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Hillary Clinton barks like a dog to slam Republicans


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Hillary Clinton barks like a dog to slam Republicans
By Dan Merica, CNN

Reno, Nevada (CNN)Hillary Clinton's stump speech has gone to the dogs.

Not really. But Clinton told a colorful story on Monday in Reno that ended with the former secretary of state barking like a dog.

Clinton was in the middle of a riff about how, in her view, Republicans say things that are not true, when she remembered a radio ad that she said ran in rural Arkansas while her husband, Bill Clinton, was running for office.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/02/15/politics/hillary-clinton-barks-like-a-dog-gop/index.html

-- CNN 2016-02-16

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I was just watching some videos about Ms. Clinton. What a piece of work that one is. Sounds like it would be more suitable for her to be doing hard time rather than campaigning to be the next US president. I really don't think it matters which puppet sits in the Oval Office, though -- just there to sign the papers making things official and doing one's best to maintain the illusion of a multi-party system. Didn't Obama prove that beyond doubt?

Edited by Inn Between
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I just watched that video that the full article referred to. It was funny! Not a slam on her, but really a slam on the Republicans. I hear nothing but lies and bravado from them. When they accuse the Dems of doing something naughty, it's because they are finally done doing that bit themselves. Losers all. Innuendo, lies, obfuscation, and BS. You know all those supposed things that she and Bill are guilty of, the investigations, the deaths, the lies, the cheating, whatever... These are things that she's never been found guilty of having done. When she said in the '90s that there was a 'vast right wing conspiracy' out to get them, she was soooo <deleted> right!

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I just watched that video that the full article referred to. It was funny! Not a slam on her, but really a slam on the Republicans. I hear nothing but lies and bravado from them. When they accuse the Dems of doing something naughty, it's because they are finally done doing that bit themselves. Losers all. Innuendo, lies, obfuscation, and BS. You know all those supposed things that she and Bill are guilty of, the investigations, the deaths, the lies, the cheating, whatever... These are things that she's never been found guilty of having done. When she said in the '90s that there was a 'vast right wing conspiracy' out to get them, she was soooo <deleted> right!

Yes, the first poster who shows he has actually clicked on the link provided and looked at that link.

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I just watched that video that the full article referred to. It was funny! Not a slam on her, but really a slam on the Republicans. I hear nothing but lies and bravado from them. When they accuse the Dems of doing something naughty, it's because they are finally done doing that bit themselves. Losers all. Innuendo, lies, obfuscation, and BS. You know all those supposed things that she and Bill are guilty of, the investigations, the deaths, the lies, the cheating, whatever... These are things that she's never been found guilty of having done. When she said in the '90s that there was a 'vast right wing conspiracy' out to get them, she was soooo <deleted> right!

Innuendo, lies, obfuscation, and BS. You know all those supposed things that she and Bill are guilty of, the investigations, the deaths, the lies, the cheating, whatever...

Me thinks you are slightly overzealous in your support for Hillary my friend. The chickens are soon coming home to roost for Hillary.

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Hillary doesn't need one dog but a pack of dogs to bark every time she opens her lying mouth.

Trump said in the last debate he spoke loudly regarding not going to war in iraq. There is nothing prior to 2004 from him on that, clearly a lie.

But then, he was a Democrat then so all forgiven............blink.png

Then Cruz claiming CNN told him Carson was not going to continue a claim CNN flatly denies.

So how is life in that glass house?

Edited by grumpyoldman
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Hillary doesn't need one dog but a pack of dogs to bark every time she opens her lying mouth.

Trump said in the last debate he spoke loudly regarding not going to war in iraq. There is nothing prior to 2004 from him on that, clearly a lie.

But then, he was a Democrat then so all forgiven............blink.png

Then Cruz claiming CNN told him Carson was not going to continue a claim CNN flatly denies.

So how is life in that glass house?

Did I say Hillary was the only politician that tells lies? No I didn't. Jump to conclusions much?

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I was just watching some videos about Ms. Clinton. What a piece of work that one is. Sounds like it would be more suitable for her to be doing hard time rather than campaigning to be the next US president. I really don't think it matters which puppet sits in the Oval Office, though -- just there to sign the papers making things official and doing one's best to maintain the illusion of a multi-party system. Didn't Obama prove that beyond doubt?

If Trump becomes President she will be doing hard time.

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I was just watching some videos about Ms. Clinton. What a piece of work that one is. Sounds like it would be more suitable for her to be doing hard time rather than campaigning to be the next US president. I really don't think it matters which puppet sits in the Oval Office, though -- just there to sign the papers making things official and doing one's best to maintain the illusion of a multi-party system. Didn't Obama prove that beyond doubt?

If Trump becomes President she will be doing hard time.
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I was just watching some videos about Ms. Clinton. What a piece of work that one is. Sounds like it would be more suitable for her to be doing hard time rather than campaigning to be the next US president. I really don't think it matters which puppet sits in the Oval Office, though -- just there to sign the papers making things official and doing one's best to maintain the illusion of a multi-party system. Didn't Obama prove that beyond doubt?

If Trump becomes President she will be doing hard time.

If Trump wins we will all be doing hard time.

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Republicans hate hate hate on Hillary

Get used to "Madame President", fellas. clap2.gif

I am not a Republican. But I get your point. It is a personal horror for me to even now imagine her as president (I have a difficult time imagining her without an orange jumpsuit). My sense of your prediction is akin to the stages of death and dying [of my nation]. I am already in Stage 4 now. Her election would be Stage 5 for me, Acceptance. There would be nothing left to invest in. There would be nothing to recover from any longer. America is already an agonal patient. HRC would pull the plug.

I despise her greater then any I have actually known in my life- I have zero intimate knowledge of HRC. It makes my disdain really quite illogical if not pathological; and yet its true. I detest that woman (though its not hate. I am divorced. It is a different emotion. I know). HRC perfectly embodies all the archetypes of all that is wrong with America today; this is why she is a lightening rod for others' negative perception of her.

Every single thing about her entire life is self evidently fraudulent to me. I trust the brilliant observations of a favorite author, Malcolm Gladwell, from his bestselling book "Blink." The book is of course about when we learn to rely on self intuition, even though we cannot articulate why something "is," it generally follows that our intuition is correct, and it "is."

And so it is equally with your intuition about people like me; you are correct: I am horrified now at the thought of her as "Madame President." Correct.

But I am equally horrified at my country as a whole for extending her continued legitimacy.

* It would of course depend on what "is" is, however.

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Republicans hate hate hate on Hillary

Get used to "Madame President", fellas. clap2.gif

I am not a Republican. But I get your point. It is a personal horror for me to even now imagine her as president (I have a difficult time imagining her without an orange jumpsuit). My sense of your prediction is akin to the stages of death and dying [of my nation]. I am already in Stage 4 now. Her election would be Stage 5 for me, Acceptance. There would be nothing left to invest in. There would be nothing to recover from any longer. America is already an agonal patient. HRC would pull the plug.

I despise her greater then any I have actually known in my life- I have zero intimate knowledge of HRC. It makes my disdain really quite illogical if not pathological; and yet its true. I detest that woman (though its not hate. I am divorced. It is a different emotion. I know). HRC perfectly embodies all the archetypes of all that is wrong with America today; this is why she is a lightening rod for others' negative perception of her.

Every single thing about her entire life is self evidently fraudulent to me. I trust the brilliant observations of a favorite author, Malcolm Gladwell, from his bestselling book "Blink." The book is of course about when we learn to rely on self intuition, even though we cannot articulate why something "is," it generally follows that our intuition is correct, and it "is."

And so it is equally with your intuition about people like me; you are correct: I am horrified now at the thought of her as "Madame President." Correct.

But I am equally horrified at my country as a whole for extending her continued legitimacy.

* It would of course depend on what "is" is, however.

So you intuitively don't like her, Arj???

Every single thing about her entire life is self evidently fraudulent. Self evidently fraudulent?

And you're divorced? I don't know why you would mention that. Seems out of context. Detest that woman too, maybe?

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Republicans hate hate hate on Hillary

Get used to "Madame President", fellas. clap2.gif

It's not hate. It is being realistic and facing the truth.
For me, it is hate. I cannot stand seeing her smug, grinning face on tv as she makes her more desperate speeches.

I really do not know what she has to be smug or grin about!! She's a scumbag liar and listening to her supporters whoop and cheer her only proves a point as to how many idiots America has!

Barking like a dog? She has finally flipped

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Republicans hate hate hate on Hillary

Get used to "Madame President", fellas. clap2.gif

I am not a Republican. But I get your point. It is a personal horror for me to even now imagine her as president (I have a difficult time imagining her without an orange jumpsuit). My sense of your prediction is akin to the stages of death and dying [of my nation]. I am already in Stage 4 now. Her election would be Stage 5 for me, Acceptance. There would be nothing left to invest in. There would be nothing to recover from any longer. America is already an agonal patient. HRC would pull the plug.

I despise her greater then any I have actually known in my life- I have zero intimate knowledge of HRC. It makes my disdain really quite illogical if not pathological; and yet its true. I detest that woman (though its not hate. I am divorced. It is a different emotion. I know). HRC perfectly embodies all the archetypes of all that is wrong with America today; this is why she is a lightening rod for others' negative perception of her.

Every single thing about her entire life is self evidently fraudulent to me. I trust the brilliant observations of a favorite author, Malcolm Gladwell, from his bestselling book "Blink." The book is of course about when we learn to rely on self intuition, even though we cannot articulate why something "is," it generally follows that our intuition is correct, and it "is."

And so it is equally with your intuition about people like me; you are correct: I am horrified now at the thought of her as "Madame President." Correct.

But I am equally horrified at my country as a whole for extending her continued legitimacy.

* It would of course depend on what "is" is, however.

So you intuitively don't like her, Arj???

Every single thing about her entire life is self evidently fraudulent. Self evidently fraudulent?

And you're divorced? I don't know why you would mention that. Seems out of context. Detest that woman too, maybe?

Your post is based on the subjective and you seem surprised I apply intuition to respond?

I objectively despise HRC as well but your post spoke only to the a priori, "hate, hate, hate." Because your post was subjective (and pretty darn close to true) I found it agreeable to jump in and share candidly without getting mired in the back and forth that goes on here often. So, whereas posters all day itemize and measure and reject to HRC in these TV OPs, you enumerated one overwhelming snapshot that you suspected captured the subjective protest to HRC- emotion.

I do not "hate" HRC. I contrasted your post with an experience in my life that provides "hate" reference- my ex. One may dislike my candor and certainly my POV but I honestly tried to answer your observation.

HRC does represent composite negative archetypes for many Americans. This is why the often inexplicable but overwhelming disdain from the "Hillary for Prison" crowd. At some point in any deliberation an observer just has to step back and ask why?

"I do not understand why so many people detest HRC, from all walks of life, from the old to the young, male and female, rich and poor... why do these people viscerally despise her so much?" After years and years of no clear answers it no longer matters. A succinct descriptive answer to this riddle no longer has meaning. At a certain point answers are meaningless beside the sheer number and gravity of people who are viscerally repulsed by Hillary. Like a magnet moved through iron filings on a table, Hillary repulses so many whom she comes in contact with that it is at least an observable phenomena. Thus, wherever she goes, whatever she talks about, she is the story. Always, everywhere, the intuitive baggage of repulsion is so universal that always "Hilary" herself becomes part of the story/solution/proposal/etc. HRC is the problem.

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