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'Simply impossible': Husband of Harvard debt-skipping dentist rejects repayment deadline


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Don't give her any credit! She made ONE, ONE Payment of $50,000 and she probably thought they would not sue her and/or they

would stop the harassment! Keep the harassment up folks and sue, sue, sue! They need to sell their multi-million dollar home and

give up their equity to the guarantors. Then move into faculty housing at Harvard and make $25,000 dollar payments per month

until the $30M Baht is paid in full! Then she will have paid her debt in full! She is a Low-Life!

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Don't give her any credit! She made ONE, ONE Payment of $50,000 and she probably thought they would not sue her and/or they

would stop the harassment! Keep the harassment up folks and sue, sue, sue! They need to sell their multi-million dollar home and

give up their equity to the guarantors. Then move into faculty housing at Harvard and make $25,000 dollar payments per month

until the $30M Baht is paid in full! Then she will have paid her debt in full! She is a Low-Life!

Why use a $ sign when talking about baht?

And pray do tell us how you really feel.... :)

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The only way for this to be resolved is for there to be massive pressure put on Harvard since the subject of student loan defaults is a hot topic in the US these days

No institution want bad press and will do anything to avoid it, even pressure one of their employees to pay their debts

The Harvard graduates here in Thailand have to band together and let Harvard know that this employee is bringing disrepute on their alma mater and it's "brand"

One thing that could be done, is for every university in Thailand to refuse to accept or work with Harvard and that would certainly get their attention

A university president to university president letter could also work wonders, especially if it gets reprinted in US newspapers

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Why doesn't he just state the obvious, Thais rarely re-pay debts ?

From my experience and many others working for dentists in the UK this is typical of dental surgeons as well. It's not uncommon to be told that they can't pay their bill to a dental laboratory which might be 3 or more months overdue because they have to pay for their children's expensive private education or they are just going on holiday to Barbados for a few weeks and they'll try to do it when they get back.

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