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Family of murdered Hannah Witheridge pleaded with her to not go backpacking in Thailand


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Right now 2 young Burmese men are sitting in a Thai jail convicted for crimes that they may or may not have committed. There is an appeal in the works by their defense team. I don't know what's in it, but my guess is they won't be mentioning spear guns or races run in stadiums with the lights out.

My guess would be that you're correct Mr. Crabs, but shall we at least credit them with being able to identify an analogy when they see one?

I would also guess that they won't be mentioning the glaring errors in a certain person's alibi video, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be, nor does it mean that nobody else is...

I'm sure you will appreciate this - from Prince's Raspberry Beret... Enjoy!:

I was working part time in a five-and-dime

My boss was Mr. McGee

He told me several times that he didn't like my kind

'Cause I was a bit too leisurely

Seems that I was busy doing something close to nothing

But different than the day before

That's when I saw her, ooh, I saw her

She walked in through the out door, out door

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Right now 2 young Burmese men are sitting in a Thai jail convicted for crimes that they may or may not have committed. There is an appeal in the works by their defense team. I don't know what's in it, but my guess is they won't be mentioning spear guns or races run in stadiums with the lights out.

My guess would be that you're correct Mr. Crabs, but shall we at least credit them with being able to identify an analogy when they see one?

I would also guess that they won't be mentioning the glaring errors in a certain person's alibi video, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be, nor does it mean that nobody else is...

< snip Prince >

I watched it. No smoking gun. No interviews with Nok Air flight attendants about seeing frequent flier that morning.

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Undercover Asia S3 - EP7

Murder In Paradise


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Google Chrome apparently has a built in 'overlay blocker' but for Firefox users you can install an add-on called 'BehindTheOverlay' which places a button into your browser. Any time an overlay appears just press the button and it will be banished, leaving you to access the content you actually wanted.

Once the overlay is gone the video will play just the same as on any flash video website, no Silverlight required!

Trust me, this post won't just help you access the video in the link, it will greatly enhance your quality of browsing life across the whole internet thumbsup.gif

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You are at risk to be kill in ANY country you know nothing about...just offending its culture, getting into a vain argument, going wrong places, or just having to much fun! For most locals, tourist are not welcome, or are targets of violence and scams.

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greenchair, on 01 Mar 2016 - 06:47, said:

Isn't there a word limit of 200 words per post jimmybkk.

If not there certainly should.

I'm so sorry, though I value your excellent post, I was not able to get through as I only have one hour for lunch.


Pity you can't read as well as the rest of us. Bless..... giggle.gif

That was a nice morning laugh. Hehe.

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Wei Phyo went to the 7/11 around 11 pm. He purchased an expensive brand of ciggerette and a bottle of wine. He and his mates sat and played guitar, in the place that was exactly the path that Hannah must take to get to her room, and a few meters away from where she was found. The Muang Muang left wearing Wei Phyo long sleeved shirt because he was cold, but strangely changed into shorts, because he originally was wearing jeans. Wei Phyo and Zaw Lin then went swimming at around 2AM even though it was cold and raining. Wei Phyo did not want to get Muang Muang shirt wet so took it off before swimming. After swimming they see that the tshirt had been stolen. They then went home, but for some reason Wei Phyo left his shoes behind. Then suddenly at about 3.30 am Muang leaves his girlfriend and goes to the boys room and wakes them up. At 4am they go back to the beach to look for the guitar and Wei Phyo shoes. At that time Wei Phyo says he just happened to see a phone on the beach. But when he gave it to his friend, he lied and said it was from the restaurant. His friend heard about the murders, and asked Wei Phyo where the phone came from. Wei Phyo then told the truth, that it came from the beach. Ren Ren then destroyed the phone and hid it behind their lodgings.

The wine bottle which is the same brand they bought was at the crime scene. The ciggerette butts that were the same brand they bought were found a meters from the scene with hannah dna on it. The time of death was anywhere between 2am and 5.30 am. They were not all tucked up in bed a 2am as Andy would have us believe.

The police had reasonable grounds to present a case to the court even without dna.

How did Hannah's DNA get on the cigarette but, she was a non smoker and who said it was her DNA? Do not say the Thai police said it was her DNA because no one on this site will believe you if you say that. They have been further discredited by the documentary shown tonight on Singapore TV.

That is right how did her dna get on their ciggerette butts?

Now her dna was found on those butts long before the b2 were ever arrested, so it's no good saying the rtp put it there to frame them. The rtp get discredited because conspiracy theories continue to use half a story to substantiate their claim. Such as avoiding scrutiny of how Wei Phyo came to have David's phone and Wei Phyo going back to the crime scene to collect his shoes at 4am or there abouts. The truth shall set you free. Not hiding behind it with human rights stories and other deaths that are nothing to do with this case. Guilty as sin. Both of them.

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1.00 am MM was seen on CCTV on the motorbike at 1am

1.26am David is recorded walking from the club AC

1.56am Returns to Club AC

3am-4am Friends say David & Hannah left club according to police.

3.44am running man

4.00 am WP testified that he was out looking for his clothes

4.30 am MM is seen on CCTV

4.49 am Running Man

4.51 .25 big beard man with woman

5.40am "O testified he found bodies must have called Mon

5.30am Doctor Testified this was the estimated time of the deaths.


Mon must have called Sergeant Major Apichet Cherdguea

5.55 approx arrival time Sergeant Major Apichet Cherdguea

6.10 am O was approached by the resort’s boss and a policeman who told him to put on a pair of gloves and return it to the scene, which he did.

6.30am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao, said he received a call by a fellow officer.

6.35am Police Lieutenant Jakkapan Kaewkao arrived at the beach and swiftly cordoned off the area.

8.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat comes to the scene.

9.00 am Dr Chasit Yoohat left the scene

10am Dr Chasit Yoohat returned when he examined the bodies.

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao Testified the clothes were piled neatly. “photo’s show different.

Pol Lt Jakkrapan Kaewkhao, 26, head of the Koh Tao public service centre, was the first prosecution witness to testify in the murder case of British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, on the resort island in the early hours of Sept 15 last year.

The officer identified Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun to the court as the accused. Later, in cross-examination, he admitted he had not been involved in such a case before.

Lt Jakkrapan said he saw a body later identified as Mr Miller's at the water's edge at Sai Ree beach in front of the King Chulalongkorn statue, so he decided to move him to higher ground.

About five metres away, behind some rocks, lay a female body, later identified as Miss Witheridge.

The woman's skirt was pulled up to her waist, Pol Lt Jakkrapan told the three-member panel of judges. Bloodstains and human flesh was spotted on the rocks.

He believed the areas where he saw flecks of blood on the sand were likely to be where Miller was assaulted.

He found a metal part of a shovel, a wooden stick, and three cigarette butts about 60m north of Miss Witheridge.

A used condom, grey pants with a belt, a pair of canvas shoes, and a pair of pink sandals were piled neatly nearby.

- See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/koh-tao-policeman-challenged-over-killings-53125.php#sthash.y8KUird2.dpuf

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Why did it take this officer atleast 40 minutes to call his boss ?

What was he doing with Mon besides telling people to move the murder weapon. ?

Did he testify ?


He testifies in court that when he got on the scene the clothes were neatly piled on a rock beside! Clearly not true unless they had been moved by Mon prior to that?

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Squeegee, on 02 Mar 2016 - 02:30, said:
StealthEnergiser, on 01 Mar 2016 - 22:28, said:

Undercover Asia S3 - EP7

Murder In Paradise


Note to users: the website with this video may - depending on your browser - try to scam you into downloading Silverlight claiming it is necessary to play the video. This is not true. If the website covers the page with this claim it is called an overlay, the modern equivalent of pop-up adverts that prevent you accessing a whole page, holding it to ransom unless you give an email or install whatever they are peddling. You'll know an overlay when you see one: the whole page is greyed out with some crappy message over the top.

Google Chrome apparently has a built in 'overlay blocker' but for Firefox users you can install an add-on called 'BehindTheOverlay' which places a button into your browser. Any time an overlay appears just press the button and it will be banished, leaving you to access the content you actually wanted.

Once the overlay is gone the video will play just the same as on any flash video website, no Silverlight required!

Trust me, this post won't just help you access the video in the link, it will greatly enhance your quality of browsing life across the whole internet thumbsup.gif

I'm not having any problems viewing it with Internet Explorer 11 and Ad Block Plus.

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jayjay78, on 02 Mar 2016 - 04:23, said:
StealthEnergiser, on 02 Mar 2016 - 03:46, said:

Why did it take this officer atleast 40 minutes to call his boss ?

What was he doing with Mon besides telling people to move the murder weapon. ?

Did he testify ?


He testifies in court that when he got on the scene the clothes were neatly piled on a rock beside! Clearly not true unless they had been moved by Mon prior to that?

No, that's not correct. Chet is the guy in the screenshot that StealthEnergiser posted. Chet was the first policeman on the scene with Mon (they are best buddies). Chet called his boss Jakkrapan Kaewkhao 40 minutes later, who testified in court that when he got there, the clothes were piled neatly on a rock. IIRC Chet did not testify in court, but he seems to take centre stage in this documentary.

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Accessed it fine on my I pad too...no,problem..interesting Video...not sure what I made of the previous unseen footage of the stage managed inside the room...was that the RTP telling them what to do. Before they went to the beach to reanact or what ??

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whistling.gif Should have stayed home....got married to a investment Banker, a nice Tory stalwart.

Then she could have lived a nice quiet and boring bland life with 2.54 children, and a nice rose covered semi-detached house in Upton on the Downward for many quiet and boring years.

No one would ever know she had ever lived.....or cared.

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Squeegee, on 02 Mar 2016 - 02:30, said:
Note to users: the website with this video may - depending on your browser - try to scam you into downloading Silverlight claiming it is necessary to play the video. This is not true. If the website covers the page with this claim it is called an overlay, the modern equivalent of pop-up adverts that prevent you accessing a whole page, holding it to ransom unless you give an email or install whatever they are peddling. You'll know an overlay when you see one: the whole page is greyed out with some crappy message over the top.

Google Chrome apparently has a built in 'overlay blocker' but for Firefox users you can install an add-on called 'BehindTheOverlay' which places a button into your browser. Any time an overlay appears just press the button and it will be banished, leaving you to access the content you actually wanted.

Once the overlay is gone the video will play just the same as on any flash video website, no Silverlight required!

Trust me, this post won't just help you access the video in the link, it will greatly enhance your quality of browsing life across the whole internet thumbsup.gif

I'm not having any problems viewing it with Internet Explorer 11 and Ad Block Plus.

The regular AdBlockPlus add-on doesn't normally remove overlays. Perhaps IE 11 does something about them, though it wouldn't really justify using it when the better browsers can remove them as well.

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jayjay78, on 02 Mar 2016 - 04:23, said:
StealthEnergiser, on 02 Mar 2016 - 03:46, said:

Why did it take this officer atleast 40 minutes to call his boss ?

What was he doing with Mon besides telling people to move the murder weapon. ?

Did he testify ?


He testifies in court that when he got on the scene the clothes were neatly piled on a rock beside! Clearly not true unless they had been moved by Mon prior to that?

No, that's not correct. Chet is the guy in the screenshot that StealthEnergiser posted. Chet was the first policeman on the scene with Mon (they are best buddies). Chet called his boss Jakkrapan Kaewkhao 40 minutes later, who testified in court that when he got there, the clothes were piled neatly on a rock. IIRC Chet did not testify in court, but he seems to take centre stage in this documentary.

First officer on the scene and he doesn't testify this is exactly why people are suspicious of the role the police played , I think this Chet may have been the same officer that took the photos and put online, Andy Hall was taking legal action against.

His Boss was 5 minutes way yet it appears Chet decided not call for 40mins .

Edited by StealthEnergiser
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Why did it take this officer atleast 40 minutes to call his boss ?

What was he doing with Mon besides telling people to move the murder weapon. ?

Did he testify ?


The RTP have always maintained they had no record of who phoned them re reporting the 2 victims. In last night's documentary Mon claimed it was he who called him. I would never have described Mon as forgettable

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