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Greening Chiang Mai's City Streets


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While much of CM is gloriously and abundantly green and vegetated, there are some streets and roads that look dusty and grey.

Wouldn't it be great to see some greenery planted in these places ? Has there ever been a tree/bush/plant/fern - planting day for residents to take part in ? It's a great activity for kids to take part in.

Any thoughts ?

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Ah but you must realise that you will have to guard your patch of vegetation from the guys hired by the Tesebahn. Just last week my extensive plant display almost got zapped by the weedkiller guys. Then before that they tried to dig it up to put some kind of official post. Nature conservation in central Chiang Mai is hard work.

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Ah but you must realise that you will have to guard your patch of vegetation from the guys hired by the Tesebahn. Just last week my extensive plant display almost got zapped by the weedkiller guys. Then before that they tried to dig it up to put some kind of official post. Nature conservation in central Chiang Mai is hard work.

My sympathies. Even the monks have zappers in our area.

So the question is, how to create a different awareness of the beauty and necessity ( O2 production) of greenery in the increasingly less attractive city areas.

"Planting Days" can work well - the community of locals, foreigners, young and old, get together to plant some greenery. Helps the community bond through some physical work and cooperation.

Would the schools be the place to start ? Can parents & teachers get kids writing to the local powers-with-funds ?

Or does nobody care ? :o

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