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Good Dental Report Card


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Recently I visited the dentist after about a year (I know, I know- shoulda been 6 months) for a regular checkup.

She was surprised and asked me if I'd had a cleaning anywhere else since seeing her. I told her no. She did some scraping and polishing and so forth, and told me she'd see me in another 6 months.

Normally I have at least one small cavity- my teeth have not been easy to take care of over the years, though I brush regularly.

The things I consider possible reasons for the unusually good checkup are:

1. I am using an electric toothbrush- a friend of mine told me that like me, after he switched to electric he didn't have many cavities anymore.

2. Because I have been rather worried about my throat the last year or so after some persistent infections, I have been gargling with Listerine *very* regularly.

Otherwise, I've done things as I always have, with my flossing intermittent at best. So I'm sorry to sound like an advertisement, but these two things really seem to have done a good job for me!


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1. I am using an electric toothbrush- a friend of mine told me that like me, after he switched to electric he didn't have many cavities anymore.


I certainly notice how quickly my teeth 'fur' up when I stop using my electric Braun for a few days and use a manual brush (usually when travelling light). The new twin head brushes are really great.

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electric toothbrushes , the almost universal use of fluoride toothpastes and peoples general increased awareness of oral hygiene have certainly reduced the amount of decay dentists have to deal with.

chewing sugar free gum after meals is helpful too , as is the use of toothpicks after meals to shift food debris.

rotary electric brushes though , if not used with a light touch , can over a period of time cause erosion of the enamel up close to the gum line , as the enamel gets thinner in that area the teeth get more sensitive and crescent shaped erosion cavities become apparent. these are not decay cavities , they are spotless. they can easily be filled with tooth coloured composite to restore the tooth to its original contour.

the ultrasonic brushes i believe are gentler on the teeth and are just as efficient in removing plaque.

if you are over 25-30 then check ups are recommended every year now , x rays every 3 or so , and scaling and polishing .... well it depends on how much you produce , some people need it every three months , some every couple of years.

if you have had a lot of dental work on your teeth (crowns , bridges , fillings , especially on the back teeth , then 6 monthly check ups will do no harm , so long as the dentist isnt looking for possibly unecessary work to do.

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