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Fire Destroys New Muay Thai Boxing Stadium in Central Pattaya

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Just to throw a different slant on this. They replaced the refrigerant gas, why? Quite often when A/C systems leak they use a Oxy Acetylene or similar torch to rebraze the fittings. Leak fixed, but a small smouldering fire left. Building materials not fire retardant (TIT) and the next thing the place is on fire. The bit about the non-fire retardant materials seems to be a bit of a given based on the blaze, Or maybe Somchai used the wrong gas in the system, wrong gas is over 2 times the pressure of correct gas and boom explosion destroys air handler unit and electrical fire ensues.

I heard a while ago this place was making big bucks with ticket sales and TV rights, so a deliberate self inflicted burn down seems unlikely, especially if no insurance. I hope the AC company has insurance or deep pockets as I feel the finger may well point their way.


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Multiple off topic posts discussing roads and short cuts removed. the topic is about:

Fire Destroys New Muay Thai Boxing Stadium in Central Pattaya

Further off topic stuff will also disappear along with the person who put it there

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


My daughter said the flames could be seen for miles and my wife said the Thai press said it was not insured and it was definitely caused by the re-gassing of the A/C compressors.

A/C fires/expolsions are quite common in Thailand and anywhere else were they are used. My wife always drags me away when we have one re-gassed.

My wife also replied to my first cynical "insurance job" reaction to say that was unlikely, as it really was popular and making a "bomb" . You can't mess about with Thai's and Mui Thai stadiums. Its serious business for a lot of people who will now have to struggle to make some money until it gets rebuilt. It was also a great place to see the best fights.

But what does surprise me is that this place only opened very recently and the Thai fire authorities should have done a better job of ensuring that less flammable materials were used in this often packed public venue. We have had enough dead in disco fires, etc. for them to have made sure it was safer. Lucky it did not start during a big show and cause a panic. The fire engines would have had an impossible job to get near on a Friday or Saturday night.

I (wishful thinking) hope the Pattaya City authorities take note and organise some proper fire inspections of other popular venues.

I think getting it open quicky was one reason for the high costs - lots of brown envelopes needed to be filled.

Just an extra thought. I remember when I was 5/6 years old in the UK (a along time ago) my school burned down completely because a plumber left a blow-torch alight in the roof and went home, so during the night the whole place went up. Its not only Thai workmen who do stupid things.


AC units can explode and even kill you if you are too near.

The explosion most likely was in the electric motor(s) driving the AC units.


At least that annoying Londoner going around in the loud speaker car blasting out Eye of the Tiger in between his nerve grating chatter to promote the boxing will stop for a while (i know its a recording) one less on the streets full of them


insured ?

Many people would think the same thoughts.

I really do not know if that: "Burn your building down to claim insurance scam" would work here in Thailand the way it does work in other countries.

I mean, here in Thailand the insurance companies commonly do not pay out when they should while who is going to force them to pay out as a client claiming for compensation can not do much of anything to force the Insurance company to pay if and when a valid claim is being denied.

But..... if you have some sort of deal on the side with a claims manager....well then...anything is possible.


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