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PM Prayut says US President Obama understands Thai political situation


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If the PM really believes it then he should allow foreigners to own a house and land in Thailand Families are the cornerstone of any economy and if he really wants to make

serious progress economically then they must allow for integration of foreigners in Thailand as a full member of the culture not a fringe element.

This will help build a very strong robust economy that will surge not just grown at 1 % or not at all

Why would a foreigner want to invest in the future of Thailand when they are not guaranteed a future in LIFE here in Thailand

Its time Thailand joined the world community of nations Look at Hong Kong Look at Singapore and now in Indonesia making progress as well

Thailand will remain a 2nd tear nation until they truly embrace the world

It is not in the interest of the conservative elites to have an inflow of foreigners into Thailand and then to give them rights here. It would undermine their perfect scam of keeping the poor, uneducated and oppressed. If Thai's are taught English at a high level they would be able to read independent news reports and understand what's been done to them, so there is no motivation to change the education system or to "join" the rest of the world. What has been done in Thailand serves as a blue print for the elites in the west, they are slowly undermining the quality of western education and in the process western people are becoming more and more ignorant and ignorant people can easily be manipulated.

As for HK and Singapore I am sorry but its very difficult to stay in those countries for an extended period of time unless you work. The country that's making the most progress is Vietnam, with regards to home ownership and last week with WP and visas.

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This is totally absurd and laughable...the Pres. hasn't a clue as to what is going on in his own country...much less the complex political structure of Thailand...

Purely made for distribution hog-wash...

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This is totally absurd and laughable...the Pres. hasn't a clue as to what is going on in his own country...much less the complex political structure of Thailand...

Purely made for distribution hog-wash...

What's complex?

Popular civilian government legitimately wins power - overthrown by the military/elites who refuse to relinquish power & the purse-strings - continue ad nauseam

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Yes as a American who left the USA because my fellow country men voted not once but twice for this moron I can assure the ultra left wing Marxist Communist "understands" the PM. In this case I hope the PM told the anti Christ to <deleted> off. Maybe Thailand can invade the US and liberate everyone so I can return. smile.png

You and those who like your drivel post are all probably on an FBI nutter list.
Now, now. Don't make him angry, or he'll "re-task" a satellite and track you 24x7.

Admit it guys, American politics has room for a diversity of nutjobs. We keep satire alive.

Regarding the PM and Obama: checkers vs chess.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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For me it looks the US is always involved in thai politics...US this and US that...once some chinese friend told me that even the election of an president is screened by the US ...once they wanted to nominate a guy but the US said no...etc...etc...and the thais themsleves political and otherwise seems to always be under the mental clutch of the US ...like big brother kind of s....t....

do the US like what we do or maybe not so...yes yes US good ..bla bla bla....

most thais that I spoke about that matter said yes US very good ...their opinion I think comes from low educational standards....

if they want a big brother I think they should choose china..it is the (not so new ) giant...and US ( still world leader but on the loose ) will soon see the gringo f...o...f finger....economicaly and socialy...

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For me it looks the US is always involved in thai politics...US this and US that...once some chinese friend told me that even the election of an president is screened by the US ...once they wanted to nominate a guy but the US said no...etc...etc...and the thais themsleves political and otherwise seems to always be under the mental clutch of the US ...like big brother kind of s....t....

do the US like what we do or maybe not so...yes yes US good ..bla bla bla....

most thais that I spoke about that matter said yes US very good ...their opinion I think comes from low educational standards....

if they want a big brother I think they should choose china..it is the (not so new ) giant...and US ( still world leader but on the loose ) will soon see the gringo f...o...f finger....economicaly and socialy...

"...their opinion I think comes from low educational standards...."

Now, now, don't go blaming others for what you're suffering from yourself.

"if they want a big brother I think they should choose china.."

Says it all about you, really.coffee1.gif

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"Understanding" is not agreeing!

And the Thai leadership should not use "understanding" as a reason to delay or stop Thai peoples from direct elections (without violence). Elections will give Thai people the Government they DESERVE. And not be dictated to by those who want to cling to power or wealth creation through corruption or cronyism.

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For me it looks the US is always involved in thai politics...US this and US that...once some chinese friend told me that even the election of an president is screened by the US ...once they wanted to nominate a guy but the US said no...etc...etc...and the thais themsleves political and otherwise seems to always be under the mental clutch of the US ...like big brother kind of s....t....

do the US like what we do or maybe not so...yes yes US good ..bla bla bla....

most thais that I spoke about that matter said yes US very good ...their opinion I think comes from low educational standards....

if they want a big brother I think they should choose china..it is the (not so new ) giant...and US ( still world leader but on the loose ) will soon see the gringo f...o...f finger....economicaly and socialy...

Your post could have been written by a kid in grade 6 or 7.
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For me it looks the US is always involved in thai politics...US this and US that...once some chinese friend told me that even the election of an president is screened by the US ...once they wanted to nominate a guy but the US said no...etc...etc...and the thais themsleves political and otherwise seems to always be under the mental clutch of the US ...like big brother kind of s....t....

do the US like what we do or maybe not so...yes yes US good ..bla bla bla....

most thais that I spoke about that matter said yes US very good ...their opinion I think comes from low educational standards....

if they want a big brother I think they should choose china..it is the (not so new ) giant...and US ( still world leader but on the loose ) will soon see the gringo f...o...f finger....economicaly and socialy...

Does anyone speak fluent shill, and could translate this for me?

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Yes as a American who left the USA because my fellow country men voted not once but twice for this moron I can assure the ultra left wing Marxist Communist "understands" the PM. In this case I hope the PM told the anti Christ to <deleted> off. Maybe Thailand can invade the US and liberate everyone so I can return. smile.png

Blimey! The way you seem to measure politics I fear you would class Benito Mussolini as a Social Democrat...

Obama has done only good things for the U.S. (my country too), and could have done much more without an obstructionist Republican-controlled congress and majority conservative Supreme Court. The President is not a king.

I agree with this. Better an Obama than a Bush or a Trump. All the opposition to the things Obama has tried to do like the health care scheme and gun control just shows how selfish the conservative elites in the US are.

Obama, Bush, Trump. Makes no difference. You could put Bozo the Clown in the White House and still have the same policies coming out of the Oval Office. The president is a straw-man. It's been that way since Jack Kennedy had his brains blow out. And so it will remain.

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For me it looks the US is always involved in thai politics...US this and US that...once some chinese friend told me that even the election of an president is screened by the US ...once they wanted to nominate a guy but the US said no...etc...etc...and the thais themsleves political and otherwise seems to always be under the mental clutch of the US ...like big brother kind of s....t....

do the US like what we do or maybe not so...yes yes US good ..bla bla bla....

most thais that I spoke about that matter said yes US very good ...their opinion I think comes from low educational standards....

if they want a big brother I think they should choose china..it is the (not so new ) giant...and US ( still world leader but on the loose ) will soon see the gringo f...o...f finger....economicaly and socialy...

Your post could have been written by a kid in grade 6 or 7.

It probably was.

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my thai girlfriend don't like the USA. I show her the debt counter, the true unemployment rate, the destitutes left on the streets and all these school murders, mass shooting...

having lived in Europe, USA, Asia, I know many things that I can explain the true picture of the USA. like these obese people that are 1000 lbs and can not move from the bed. only in the USA you see this.

I lived in Romany right after caocescu the dictator, and I lived in Texas at a time when people didn't know what saving mean.

I went to Africa, hate it.

the worse with the USA, they still live in lala land, think Jesus will come to save them or a president will come to give them free money so they can continue to eat like 4 people and drive big trucks and live the American dream with a dumb job in a office.

the food is shit. after 2 weeks of their USA food you don't know what to eat. mac do, KFC, Jack in the box? . how exciting is that.? fool is filled with freaking hormone that transform you to an elephant after 3 months, this way ladies have an ass large like a truck.... I have seen American guys that need to turn 90 degrees to go through a door so large they are. in Europe or Asia I don't see these things.

. go get a walk in the street? you feel lonely in the USA if someone stop you always think he has a gun and will shoot you.

in the USA, you live in fear. when the Cops stop you, you never know if you go to jail or not. and all cost a lot to a point people ask you if you have good credit. what a joke... why to have a good credit when you have saving? . these nuts don't know what saving is.

and they seem to all live in boxes, their house are in recycled wood, can not even sustain a mini tornado. how safe is that? they pay a fortune to live in a house that can not protect them.

in Thailand, houses are in brick and safer.

really... these Yankees don't live in the real world . usa = freak show.

oh and these idiots of American can not speak another language and always criticise people who try to speak English.

but they do no effort to learn something new. they prefer watch Netflix 24h a day and when you say something bad again the USA, they try to ban you.... they don't know that 99 percent of this world don't like the USA. it's a fact. people don't like the USA.

you will see, Yankees will attack me here below. they will start to tell my English suck and they all think they are very clever ... anyway Yankees, go back to your freaking #1 country if you like it so much. nobody will miss you, believe me . go pay your 19t debt you own.

Edited by VIPinasia
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my thai girlfriend don't like the USA. I show her the debt counter, the true unemployment rate, the destitutes left on the streets and all these school murders, mass shooting...

having lived in Europe, USA, Asia, I know many things.

I lived in Romany right after caocescu the dictator, and I lived in Texas at a time when people didn't know what saving mean.

I went to Africa, hate it.

the worse with the USA, they still live in lala land, think Jesus will come to save them or a president will come to give them free money so they can continue to eat like 4 people and drive big trucks and live the American dream with a dumb job in a office.

the food is shit. after 2 weeks of their USA food you don't know what to eat. mac do, KFC, Jack on the box? . how exciting is that.? go get a walk in the street? you feel lonely in the USA if someone stop you always think he has a gun and will shoot you.

in the USA, you live in fear. when the Cops stop you, you never know if you go to jail or not. and all cost a lot to a point people ask you if you have good credit. what a joke... why to have a good credit when you have saving? . these nuts don't know what saving is.

and they seem to all live in boxes, their house are in recycled wood, can not even sustain a mini tornado. how safe is that? they pay a fortune to live in a house that can not protect them.

in Thailand, houses are in brick and safer.

really... these Yankees don't live in the real world.

Oh aren't we the clever boy?

You know we can all make multiple identities, but unfortunately my friend, your appalling lack of English, coupled with the a fairly distinctive style kinda gives you away.

Now go back to mutual masturbation with your little ultra right wing nutjobs, and let the grown ups talk

Edited by GinBoy2
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I'm a Brit and I just cannot understand the bile that often appears about the USA. Sure, there are problems, but that applies to every country. Many Americans post on this forum, gicing differing views on the present day politics. These posts are usually very interesting and often amusing.


I suppose it's age, but surely Europeans remember the amount of money the USA poured in to rebuild Europe after WWII under the Marshall plan etc. Even us Brits should remember the support of lend-lease etc during that war as well.

Sometimes I see US bashing from Thai's. I would love to ask them what sort of country they would be living in if the Japs had not been defeated, given Thailand was occupied by Japan, who insisted (i understand) that Thailand declared war on the allies.

I'm not living in the past and am generally quite pragmatic about modern politics etc. but it just amazes me this 'fashionable' US bashing by some people like the earlier poster - even though the post was not easy to understand.

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my thai girlfriend don't like the USA. I show her the debt counter, the true unemployment rate, the destitutes left on the streets and all these school murders, mass shooting...

having lived in Europe, USA, Asia, I know many things that I can explain the true picture of the USA. like these obese people that are 1000 lbs and can not move from the bed. only in the USA you see this.

I lived in Romany right after caocescu the dictator, and I lived in Texas at a time when people didn't know what saving mean.

I went to Africa, hate it.

the worse with the USA, they still live in lala land, think Jesus will come to save them or a president will come to give them free money so they can continue to eat like 4 people and drive big trucks and live the American dream with a dumb job in a office.

the food is shit. after 2 weeks of their USA food you don't know what to eat. mac do, KFC, Jack in the box? . how exciting is that.? fool is filled with freaking hormone that transform you to an elephant after 3 months, this way ladies have an ass large like a truck.... I have seen American guys that need to turn 90 degrees to go through a door so large they are. in Europe or Asia I don't see these things.

. go get a walk in the street? you feel lonely in the USA if someone stop you always think he has a gun and will shoot you.

in the USA, you live in fear. when the Cops stop you, you never know if you go to jail or not. and all cost a lot to a point people ask you if you have good credit. what a joke... why to have a good credit when you have saving? . these nuts don't know what saving is.

and they seem to all live in boxes, their house are in recycled wood, can not even sustain a mini tornado. how safe is that? they pay a fortune to live in a house that can not protect them.

in Thailand, houses are in brick and safer.

really... these Yankees don't live in the real world . usa = freak show.

oh and these idiots of American can not speak another language and always criticise people who try to speak English.

but they do no effort to learn something new. they prefer watch Netflix 24h a day and when you say something bad again the USA, they try to ban you.... they don't know that 99 percent of this world don't like the USA. it's a fact. people don't like the USA.

you will see, Yankees will attack me here below. they will start to tell my English suck and they all think they are very clever ... anyway Yankees, go back to your freaking #1 country if you like it so much. nobody will miss you, believe me . go pay your 19t debt you own.

But apart from these niggles, I take it that you quite like the old place? Edited by JAG
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