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Violence escalates in Israel and West Bank


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For a man who hates vile leaders you give a very interesting list of corrupt unelected governments who are potential friends of Israel.

Those corrupt governments never seemed to bother you when they were using the Palestinians as pawns against Israel. What hypocrisy!

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Learn the definition of fundamentalist extremism. Another pathetic case where Islamist extremism is twisted towards blaming Jews.

i gave you an example of it from Torah.

if islam is extremist so do judaism from foundation.

So your defense for the extreme fundamental reading of Islam practiced by the governments of Iran, Saudi, Dash, Hamas, etc. is to refer to some Jewish fundamentalist text that isn't practiced anywhere by Jews? Weak. Very weak.

Welcome to my ignore list.

You point out the fundamental problem with organised religion, which is nothing to do with faith, and which was created by men to gain power and wealth, that eventually the people see that it's all BS and stop listening to the men with silly hats.

If one actually believes that the book ( written by men ) that you choose to follow, is in fact the word of God, you can't pick and choose which bits you want to believe in. It's either all or nothing, and "kill the homosexuals" is not really open to interpretation. Given that most if not all organised religions advocate death for homosexuals, I don't see how one can be a Jew, Muslim or Christian, yet advocate for homosexuals.

I saw that it's all BS a very long time ago, so I don't care, but don't tell me that Israel is a JEWISH state and then say they allow homosexuality because they are selective in what they believe.

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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

The terrorism was against the British. Far as I remember, the British were in the main sympathetic to the Zionists, but it didn't stop Begin et al killing them.

The Jews AND the Arabs were fighting the British at that point, because the Brits stabbed BOTH sides in the back. The King David Hotel was British Army HQ.

Regardless, the Zionists included terrorists, so don't go implying that only the Arabs were, as you appear to do.

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Nonsense. I - unlike you - have actually studied the entire conflict and I have never said or implied such a thing. Back then, pretty much every country on earth was not very concerned about killing civilians in warfare. It was a fairly normal thing (Dresden, Hiroshima, London Blitz, etc.) seventy years ago.

However, most of the civilized world has woken up since then and avoids targeting civilians. Islamic terrorists like the Palestinians are the exceptions.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Nonsense. I - unlike you - have actually studied the entire conflict and I have never said or implied such a thing. Back then, pretty much every country on earth was not very concerned about killing civilians in warfare. It was a fairly normal thing (Dresden, Hiroshima, London Blitz, etc.) seventy years ago.

However, most of the civilized world has woken up since then and avoids targeting civilians. Islamic terrorists like the Palestinians are the exceptions.

You appear to trying to say terrorism wasn't because it was back then. Not so.

You also appear to be saying that it's only terrorism when civilians are involved. Not so.- The USS Cole and the Lebanon barracks were terrorism, just as the King David was.

I was only pointing out that you only seem to refer to terrorism when Palestinians were involved, while the Zionists were just as much into it as the Arabs were. Just balancing the books as it were.

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Learn the definition of fundamentalist extremism. Another pathetic case where Islamist extremism is twisted towards blaming Jews.

i gave you an example of it from Torah.

if islam is extremist so do judaism from foundation.

So your defense for the extreme fundamental reading of Islam practiced by the governments of Iran, Saudi, Dash, Hamas, etc. is to refer to some Jewish fundamentalist text that isn't practiced anywhere by Jews? Weak. Very weak.

Welcome to my ignore list.

You point out the fundamental problem with organised religion, which is nothing to do with faith, and which was created by men to gain power and wealth, that eventually the people see that it's all BS and stop listening to the men with silly hats.

If one actually believes that the book ( written by men ) that you choose to follow, is in fact the word of God, you can't pick and choose which bits you want to believe in. It's either all or nothing, and "kill the homosexuals" is not really open to interpretation. Given that most if not all organised religions advocate death for homosexuals, I don't see how one can be a Jew, Muslim or Christian, yet advocate for homosexuals.

I saw that it's all BS a very long time ago, so I don't care, but don't tell me that Israel is a JEWISH state and then say they allow homosexuality because they are selective in what they believe.

You answered your own point. Muslims do believe the Koran is the actual word of God, Jews and Christians believe their holy books to be more allegorical, or have at least given up the notion they replace the law of the land. Try burning the three of you want to see the difference.
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I think it would be interesting but not possible of course, to plot where every minimally education person in our world sees Israel in terms of total world value. I would expect a very natural bell curve with 10 fairly normal standard deviations. Pretty much like every thing else.

Then, have the 15-18 million Jews do the same thing. I would not expect a bell curve as would normally be the case with all things.

Actually, the group in the United States that is most resolute and unquestioning in its support for Israel is evangelical christians. Jewish Americans are growing less and less attached to Zionism.
The vast majority of American Jews support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself. You're pushing a typical Israel demonization trope equating Zionism with support for all Israeli government policies, settlements etc. Zionism at its core is about the right of political self determination in a homeland now Israel. It doesn't mandate specific borders.

Zionism is all about racial supremacy. Jews anywhere in the world have the "right of return" to a land they have never even seen before, but Palestinians who have been ethnically cleansed and still hold the keys to their homes have no such right of return. That is why I am anti Zionist. It is a racist/religionist ideology.

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For a man who hates vile leaders you give a very interesting list of corrupt unelected governments who are potential friends of Israel.

Those corrupt governments never seemed to bother you when they were using the Palestinians as pawns against Israel. What hypocrisy!

Wrong...again. Sounds like one of your fabrications. I have been highly critical of all the governments on SD's list of Israeli allies. Except Azerbaijan, simply because they rarely get mentioned on TV; they have a barbaric human rights record. And Sudan...would that be South Sudan, to whom Israel supplied weapons during their horrendous civil war contrary to a UN boycott. No wonder they are great buddies.

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For a man who hates vile leaders you give a very interesting list of corrupt unelected governments who are potential friends of Israel.

Those corrupt governments never seemed to bother you when they were using the Palestinians as pawns against Israel. What hypocrisy!

Wrong...again. Sounds like one of your fabrications. I have been highly critical of all the governments on SD's list of Israeli allies. Except Azerbaijan, simply because they rarely get mentioned on TV; they have a barbaric human rights record. And Sudan...would that be South Sudan, to whom Israel supplied weapons during their horrendous civil war contrary to a UN boycott. No wonder they are great buddies.
Hate to disappoint you but it's the Khartoum government I referred to. Kind of fitting considering that after the six day war the Khartoum declaration stated 'No recognition, no negotiations and no peace'. And the Palestinians have thrown their lot in with the European left, who are rapidly diminishing in influence due to the ruin their policies have brought to Europe.


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For a man who hates vile leaders you give a very interesting list of corrupt unelected governments who are potential friends of Israel.

Those corrupt governments never seemed to bother you when they were using the Palestinians as pawns against Israel. What hypocrisy!

Wrong...again. Sounds like one of your fabrications. I have been highly critical of all the governments on SD's list of Israeli allies. Except Azerbaijan, simply because they rarely get mentioned on TV; they have a barbaric human rights record. And Sudan...would that be South Sudan, to whom Israel supplied weapons during their horrendous civil war contrary to a UN boycott. No wonder they are great buddies.
Hate to disappoint you but it's the Khartoum government I referred to. Kind of fitting considering that after the six day war the Khartoum declaration stated 'No recognition, no negotiations and no peace'. And the Palestinians have thrown their lot in with the European left, who are rapidly diminishing in influence due to the ruin their policies have brought to Europe.


Two corrupt governments for the price of one....a bargain for Israel.

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Zionism is all about racial supremacy.

A poor choice of words. The concept of racial superiority applies to such ridiculous dogma as the Nazi Aryan myth which arose out of the myth developed to explain that Sanskrit and modern Hindi were related to the European languages following the work of William Jones in the 18th century. It applies also to the racist ideology behind the slave trade from Africa to the Americas. For all their prejudices and ridiculous political policies, Israelis do not ascribe to any sort of classical racial supremacy ideology. One does not need a philosophy of racial supremacy to discriminate against others.

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I was only pointing out that you only seem to refer to terrorism when Palestinians were involved, while the Zionists were just as much into it as the Arabs were.

I am usually referring to terrorism in the recent past and present. Pretty much everyone fought that way back then. The rest of the world has become more civilized, but Islamic terrorists want to go backwards in so many regards.

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Zionism is all about racial supremacy.

A poor choice of words. The concept of racial superiority applies to such ridiculous dogma as the Nazi Aryan myth which arose out of the myth developed to explain that Sanskrit and modern Hindi were related to the European languages following the work of William Jones in the 18th century. It applies also to the racist ideology behind the slave trade from Africa to the Americas. For all their prejudices and ridiculous political policies, Israelis do not ascribe to any sort of classical racial supremacy ideology. One does not need a philosophy of racial supremacy to discriminate against others.

Not the Zionism is racism hate speech again?

This is typical Israel demonization ... totally reversing the actual truth.

Which is -- ANTI-ZIONISM is racism.


A racist is someone who privileges some ethnic groups above others purely on the grounds of race, or racial or ethnic origins. “White supremacists” are therefore racists (as are “black supremacists”.) The hotelier who advertises “no blacks” — or “no Jews” — is a racist. Apologists for anti-Zionist racism, anxious to avoid the opprobrium that the word “racist” attracts, argue that they support the right of Jewish self-determination, but not in “Palestine”. But that’s precisely where the international community has decreed that the state of the Jews shall be located, and where it is located. Those (whose numbers, I regret to say, include British politicians, intellectuals and academics) who campaign for the overturning of these realities are undoubtedly, therefore, racists.
Edited by Jingthing
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For a man who hates vile leaders you give a very interesting list of corrupt unelected governments who are potential friends of Israel.
Those corrupt governments never seemed to bother you when they were using the Palestinians as pawns against Israel. What hypocrisy!

Wrong...again. Sounds like one of your fabrications. I have been highly critical of all the governments on SD's list of Israeli allies. Except Azerbaijan, simply because they rarely get mentioned on TV; they have a barbaric human rights record. And Sudan...would that be South Sudan, to whom Israel supplied weapons during their horrendous civil war contrary to a UN boycott. No wonder they are great buddies.
Hate to disappoint you but it's the Khartoum government I referred to. Kind of fitting considering that after the six day war the Khartoum declaration stated 'No recognition, no negotiations and no peace'. And the Palestinians have thrown their lot in with the European left, who are rapidly diminishing in influence due to the ruin their policies have brought to Europe.


Two corrupt governments for the price of one....a bargain for Israel.

Never stops you counting the deluge of anti-Israel declarations from the Islamists and tinpot commie republics of the UNHRC - hypocrite.

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Zionism is all about racial supremacy.

A poor choice of words. The concept of racial superiority applies to such ridiculous dogma as the Nazi Aryan myth which arose out of the myth developed to explain that Sanskrit and modern Hindi were related to the European languages following the work of William Jones in the 18th century. It applies also to the racist ideology behind the slave trade from Africa to the Americas. For all their prejudices and ridiculous political policies, Israelis do not ascribe to any sort of classical racial supremacy ideology. One does not need a philosophy of racial supremacy to discriminate against others.

Tell us why Israel will not allow Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes in Israel to return. Selected ones could undergo stringent security vetting and or just allow aging Palestinians to return who still hold their keys and title deeds to their confiscated homes and land?
Tell us why Israel does not allow its own Israeli Arab citizens to marry anyone on a proscribed list of Muslim countries, again despite the most stringent security vettings. The Israeli apologists will disingenuously tell us Israeli Jews aren't allowed to marry anyone from Muslim countries either. As if they'd want to.
Tell us why Netanyahu panicked during the last election and rallied his right wing voters with the infamous cry:"The Arabs are voting in droves."
Of course Zionism all about racism. It's aim is to have a Jewish state by maintaining a Jewish majority. You can't have a democratic Jewish State if you have a Palestinian majority...simple math.
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Tell us why Israel will not allow Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes in Israel to return.

Because it would be the end of Israel... duh, and most of them left their homes voluntarily to let the Arab hordes slaughter Jews more easily. It ain't ever going to happen anyway.

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Tell us why Israel will not allow Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes in Israel to return.

Because it would be the end of Israel... duh, and most of them left their homes voluntarily to let the Arab hordes slaughter Jews more easily. It ain't ever going to happen anyway.

QED. A Jewish state needs to maintain a Jewish majority...whatever racist laws it needs to pass, or ignoring of international laws and UN resolutions.
The end of Israel as a Zionist state, but the beginning of a secular democratic one.
If the IDF behaves the way it does in the OP under the spotlight of international and social media, imagine what they were doing to the Palestinians to make them disappear in previous rounds of ethnic cleansing before the internet was invented.
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imagine what they were doing to the Palestinians to make them disappear in previous rounds of ethnic cleansing before the internet was invented.

Imagine what your posts would be like if not for falsehoods and conspiracy theories. The FACTS don't help your case.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Les Juifs sont indigènes en Israël, tout comme les Berbères étaient à des parties de l'Afrique du Nord ou les Coptes étaient en Egypte. Ce sont les envahisseurs arabes qui étaient les colons. Rend votre bêtises sur le colonialisme un non sequitur.

The Jews are indigenous to Israel, just as the Berbers were to parts of North Africa or the Copts were to Egypt. It was the Arab invaders who were the colonists. Makes your nonsense about colonialism a non sequitur.
Some including myself do not make the difference. For me the Jews of Israel are a tribe amid other rival clans.
And so I did not have more respect for Netanyahu than for Assad or Khadafi for example. The same sectarian shit.
The link Israel with the West is fading day after day. Now all advanced nations reject Israeli brutality and look forward the time where US let them alone to settle their neighborhood conflicts.
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Zionism is all about racial supremacy.

A poor choice of words. The concept of racial superiority applies to such ridiculous dogma as the Nazi Aryan myth which arose out of the myth developed to explain that Sanskrit and modern Hindi were related to the European languages following the work of William Jones in the 18th century. It applies also to the racist ideology behind the slave trade from Africa to the Americas. For all their prejudices and ridiculous political policies, Israelis do not ascribe to any sort of classical racial supremacy ideology. One does not need a philosophy of racial supremacy to discriminate against others.


Tell us why Israel will not allow Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes in Israel to return. Selected ones could undergo stringent security vetting and or just allow aging Palestinians to return who still hold their keys and title deeds to their confiscated homes and land?

Tell us why Israel does not allow its own Israeli Arab citizens to marry anyone on a proscribed list of Muslim countries, again despite the most stringent security vettings. The Israeli apologists will disingenuously tell us Israeli Jews aren't allowed to marry anyone from Muslim countries either. As if they'd want to.

Tell us why Netanyahu panicked during the last election and rallied his right wing voters with the infamous cry:"The Arabs are voting in droves."

Of course Zionism all about racism. It's aim is to have a Jewish state by maintaining a Jewish majority. You can't have a democratic Jewish State if you have a Palestinian majority...simple math.

Though it seems to be a concept that forever eludes you a sovereign state is entitled to make its own laws and control its own immigration policy. Whether or not a democracy has a majority of its citizens who are Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever does not make it racist if they have an immigration policy that maintains this. But your hypocrisy is so ingrained you can't even see it. UG covered why the Palestinians left. More Jews were expelled from the Arab world losing land equal to twice that of Judea and Samaria, but Israel settled them all instead of letting generations fester in refugee camps sucking up the worlds resources whilst producing precisely zilch, save for terrorist attacks, sharia tyranny, stunted and damaged egos for their children, whilst their leaders live in mansions and fly around in private jets.

Yet our esteemed members are seemingly blind to all this and equally blind to far more deserving cases such as the people of Tibet.

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Zionism is all about racial supremacy.

A poor choice of words. The concept of racial superiority applies to such ridiculous dogma as the Nazi Aryan myth which arose out of the myth developed to explain that Sanskrit and modern Hindi were related to the European languages following the work of William Jones in the 18th century. It applies also to the racist ideology behind the slave trade from Africa to the Americas. For all their prejudices and ridiculous political policies, Israelis do not ascribe to any sort of classical racial supremacy ideology. One does not need a philosophy of racial supremacy to discriminate against others.


Tell us why Israel will not allow Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes in Israel to return. Selected ones could undergo stringent security vetting and or just allow aging Palestinians to return who still hold their keys and title deeds to their confiscated homes and land?

Tell us why Israel does not allow its own Israeli Arab citizens to marry anyone on a proscribed list of Muslim countries, again despite the most stringent security vettings. The Israeli apologists will disingenuously tell us Israeli Jews aren't allowed to marry anyone from Muslim countries either. As if they'd want to.

Tell us why Netanyahu panicked during the last election and rallied his right wing voters with the infamous cry:"The Arabs are voting in droves."

Of course Zionism all about racism. It's aim is to have a Jewish state by maintaining a Jewish majority. You can't have a democratic Jewish State if you have a Palestinian majority...simple math.

Though it seems to be a concept that forever eludes you a sovereign state is entitled to make its own laws and control its own immigration policy. Whether or not a democracy has a majority of its citizens who are Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever does not make it racist if they have an immigration policy that maintains this. But your hypocrisy is so ingrained you can't even see it. UG covered why the Palestinians left. More Jews were expelled from the Arab world losing land equal to twice that of Judea and Samaria, but Israel settled them all instead of letting generations fester in refugee camps sucking up the worlds resources whilst producing precisely zilch, save for terrorist attacks, sharia tyranny, stunted and damaged egos for their children, whilst their leaders live in mansions and fly around in private jets.

Yet our esteemed members are seemingly blind to all this and equally blind to far more deserving cases such as the people of Tibet.

Just because a country is a sovereign state doesn't mean its laws and actions are not racist...we can all think of many examples in history of laws designed to deny certain races and religions their civil rights. The irony is that Jews themselves have been the victims of such racism/religionism. So that's no excuse.
UG covered nothing. He just regurgitated Zionist mythology. OK, I will be generous and quote from your own Jewish Virtual Library to show just how disingenuous and fabricators Zionist apologists are:
"Thousands [no figures given] of wealthy Arabs left in anticipation of a war, thousands [no figures given; no evidence provided] more responded to Arab leaders’ calls to get out of the way of the advancing armies, a handful [no figures given] were expelled, but most simply fled to avoid being caught in the cross fire of a battle [as refugees tend to do in time of warfare]."
Israel's war crime is not allowing these refugees to return to their homes.
I have frequently suggested if Jewish refugee expulsion claims are proven, then compensation should be paid to them too as part of a final peace agreement. Palestinian refugees cannot be held responsible for what other governments did to Jews just because they happen to speak the same language. Just as Canadians can't be held responsible for what Americans and the British do.
You conclude with your usual off topic deflection.
The point is that Palestinian teenagers killed in the OP and the IDF who killed them were not even alive at the time of the events in another era. It's time you looked to the future rather than the past.
Edited by dexterm
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Zionism is all about racial supremacy.

A poor choice of words. The concept of racial superiority applies to such ridiculous dogma as the Nazi Aryan myth which arose out of the myth developed to explain that Sanskrit and modern Hindi were related to the European languages following the work of William Jones in the 18th century. It applies also to the racist ideology behind the slave trade from Africa to the Americas. For all their prejudices and ridiculous political policies, Israelis do not ascribe to any sort of classical racial supremacy ideology. One does not need a philosophy of racial supremacy to discriminate against others.


Tell us why Israel will not allow Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes in Israel to return. Selected ones could undergo stringent security vetting and or just allow aging Palestinians to return who still hold their keys and title deeds to their confiscated homes and land?

Tell us why Israel does not allow its own Israeli Arab citizens to marry anyone on a proscribed list of Muslim countries, again despite the most stringent security vettings. The Israeli apologists will disingenuously tell us Israeli Jews aren't allowed to marry anyone from Muslim countries either. As if they'd want to.

Tell us why Netanyahu panicked during the last election and rallied his right wing voters with the infamous cry:"The Arabs are voting in droves."

Of course Zionism all about racism. It's aim is to have a Jewish state by maintaining a Jewish majority. You can't have a democratic Jewish State if you have a Palestinian majority...simple math.

Though it seems to be a concept that forever eludes you a sovereign state is entitled to make its own laws and control its own immigration policy. Whether or not a democracy has a majority of its citizens who are Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever does not make it racist if they have an immigration policy that maintains this. But your hypocrisy is so ingrained you can't even see it. UG covered why the Palestinians left. More Jews were expelled from the Arab world losing land equal to twice that of Judea and Samaria, but Israel settled them all instead of letting generations fester in refugee camps sucking up the worlds resources whilst producing precisely zilch, save for terrorist attacks, sharia tyranny, stunted and damaged egos for their children, whilst their leaders live in mansions and fly around in private jets.

Yet our esteemed members are seemingly blind to all this and equally blind to far more deserving cases such as the people of Tibet.

Land ownership of Jews in Arab countries dates back from the Ottoman Empire.

Moreover Jews living in these countries gained afterwards double citizenship under western colonialism.

They became for instance: Algerian and French under the decree of Cremieux who provided this exclusive rights to Jews-only, and not the indigenous people.

The Jews with double citizenship had to leave the country after the decolonisation process of the previous Ottoman Empire : Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lybia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. All those countries maintained a different treatment to the expulsion.

The Jews who remained were expelled short AFTER that the Arab armies were attacked by the early Israeli militants as soon as Israel declared its 1948 borders.This didn't happen before !

The anger of the Palestinians in the West Bank from OP is because they have been expulsed previously from Israel, and that the expulsion or genocide is unfortunately still ongoing by way of Israeli deception.

Edited by Thorgal
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The Arabs refused the UN deal and attacked Israel and got their butts kicked. It had NOTHING to do with the Jews living in Arab countries who were expelled after living there for generations. Please do not try to justify this barbarity.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

I disagree with your pseudo history.

Just because the bully Zionism wins does not make it right.

Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized. Palestine will be no different.

The Jews are indigenous to Israel, just as the Berbers were to parts of North Africa or the Copts were to Egypt. It was the Arab invaders who were the colonists. Makes your nonsense about colonialism a non sequitur.

And the aborigines in Australia and the native Americans, the Picts, Scots and so on

The Jews were given Israel by the Brits under certain conditions which they broke.

I am so bored of this issue

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i gave you an example of it from Torah.

if islam is extremist so do judaism from foundation.

So your defense for the extreme fundamental reading of Islam practiced by the governments of Iran, Saudi, Dash, Hamas, etc. is to refer to some Jewish fundamentalist text that isn't practiced anywhere by Jews? Weak. Very weak.

Welcome to my ignore list.

You point out the fundamental problem with organised religion, which is nothing to do with faith, and which was created by men to gain power and wealth, that eventually the people see that it's all BS and stop listening to the men with silly hats.

If one actually believes that the book ( written by men ) that you choose to follow, is in fact the word of God, you can't pick and choose which bits you want to believe in. It's either all or nothing, and "kill the homosexuals" is not really open to interpretation. Given that most if not all organised religions advocate death for homosexuals, I don't see how one can be a Jew, Muslim or Christian, yet advocate for homosexuals.

I saw that it's all BS a very long time ago, so I don't care, but don't tell me that Israel is a JEWISH state and then say they allow homosexuality because they are selective in what they believe.

You answered your own point. Muslims do believe the Koran is the actual word of God, Jews and Christians believe their holy books to be more allegorical, or have at least given up the notion they replace the law of the land. Try burning the three of you want to see the difference.

Wrong. My point, such as it is, is that the "books" on which organised religion are based are probably BS, so why would anyone that does not recognise the "book" as the word of God believe anything to do with it. After all, it can't be partly the word of God, and only believe the bits that you agree with- that is BS.

So, if one claims to be a Jew or a Christian, ergo one MUST believe that homosexuals should be killed, for example, or one can't really be a Christian or Jew, just a pretend one that only gives lip service.

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Learn the definition of fundamentalist extremism. Another pathetic case where Islamist extremism is twisted towards blaming Jews.

i gave you an example of it from Torah.

if islam is extremist so do judaism from foundation.

So your defense for the extreme fundamental reading of Islam practiced by the governments of Iran, Saudi, Dash, Hamas, etc. is to refer to some Jewish fundamentalist text that isn't practiced anywhere by Jews? Weak. Very weak.

Welcome to my ignore list.

always talking but never answering my questions!

and, it does not matter. Judaism as a religion is as vicious, bloody and harsh as Islam or Christianity.

Foundation of Judaism is this, not different from Islam or Christianity.

so, do you believe in Judaism? as if you believe, you need to abide the rules of your religion, do you? if not, then you are not jewish anyway.

i am posting it third time as it gets deleted but do you believe this written in Torah, frankly?: I asked this to you many time but no answer.

Lev. 20:13 "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed a detestable act: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

if you dont believe it then it means you have doubts about your religion and at the end, it is either you believe all or you believe none, you just cannot choose what you want to believe form a holy book like you choose your face cream from Boots!

just know yourself as i sense your doubts. it is sad when you say you support Zionism related with Judaism and in return you are basically a heretic as you dont abide the rules of it. And i wonder have you even been in those countries you list?

plus, let me tell you what Zionism is; it is fascist nationalistic movement of right wing Jewish people aiming to do whatever it gets (stealing others's land, oppressing people around, bombings, wars, doing assassinations around the world etc etc) to keep their stolen land and trying to annex more land time by time. it is also a racist movement seeing Jewish as superior and it is also super capitalist. basically rich will be richer and poor poorer with it too. and no human rights associated with it too.

this is what you believe so please never come and talk me about democracy, barbaric acts, fundamentalism, extremism etc etc as Zionism contains them as well!

and it is a honor to be in someone elses ignore list. it shows i am pressing to the right points and telling me that person has nothign to say anyway plus who are you? do you always feel like an important person? funny.

Edited by Galactus
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Learn the definition of fundamentalist extremism. Another pathetic case where Islamist extremism is twisted towards blaming Jews.

i gave you an example of it from Torah.

if islam is extremist so do judaism from foundation.

So your defense for the extreme fundamental reading of Islam practiced by the governments of Iran, Saudi, Dash, Hamas, etc. is to refer to some Jewish fundamentalist text that isn't practiced anywhere by Jews? Weak. Very weak.

Welcome to my ignore list.

always talking but never answering my questions!

and, it does not matter. Judaism as a religion is as vicious, bloody and harsh as Islam or Christianity.

Foundation of Judaism is this, not different from Islam or Christianity.

so, do you believe in Judaism? as if you believe, you need to abide the rules of your religion, do you? if not, then you are not jewish anyway.

i am posting it third time as it gets deleted but do you believe this written in Torah, frankly?: I asked this to you many time but no answer.

Lev. 20:13 "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed a detestable act: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

if you dont believe it then it means you have doubts about your religion and at the end, it is either you believe all or you believe none, you just cannot choose what you want to believe form a holy book like you choose your face cream from Boots!

just know yourself as i sense your doubts. it is sad when you say you suppor Zionism related with Judaism and in return you are basically a heretic as you dont abide the rules of it. And i wonder have you even been in those countries you list?

plus, let me tell you what Zionism is; it is fascist nationalistic movement of right wing Jewish people aiming to do whatever it gets (stealing others's land, oppressing people around, bombings, wars, doing assassinations around the world etc etc) to keep their stolen land and trying to annex more land time by time. it is also a racist movement seeing Jewish as superior and it is also super capitalist. basically rich will be richer and poor poorer with it too.

this is what you believe so please never come and talk me about democracy, barbaric acts, fundamentalism, extremism etc etc as Zionism contains them as well!

and it is a honor to be in someone elses ignore list. it shows i am pressing to the right points and telling me that person has nothign to say anyway plus who are you, do you always feel like an important person? funny.

Your view of religion is bipolar, either total observance or total abstinence with a sea of hypocrisy in between. Fortunately in the real world there are far less Christian or Jewish fundamentalists than with Islam, whose main schools of jurisprudence are fundamentalist themselves. You can call those who adopt a pick and mix attitude to religion hypocrites, but they the majority.

As for your assertion that I believe every bit of the Torah or are somehow not Jewish, I beg to differ. I believe not one sentence of it but I am Jewish, ask the KKK, ask any Islamonazi ask any of our esteemed members. Religion is as much baggage and culture as it is belief. This is why most Jews support Zionism. It is our word, you can go to hell if you think by repeatedly distorting its meaning you can dishonestly misappropriate it and try and use it to divide who you consider good Jews from bad Jews.

The exquisite irony of it all is the European left throwing their hand in with political Islam just as the long suffering sane majority are waking up, Israel will be viewed completely differently to those who have woken.

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Yeah the obsessive and hateful Israel demonization agenda is all about denying the existence of Jews as a people, culture, etc. They insist on defining Jewish as only a religion. Denial is a specialty of this crew -- denial of the right of Israel to exist, denial of the right of Israel to defend itself, denial of the actual definition of Zionism (POLITICAL self determination for the Jewish PEOPLE), denial of the VERY GOOD reasons that the Zionist movement found resonance in the first place (LONG before WW2), and of course in more extreme cases, denial of the holocaust.

Edited by Jingthing
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If I was a betting man I'd put money on the Israelis rather than the Palestinians. Palestinians should have resisted harder or moved on from a hopeless cause.

Israel is basically an apartheid state, it is taking land as it chooses, it will probably keep expanding.

Israel through their lobby basically owns the US and uses them as their bitch for canon fodder in its ME wars. They also own a lot of international media so basically get positive press most of the time.

Israel may be morally bankrupt but they've all but achieved their goals. Palestinians maybe better off trying to any kind of international deal before they're all dead.

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If I was a betting man I'd put money on the Israelis rather than the Palestinians. Palestinians should have resisted harder or moved on from a hopeless cause.

Israel is basically an apartheid state, it is taking land as it chooses, it will probably keep expanding.

Israel through their lobby basically owns the US and uses them as their bitch for canon fodder in its ME wars. They also own a lot of international media so basically get positive press most of the time.

Israel may be morally bankrupt but they've all but achieved their goals. Palestinians maybe better off trying to any kind of international deal before they're all dead.

Rancid seems the proper word after reading that toxic rant.

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