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Drowned To Life


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To all party goers, I have not failed you. Last night (Friday night), I was drinking from 9PM (Sangrias and then beer) until 3AM. Today, I had about 6 pints of Guinness and a Corona! It's just 3:30PM here so there's more to come later. (There's about a dozen Heinekins in the fridge.)

I hope you are all having fun! I'm in Singapore with my bestfriend right now, and though I miss the water throwing, I am having a blasted time! Happy Songkran Everyone! Enjoy life!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Was in the Clovelly Hotel the other day

Clovelly Sydney?? awwwww I miss Sydney

.....but I guess I should be there in a few months :D

What are you up to during Songkran MiG?

songkran is a non-event for me. but I was down south this year.....no parties...just observing and reporting on the violence down there....not exactly a partying place...nor any reason to party about :o

prolly a wrong day for me to post on this thread as my mood isnt exactly a happy one today...ANZAC Day and all..amongst all the other tragedies around us...

but on a lighter note..I was out on sunday and monday night...just dinner with a friend, her husband and sis who I havent seen in quite sometime :D so dinner lasted until about midnight :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Graceless Fawn. What does your topic title "Drwned to Life" mean? It doesn't make sense to me. Also, I thought I read that you quit drinking because you thought it was destroyi9ng your health and causing you to lose control over your life. Did you change you're mind? If so, how come? You seem like a very nice person. I hope I never have to read about you in the news clippings section. chok dee.

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I was doin' Vodka on Wednesday night...... Then I stumbled, crawled and wobbled back to my apartment at 6AM (Thursday), showered and headed to work. Am I bad?

quote = " Am i bad ? "

absolutely not :bah:, A sensational effort, worthy of top respect from terry, and miss fawn i salute you. :D :D

a fine cracking example of a lovely lady enjoying gods nectar, in moderation of course. :o

thank you very much. :D


urr, umm,

its your buy miss fawn. :D:bah:

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I was doin' Vodka on Wednesday night...... Then I stumbled, crawled and wobbled back to my apartment at 6AM (Thursday), showered and headed to work. Am I bad?

quote = " Am i bad ? "

absolutely not :bah:, A sensational effort, worthy of top respect from terry, and miss fawn i salute you. :D :D

a fine cracking example of a lovely lady enjoying gods nectar, in moderation of course. :o

thank you very much. :D


urr, umm,

its your buy miss fawn. :D:o

****Gracelessfawn salutes back at Terry.

Thanks for the respect mate. Maybe, I should try to drink you under the table next time! ;):bah::D

Terry mate, I haven't talk to you for ages. How are you doing kewl chap? I hope you're still on the sauce. Cheers!

Oh, btw, you're buying next time!!!!!!

Edited by GracelessFawn
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Hi Graceless Fawn. What does your topic title "Drwned to Life" mean? It doesn't make sense to me. Also, I thought I read that you quit drinking because you thought it was destroyi9ng your health and causing you to lose control over your life. Did you change you're mind? If so, how come? You seem like a very nice person. I hope I never have to read about you in the news clippings section. chok dee.

To me, "Drowned to Life" has something to do with the parties that I attend, the discos I frequent, the booze I consume, the shared laughter I have with people, the late-night conversations, late-night movies, the late-night drinking sessions. Anything goes........... as long as it's something fun, something you enjoy doing, or something that makes you happy. Maybe, even something that's a little naughty. :o

Yeah, I've tried quitting before................ I am back on the sauce now and I am no doubt, in full control of my life. I am a very simple person Lannarebirth. I love to have fun and I do not want to take life too seriously. Life is shitty as it is..... We all suffer in one way or another...... (even the Dalai Lama says so.) I want to have a bit of fun and have occasional parties on the side, while I am still alive.

I would like to think that I am a nice person. I live by a few simple rules..... #1 Not to step on anyone's toes. #2 Not to hurt other people (either directly or indirectly). #3 Buy my own food and booze, pay the bills. #4 Party..... enjoy life and actually live it while I am still alive. (There are loads of dead people walking in this planet, believe me.) #5 Look after my back and have it covered (at all times if possible, no matter what I do or how stupid I get)!!! There are more, but I do not think it is necessary to go on with the list.

Thanks for your concern. Don't worry, I do try to look after myself. I have good friends and they lift me off my feet when I forget how to fly!


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I was doin' Vodka on Wednesday night...... Then I stumbled, crawled and wobbled back to my apartment at 6AM (Thursday), showered and headed to work. Am I bad?

quote = " Am i bad ? "

absolutely not A sensational effort, worthy of top respect from terry, and miss fawn i salute you.

a fine cracking example of a lovely lady enjoying gods nectar, in moderation of course.

thank you very much.


urr, umm,

its your buy miss fawn. :o:bah:

****Gracelessfawn salutes back at Terry.

Thanks for the respect mate. Maybe, I should try to drink you under the table next time! :bah::D;)

Terry mate, I haven't talk to you for ages. How are you doing kewl chap? I hope you're still on the sauce. Cheers!

Oh, btw, you're buying next time!!!!!!

This dude is that cool that my arse has turned to <deleted> ice, :D so to cure this problem the drinking of whisky is in order.

the reverend will making an immaculate appearance at the rambuttri parish in the very near future. :o

prepare yourself to indulge in the lovely alter sauce Miss fawn. :D

thank you very much :D

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My week-end.......

a. two bars in Pat Pong

b. Nana - The Beer Garden, a small bar inside Nana Plaza, another bar in Soi 4

c. Soi Cowboy - visited it twice!

****I was fondled and molested by a ghurl in the a-go-go place. No fellas, I am not a lesbian. It just happened. We were just sitting in an a-go-go place somewhere in Soi Cowboy, watching the shows and drinking our beer when it happened. Two girls came to our table and sat beside my friend and me. Both girls started rubbing me and fondling me when my friend told them that I got all the money. Yuck! Believe me, I didn't enjoy every bit of it. They were all over me and touching me all over the place. The girl sitting beside me said, "she does men and women and that she wanted me to pay her bar fine," while the other girl reached for my boobs! I cringed inside and I kept hissing, "shit. ######. Get off me. Ewwwwww." I was relieved when my mischievious friend finally said, "let's go babe." ######, I need to visit a shrink or I'm scarred for life!

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My week-end.......

a. two bars in Pat Pong

b. Nana - The Beer Garden, a small bar inside Nana Plaza, another bar in Soi 4

c. Soi Cowboy - visited it twice!

****I was fondled and molested by a ghurl in the a-go-go place. No fellas, I am not a lesbian. It just happened. We were just sitting in an a-go-go place somewhere in Soi Cowboy, watching the shows and drinking our beer when it happened. Two girls came to our table and sat beside my friend and me. Both girls started rubbing me and fondling me when my friend told them that I got all the money. Yuck! Believe me, I didn't enjoy every bit of it. They were all over me and touching me all over the place. The girl sitting beside me said, "she does men and women and that she wanted me to pay her bar fine," while the other girl reached for my boobs! I cringed inside and I kept hissing, "shit. ######. Get off me. Ewwwwww." I was relieved when my mischievious friend finally said, "let's go babe." ######, I need to visit a shrink or I'm scarred for life!

zico's brazilian in samui great place :o

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and here was me thinking teachers were not supposed to visit the naughty areas of Bangkok.

Let alone dancing on a stage :D

as long as they don't make any sticky webpages, they might get away with it... :o

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boys and girls.....just my personal thoughts......

sure teachers have some added moral responsibility as role model for the young, but we shouldnt forget that they still also should be able to live their lives. and if part of their lifestyle/enjoyment includes drinking and dancing, and as long as its not being done at school, or in the presence of their students, I really dont know why we should be discussing the appropriateness of GF's free time habits.

theres a time and place for different things......

even the most demurely shy person can be different under different circumstances.

<<.........text removed to save embarrassing questions from curious forum members HAHAHA>

but my point is......maybe under given circumstances it isnt such an eyebrow raising behaviour/question?

BUT the actual point is....this isnt a moral debate thread is it?

remember .....as long as your right to freedom doesnt encroach on other's rights to freedom, then GF should be entitled to her way of fun :D

** by the way....bear in mind that some of you might be giving GF good writing material for her new book :o be sure to ask her to give you a share of whatever it is she makes from using your characters /or combination of characters in her new upcoming potential soap-opera bestseller :D

but for this thread why dont you boys just 'fess up and tell us what you did over the weekend :D

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but for this thread why dont you boys just 'fess up and tell us what you did over the weekend :o

Well i spent the weekend in deep mediation in a remote temple in the mountains... it was most enlightening.

For those of you who don't know, Narcissus is a dance club, nothing lewd going on there!

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but for this thread why dont you boys just 'fess up and tell us what you did over the weekend :o

Added 40+ pages to a website.

Burnt a bunch of cds.

Cleaned the bathroom.

Bought some DDR2 on sale.

Went out friday and inhaled some crab, salmon, prawns and a couple pints of Rickard's Red

Backed up wife's laptop.

Being a geek with a seafood fetish (and a clean bathroom) is still better than being a teacher on a pole. :D

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but for this thread why dont you boys just 'fess up and tell us what you did over the weekend :o

oops! that shoulda read..you boys and girls :D

now go again boys and girls :D

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DDR2 ?? Cdnvic ??

I went swimming in a pool full of Jack Daniels and survived.

Had some Bass Pale Ale at the Dukes (to keep on topic)..

i went out last night but where i dont know didnt even fancy a drink either ,aint they the best nights.i must have been bad cos the mrs aint said a word to me all day .ill go out tomorrow and find out where i was ,i would like to know anyway :o

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