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What bothers me about the negative posts is it invariably comes from people that have voluntarily moved to a third world/developing country, often earning or living on a subsistence level and some how expects it to compare with their home country.

Hey, it doesn't, that is why it is called a third world/developing country. As far as these countries go, this one ain't bad. I would recommend you go try another, then come back here and see about your whines.


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I partially agree. What I don't agree with is posting the ALL positive and no negative. Nothing is ever perfect and Thailand is far from perfect. We do have some all negative posters and I too get tired of their whinging. I like that word. :o Much better description than whining. :D I think adults whinge and kids whine although there are exceptions to that too.

You're an American, since when does the word whine or whining have a "g" in the middle of it......not in the states it doesn't.


I'm American, but I have picked up whinge from English buddies as they have picked up mother____er, _____, and sc*mbag from me. My favorite expression that I have picked up is w*nker.

Isn't cultural mingling a wonderful thing? :D

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Don't complaint, start a company, get a work permit and give it your all.

Just like that :D:D You should be on stage. :o

Mouse Spot on , Those with the desire and will , evidently will succeed while all the ones without firstly laugh , then moan about his success once it has been acheived....

Trust me I KNOW!

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I partially agree. What I don't agree with is posting the ALL positive and no negative. Nothing is ever perfect and Thailand is far from perfect. We do have some all negative posters and I too get tired of their whinging. I like that word. :o Much better description than whining. :D I think adults whinge and kids whine although there are exceptions to that too.

You're an American, since when does the word whine or whining have a "g" in the middle of it......not in the states it doesn't.


I'm American, but I have picked up whinge from English buddies as they have picked up mother____er, _____, and sc*mbag from me. My favorite expression that I have picked up is w*nker.

Isn't cultural mingling a wonderful thing? :D

Ok, I can accept the "g". Now can you help me with "spit the dummy" and the various nuances of "taking the piss"?

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But the "if you dont like it sod off home mob" have a valid arguement in some cases.

That's a tad rich coming from someone who does not even live here... :o

PS. Who is that skinny kid being slapped around by his mum in your avatar? :D

That's Donz. He's being slapped because he's too handsome :D

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There is nothing wrong with asking, but think before you ask :o

There is nothing wrong with whining, abuses should be publicised.

What really disturbs me on this board are those who have an urgency to ridiculise the OP, just to satisfy there own ego. Some people really believe they are better/smarter human beings?

I have seen so much mud throwing and name calling (trolls) here towards peolpe experiencing big problems that I remain disgusted. If these peolpe could refrain from expressing their disdain this plce would be a better world.

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What bothers me about the negative posts is it invariably comes from people that have voluntarily moved to a third world/developing country, often earning or living on a subsistence level and some how expects it to compare with their home country.

Hey, it doesn't, that is why it is called a third world/developing country. As far as these countries go, this one ain't bad. I would recommend you go try another, then come back here and see about your whines.


And this is a perfect example of forum whining or whinging!! It's the least helpful reply possible, " if you don't like it go somewhere else etc", this is the attitude that is ruining these forums, if you really can't help someone or have nothing to say, then please just shut the h_ell up... why do you think you have to comment on other peoples problems when coming to a new country, maybe everyone is not as "clever" as you!!! People come here for all sorts of reasons, an you nor anyone else has the job of being mind police, you know nothing of peoples backgrounds, and most of the time people never even bother to read the post properly... you all just "assume" what the OP is saying and have a go as per usual....

Being negative about Thailand, in it's way can be constructive, being negative about someone else is just weak!!! And I know that includes me here and now... but ...


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crying all the time. this service does not work, this embassy treats me badly, I do not have the money for that VISA, ipStar is not working, the girls ripped me off and on and on.

I wish everyone would accentuate the positive and help to change or even disregard the negative.

Wish that a better service for a certain sector existed. Don't complaint, start a company, get a work permit and give it your all. If the other guy is really that bad, make it a better service and you will be rewarded with a good reputaiton and of course with the financial rewards that accompany success.

Know of a better way......spread the word.

Having problems, ask for a pointer how to make it better.........

And worst of all, you guys that ask the same questions over and over and over and over without using Google, take the time to research your questions prior to just throwing them into the forum. Nuff said. Let me get off the horse now and prepare for the PM's, email and flames.

funny how everyone picked on mouse for getting tired of negativity but missed this VERY VALID POINT!

Forgive my shouting but it would be nice if people learned to use the SEARCH button at the bottom of each forum :o

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Accenting the positive is contrary to the teachings of the Buddha. The Buddha taught that everything in everyday life is inadequate and only ultimately brings dissapointment and further longing for things that will ultimately never measure up to our expectations.

Better to just accept what you see as positive (or negative for that matter) to just be one more delusionary thing happening in life and not get too caught up in it.


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