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Mai Mee


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As you have learned, while the literal translation of "mai mee" is "no have", it is widely used as a way of shrugging the person off regardless of whether or not they in fact have the item. In fact you will sometimes get the "mai mee" even when the item is clerarly behind them on the shelves, or before you have even named it.

Basically they are just trying to get rid of you. I think it even happens to Thai customers (as a way of the staff reducing their workload, especially if the item would require that they check, or fetch it from another part of the store). But it happens more with foreigners. Both because being outside the thai hierarchy, it is considered "safe" to disappoint or annoy foreigners, and becaye dealing iwth foreigners is more work/effort - harder to know what they are saying plus they often are seeking less common items.

Often it means "I don't know what you want and am unwilling to make an effort to find out" or even, if you have not yet even named the item, "I assume that dealing with you will be hard and I don't want to make the effort".

"Mai Dai" ("cannot") is the same story. More often means "I don't want to bother", "I don't know what it is/what you want" etc than that it is actually not possible to do whatever.

Patient but firm persistance is the best recourse. Smile and say "Kitwa mee...." (I think you do have...) and keep at it. Since the main impetus is to avoid effort, make it more of a hassle for them to take the "mai mee" or "mai dai" route than to just serve you in the first place.

I do not get "mai mee" I get 5 shop assistants surrounding me and following me down the aisles.

My record is 11 assistants following me and watching me closely. Do they think it's relaxed to shop like that? Their manager must be soo proud.

Shops who don't show the price always have sales who immediatly come with their sawasdee-ka. Can't speak a word english, don't know anything at all.

Why don't they go to school and come working in a shop when they at least know something?

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As you have learned, while the literal translation of "mai mee" is "no have", it is widely used as a way of shrugging the person off regardless of whether or not they in fact have the item. In fact you will sometimes get the "mai mee" even when the item is clerarly behind them on the shelves, or before you have even named it.

Basically they are just trying to get rid of you. I think it even happens to Thai customers (as a way of the staff reducing their workload, especially if the item would require that they check, or fetch it from another part of the store). But it happens more with foreigners. Both because being outside the thai hierarchy, it is considered "safe" to disappoint or annoy foreigners, and becaye dealing iwth foreigners is more work/effort - harder to know what they are saying plus they often are seeking less common items.

Often it means "I don't know what you want and am unwilling to make an effort to find out" or even, if you have not yet even named the item, "I assume that dealing with you will be hard and I don't want to make the effort".

"Mai Dai" ("cannot") is the same story. More often means "I don't want to bother", "I don't know what it is/what you want" etc than that it is actually not possible to do whatever.

Patient but firm persistance is the best recourse. Smile and say "Kitwa mee...." (I think you do have...) and keep at it. Since the main impetus is to avoid effort, make it more of a hassle for them to take the "mai mee" or "mai dai" route than to just serve you in the first place.

I do not get "mai mee" I get 5 shop assistants surrounding me and following me down the aisles.

My record is 11 assistants following me and watching me closely. Do they think it's relaxed to shop like that? Their manager must be soo proud.

Shops who don't show the price always have sales who immediatly come with their sawasdee-ka. Can't speak a word english, don't know anything at all.

Why don't they go to school and come working in a shop when they at least know something?

Why don't you make the effort to learn some Thai, and come back when you're able to communicate with people in this non English speaking country?

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It used to upset me also.

Then I realized, it is easier for them to say "Mai Mee" than it is to get up and go show you where it is.


There is no incentive to sell you anything.

No commission, low pay, long hours.

They get lazy.

Was hoping the ASEAN agreement would get some Phillipinas in here to show them how to be a bit more helpful, but apparently, it won't happen.

Get in he habit of finding things yourself.

A picture (on your phone) sometimes helps if you find a clerk that really does try to understand what you are after (rare though)

I've encountered dozens of Filipinos all over Bangkok in various customer facing roles.

Not many things make me happier to call some number in Thailand expecting a Thai (who is supposed to be able to speak English but who absolutely cannot) to pick up but instead getting that distinctive Filipino accented English.

"Yes, mister [Firstname], I please hold while I check for you."

Filipinos who make it to Thailand as immigrants are generally much more useful. Of course, being immigrants, they would tend to be more motivated.

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As you have learned, while the literal translation of "mai mee" is "no have", it is widely used as a way of shrugging the person off regardless of whether or not they in fact have the item. In fact you will sometimes get the "mai mee" even when the item is clerarly behind them on the shelves, or before you have even named it.

Basically they are just trying to get rid of you. I think it even happens to Thai customers (as a way of the staff reducing their workload, especially if the item would require that they check, or fetch it from another part of the store). But it happens more with foreigners. Both because being outside the thai hierarchy, it is considered "safe" to disappoint or annoy foreigners, and becaye dealing iwth foreigners is more work/effort - harder to know what they are saying plus they often are seeking less common items.

Often it means "I don't know what you want and am unwilling to make an effort to find out" or even, if you have not yet even named the item, "I assume that dealing with you will be hard and I don't want to make the effort".

"Mai Dai" ("cannot") is the same story. More often means "I don't want to bother", "I don't know what it is/what you want" etc than that it is actually not possible to do whatever.

Patient but firm persistance is the best recourse. Smile and say "Kitwa mee...." (I think you do have...) and keep at it. Since the main impetus is to avoid effort, make it more of a hassle for them to take the "mai mee" or "mai dai" route than to just serve you in the first place.

I do not get "mai mee" I get 5 shop assistants surrounding me and following me down the aisles.

My record is 11 assistants following me and watching me closely. Do they think it's relaxed to shop like that? Their manager must be soo proud.

Shops who don't show the price always have sales who immediatly come with their sawasdee-ka. Can't speak a word english, don't know anything at all.

Why don't they go to school and come working in a shop when they at least know something?

Or the sales staff who follow you around and announce each item you touch while telling you only the colors available?

But dare to ask them (even in native Thai) a question outside of color, and they are totally lost!

We don't expect brain surgeons, but please at least do not linger and be annoying following us in a pack so closely that we have to say "excuse me" every time we want to change direction!

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I believe the mere presence of a foreigner has most of them shying away from the foreigner for fear of not understanding what the foreigner wants or what he is saying as 98% of them do not speak English and never will.

They do not meet many foreigners that can speak Thai well or well enough to understand what the foreigner is saying in English so in their minds they can not really help you before they even try to help you.

Usually they will tell another worker to take care of the foreigner while often enough you can see a group of them backing off and or pushing one of their work mates towards the foreigner while also, often enough, you can hear them saying: Koon Chew-Woy Falung ( You help the Falung)

Sometimes when I have been walking around one of the big construction materials supply stores and can not find what I am looking for and then it always seems that there is no floor staff any where around to be found, I will eventually come across a group of them all sitting around or standing around chatting away and I will walk up to them.

I will stare at them and eye them up and down as if I am angry while no one says anything at first but usually one of them will say hello:


Then I will say: Everyone here works in this store right ( Took Khon, Tam-Ngan Tee-Nee...Chai My?)

Chai Cap or Chai Kah.( Yes )

Then I will say: Very good ( Dee Muck Loy )

OK...Who here is really, really smart and knows everything about this store and all the products.

( Khon Nie Tee-Nee, Lroo Jack Took Yang....Khon Nie Cha-Lat Muck, Muck )

That usually has them perplexed as to why the Falung is asking them this or like this.

Then I will point at one of them....Usually a girl, and say: This one here is real smart, correct and uses her brain well, correct

( khon Nee...Poo-Ying Nah Lack, Chai Samong Kheng, Chai My..... Kow Chalat Muck, Chai My?)

That usually has them smirking and or smiling while they all point at one another saying:

My Chai, Khon Nee, My Mee Samong ( No way, this one or that one does not have a brain ) while everyone is joking.

Then I will say: OK, then everyone come and help me...come with me.

Kawh Took Khon, Mah Nee Noi...Mah Chew-Woy Pom Noi.

Usually all of them will come or most of them and then I have several of them trying to help me while I can see some of them have no clue while some of them or at least 1 of them is using their brain and helps me best they can.

Usually they are curious to know why I can speak Thai and think I must be married to a Thai woman... right.?

I tell them I have a lot of girl friends and learn fast.......but just joking. ( Mee Fan Yueh ..Lah Gaw, Falung Khon Nee, Lee-En Pasa Thai Lay-ow Muck Di.....

My Chai...Pood Lehn.

While I am there I always try to learn a few new Thai words ( specifically the Thai name for the product I am looking for ) and ask them what is this or what is that and what is the name in Thai language and how do you say it in Thai language while they usually ask how do you say it in English.

So...point is, you can usually have some fun at the same time and learn some new Thai words while trying not to show your frustrations.


Edited by gemguy
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I believe the mere presence of a foreigner has most of them shying away from the foreigner for fear of not understanding what the foreigner wants or what he is saying as 98% of them do not speak English and never will.

They do not meet many foreigners that can speak Thai well or well enough to understand what the foreigner is saying in English so in their minds they can not really help you before they even try to help you.

Usually they will tell another worker to take care of the foreigner while often enough you can see a group of them backing off and or pushing one of their work mates towards the foreigner while also, often enough, you can hear them saying: Koon Chew-Woy Falung ( You help the Falung)

Sometimes when I have been walking around one of the big construction materials supply stores and can not find what I am looking for and then it always seems that there is no floor staff any where around to be found, I will eventually come across a group of them all sitting around or standing around chatting away and I will walk up to them.

I will stare at them and eye them up and down as if I am angry while no one says anything at first but usually one of them will say hello:


Then I will say: Everyone here works in this store right ( Took Khon, Tam-Ngan Tee-Nee...Chai My?)

Chai Cap or Chai Kah.( Yes )

Then I will say: Very good ( Dee Muck Loy )

OK...Who here is really, really smart and knows everything about this store and all the products.

( Khon Nie Tee-Nee, Lroo Jack Took Yang....Khon Nie Cha-Lat Muck, Muck )

That usually has them perplexed as to why the Falung is asking them this or like this.

Then I will point at one of them....Usually a girl, and say: This one here is real smart, correct and uses her brain well, correct

( khon Nee...Poo-Ying Nah Lack, Chai Samong Kheng, Chai My..... Kow Chalat Muck, Chai My?)

That usually has them smirking and or smiling while they all point at one another saying:

My Chai, Khon Nee, My Mee Samong ( No way, this one or that one does not have a brain ) while everyone is joking.

Then I will say: OK, then everyone come and help me...come with me.

Kawh Took Khon, Mah Nee Noi...Mah Chew-Woy Pom Noi.

Usually all of them will come or most of them and then I have several of them trying to help me while I can see some of them have no clue while some of them or at least 1 of them is using their brain and helps me best they can.

Usually they are curious to know why I can speak Thai and think I must be married to a Thai woman... right.?

I tell them I have a lot of girl friends and learn fast.......but just joking. ( Mee Fan Yueh ..Lah Gaw, Falung Khon Nee, Lee-En Pasa Thai Lay-ow Muck Di.....

My Chai...Pood Lehn.

While I am there I always try to learn a few new Thai words ( specifically the Thai name for the product I am looking for ) and ask them what is this or what is that and what is the name in Thai language and how do you say it in Thai language while they usually ask how do you say it in English.

So...point is, you can usually have some fun at the same time and learn some new Thai words while trying not to show your frustrations.


your story sounds very entertaining. I wishy encounters were 10% as fun.
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I believe the mere presence of a foreigner has most of them shying away from the foreigner for fear of not understanding what the foreigner wants or what he is saying as 98% of them do not speak English and never will.

They do not meet many foreigners that can speak Thai well or well enough to understand what the foreigner is saying in English so in their minds they can not really help you before they even try to help you.

Usually they will tell another worker to take care of the foreigner while often enough you can see a group of them backing off and or pushing one of their work mates towards the foreigner while also, often enough, you can hear them saying: Koon Chew-Woy Falung ( You help the Falung)

Sometimes when I have been walking around one of the big construction materials supply stores and can not find what I am looking for and then it always seems that there is no floor staff any where around to be found, I will eventually come across a group of them all sitting around or standing around chatting away and I will walk up to them.

I will stare at them and eye them up and down as if I am angry while no one says anything at first but usually one of them will say hello:


Then I will say: Everyone here works in this store right ( Took Khon, Tam-Ngan Tee-Nee...Chai My?)

Chai Cap or Chai Kah.( Yes )

Then I will say: Very good ( Dee Muck Loy )

OK...Who here is really, really smart and knows everything about this store and all the products.

( Khon Nie Tee-Nee, Lroo Jack Took Yang....Khon Nie Cha-Lat Muck, Muck )

That usually has them perplexed as to why the Falung is asking them this or like this.

Then I will point at one of them....Usually a girl, and say: This one here is real smart, correct and uses her brain well, correct

( khon Nee...Poo-Ying Nah Lack, Chai Samong Kheng, Chai My..... Kow Chalat Muck, Chai My?)

That usually has them smirking and or smiling while they all point at one another saying:

My Chai, Khon Nee, My Mee Samong ( No way, this one or that one does not have a brain ) while everyone is joking.

Then I will say: OK, then everyone come and help me...come with me.

Kawh Took Khon, Mah Nee Noi...Mah Chew-Woy Pom Noi.

Usually all of them will come or most of them and then I have several of them trying to help me while I can see some of them have no clue while some of them or at least 1 of them is using their brain and helps me best they can.

Usually they are curious to know why I can speak Thai and think I must be married to a Thai woman... right.?

I tell them I have a lot of girl friends and learn fast.......but just joking. ( Mee Fan Yueh ..Lah Gaw, Falung Khon Nee, Lee-En Pasa Thai Lay-ow Muck Di.....

My Chai...Pood Lehn.

While I am there I always try to learn a few new Thai words ( specifically the Thai name for the product I am looking for ) and ask them what is this or what is that and what is the name in Thai language and how do you say it in Thai language while they usually ask how do you say it in English.

So...point is, you can usually have some fun at the same time and learn some new Thai words while trying not to show your frustrations.


This is the best post I have ever read on Thai visa!!!!!

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There was a book written by a French explorer in Laos in the 19th century. He was seeking a passage through the mountains to Vietnam, which was not called Vietnam in those days.

At every village, he got the same answer, bor mee, bor dai, bor hoo jak.

I can't remember the name of the book but it was a good read.

Plus ca change....

come to my house[wife's] its BOR E DA

Bor mee - บ่มี - not have

Bor dai - บ่ได้ - can't have

Bor jak- บ่ยาก - not difficult

Come to my house - มาบานข่อย - ma ban koi

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I believe the mere presence of a foreigner has most of them shying away from the foreigner for fear of not understanding what the foreigner wants or what he is saying as 98% of them do not speak English and never will.

They do not meet many foreigners that can speak Thai well or well enough to understand what the foreigner is saying in English so in their minds they can not really help you before they even try to help you.

Usually they will tell another worker to take care of the foreigner while often enough you can see a group of them backing off and or pushing one of their work mates towards the foreigner while also, often enough, you can hear them saying: Koon Chew-Woy Falung ( You help the Falung)

Sometimes when I have been walking around one of the big construction materials supply stores and can not find what I am looking for and then it always seems that there is no floor staff any where around to be found, I will eventually come across a group of them all sitting around or standing around chatting away and I will walk up to them.

I will stare at them and eye them up and down as if I am angry while no one says anything at first but usually one of them will say hello:


Then I will say: Everyone here works in this store right ( Took Khon, Tam-Ngan Tee-Nee...Chai My?)

Chai Cap or Chai Kah.( Yes )

Then I will say: Very good ( Dee Muck Loy )

OK...Who here is really, really smart and knows everything about this store and all the products.

( Khon Nie Tee-Nee, Lroo Jack Took Yang....Khon Nie Cha-Lat Muck, Muck )

That usually has them perplexed as to why the Falung is asking them this or like this.

Then I will point at one of them....Usually a girl, and say: This one here is real smart, correct and uses her brain well, correct

( khon Nee...Poo-Ying Nah Lack, Chai Samong Kheng, Chai My..... Kow Chalat Muck, Chai My?)

That usually has them smirking and or smiling while they all point at one another saying:

My Chai, Khon Nee, My Mee Samong ( No way, this one or that one does not have a brain ) while everyone is joking.

Then I will say: OK, then everyone come and help me...come with me.

Kawh Took Khon, Mah Nee Noi...Mah Chew-Woy Pom Noi.

Usually all of them will come or most of them and then I have several of them trying to help me while I can see some of them have no clue while some of them or at least 1 of them is using their brain and helps me best they can.

Usually they are curious to know why I can speak Thai and think I must be married to a Thai woman... right.?

I tell them I have a lot of girl friends and learn fast.......but just joking. ( Mee Fan Yueh ..Lah Gaw, Falung Khon Nee, Lee-En Pasa Thai Lay-ow Muck Di.....

My Chai...Pood Lehn.

While I am there I always try to learn a few new Thai words ( specifically the Thai name for the product I am looking for ) and ask them what is this or what is that and what is the name in Thai language and how do you say it in Thai language while they usually ask how do you say it in English.

So...point is, you can usually have some fun at the same time and learn some new Thai words while trying not to show your frustrations.


your story sounds very entertaining. I wishy encounters were 10% as fun.

Believe me I have plenty of just plain stupid and inept encounters on the part of the Thais that are supposed to serve customers.

My Thai is not near as good as it should be after all these many years in Thailand....but the Thais think I speak it well simply because they do not meet all that many foreigners that can speak Thai language well enough to communicate with them.

When dealing with them I try to keep calm but sometimes I begin to lose it also while for all the ones that are seemingly stupid you do meet more than enough of them that use their brains and are just short of Brilliant.


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I'm pretty laid back but the only time I got a bit stroppy about " Mai mee" was in the Khon Kaen branch of Sizzler. We'd ordered our food and my wife and daughter's had been served with no sign of mine. Gave it a few more minutes and asked where my grub was. "Mai mee" was the reply. And when were you going to let me know this rather pertinent fact? When Halley's Comet comes round again?

Reminds me of a trip to KFC a while ago. Told us to wait at the table whilst the orders were cooked. Wifey's arrived and I waited......and waited. Finally asked where mine was only to be told they had run out of burger buns. I laughed out loud when I was asked if I wanted the burger without the bun :)

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