa waiver stamps i.e. those who arrive without a visa. If you have a visa in your passport this does not count towards the 90 days in a calendar year and there won't be an alert".

(I'm one of those people who have entered 8 or 9 times in one year, once for 4 weeks, once for 10 days but the rest mainly 2 or 3 days & so total comfortably less than 90 days & never been questioned of had the IO look particularly closely at my Passport).

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  • The flag system has been known about for some time but the trigger has been unconfirmed.

Some land borders are limiting visa exempt entries to 90 days in a year so it would make sense that the flagging system follows that same rule.

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