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How hard it would be for a Cambodian to get a proper job in Thailand ?


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Hello everyone! I am new to the forum. I am a young Cambodian who just finished college a year go and has been working in Cambodian since i finished the university. I am currently working as a translator. I have a bachelor degree in education (TEFL), but i don't have much experiences in teaching. As you all know about the ASEAN integration that has just been into effect lately which allow people from the member country of ASEAN to move around, work and live freely in the 10 countries. Therefore, i was thinking to move out of my country to try to live and work in one of the countries. I finally picked Thailand. So, my question, is it really hard for a Cambodian to try to get a proper job in Thailand, for example teaching job? I am thinking to look for teaching job as i have a degree in education.

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To the OP, you are mistaken about the freedom of movement aspect of AEC. There is no such thing.

I would say your chances of finding a job in Thailand are slim, especially with little experience. I wish you luck, but you should expand your horizons to cover more developed Malaysia or Singapore. If that doesn't work, start working in Cambodia first and see where that takes you. With your English skills you should stand a good chance.

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To be honest, you will find out by yourself...however, the place does and will discriminate... and sadly you will be on the hit list for various reason they can come up with for not hiring you.

While the AEC concept does not apply to you; however, this does not prevent you from trying.. But look at your profile.. very little if any teaching experience, sadly you are not the Thai dance card, and of course the big one...what do you sound like... there is that type of discrimination when they need to pull it out.

The "they" are the Thai hiring staff and influential parents on the boards

Go next door, Vietnam.. English language learning is taking off there.. you might have a better chance... heck your even staying in the AEC...

Good luck to you.. don't be discouraged, find out what they want or the excuses they give and then make your your plan.thumbsup.gif

Edited by Rhys
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The Thai's won't catch your lack of English displayed here, but they hate Cambodians. They are still bitter about that temple on the border up in Issarn. Other than construction laborers and the occasional massage lady, I've never seen or happened upon a Cambodian finding a "real" professional job here. Please don't be confused by what you read in the newspapers about the new cooperation between the countries. It's only about menial work. No way the Thai's are going to allow Cambodians into their schools. The Filipino's have learned to show respect to them, something Cambodian's would never do IMHO.

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The Thai's won't catch your lack of English displayed here, but they hate Cambodians. They are still bitter about that temple on the border up in Issarn. Other than construction laborers and the occasional massage lady, I've never seen or happened upon a Cambodian finding a "real" professional job here. Please don't be confused by what you read in the newspapers about the new cooperation between the countries. It's only about menial work. No way the Thai's are going to allow Cambodians into their schools. The Filipino's have learned to show respect to them, something Cambodian's would never do IMHO.

The AEC provides for exactly the opposite actually.

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. It's only about menial work. No way the Thai's are going to allow Cambodians into their schools. The Filipino's have learned to show respect to them, something Cambodian's would never do IMHO.

The AEC provides for exactly the opposite actually.

The key word being "provides" for. Doesn't mean it's going to happen. I don't see any possibility the Thai's are going to give good paying jobs to other South East Asian foreigners, but we will see won't we? Baht to rice, you won't find Cambodian's teaching English in Thai Government schools. That was the topic. I don't care to "debate" the other occupations. Not of interest to me and I honestly don't think this is the place. Good luck.

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To the OP

You seem to have an incomplete knowledge of ASEAN. The ASEAN agreement(s) do not allow freedom of movement and visas/work permits are still required.

I doubt your TEFL qualification equates to a degree in education but I may be mistaken.

I suggest you write to some of the better International schools in Thailand and ask for an evaluation of your qualifications/chances of employment.

Best of luck and good wishes for your future.

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