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Greenpeace activists block truck convoy from French nuclear plant


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Greenpeace activists block truck convoy from French nuclear plant


Greenpeace activists blocked a truck convoy from reaching a French nuclear plant early on Friday (February 12) to protest nuclear power in France.

The convoy was carrying the lid to the nuclear vat at the Flamanville EPR reactor (Evolutionary Power Reactor) in north-western France — the sole nuclear reactor under construction in France.

Two Greenpeace activists climbed on top of the lorry’s cargo holding signs calling nuclear power a “dead end.” Another laid out underneath the truck to prevent it from moving.

France has 58 nuclear reactors in 19 nuclear power stations around the country, producing 75 percent of the country’s electricity.

After the 2011 Fukushima disaster, the French government voted to cap nuclear capacity at current levels and to reduce its share in the power mix to 50 percent by 2025, but Greenpeace says they have done little to achieve that goal.

French President Francois Hollande would have to close four to five nuclear reactors by the end of his term in 2017 in order to stay on track, Greenpeace said in a statement.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-13

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Greenpeace is simply a club for smug hypocrites with towering self-regard mixed with middle-class guilt.

Their activism is a desperate attempt to feel like a Victim of something, and to battle Oppressors, because in their infantile mindset only Victims have the right to feel virtuous and noble.

India found the right formula for dealing with these moralistic nuisances.


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France has a track record of dealing with Greenpeace. Remember the bomb in Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand. Unlike Japan, France is not considered to be in a major earthquake risk zone, however there have been leaks from the nuclear industry in France, which the French government has tried hide, just as in the UK. The EU has a large team of multinational nuclear inspectors who are very well qualified and experienced, so any problems are quickly identified and measures implemented to rectify or at least minimise the problem. But what Greenpeace need to consider is what is the alternative, more coal powered electricity generation, cover all the hills and coasts with windmills, hundreds of square kilometres covered in solar cells, dam and flood multiple valleys for hydro-electric plants ? What they should concentrate on is how to reduce electricity usage.

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France has a track record of dealing with Greenpeace. Remember the bomb in Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand. Unlike Japan, France is not considered to be in a major earthquake risk zone, however there have been leaks from the nuclear industry in France, which the French government has tried hide, just as in the UK. The EU has a large team of multinational nuclear inspectors who are very well qualified and experienced, so any problems are quickly identified and measures implemented to rectify or at least minimise the problem. But what Greenpeace need to consider is what is the alternative, more coal powered electricity generation, cover all the hills and coasts with windmills, hundreds of square kilometres covered in solar cells, dam and flood multiple valleys for hydro-electric plants ? What they should concentrate on is how to reduce electricity usage.

You re right but :

The Rhone Alpes Region hosts plenty of plants and is sided by two mountains and a strong wind coming from the south. Any serious accident would contaminate the whole country as well as most of Europe in hours.

The plants are old and even if the security is tight we will never prevent any human factor or terrorist attack by Drone or any clever way to mess.

The electricity consumption is mostly due to businesses, not individual consumption and with the new technologies we could switch to eco friendly energy.

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France has a track record of dealing with Greenpeace. Remember the bomb in Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand. Unlike Japan, France is not considered to be in a major earthquake risk zone, however there have been leaks from the nuclear industry in France, which the French government has tried hide, just as in the UK. The EU has a large team of multinational nuclear inspectors who are very well qualified and experienced, so any problems are quickly identified and measures implemented to rectify or at least minimise the problem. But what Greenpeace need to consider is what is the alternative, more coal powered electricity generation, cover all the hills and coasts with windmills, hundreds of square kilometres covered in solar cells, dam and flood multiple valleys for hydro-electric plants ? What they should concentrate on is how to reduce electricity usage.

You re right but :

The Rhone Alpes Region hosts plenty of plants and is sided by two mountains and a strong wind coming from the south. Any serious accident would contaminate the whole country as well as most of Europe in hours.

The plants are old and even if the security is tight we will never prevent any human factor or terrorist attack by Drone or any clever way to mess.

The electricity consumption is mostly due to businesses, not individual consumption and with the new technologies we could switch to eco friendly energy.

True, but take Thailand, where a big shopping mal can consume more energy than a whole rural province. Energy consumption by industry affects their bottom line, so it's in their financial interest to be energy efficient. That applies everywhere around the world.

Terrorist threats to the nuclear industry are of course of great concern and I'm sure countries like France, the UK and the USA have well practised action plans in place to deal with any threats, but there is still a chance that something may happen that was not foreseen. Recent events have shown that the brave terrorists prefer "soft" targets , so we can't stop nuclear power just because there may be a very remote chance of an attack.

Going back to the original post subject, I think Greenpeace has done some excellent campaigns in the past but this just looks like "rent a mob" on a day out.

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But what Greenpeace need to consider is what is the alternative, ... <snip>

Greenpeace don't need to consider anything at all, as they know that they are morally superior to the rest of humanity, and that they are perfectly justified in breaking any law they want so as to bring about their Utopia (theirs, not yours).

In fact, in their psychopathology, they don't see themselves as criminals at all, but as victims. The 'argument' runs: "Look at the criminality that these knaves oblige us to commit. We could do without this, but they compel us to do it."

There is plenty of nasty history behind such self-aggrandising views. Robespierre, head of the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution "abhorred violence of any form", yet oversaw the sending of 40,000 people to the guillotine because that was "necessary to save the revolution."

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Greenpeace is simply a club for smug hypocrites with towering self-regard mixed with middle-class guilt.

Their activism is a desperate attempt to feel like a Victim of something, and to battle Oppressors, because in their infantile mindset only Victims have the right to feel virtuous and noble.

India found the right formula for dealing with these moralistic nuisances.


Yeah, let's all just sit back and do nothing while our planet is being raped and polluted ............

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Greenpeace is simply a club for smug hypocrites with towering self-regard mixed with middle-class guilt.

Their activism is a desperate attempt to feel like a Victim of something, and to battle Oppressors, because in their infantile mindset only Victims have the right to feel virtuous and noble.

India found the right formula for dealing with these moralistic nuisances.


Yeah, let's all just sit back and do nothing while our planet is being raped and polluted ............

Greenpeace doesn't give a s**t about the planet.

If they did, they wouldn't have supported the drive to biofuels, which the UN special rapporteur on the right to food called "a crime against humanity"

If they did, they would support research into nuclear fusion technology which would enable us to shut down current nuclear (fission) plants and move to something safer.

If they did, they wouldn't desecrate world heritage sites such as the Nazca Lines in Peru for a publicity stunt.


All Greenpeace cares about is Greenpeace

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Greenpeace is simply a club for smug hypocrites with towering self-regard mixed with middle-class guilt.

Their activism is a desperate attempt to feel like a Victim of something, and to battle Oppressors, because in their infantile mindset only Victims have the right to feel virtuous and noble.

India found the right formula for dealing with these moralistic nuisances.


Yeah, let's all just sit back and do nothing while our planet is being raped and polluted ............

Raped and polluted by nuclear fission?

Utter nonsense

I guess you failed Physics at school?

Tell us, pray, what kind of reactors the French use?

(Clue- they're not Magnox)

Edited by Grouse
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Consider probabilities. You understand statistics?

Let me know at what level to bore you!

But, look at what happens with hydrocarbon production and the results of their combustion!

Let's get real here. Fission for next 50 years and then fusion

Yes we need improved efficiency and insulation

But, look, automobiles are going to powered by fuel cells. Where is the hydrogen coming from? Yes electrolysis! Nuclear is needed for that too

Look I like all the green stuff, all the Morris dancers but, listen to grown up engineers!

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Fukushima was a wake-up call. Five years later, it is no closer to being under control nor do they have bright ideas.

However, the Japanese govt, in its wisdom, restarted Japan's other nukes.

Look, we're gambling with the planet here. Politicians and govts and voting don't work so nonviolent civil disobedience is the only way to get the fatcats tro listen.

Solar, wind, tides should have been developed years ago but the corporados and banksters thought there wasn't as big a pot of gold for them. I think they're wrong.

You'e right: we should not be relying on coal. But nukes are just as bad. Even if there isn't an accident, where do we put the waste...for a half million years???

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However much the members posting on this forum hate Greenpeace and I do agree with them in many cases, it is my view that without such pressure groups, governments and big industries would be doing much more harm to our little planet. Sure such organisations attract their fair share of nutters, but so do most political parties in the "democratic West". Is "hug a tree" any more absurd than "hug a huddie" ? Is "save the whales" worse than saying to millions of 3rd world migrants "come to Europe and be welcome" or perhaps, closer to home, "I am a democratic soldier"? Rent a mob will unfortunately always be around, but logical and true reasoning will blunt their BS.

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