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Family of murdered Hannah Witheridge pleaded with her to not go backpacking in Thailand


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You get tired of all the apologists out there that spew out the same excuses time again

.....these accidents could happen anywhere

..... youre just as likely to die at home as you are here

..... statistically Thailand is just as safe as walking down the street back home

etc etc

<deleted> !@!!

If a young person or middle aged man is going to die o/seas for whatever reason there's a good chance its going to be in Thailand. Thats a fact. Over 100 million tourists visited France ,Italy & Germany last year. How many fell off buildings or were drugged/murdered ?

Ive noticed that the media in OZ likes to use Thailand as a comparison with murders in large cities. Just the other day they said that an Australian dies in LOS every 3 days which is higher than most local homicide rates.

Swedes and Brits have died in the thousands here since the year 2000.

I'm surprised there are any Swedes left!

More tourists and expats would die here than in the USA which receives tens of millions of visitors annually.

Edited by jalansanitwong
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Every time I see a picture of this beautiful girl it saddens me so much. Along with David they should have been home in there countries telling all there friends of the wonderful time they had in Thailand. Instead there families are left to try and get there lives back together after such a horrendous crime. Day by day the families have to deal with so much and even after the inquest is over and a judgement made it will go on.. The Thai authorities have added to the hurt and pain by a complete botched investigation and a flawed court case which means it's going to appeal and the pain for the families continues. Sadly it has to happen as it would seem to most that the B2 have been framed and another set of parents are now involved. The whole situation is just heartbreaking for everyone including many on Thai Visa... I just hope one day the truth will come out,whatever it may be, and that in turn will enable the Witheridge's and Miller's to have some form of closure on this issue

An appeal in a death penalty case is standard and nothing to do with the police.

Sadly, the 2 responsible for murdering this beautiful lady caught wind of stories on a website that caused them to think they might get away with this. The fantasies of people on TV and csi la were based on unsubstantiated facts and has caused no end of trouble for all concerned.we know that the b2 have riding on the TV fantasy, because instead of saying we know nothing about this. they change their story to "the man that did this has already left the country " this statement shows they were fully aware of the stories on the Internet and that is why they changed. It is not the police, but the social media that cannot accept the facts even when staring them in the face that are causing all this heartache.

You know I'm not in this thread going to bother to answer this claptrap....Its been argued on many threads over a long time..You stick with your opinion and I and many others will stick to mine....Goodbye !

Well said and inarguably true.... Per X files... "The truth is out there".... I hope it will be found, and further hope it will help those grieving, but unfortunately, I doubt it will bring much solace, as a beautiful life has been stolen and can never be given back.

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You get tired of all the apologists out there that spew out the same excuses time again

.....these accidents could happen anywhere

..... youre just as likely to die at home as you are here

..... statistically Thailand is just as safe as walking down the street back home

etc etc

<deleted> !@!!

If a young person or middle aged man is going to die o/seas for whatever reason there's a good chance its going to be in Thailand. Thats a fact. Over 100 million tourists visited France ,Italy & Germany last year. How many fell off buildings or were drugged/murdered ?

Ive noticed that the media in OZ likes to use Thailand as a comparison with murders in large cities. Just the other day they said that an Australian dies in LOS every 3 days which is higher than most local homicide rates.

Swedes and Brits have died in the thousands here since the year 2000.

I'm surprised there are any Swedes left!

More tourists and expats would die here than in the USA which receives tens of millions of visitors annually.

The major problem Jalan is that Thailand is a unique exception to the other countries we all holiday in.

As opposed to other holiday destinations Thailand has no visible laws, it is quite in order for a wealthy person, a military officer or a policeman to participate in a murder and be immune from prosecution. This means that Thailand has skilled and professional murderers walking free and in a position to strike again. There was this policeman in the Northern town of Pai who murdered a foreigner and was never charged. When at a later date he murdered his Thai wife he was immediately locked up.

It is perfectly OK in the eyes of many Thai people for a foreigner to be murdered or killed in a road accident by a Thai person.

In all other international holiday destinations locals who commit murder or manslaughter are pursued and often confined to prevent re offending. This is a Thailand wide cultural difference and not just restricted to Koh Tao where it is at its most visible. The problem specifically on KohTao relates a lot to the fact that the headman was a major sponsor of the Yellow shirt movement and as a consequence in the eyes of the present government can do no wrong, this kind of paternalism is not found in the holiday destinations of Spain, France etc where criminals are prosectued quite vigorously regardless of their political affiliations..

I would summit that a tourist in Thailand has a much greater chance of being raped or killed by an experienced criminal than in another sovereign territory where a larger percentage number of criminals are placed behind bars.

RIP Hannah.

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As a Brit, you're 20x more likely to die while visiting Thailand than visiting Europe.

Being young and care free can have consequences. I can remember at that age I thought I was invincible and my parents and peers were stupid. Now the situation is reversed. I try to mentor my children who are now both retired. I keep telling them to monitor their investments now that they have free time. Forget it. I started last summer to warn them and they thought I was an old crock. Now its to late to sell. Oh well as most economists are stating now buy on the dips.

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Average age of British tourist to Thailand - 25 - 34.

900,000 British tourists per year, 369 British deaths (from all causes, including natural causes) since 2013 = 123 deaths per year, or 0.014% risk of dying.


Average risk of person dying even if they just stay at home (age 25-34) = 1 in 10,000.

Ergo, it's less risky to come to Thailand on holiday than to stay home.


Next biggrin.png

Total clap trap ...tourists are not here long term as in their own Country ..you can make anything look good with figures ..even Wall St know that

Wall Street with the full backing of the government who also fudges facts. Its a conspiracy on the highest order. There I go again being a conspiracy theorist not trusting the government for shame.

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Average age of British tourist to Thailand - 25 - 34.

900,000 British tourists per year, 369 British deaths (from all causes, including natural causes) since 2013 = 123 deaths per year, or 0.014% risk of dying.


Average risk of person dying even if they just stay at home (age 25-34) = 1 in 10,000.

Ergo, it's less risky to come to Thailand on holiday than to stay home.


Next biggrin.png

considering the average person spends 2 weeks in Thailand over that 9 year period and 450 weeks in their home country then i would say the orignal premise is correct that you many times morel ikley to die in thailand

OR you are more likely to die on holiday in a foreign country for any number of reasons!

Also only one 2 week holiday in 9 years. Jesus, I'm glad I'm not an "average" person!

unless your a sex tourist you are most likley going to have one 2 week holiday in Thailand in that period , the 16 weeks i didn't account for id assume would be in other countries

52*9 = 468

450 at home

2 in thailand

16 elsewhere

and these stat would be way above the norm , i would a tiny % of the population would spend 2 weeks a year overseas

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What a NOW (after all what happened) unnecessary and meaningless statement!!!

I remember that the family pronounced in front of cameras, that they were "fully satisfied with the investigation and the results"...

What does it help anyone to come up with "we told her to please not go" now, after the B2 have been fried in a bizarre contemptuous travesty beyond belief and after the poor kids, Hannah and David, have been buried?

It will neither bring the kids back, nor will it help to catch and prosecute the real killers (in case the B2 were just patsies) nor will it help the B2 to survive.

As far as I can see, the only relative in that family with a better idea of what really happened was Hannah's sister, who now needs to fear being prosecuted by Thai authorities for calling the RTP "investigations" foul play.

If they (the rest of the Witheridge family, except Hannah's sister) have nothing better to come up with, like a statement saying why (despite all the %$#@ups during the "investigation") they felt the "investigation" was satisfactory to them, perhaps it is better to stay quiet and let go. They had their chance to push for a thorough and professional investigation, but flunked it - now it's too late, and whining, and "ifs" and "whens" and "buts" won't help right now.

BTW - I believe that Germany, Britain, France and Greece are much more dangerous than Thailand nowadays. It is a mistake to lump together single incidents and one definitely bad island (Koh Tao) to state that "all of Thailand is very dangerous"... It's just a lame statement - and again - doesn't help anyone!

Now there you go putting words in the sisters mouth .she did not say a word about the investigation,she criticized the way her family was treated when they came to Thailand. She felt that the Thai were not sensitive to their emotional situation. That's all.

The police don't care what bs we are saying about them as long as it is within the laws.

The police were going to prosecute her, because she encouraged people to go to a link that heavily spread false information and liabalis comments about the Thai justice system. Those people followed up by attacking various legal institutions over the Internet causing untold damage to the Thai justice computer systems.

The Thai government, police and courts went out of their to have thus case go to court. There were enough discrepancies in their story to warrant a trial.

They lost. The Miller family is 100 percent confidant is the guilt based on all of the information they have. The Witheridge have to stay silent on that issue. None of them, including the sister have said they believe the verdict is wrong.

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Strong statement, but one could only wonder why they said it, and what caused them to think that way. Most tourists I know and have seen in Thailand are pretty oblivious to the real dangers here, and think that everything is the same as it is back in their safe and orderly home countries. I would guess that only a very small fraction are actually harmed on their travels here considering the numbers of tourists. So unless the witheridge family knew something most others don't, or they actually looked on the UK home office travel guide we'll never know.

Such a shame regardless

Have you any idea how many deaths there have been on this tiny island in the last two years. All smoothed over by the corrupt Thai police. One recently of a young French man who according to the police hung himself.....................but his hands were tied behind his back when found. Go think about it and tell all the young people who want to come here, stay away !

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Thailand has been my home and my love for more than 3 decades. But sadly now whenever friends or relatives say they may come to Thailand for holidays, I say don't bother. It is too dangerous, polluted, and scam ridden. I also tell them they wont like rubbing shoulders, in speed boats, and on the islands, with the mainland Chinese tourist. Go to Vietnam, Cambodia, even to Bali (bite my tongue). Sure the same vices are there as well, but ........

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Average age of British tourist to Thailand - 25 - 34.

900,000 British tourists per year, 369 British deaths (from all causes, including natural causes) since 2013 = 123 deaths per year, or 0.014% risk of dying.


Average risk of person dying even if they just stay at home (age 25-34) = 1 in 10,000.

Ergo, it's less risky to come to Thailand on holiday than to stay home.


Next biggrin.png

Now try and get your figures down to one tiny island over the last two years ..........Death Island (Koh Tao) and get some reality. I am not a young person, i live on Koh Samui and you could'nt pay me to holiday on that island.

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Average age of British tourist to Thailand - 25 - 34.

900,000 British tourists per year, 369 British deaths (from all causes, including natural causes) since 2013 = 123 deaths per year, or 0.014% risk of dying.


Average risk of person dying even if they just stay at home (age 25-34) = 1 in 10,000.

Ergo, it's less risky to come to Thailand on holiday than to stay home.


Next biggrin.png

Fatal flaw in your argument. People stay home for 365 days. People holiday for 2 or 3 weeks.
I wonder if we can find a place in the UK were the people live in a hedonistic party town complete with drunken helmet less motorcycle riding and pool parties every day! Then we could REALLY check the figures!
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Every time I see a picture of this beautiful girl it saddens me so much. Along with David they should have been home in there countries telling all there friends of the wonderful time they had in Thailand. Instead there families are left to try and get there lives back together after such a horrendous crime. Day by day the families have to deal with so much and even after the inquest is over and a judgement made it will go on.. The Thai authorities have added to the hurt and pain by a complete botched investigation and a flawed court case which means it's going to appeal and the pain for the families continues. Sadly it has to happen as it would seem to most that the B2 have been framed and another set of parents are now involved. The whole situation is just heartbreaking for everyone including many on Thai Visa... I just hope one day the truth will come out,whatever it may be, and that in turn will enable the Witheridge's and Miller's to have some form of closure on this issue

An appeal in a death penalty case is standard and nothing to do with the police.

Sadly, the 2 responsible for murdering this beautiful lady caught wind of stories on a website that caused them to think they might get away with this. The fantasies of people on TV and csi la were based on unsubstantiated facts and has caused no end of trouble for all concerned.we know that the b2 have riding on the TV fantasy, because instead of saying we know nothing about this. they change their story to "the man that did this has already left the country " this statement shows they were fully aware of the stories on the Internet and that is why they changed. It is not the police, but the social media that cannot accept the facts even when staring them in the face that are causing all this heartache.

Too often some people distort and change facts here on TV, to this crap, I can only say,

NO DNA evidence.

The 2B had internet while being jailed?

Too many times the RTP have changed or altered their "investigation".

The first police investigator who pointed fingers elsewhere and for that got transferred.

There's plenty more to add but then I will only repeat what's being said in court and here on TV.

Edited by KamalaRider
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Oh my God. I'm dead! I must be because I'm British and I have been riding a Motorcycle here for 9 years.. So by all accounts I must be dead! Woe is me!

well if youre dead then im dust cos ive been piloting big bikes around the kingdom for 15 years and more recently driving 900km trips in a bus and other stuff

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Every time I see a picture of this beautiful girl it saddens me so much. Along with David they should have been home in there countries telling all there friends of the wonderful time they had in Thailand. Instead there families are left to try and get there lives back together after such a horrendous crime. Day by day the families have to deal with so much and even after the inquest is over and a judgement made it will go on.. The Thai authorities have added to the hurt and pain by a complete botched investigation and a flawed court case which means it's going to appeal and the pain for the families continues. Sadly it has to happen as it would seem to most that the B2 have been framed and another set of parents are now involved. The whole situation is just heartbreaking for everyone including many on Thai Visa... I just hope one day the truth will come out,whatever it may be, and that in turn will enable the Witheridge's and Miller's to have some form of closure on this issue

An appeal in a death penalty case is standard and nothing to do with the police.

Sadly, the 2 responsible for murdering this beautiful lady caught wind of stories on a website that caused them to think they might get away with this. The fantasies of people on TV and csi la were based on unsubstantiated facts and has caused no end of trouble for all concerned.we know that the b2 have riding on the TV fantasy, because instead of saying we know nothing about this. they change their story to "the man that did this has already left the country " this statement shows they were fully aware of the stories on the Internet and that is why they changed. It is not the police, but the social media that cannot accept the facts even when staring them in the face that are causing all this heartache.

You never miss an opportunity to shoot your mouth off and push your little wagon, do you? Especially when it's not called for in a story such as this.

Maybe you should try and get a life sometime.

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Every time I see a picture of this beautiful girl it saddens me so much. Along with David they should have been home in there countries telling all there friends of the wonderful time they had in Thailand. Instead there families are left to try and get there lives back together after such a horrendous crime. Day by day the families have to deal with so much and even after the inquest is over and a judgement made it will go on.. The Thai authorities have added to the hurt and pain by a complete botched investigation and a flawed court case which means it's going to appeal and the pain for the families continues. Sadly it has to happen as it would seem to most that the B2 have been framed and another set of parents are now involved. The whole situation is just heartbreaking for everyone including many on Thai Visa... I just hope one day the truth will come out,whatever it may be, and that in turn will enable the Witheridge's and Miller's to have some form of closure on this issue

An appeal in a death penalty case is standard and nothing to do with the police.

Sadly, the 2 responsible for murdering this beautiful lady caught wind of stories on a website that caused them to think they might get away with this. The fantasies of people on TV and csi la were based on unsubstantiated facts and has caused no end of trouble for all concerned.we know that the b2 have riding on the TV fantasy, because instead of saying we know nothing about this. they change their story to "the man that did this has already left the country " this statement shows they were fully aware of the stories on the Internet and that is why they changed. It is not the police, but the social media that cannot accept the facts even when staring them in the face that are causing all this heartache.

You never miss an opportunity to shoot your mouth off and push your little wagon, do you? Especially when it's not called for in a story such as this.

Maybe you should try and get a life sometime.

I just don't understand why the mods constantly overlook posters going against forum rules and verbally abusing me for no apparent reason. You have the right to push the ignore button. You are supposed to make comments to support or challenge the post, not attack the poster for exercising their god given right to post an opinion on a public forum. I shall indeed continue to push my wagon and I encourage you to push the ignore button if you don't like it.

Now watch my post get deleted everytime I defend my rights.

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Every time I see a picture of this beautiful girl it saddens me so much. Along with David they should have been home in there countries telling all there friends of the wonderful time they had in Thailand. Instead there families are left to try and get there lives back together after such a horrendous crime. Day by day the families have to deal with so much and even after the inquest is over and a judgement made it will go on.. The Thai authorities have added to the hurt and pain by a complete botched investigation and a flawed court case which means it's going to appeal and the pain for the families continues. Sadly it has to happen as it would seem to most that the B2 have been framed and another set of parents are now involved. The whole situation is just heartbreaking for everyone including many on Thai Visa... I just hope one day the truth will come out,whatever it may be, and that in turn will enable the Witheridge's and Miller's to have some form of closure on this issue

An appeal in a death penalty case is standard and nothing to do with the police.

Sadly, the 2 responsible for murdering this beautiful lady caught wind of stories on a website that caused them to think they might get away with this. The fantasies of people on TV and csi la were based on unsubstantiated facts and has caused no end of trouble for all concerned.we know that the b2 have riding on the TV fantasy, because instead of saying we know nothing about this. they change their story to "the man that did this has already left the country " this statement shows they were fully aware of the stories on the Internet and that is why they changed. It is not the police, but the social media that cannot accept the facts even when staring them in the face that are causing all this heartache.

What utter rubbish. Do you believe yourself? Do you know how things work here in Thailand? Ever been accused of something you did not do? Come on ... use what little brain you appear to have. Look at the bigger picture, you may come to a different understanding.

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Every time I see a picture of this beautiful girl it saddens me so much. Along with David they should have been home in there countries telling all there friends of the wonderful time they had in Thailand. Instead there families are left to try and get there lives back together after such a horrendous crime. Day by day the families have to deal with so much and even after the inquest is over and a judgement made it will go on.. The Thai authorities have added to the hurt and pain by a complete botched investigation and a flawed court case which means it's going to appeal and the pain for the families continues. Sadly it has to happen as it would seem to most that the B2 have been framed and another set of parents are now involved. The whole situation is just heartbreaking for everyone including many on Thai Visa... I just hope one day the truth will come out,whatever it may be, and that in turn will enable the Witheridge's and Miller's to have some form of closure on this issue

An appeal in a death penalty case is standard and nothing to do with the police.

Sadly, the 2 responsible for murdering this beautiful lady caught wind of stories on a website that caused them to think they might get away with this. The fantasies of people on TV and csi la were based on unsubstantiated facts and has caused no end of trouble for all concerned.we know that the b2 have riding on the TV fantasy, because instead of saying we know nothing about this. they change their story to "the man that did this has already left the country " this statement shows they were fully aware of the stories on the Internet and that is why they changed. It is not the police, but the social media that cannot accept the facts even when staring them in the face that are causing all this heartache.

You never miss an opportunity to shoot your mouth off and push your little wagon, do you? Especially when it's not called for in a story such as this.

Maybe you should try and get a life sometime.

I just don't understand why the mods constantly overlook posters going against forum rules and verbally abusing me for no apparent reason. You have the right to push the ignore button. You are supposed to make comments to support or challenge the post, not attack the poster for exercising their god given right to post an opinion on a public forum. I shall indeed continue to push my wagon and I encourage you to push the ignore button if you don't like it.

Now watch my post get deleted everytime I defend my rights.

And I don't understand why the mods overlook posters that do their utmost to side-track the story to push their own agenda.

You might note that I have never raise any issue with your posts in other threads as it's not my business to comment on your posts, even if I disagree with your comments, however in this case I believe you are way out of line with your comments which have nothing to do with the lead story.

Yes, I and others can use the ignore button to not view posters comments, but why should we as it isn't necessary if all posters stay on the subject and added thoughtful comment and not push push their own agenda.

Edited by Artisi
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What a NOW (after all what happened) unnecessary and meaningless statement!!!

I remember that the family pronounced in front of cameras, that they were "fully satisfied with the investigation and the results"...

What does it help anyone to come up with "we told her to please not go" now, after the B2 have been fried in a bizarre contemptuous travesty beyond belief and after the poor kids, Hannah and David, have been buried?

It will neither bring the kids back, nor will it help to catch and prosecute the real killers (in case the B2 were just patsies) nor will it help the B2 to survive.

As far as I can see, the only relative in that family with a better idea of what really happened was Hannah's sister, who now needs to fear being prosecuted by Thai authorities for calling the RTP "investigations" foul play.

If they (the rest of the Witheridge family, except Hannah's sister) have nothing better to come up with, like a statement saying why (despite all the %$#@ups during the "investigation") they felt the "investigation" was satisfactory to them, perhaps it is better to stay quiet and let go. They had their chance to push for a thorough and professional investigation, but flunked it - now it's too late, and whining, and "ifs" and "whens" and "buts" won't help right now.

BTW - I believe that Germany, Britain, France and Greece are much more dangerous than Thailand nowadays. It is a mistake to lump together single incidents and one definitely bad island (Koh Tao) to state that "all of Thailand is very dangerous"... It's just a lame statement - and again - doesn't help anyone!

WOW! At last someone has "hit the nail on the head" Koh Tao (Death Island) is definately a bad island to visit. The killers of Hannah and David are well known and still at large. Members of the local mafia who are partners with the local police. Answer is just stay away from the place if you really want to be safe. It will happen again and already has !

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Every time I see a picture of this beautiful girl it saddens me so much. Along with David they should have been home in there countries telling all there friends of the wonderful time they had in Thailand. Instead there families are left to try and get there lives back together after such a horrendous crime. Day by day the families have to deal with so much and even after the inquest is over and a judgement made it will go on.. The Thai authorities have added to the hurt and pain by a complete botched investigation and a flawed court case which means it's going to appeal and the pain for the families continues. Sadly it has to happen as it would seem to most that the B2 have been framed and another set of parents are now involved. The whole situation is just heartbreaking for everyone including many on Thai Visa... I just hope one day the truth will come out,whatever it may be, and that in turn will enable the Witheridge's and Miller's to have some form of closure on this issue

An appeal in a death penalty case is standard and nothing to do with the police.

Sadly, the 2 responsible for murdering this beautiful lady caught wind of stories on a website that caused them to think they might get away with this. The fantasies of people on TV and csi la were based on unsubstantiated facts and has caused no end of trouble for all concerned.we know that the b2 have riding on the TV fantasy, because instead of saying we know nothing about this. they change their story to "the man that did this has already left the country " this statement shows they were fully aware of the stories on the Internet and that is why they changed. It is not the police, but the social media that cannot accept the facts even when staring them in the face that are causing all this heartache.

Too often some people distort and change facts here on TV, to this crap, I can only say,

NO DNA evidence.

The 2B had internet while being jailed?

Too many times the RTP have changed or altered their "investigation".

The first police investigator who pointed fingers elsewhere and for that got transferred.

There's plenty more to add but then I will only repeat what's being said in court and here on TV.

I would like to point out that the first investigating officer who 'fingered' the murders apparently from CCTV was promptly moved aside and a new person was put in charge. This person apparently found that the CCTV cameras were either out of action or turned off. The family of the first accused are very influential and rich, having financially supported the Yellow shirts (born to rule party) These certain family members, brother and son of the headman were even excused DNA testing and at the time the 2 Burmese lads were found as scapegoats. Since there has been several mysterious deaths of young holiday makers. All brushed off by the local police as drunken accidents, one case of a young Frenchman found hanging. Police found it was suicide. He was hanging with his hands tied behind his back !

Edited by oldsailor35
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As a Brit, you're 20x more likely to die while visiting Thailand than visiting Europe.

And your authoritative document for that quote is?


I can do statistical analysis,

You can do it too, using reported deaths/number of visitors for any country.

For example

Thailand 2013-2014 369 British deaths/800,000 Brit visitors = 42 per 100,000

Spain 2013-2014 British deaths 856 deaths/15,000,000 Brit visitors = 5.5 per 100,000

France 2013-2014 British deaths 346 deaths/25,000,000 Brit visitors = 1.4 per 100,000

So Thailand is 8x more dangerous than Spain to visit as a British person.

And Thailand is 30x more dangerous than France to visit as a British person.

Try it yourself, works for any country and any nationality.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Easy to make statistics work any way you want them too. All I would say is that if my son wanted to go backpacking in Thailand today I would do my best to persuade him to go elsewhere. We cannot wrap our kids in cotton wool and we want them to experience life wherever it is but we also have a duty to try to keep them away from danger. If I had never been to Thailand or had never seen the dangers first hand then I may well just wave him off at the airport without much thought.

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Her only mistake was coming to Thailand. RIP. coffee1.gif

Not really. The big mistake was going to Death Island ( Koh Tao)

The two murders could have happened anywhere, at any time, sh!t happens.

Heather could have been raped and murdered in her own home.

BUT, its safe to assume in a civilised nation, the law authorities would have made a thorough and professional investigation.

In this tragic case we have had neither, and the Thai courts and lawyers have in my opinion have been far worse. The judge, lawyers on both side have been a total disgrace.

Edited by MorristheRunt
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Just so that posters and readers are aware: there has been an attempt to mislead the forum in that the Witheridge family don't dispute the verdict on Hannah's murder. The poster making this claim is fully aware of the fact that Hannah's sister Laura put a link to the Anonymous video about this case on her recent Facebook post. Anyone who has seen that video knows that it's main theme is that the two Burmese men sentenced to death are scapegoats set up by corrupt Thai police who are protecting the real perpetrators. Laura deleted her Facebook post after the Thai police threatened her with prosecution, but screenshots of it can be found through search engines.

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Here's the deaths abroad stats from the FCO for 2011/12;


Again, if you back out the RTA deaths which is a known source of high fatalities, the number of deaths in Thailand looks very small, especially given the number of visitors annually and also given the high base of British residents, a majority of which are retirees.

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Mother of murdered Hannah Witheridge begged her not to go to Thailand
Sukhumvit News


LONDON -- The family of Hannah Witheridge, the British backpacker raped and murdered on Koh Tao in 2014, begged her not to travel to Thailand, according to evidence presented during her inquest.

In a written statement, her mother, Susan Witheridge, told how Hannah had originally planned her backpacking trip to take place in Europe or Australia but had changed her mind and chosen Thailand instead – against her family’s wishes as they feared for her safety in the Kingdom.

“The family had always been against Hannah going on the trip and tried to persuade her out of it,” said Susan.

“None of the family was happy with her going there, but she had made her mind up.”

In an attempt to allay their fears, Hannah had been messaging and Skyping her family practically everyday since landing in Thailand, keeping them updated with her travels and adventures – including cookery courses and trekking.

Her mother reveals how they had relaxed by the time Hannah had made it to Koh Tao, assuming that the 23-year old would simply be “just swimming and sunbathing,” during her time on the island, according to the Mirror.

Tragically Hannah’s trip came to a violent end here instead as she was raped and murdered alongside fellow British traveller, David Miller, on one of Koh Tao’s beaches.

“September 16 was the day which changed our lives forever. My husband burst into my kitchen and collapsed crying and sobbing,” her mother told the inquest.

Full Story: http://whatsonsukhumvit.com/mother-of-murdered-hannah-witheridge-begged-her-not-to-go-to-thailand/

-- (c) What's on Sukhumvit 2016-02-09

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