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Out with the missus today and noticed a few quirks.

The right of way quirk.

At a t-junction it's my view those on the main road, going straight-on have the right of way.

No sir, it seems to me that it is numbers that have priority.

The motorcycle parking quirk.

When parking a motorcycle all wheels must be locked in the same direction. Attempt to lock your wheel as you please attracts derision and looks of pure hatred.

The pull quirk.

When you enter or exit a building one must adhere to institutional instructions. Usually in the form of an obvious sign on the door stating PULL. The free thinking radical may refuse to conform and PUSH the door.

Edited by Snackbar
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Where's the beach?

Walking along I can hear the crashing waves, feel the cool breeze, almost feel the planet breathing. The beach looks perfect, the ocean is alive and truly awesome.

Then there's a hand painted sign.

To the beach ->

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I have a few more.

Have you got one too share?

The volunteer tragic control officer.

Travelling along normally. There's an obvious unremarkable obstruction ahead. No problem, no need to stop, or deviate from current path. Then there's an individual in the road directing traffic to continue as normal.

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I have a few more.

Have you got one too share?

The volunteer tragic control officer.

Travelling along normally. There's an obvious unremarkable obstruction ahead. No problem, no need to stop, or deviate from current path. Then there's an individual in the road directing traffic to continue as normal.

How about you wear a hat in the sun in future........coffee1.gif

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Turn left at any time quirk.

Excellent idea to keep things moving. Some are sign posted. Some have an arbitrary wait for green. B1000 fine for offenders. There's no consistence of course, completely random.

The majority of motorcycle riders use skill and judgement and proceed left when safe to do so. Except when there's a plod there. Their distrust and uncertainty makes them play safe and wait for further instructions.

Then there're the day dreamers. They block any chance of others exercising free will, blocking the turn left for others. They sit there dreaming of what might have been if only they had the sense they were born with. In the past I've beeped the horn, 'Oi!, fik wit. Only to be racially abused. 'You no good, this Toyland. Go home'.....Peasants.

The follow the leader quirk.

Waiting at a red traffic light. Engine running. One person revs and lurches forward, others on auto pilot follow the leader, rev, lurch.

Gotta be 1st quirk.

Stop at a red light, in the 'box' for motorbikes. Local stops, front wheel slightly further forward. And so on. Green light and off we go. Traffic light further up is red. Countdown shows 45 sec, in red. Locals roar off, drag racing car style. And so it goes around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a few more.

Have you got one too share?

The volunteer tragic control officer.

Travelling along normally. There's an obvious unremarkable obstruction ahead. No problem, no need to stop, or deviate from current path. Then there's an individual in the road directing traffic to continue as normal.

This is my favourite one I drive past thinking <deleted>

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Similar to the BIB at traffic lights, instructing ongoing traffic to continue straight on. With blasts on an official sounding whistle and high frequency waving.

There must be a protocol for 'waving' as most seem to adopt a similar style.

Can't help thinking. Why bother?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The unguided hippo quirk.

The reactionary braking quirk.

The two abreast quirk.

The 'I haven't a clue where I'm going' quirk.

The consideration for others quirk. Encapsulates a whole reem full of oddities.

The shouting quirk.

The inexplicable halt quirk.

The non sensical indicator quirk.

Finally...the ridiculous Bam Bam haircut quirk.

One for the road...The stupidly loud moped quirk.

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The motorcycle parking quirk.

When parking a motorcycle all wheels must be locked in the same direction. Attempt to lock your wheel as you please attracts derision and looks of pure hatred.

It's normal to turn the handle bars to the left; it opens up the ignition so you can put your key in. The quirk would be you turning it to the right and having the handle bar in your way when you put the key in. Parking in a line also makes it's easier for everybody when the bike's are all pointed in the same direction. You have the same thing with motorcycle parking in your home country.

Edited by Rob13
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The <deleted> I'm alright Jack quirk.

I'll do what I want where I want.

Set up a welding shop next to a residential house, no problem.

I'll scream and shout so everyone knows how stupid I am.

I'll modify the exhaust on my scooter so everyone knows I'm a retard.

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The "I'm an invincible tourist on a motorbike" quirk

Said invincible tourist is usually from the UK or Israel, wearing swim-shorts and sunnies thinking he's god's gift to the unwashed Brad Pitts of this world, with an average-to-large-thighed 19-year-old somebody's daughter on the back of the bike.

And they are going as fast as their 125cc will allow in a town they don't know...

(the better ones at least beep a few times just before they nearly kill you).

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  • 1 month later...

Experienced the quartly LPG quirk this morning.

A replacement 15kg bottle of LPG is B395.00 + delivery. 20-40 Baht.

After three months under the kitchen cabinet, outside or wherever, the shiny green paint has dulled and the bottle has acquired some natural patina. To the 'gas-man' this stuff is worth more than gold, apparently.

The vision of a 15kg LPG matured bottle, the 'gas-man' experiences an audible orgasm. The price shoots up from B400 to B600. A phenomenal 50% increase in price.

Rational says this patine stuff has magical powers. And does unthinkable and joyous things to gas-men.

A quirk? Or just another opportunity for practicing Buddhists to cheat, lie, deceive and steal from an honest law abiding atheist. I.e. Normal rational thinking person.

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As for the supposed "right of way quirk," the OP is simply misunderstanding the unspoken rules of the road as practiced in several SEAsian countries (and probably other countries as well)...I've definitely observed the following in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam:

1) the larger vehicle ALWAYS has the right of way, and it's up to all smaller vehicles to adjust their path accordingly

2) when merging into traffic, your only responsibility as a driver is to GO...anyone already on the road must either swerve out of your way, or hit you

3) when adhering to 2) causes a conflict with 1) (i.e. when a smaller vehicle merges into traffic while not looking to see what's coming, and what's coming is a larger vehicle), then the driver of the smaller vehicle will very likely die

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The humorless non-Thai quirk.

The foreigner that thinks they can mind read. Know everything there is worth knowing and take great delight in boring anyone within earshot of their 'special needs.

Possess the ability to switch off when another has the tars to speak while in the presence of the special one.

Have, been everywhere, done everything worth doing, and a compulsion to spread the word of their greatness in their unique monotone drol utterance.

Know as a white Knight, a persistent defence of the indefensible.

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