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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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^ Actually, surprisingly enough, I think Fox News and the GOP establishment might be coming around to the idea of Trump as their candidate, or at least as a change agent for their candidate. I watched a clip last night where Hannity was interviewing Newt Gingrich, and Gingrich was saying that the Repubs needed to wake up and realize that Trump does not need to pay attention to what the party wants, but the party needs to pay attention to what Trump wants. Hannity seemed to nod along.

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It would almost be worth the risk of all going o hell... Just to see if someone like Trump

Could actually change some of the things he said he will try to change ...

Most interesting to me is that government budget/sourcing filled with huge amounts of fat..

Which we all know is true and has been true for ever..

I still remember stories back in the 80's about 80 dollar hammers and 100 toilet seats and such

But any real chance of a president doing anything on this?

Does the executive Have any part of the purchasing process or in picking /negotiating with suppliers?

Was also surprised and a bit happy that he has said he would not trash Obama care.. But try to fix it by opening up all markets to all insurance carriers to promote cost savings through competition and negotiating with insurance carriers and hospitals on controlling costs

There is no reason why a drug that is made in US COST 10 more in the US than is does for the same drug (without any subsidies) in either Thailand or Canada

Also the issue of tuition ... Rather than give 'free' college, work to limit the increases in tuition ... As now that all student basically get guaranteed loans for college.. Universities just keep raising the cost as know they can charge anything and students will sign their futures away

Edited by CWMcMurray
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It would almost be worth the risk of all going o hell... Just to see if someone like Trump

Could actually change some of the things he said he will try to change ...

Most interesting to me is that government budget/sourcing filled with huge amounts of fat..

Which we all know is true and has been true for ever..

I still remember stories back in the 80's about 80 dollar hammers and 100 toilet seats and such

But any real chance of a president doing anything on this?

Does the executive Have any part of the purchasing process or in picking /negotiating with suppliers?

Was also surprised and a bit happy that he has said he would not trash Obama care.. But try to fix it by opening up all markets to all insurance carriers to promote cost savings through competition and negotiating with insurance carriers and hospitals on controlling costs

There is no reason why a drug that is made in US COST 10 more in the US than is does for the same drug (without any subsidies) in either Thailand or Canada

Also the issue of tuition ... Rather than give 'free' college, work to limit the increases in tuition ... As now that all student basically get guaranteed loans for college.. Universities just keep raising the cost as know they can charge anything and students will sign their futures away

Bills are loaded with $millions & even $$billions in unrelated tag along pork that serve no purpose other than enhancing re-election potential of career politicians by giving them something shiny to dazzle the constituents back home.

Healthcare reform in the US is impossible without first controlling cost. The cost of everything associated with healthcare in the USA is 10x more than the same drug, test, etc would cost in another industrialized country. The ACA did nothing to address that. The corporate healthcare cartel charge astronomical amounts because they can and because they have bought those career Congressional representatives sitting in the leadership positions.....you know the ones...they are the dozen or so in each party who tell the other 510 "representatives" how to vote.

Toilet seats and hammers and the DoD? How about a $45M gas station in Iraq. I'm sure there are thousands more examples. Probably 30-40% of the federal budget is waste and\or fraud

Edited by NovaBlue05
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^^^ Trump just keeps winning. Big.

Trump got 33 percent of the R party vote in South Carolina. While he won by 10 percentage points, 33% of the total vote is not big.

There are several wild cards and Ben Carson is one. If Carson pulls out the conventional wisdom is Cruz benefits. (I think Trump benefits, but let's go with the conventional wisdom.) Carson out and his voters going to Cruz would keep Trump in the mid 30s percentile and increase Cruz's percentage of the vote in each state. Carson won't pull out however cause he keeps getting bucks and he wants a big speech at the national convention in August to help sell more of his asinine books.

Kasich is another wild card. If Kasich pulls out, the wisdom is Rubio benefits. Kasich is determined to hang in there to March 15 when Ohio votes, but it's unlikely he'll be able to keep at it. He's on the ballot in Ohio as the favorite son governor whether he's still in the race or not. Kasich voters however won't go to Trump or Cruz. Only Rubio. If so, Trump loses again cause he still has his iron ceiling.

Bush voters will not vote for Trump no matter what. Rubio gets that benefit; Kasich somewhat too. The bottom line is the fewer votes Trump inherits and the more Rubio and Cruz inherit, the less likely Trump can go into the August nominating convention with it in the bag. It then would be a convention fight among Trump, Rubio, Cruz.

In short the country is looking at a Republican circular firing squad convention event. Very bloody. Breaks my heart. biggrin.png

33% is massive when there's 6 runners.

Were six. Presently five.

My post spoke only of the top three, Trump, Rubio, Cruz. It then discussed realistic possibilities of how the voters who support the bottom three would distribute among the top three after the bottom three are out of the contest and have gone home.

As the post notes, 33% for Trump and 20% - 25% for each of Rubio and Cruz does not a nomination make and it's very likely to be that way through the many primaries/caucuses to the convention. If so, then the convention will be, as my post noted, a Republican circular firing squad.

Given that I've had to repeat my post in a more condensed post here, kindly visit this site thx: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/reading-aloud-build-comprehension

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Hey, the pope himself is an immigrant in the Vatican given he's from Argentina.

Lotsa other immigrants there too called cardinals, bishops, monsignors, regular priests from all around and about the globe. The percentage of immigrants and foreign passport holders (clergy) in the Vatican is probably higher than there are immigrants in New York and its five boroughs. wink.png

Only Londonistan or France might have a greater percentage per capita of immigrants than the Vatican. gigglem.gif

How many of these "immigrants" in the Vatican wear Burkas? How many are ME Muslims?


The Vatican is the most exclusive club on the planet. I actually don't recall seeing a black man there, and I've spent several days there. I suspect you'd have to be Catholic to live there. I'm glad I'm not but rather visited as a tourist. I did see an incredible fortune in artwork not to mention the elaborate architecture.

Stop your equivalency shit if you please. The Pope made an idiot out of himself by calling Trump's proposals "not Christian" when he is the blackest of the kettles. Trump handled him wonderfully by forgiving him for "not understanding".


Do not recall seeing any black men either when I

was there. But the Sistine Chapel was certainly amazing...

Looks like the race is shaping up into Trump versus

Clinton. Not sure that Trump can defeat Clinton's

cobbled together coalition of women, blacks, Hispanics,

welfare folks, and liberal nut cases, but it sure will

be an interesting race .

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^^^ Trump just keeps winning. Big.

Trump got 33 percent of the R party vote in South Carolina. While he won by 10 percentage points, 33% of the total vote is not big.

There are several wild cards and Ben Carson is one. If Carson pulls out the conventional wisdom is Cruz benefits. (I think Trump benefits, but let's go with the conventional wisdom.) Carson out and his voters going to Cruz would keep Trump in the mid 30s percentile and increase Cruz's percentage of the vote in each state. Carson won't pull out however cause he keeps getting bucks and he wants a big speech at the national convention in August to help sell more of his asinine books.

Kasich is another wild card. If Kasich pulls out, the wisdom is Rubio benefits. Kasich is determined to hang in there to March 15 when Ohio votes, but it's unlikely he'll be able to keep at it. He's on the ballot in Ohio as the favorite son governor whether he's still in the race or not. Kasich voters however won't go to Trump or Cruz. Only Rubio. If so, Trump loses again cause he still has his iron ceiling.

Bush voters will not vote for Trump no matter what. Rubio gets that benefit; Kasich somewhat too. The bottom line is the fewer votes Trump inherits and the more Rubio and Cruz inherit, the less likely Trump can go into the August nominating convention with it in the bag. It then would be a convention fight among Trump, Rubio, Cruz.

In short the country is looking at a Republican circular firing squad convention event. Very bloody. Breaks my heart. biggrin.png

33% is massive when there's 6 runners.

Were six. Presently five.

My post spoke only of the top three, Trump, Rubio, Cruz. It then discussed realistic possibilities of how the voters who support the bottom three would distribute among the top three after the bottom three are out of the contest and have gone home.

As the post notes, 33% for Trump and 20% - 25% for each of Rubio and Cruz does not a nomination make and it's very likely to be that way through the many primaries/caucuses to the convention. If so, then the convention will be, as my post noted, a Republican circular firing squad.

Given that I've had to repeat my post in a more condensed post here, kindly visit this site thx: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/reading-aloud-build-comprehension

Trump now has between 65-70% of the Republican delegates awarded so far. That percentage does a nomination make.

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Also remember that as more candidates drop out .. Understand that doesn't mean the candidate that dropped out can assign their delegates to who ever they want..

They go to the winner of that state... Which favors Trump


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Trump just jumped fm no 2 to no 1 in my book when i read how he owned jebroni bush....jebronis people forgot to renew his web dmain name and the trump team bought the name.....you know what happens after this.

you're easy to impress.

This shows me that the guy and his team are switched on…street smart…..the kind of people that might have a chance at holding their own with the devious leaders they will have to deal with on the global stage.

Poor Jebroni…the only thing he and his team could see was the hatred they had for trump….it consumed them, made them waste millions and take their eyes off a simple thing like renewing a web domain.

That is serious oversight.

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I'm a 60 year old American. I've watched a good number of US Presidential Elections (12) up close..

Here are some things to think about:

1. In the 2012 popular vote (which legally does not matter very much, based on the US Electoral College system), Obama beat Romney by just under 4% - 51.1% to 47.2% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2012

2. In primary elections so far this cycle, Republican voter turnout has consistently set records, while Democratic voter turnout has consistently been lower than in the last couple of election cycles. I'm not going to go look it up - but I will propose that Republican turnout in 2016 has thus far been up 15% from 2012, and Democratic turnout has been down 10% from 2012. IF THIS PATTERN HOLDS for the 2016 general election, and IF ROUTINE PARTY LINE VOTING DOMINATES, then - applying these incremental multipliers times the 2012 election results yields a pretty comfortable victory for the Republican candidate - whoever he is.

3. Now - in primaries, most voters come out to vote FOR someone. In the November General Election, there is more of a tendency for some voters to go out, hold their noses, and vote for someone that they don't particularly like - so as to vote AGAINST an opposing candidate that they ABSOLUTELY ABHOR.

4. Despite what the pundits claim, the spectrum right now is roughly:

Cruz at far right, Rubio at center right, Trump at just right of center, Clinton a bit left of left center, and Sanders out in orbit somewhere.

All of these people have supporters, and some of them have rabidly animated opponents in either the opposite camp, or even their own party.

No Cruz supporters will EVER vote for Hillary. No Hillary supporters will EVER vote for Cruz. Many Republicans will NEVER vote for Trump - but I have not heard of any of these anti-Trump Republican voters who will defect to Clinton, if she is the Democratic nominee. They may stay home on election day, but they won't defect. I HAVE heard of a significant number of Democratic voters who will never vote for Clinton, have no use for Sanders, and have climbed on board the Trump bandwagon.

I haven't got a clue who Sanders' supporters will gravitate to, when he is pushed out by the corrupt Democrat Party process (if you want to see what I mean, take a look at http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/democratic_vote_count.html and then at http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/democratic_delegate_count.html) . My guess is - after Sanders gets destroyed by that corrupt process, at least half of a VERY large population of Sanders supporters will refuse to support Clinton - and they will either stay home, or vote for the Republican candidate. Now (important question) - which Republican candidate would 3,000,000 anti-Clinton, former Sanders supporters be most likely to be willing to vote for? My guess is: Trump could pull in 90% of these, Rubio might pull in 50%, and Cruz might (if he;'s lucky) bring in 15%.

If Cruz is eliminated, initially, 70% of his supporters will stay home. 25% might go to Rubio, 5% to Trump. But - if Cinton is the Democratic candidate, half the initial stay-at-homes will go vote for whoever is the Republican candidate - just to block Clinton.

If Rubio is eliminated. 30% will initially stay home, 20% might go to Cruz, 20% might go to Trump, 30% might go to Clinton.

If Trump is eliminated, 20% might go to Cruz, 20% might go to Rubio, 30% will vote third party, 30% will stay home

5. Remember something about all polls you read now: The pollsters are not paying much attention to voters who are not "for" anybody, but who would be motivated to go out and vote ":against" someone, regardless of who the opponent is. A fairly large population of both Democrats and Republicans will actively vote for ANYBODY to keep Clinton from becoming President. There is also a significant population from both parties who strongly oppose Trump - but of these, I think that not may will vote for Clinton, if she is the opponent. They will either vote third party, or stay home.

6. All things considered, I suspect that the November election will be between Trump and Clinton - and Trump will win. That would normally scare me - but seeing as how the country managed to survive eight years of Obama with only 50% of its national power/morale/prosperity/respect/economy/freedom destroyed, it can surely survive Trump clumsily trying to get the train-wreck back on the rails.



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Maidodni's post, above, makes some good points. I'm an American also. My first vote was against Nixon. I recall how often, when I went to vote, I would see Lincoln Continentals, and Cadillacs pulling up to the polling station. It made clear how rich folks would get off their butts and vote. Just as often, my hippie buddies would lay back at their pads, smoke pot, and say on election day; "what does it matter, dude. They're all the same."

That's one reason why I think conservative vote in larger % than liberals, and that's why Bushes got in the White House three times in recent decades, when the opposing candidate was better.

I think Hillary will be the Dem candidate, though I like Sanders. I also think a lot of Dems will go with Hillary (even if grudgingly) rather than vote for whichever Rep makes it out of the mosh pit. If Americans aren't too lazy on November 8th, the Dems win big. If too many liberal voters don't vote, Dems will still win, but by a lesser margin.

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Two disgusting and scary political choices! They make Jeb! look good!

Nothing could ever make Jeb look good.

The US is now in a quandary. They started with a load of GOP losers and a reality show host, and that's not going to change. The Dems contest is between a lying loser and someone that believes in, OMG, socialism, and that's not going to change either.

Short of Jesus Christ standing as an independent, it looks as though the next president will be a loser or a reality show host.

Putin must be lovin' it.

Jesus Christ was a socialist Jew, so I am guessing that he would just caucus for Bernie. Then again, when has anyone on the right every defied a chance to display their ignorance and hypocrisy.

To hell with putting the Christ back in Christmas, lets try and put the Christ back in Christianity (assuming it was ever there to begin with). Of all the imaginary friends in the world of religious figures, Christ seems to be especially likable. Hard to figure out why most of his followers lack that charm.

And hard to understand how non socialist GOP praises God and his "socialist" Son. Christianity sure has gone sideways over the past 2000 years. But I guess I beats what happened 800 years ago when any person could be tortured by the Church and forced to renounce any belief other than Christian. And then let's burn alive a few thousand women because the Church decided they were supposed witches. What a wonderful Religion then and now.
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The Vatican is the most exclusive club on the planet. I actually don't recall seeing a black man there, and I've spent several days there. I suspect you'd have to be Catholic to live there. I'm glad I'm not but rather visited as a tourist. I did see an incredible fortune in artwork not to mention the elaborate architecture.


You're bored, you want to read the biggest bullshit on this forum?
It Enough to spot the flaming posts Never Sure. biggrin.png


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It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

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The Vatican is the most exclusive club on the planet. I actually don't recall seeing a black man there, and I've spent several days there. I suspect you'd have to be Catholic to live there. I'm glad I'm not but rather visited as a tourist. I did see an incredible fortune in artwork not to mention the elaborate architecture.


You're bored, you want to read the biggest bullshit on this forum?
It Enough to spot the flaming posts Never Sure. biggrin.png

Exactly who is this group?

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It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

Because Hawaii is not the U.S.? Clue in......

Obama was born on August 4, 1961,[5] at Kapiʻolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (now Kapiʻolani Medical Center for Women and Children) in Honolulu, Hawaii,

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It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

What are you on about? Obama was born in Hawaii. There was never any question that he is a natural born citizen. But Cruz might have a problem. I agree Kasich still has a tiny chance if he can win in Michigan and Ohio, but his prospects are getting dimmer. Carson, I think no chance, but I can see he can take some of the Cruz religious fanatic votes if Cruz has to exit.

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It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

What are you on about? Obama was born in Hawaii. There was never any question that he is a natural born citizen. But Cruz might have a problem. I agree Kasich still has a tiny chance if he can win in Michigan and Ohio, but his prospects are getting dimmer. Carson, I think no chance, but I can see he can take some of the Cruz religious fanatic votes if Cruz has to exit.

Only the few people, who like to call obama Hussein Obama, think he is muslim and not from USA..I think a couple of republicans are among them

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It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

That's rather strange. Rubio was born in Miami, FL.

He is most definitely a natural born citizen.

The 14th Amendment might cover this.

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According to the scholars, a natural born citizen doesn't necessarily mean that he must be born in the USA. What they are saying is that according to the constitution, he MUST be born to a natural born father. Neither of Rubio's parents were natural born citizens. Cruz's mother was a citizen but it is yet to be determined if she is a natural born citizen and even if she is, his father was Cuban so he is not qualified. The same applies to Obama. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just reporting the latest crap. I think hillary would get her teeth deeply into this problem.

ADDED - Just for the record, I have no use for lawyers who try to twist everything to suit their agenda. In fact, I have no use for lawyers, period. I have good reason to feel that way.

Edited by Gary A
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All this talk of 'whether born in the US' or 'with an American father' is fluff to me. Maybe it's because I was born in Denmark and my father was a naturalized American (Danish heritage) before I was born. My mother was born in NYC. I became a naturalized American at 12. 'naturalized' ....what a weird term - as if a person is becoming natural, ha ha. Anyhow, I know this topic isn't about me, and I also know that people like me and Swarzenegger could never be prez or VP. I just think it's not important in the real perspective of things. The US needs a good president, period. There are plenty of non-Americans who are head and shoulders better president material than any of the Republican contenders. There, I got in my closing punch.

Poor Jebronithe only thing he and his team could see was the hatred they had for trump.it consumed them, made them waste millions and take their eyes off a simple thing like renewing a web domain.

There's enough vitriol to go around between all the Rep candidates. The only reason Trump isn't shouting down Carson or Kasich and yelling "He's the biggest liar!" is they're far behind in the numbers game. When Cruz or Bush tried to speak, Trump kept interrupting and shouting, "He's the biggest liar!" When have you heard language like that? I haven't heard such immature taunts since I was in 2nd grade, age 8, and even then most of us had outgrown such childish bullying.

As for wasting millions: It depends what sort of work you're doing. If you're a TV exec or head of a printing company in China, you're probably making a lot of money during the campaign. Note: There was a pamphlet put out by one of the Republican candidates decrying how jobs were bleeding out of the US over to China. Looking closely at the inside page, a person could see the words; "printed in China." ....same place where Trump gets most of his elitist for-sale items manufactured.

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It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

What are you on about? Obama was born in Hawaii. There was never any question that he is a natural born citizen. But Cruz might have a problem. I agree Kasich still has a tiny chance if he can win in Michigan and Ohio, but his prospects are getting dimmer. Carson, I think no chance, but I can see he can take some of the Cruz religious fanatic votes if Cruz has to exit.

Realistically, Kasich is probably hanging in there for a possible VP look.

The birthplace thing is a distraction. If someone as visible as Trump repeatedly says something publicly over and over, probably 15-20% of the public will actually believe it whether true or not. That is significant. Similarly, Democrats fabricated & worked the "war on women" theme successfully in 2012.

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Many years ago politicians-special interests groups lied to American public and to the whole world about weapons of mass destruction. Someone made money off American blood in these wars. The end product is hundreds of thousands dead, more injured, mass exodus of war torn population, increased crime in EU by those who are now immigrating there, global lack of stability due to ISIS strongholds, evident irreparable relationship with Muslims who feel the injustice was done to them, Palestinians without land and country, not clear cut indecisive American politics regarding Russia and American role in NATO and EU.

All professional politicians will promise everything to anybody, even if they have to lie like Clinton, to get elected. Isn't a time to cut this finally and give a business person a chance to change for a better, by treating a country as a business? The country, every country is a business which needs to balance its books. Spain, Greece, and many countries had mismanagement; they spent more then they earned. Who is paying for that? Working people in EU. Why? England wants out of this Markle, or EU diktat. EU is an artificial monster governed by politicians with fabulous mismanagement skills. If America could be strong again, it needs a good manager to balance its books and to make people really working and have a future like always this was true. The control of all private government finances from treasury to banks, punish all crooks in money printing-distribution-invented scams, eliminate special interests groups praying on public money from "special"transactions. Remember last depression?

Hopefully all these could change by D. Trump and business-like run government, whom has no affiliation to those crooks drinking blood from Americans. I hope those blindfolded gets to see it on time. However those whitewashed fundamentalists still believe the world is only 6000 years old-just about like Chinese culture. I know these people -they are in my opinion have no brain at all. Everything is possible. Mass media - watch them! They might have an influence on the finals. Vote for D. Trump!

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Norvid... you have my vote. Well said.

There are many people still not aware of alot of things. They live their lives as they always did and think it is going to be alright by itself.

Rise to the elite and their proxies. If Donald was only to be half a proxy then still he is the better choice than the other candidates. Half of them or more are/were proxies and the others besides Trump stand no chance against the elite. Sorry, I refuse to talk about that female.

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Trump got 33 percent of the R party vote in South Carolina. While he won by 10 percentage points, 33% of the total vote is not big.

There are several wild cards and Ben Carson is one. If Carson pulls out the conventional wisdom is Cruz benefits. (I think Trump benefits, but let's go with the conventional wisdom.) Carson out and his voters going to Cruz would keep Trump in the mid 30s percentile and increase Cruz's percentage of the vote in each state. Carson won't pull out however cause he keeps getting bucks and he wants a big speech at the national convention in August to help sell more of his asinine books.

Kasich is another wild card. If Kasich pulls out, the wisdom is Rubio benefits. Kasich is determined to hang in there to March 15 when Ohio votes, but it's unlikely he'll be able to keep at it. He's on the ballot in Ohio as the favorite son governor whether he's still in the race or not. Kasich voters however won't go to Trump or Cruz. Only Rubio. If so, Trump loses again cause he still has his iron ceiling.

Bush voters will not vote for Trump no matter what. Rubio gets that benefit; Kasich somewhat too. The bottom line is the fewer votes Trump inherits and the more Rubio and Cruz inherit, the less likely Trump can go into the August nominating convention with it in the bag. It then would be a convention fight among Trump, Rubio, Cruz.

In short the country is looking at a Republican circular firing squad convention event. Very bloody. Breaks my heart. biggrin.png

33% is massive when there's 6 runners.

Were six. Presently five.

My post spoke only of the top three, Trump, Rubio, Cruz. It then discussed realistic possibilities of how the voters who support the bottom three would distribute among the top three after the bottom three are out of the contest and have gone home.

As the post notes, 33% for Trump and 20% - 25% for each of Rubio and Cruz does not a nomination make and it's very likely to be that way through the many primaries/caucuses to the convention. If so, then the convention will be, as my post noted, a Republican circular firing squad.

Given that I've had to repeat my post in a more condensed post here, kindly visit this site thx: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/reading-aloud-build-comprehension

Trump now has between 65-70% of the Republican delegates awarded so far. That percentage does a nomination make.

Actually I'd been busy at another thread on the topic saying the same basic thing as your post implies. I just popped in to this thread just to keep up with it. Good that I did cause I just read your post.

Here are my posts to the other thread. Not the whole of each post, but below are the operative lines. You're welcome to click the numberd link to read all of each post in which I'm pretty much giving the nomination to Trump at this point...

#10446770 Clinton wins Nevada caucus, Republicans vote in S Carolina

It looks like the only suspense is who Trump and Clinton will select to be respective vp with 'em. Republicans should put their money on Kasich and D's might want to consider the likelihood of Sec of HUD Julian Castro of Texas, former mayor of San Antonio.

#10451474 Clinton wins Nevada caucus, Republicans vote in S Carolina

Trump right now is heading toward a sweep of Super Tuesday March 1st. If Trump blows out the field on Super Tuesday, it won't matter to someone such as Gov John Kasich who's desperately holding out for his home state March 15 Ohio primary. It wuzn't going to matter much for Kasich anyway, but a Trump sweep or near sweep on Super Tuesday all but assures The Donald of the nomination. A dumpster general alarm fire as somebody called Trump's presence in this election campaign. gigglem.gif

The totality of The Rube's 'strength' is that he hopes his first win will be in Florida (three weeks from now), which means we can already start varnishing the wood for Marco's political coffin.

GOP = Gone Old Party.

Donald Trump as the nominee would win 12-15 states and take the Republican party to An Oblivion Across the Board. This year we could hold the election the Fourth of July instead of the first Tuesday of November. It's getting to look like the toughest count this election year is the number of dayze to the November 8th poll.


At a later post I'd modified my view of Trump's possible vp choice to Rubio cause as we all know, Trump loves Mexicans and Latinos, even if Cubans historically and Cuban descendants in the USA such as Rubio consider themselves the crem d' crem of Central and also South America, superior to all the rest of 'em down there. Which is why Cuban Americans in politics don't generate much support or excitement among "real" Hispanics in general.

Cruz does of course have this same socio-cultural problem as Rubio does among all other Hispanics from south of the border. Cruz getting elected Senator from Texas got only 40% of the Hispanic vote and Rubio elected Senator in Florida didn't do much differently among Florida Hispanics than Cruz did respectively. Rubio's plus in FL is the large number of Cuban Americans there while Texas has Hispanics from the continent and the isthsmus.

Edited by Publicus
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The Vatican is the most exclusive club on the planet. I actually don't recall seeing a black man there, and I've spent several days there. I suspect you'd have to be Catholic to live there. I'm glad I'm not but rather visited as a tourist. I did see an incredible fortune in artwork not to mention the elaborate architecture.


You're bored, you want to read the biggest bullshit on this forum?
It Enough to spot the flaming posts Never Sure. biggrin.png

That doesn't look like the Vatican to me. It was probably taken in an African country. Look at the modern aluminum anodized door frames. No such thing in the Vatican.

So, your point beyond flaming was...???

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It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

-snip- Carson, I think no chance, but I can see he can take some of the Cruz religious fanatic votes if Cruz has to exit.

Trump won 66% of the Evangelical vote just now in SC. The only two Evangelicals in the race are Cruz and Carson. Cruz thought that this was his firewall across the South but it sure doesn't look that way. He thought super Tuesday would pull him ahead due to this but he's in for a shock. All demographics want Trump to go kick ass in DC an no other candidate gets it.

For those speculating on who voters would turn to if lessers drop out, it will be Trump. He won every single demographic in SC - women, young and old people, blacks, Hispanics, Christians, - every single one.

This is an unprecedented revolution against the power base on both sides, so just sit back and watch.


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