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London's Boris Johnson backs Britain leaving 28-nation EU


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London's Boris Johnson backs Britain leaving 28-nation EU

LONDON (AP) — A new battle for Britain erupted Sunday, with London Mayor Boris Johnson saying he would join the campaign to encourage Britain to leave the European Union. The move posed a direct challenge to Prime Minister David Cameron, who has launched a major push to keep his country within the 28-nation bloc.

The popular, raffish Johnson immediately becomes the most prominent Conservative Party politician to break ranks with fellow Conservative Cameron's vision of the best course for Britain in a June 23 referendum on EU membership.

The referendum has divided Cameron's Conservative Party — while most in his Cabinet back his wish to stay, several Cabinet members oppose his stance and are campaigning for the country to break free of EU bureaucracy — a so-called "Brexit."

The decision of Johnson, a two-term mayor who has been touted as a possible future prime minister, deals a blow to Cameron's hopes of a united front ahead of what is expected to be a hard-fought referendum.

"The last thing I wanted was to go against David Cameron or the government, but after a great deal of heartache I don't think there is anything else I can do," Johnson told reporters outside his London home. "I will be advocating vote "leave" ... because I want a better deal for the people of this country to save them money and to take back control."

So far, no country has ever left the EU, and several European countries outside the bloc are still working to reform their economies and governance systems so they can join.

Cameron made a firm commitment three years ago to give voters a simple "in or out" referendum if he was re-elected in 2015. He was acting to quell divisions within his own party, which has long had a strong vein of anti-Europe sentiment.

Cameron has seen Justice Secretary Michael Gove and several junior ministers defect to the "leave" campaign, but none with the political heft of Johnson.

Two other highly touted possible future Conservative leaders — Treasury Chief George Osborne and Home Secretary Theresa May — have cast their lot with Cameron and will back the "stay" campaign.

Johnson's decision was not a complete surprise because the 51-year-old former journalist has for several decades criticized the growing EU bureaucracy, first in his newspaper and magazine columns and later from Parliament and city hall.

Striking likely campaign themes, Johnson criticized EU courts for taking too active a role in British affairs and said the entire European project was in danger of spinning out of "proper democratic control."

The mayor was immediately praised by one of the leaders of the "leave" campaign who have been searching for a charismatic figure with mainstream appeal.

"We'd like to offer the Mayor of London a warm welcome to the Brexit campaign," said Leave.EU co-chairman Richard Tice. "We share his vision of a UK with full, democratic control of its affairs, and a relationship with Europe based on free trade and voluntary cooperation."

It is not clear to what degree Johnson will lead the "leave" campaign. He told reporters he did not want to take part in rallies and debates on the issue but would make his feelings clear.

Cameron earlier in the day used a TV appearance to try to convince Johnson to join the "stay" campaign. Cameron cited emerging challenges from Russia and the rise of extremist groups in the Middle East as threats better dealt with as part of an alliance.

"In a world where you have got Putin to the east and ISIL-Daesh to the south, how do you stay strong?" Cameron asked, using alternative acronyms for the Islamic State group. "By sticking with your neighboring countries, your partners and your friends."

Cameron argues that those who support leaving the EU because they think it will slow the flow of migrants into Britain are mistaken. He said any trade deal Britain would negotiate with the EU if it left the bloc would have to allow for the free movement of labor in order to satisfy EU demands.

The prime minister also cautioned that it if Britain pulls out, it would take years to negotiate such a deal, since it also needs to make sure that British companies still have access to European markets.

Cameron plans to go to Parliament on Monday to formally set in motion the June 23 referendum.

Associated Press writer Sylvia Hui in London contributed.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-22

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Good, finally he does the right thing. Get rid of that old ball and chain called EU. coffee1.gif

And possible a smaller country to boot. I fully expect that Scotland will have another referendum on succession - both because of unfulfilled promises and because of a change of status of UK as a whole.....

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The blonde buffoon stages his very own media circus to ensure that he is the star of the show. That was not about the EU, that was simply Boris staking his claim to be the next PM. Just what the UK needs, another over-privileged vampire to bleed the populous dry.

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If UK leaves the EU within months Scotland will leave the union. England (maybe Wales) will then have to renegotiate 40 years of laws and treaties to maintain any semblance of trade with europe. People with property in Europe will have to renegotiate both the ownership and their rights of residence. Those with jobs in Europe will have to get new visas.....those who rely on Europe for food and wine will have to wait for taxes and duties to be re-allotted, those with foreign cars will find they all have import duties. the NHS will be completely dismantled all labour laws will be re-written to the advantage of employers and the UK diet will consist of boiled mutton and turnips.

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cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:07, said:

If UK leaves the EU within months Scotland will leave the union. England (maybe Wales) will then have to renegotiate 40 years of laws and treaties to maintain any semblance of trade with europe. People with property in Europe will have to renegotiate both the ownership and their rights of residence. Those with jobs in Europe will have to get new visas.....those who rely on Europe for food and wine will have to wait for taxes and duties to be re-allotted, those with foreign cars will find they all have import duties. the NHS will be completely dismantled all labour laws will be re-written to the advantage of employers and the UK diet will consist of boiled mutton and turnips.

Sure it will.

Just like the sky will fall in and the sun will never rise again.

How one person can write such unsubstantiated crap is unbelievable.

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cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:07, said:

If UK leaves the EU within months Scotland will leave the union. England (maybe Wales) will then have to renegotiate 40 years of laws and treaties to maintain any semblance of trade with europe. People with property in Europe will have to renegotiate both the ownership and their rights of residence. Those with jobs in Europe will have to get new visas.....those who rely on Europe for food and wine will have to wait for taxes and duties to be re-allotted, those with foreign cars will find they all have import duties. the NHS will be completely dismantled all labour laws will be re-written to the advantage of employers and the UK diet will consist of boiled mutton and turnips.

Sure it will.

Just like the sky will fall in and the sun will never rise again.

How one person can write such unsubstantiated crap is unbelievable.


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In another significant blow to David Cameron, Sky News understands that leading 'Brexit' campaigners are expecting a majority of the Conservative parliamentary party to back the leave campaign.

While not all MPs have declared their intention yet, there is increasing confidence in the out camp that at least 165 will defy the Prime Minister.


If Cameron had a shred of decency he would resign now.

Not only does it appear that the majority of his Party is against him. His attempt to sell his '' Deal '' to both Parliament and the public is nothing short of scandalous.

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I suspect that Boris might have seen this chart:


Which shows that the UK is the 3rd largest contributor to the EU budget. That is about 4% of the overall budget or about 5 billion Euros. Now that may be a small figure compared to the benefits of belonging to the EU, but it is a large enough amount to get people's attention!

Current figures can be found here.... with a bit of clicking around:


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If you look at that last election Labour were odds on at the bookies to win it.Next thing we know,the Tories sweep in with a landslide.The only reason imho Cammo got in was his promise of a referendum.When I looked yesterday the odds were 4/11 to remain and 5/2 to leave.Have the bookies got it wrong again?Cammo couldn't win as without his referendum promise I think Labour would be in Government now.Cammo has embarked on a massive gamble,and for his sake I hope he pulls it off,but I fear him and the bookies may have underestimated the will of the British people.Oh well we will soon know when the exit polls start appearing on the night of June 23rd.

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cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:23, said:
SgtRock, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:15, said:
cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:07, said:cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:07, said:

If UK leaves the EU within months Scotland will leave the union. England (maybe Wales) will then have to renegotiate 40 years of laws and treaties to maintain any semblance of trade with europe. People with property in Europe will have to renegotiate both the ownership and their rights of residence. Those with jobs in Europe will have to get new visas.....those who rely on Europe for food and wine will have to wait for taxes and duties to be re-allotted, those with foreign cars will find they all have import duties. the NHS will be completely dismantled all labour laws will be re-written to the advantage of employers and the UK diet will consist of boiled mutton and turnips.

Sure it will.

Just like the sky will fall in and the sun will never rise again.

How one person can write such unsubstantiated crap is unbelievable.


Take it up with Der Bild.

Luckily, both the EU commission and other leaders eventually realised that while the Brits would damage themselves with a Brexit, the EU would practically be destroyed with it. That’s a change from a year ago, when the impression was that the Brits were ‘only’ threatening us with their own suicide.

I would think that thy would have a better understanding than you.

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Anyone who thinks Boris is a buffoon or an idiot ,is more stupid than i thought , you may not like him or what he stands for ,but he is as sharp as a razor , the laid bacl loony guy is just a show .

No doubt about it, he is far from stupid. However he is, without a doubt, a buffoon, but that is his shtick to lull the public into liking him, thus ignoring his very dangerous, ultra libertarian agenda.

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cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:07, said:

If UK leaves the EU within months Scotland will leave the union. England (maybe Wales) will then have to renegotiate 40 years of laws and treaties to maintain any semblance of trade with europe. People with property in Europe will have to renegotiate both the ownership and their rights of residence. Those with jobs in Europe will have to get new visas.....those who rely on Europe for food and wine will have to wait for taxes and duties to be re-allotted, those with foreign cars will find they all have import duties. the NHS will be completely dismantled all labour laws will be re-written to the advantage of employers and the UK diet will consist of boiled mutton and turnips.

Sturgeon made this claim yesterday.

You might want to check out the comments sections in the Scottish press. She has made a grave error in judgement.

The vast majority of commentators disagree with her claims that Scotland should be a part of the EU in the event of a Brexit.

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RuamRudy, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:15, said:
SgtRock, on 22 Feb 2016 - 08:49, said:

Ladbrokes immediately shortened the odds of a Brexit to 2 / 1 on Johnsons announcement.

What a sad day for Britain when that dangerous libertarian fool is considered to be so influential on the voting public.

Dangerous - No

Libertarian - Probably.

Fool - Definitely not.

Your comment, makes you look, rather foolish.

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cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:07, said:

If UK leaves the EU within months Scotland will leave the union. England (maybe Wales) will then have to renegotiate 40 years of laws and treaties to maintain any semblance of trade with europe. People with property in Europe will have to renegotiate both the ownership and their rights of residence. Those with jobs in Europe will have to get new visas.....those who rely on Europe for food and wine will have to wait for taxes and duties to be re-allotted, those with foreign cars will find they all have import duties. the NHS will be completely dismantled all labour laws will be re-written to the advantage of employers and the UK diet will consist of boiled mutton and turnips.

Sturgeon made this claim yesterday.

You might want to check out the comments sections in the Scottish press. She has made a grave error in judgement.

The vast majority of commentators disagree with her claims that Scotland should be a part of the EU in the event of a Brexit.

The SNP has been staunchly supportive of remaining in the EU long before last year's referendum. Since that time, they have seen their membership increase to levels unprecedented even for UK wide parties. It seems that the majority of Scots don't share your views, regardless of what the right wingnuts have to say on the comments sections.

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RuamRudy, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:15, said:

SgtRock, on 22 Feb 2016 - 08:49, said:

Ladbrokes immediately shortened the odds of a Brexit to 2 / 1 on Johnsons announcement.

What a sad day for Britain when that dangerous libertarian fool is considered to be so influential on the voting public.

Dangerous - No

Libertarian - Probably.

Fool - Definitely not.

Your comment, makes you look, rather foolish.

If you think that comment makes me look foolish, you should see my haircut.

I have noticed a tendency in your posts to often attack and even insult other posters for no real reason that I can discern, other than they don't confirm to your point of view. That makes for very boring debate and tends to bring out the worst in those who rise to your bait, or stifles debate altogether.


Edited by CharlieH
inflammatory remark removed.
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RuamRudy, on 22 Feb 2016 - 11:01, said:
SgtRock, on 22 Feb 2016 - 10:53, said:
cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:07, said:

cumgranosalum, on 22 Feb 2016 - 09:07, said:

If UK leaves the EU within months Scotland will leave the union. England (maybe Wales) will then have to renegotiate 40 years of laws and treaties to maintain any semblance of trade with europe. People with property in Europe will have to renegotiate both the ownership and their rights of residence. Those with jobs in Europe will have to get new visas.....those who rely on Europe for food and wine will have to wait for taxes and duties to be re-allotted, those with foreign cars will find they all have import duties. the NHS will be completely dismantled all labour laws will be re-written to the advantage of employers and the UK diet will consist of boiled mutton and turnips.

Sturgeon made this claim yesterday.

You might want to check out the comments sections in the Scottish press. She has made a grave error in judgement.

The vast majority of commentators disagree with her claims that Scotland should be a part of the EU in the event of a Brexit.

The SNP has been staunchly supportive of remaining in the EU long before last year's referendum. Since that time, they have seen their membership increase to levels unprecedented even for UK wide parties. It seems that the majority of Scots don't share your views, regardless of what the right wingnuts have to say on the comments sections.

Yes, of course, you have no idea of who they actually are, but they must be rightwing nutters.

Stock answer for those that have no argument to make.

If the SNP had campaigned on an out of UK and out of EU ticket, IMO, it would probably be still negotiating Independence.

Some people have a warped interpretation of Independence, and by no stretch of the imagination can being a member of the EU be construed as being Independent.

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The referendum is nothing more than an opinion poll and possesses no authority or legal status.

Nothing will happen unless there is an Act of Parliament. That is how the UK legislative procedure works

The UK cannot leave the EU unless Parliament votes to do so.

If Parliament finds itself set against the People, as Charles the First found himself set against Parliament, we may find ourselves regretting that Mr Cameron ever made his vote-grabbing promise.

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