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One in five British girls sexually harassed in school: Charity


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People are programmed to find a mate and they can be quite hamfisted in the attempt. It only takes a firm "No" to deal with it.

The definition of sexual harassment has become ridiculously soft. The new interpretations of the law are encouraging young people that naivety is morally justified. They seem to be losing the ability to simply say "no", but go running and screaming to the police instead.

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It is not inappropriate speech or similar that this report is about!

From the OP

After surveying more than 2,000 women in Britain, Plan UK found that 22 per cent had experienced sexual touching, groping, flashing or rape during their school years.
(7by7 emphasis)

The majority of posters in this topic seem to consider that to be ok, that 'boys will be boys' and their victims should accept it; I don't.

I am certain that those posters comments would be very different if the headline was "One in five British girls sexually harassed in school by Muslim boys!"

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It is not inappropriate speech or similar that this report is about!

From the OP

After surveying more than 2,000 women in Britain, Plan UK found that 22 per cent had experienced sexual touching, groping, flashing or rape during their school years.

(7by7 emphasis)

The majority of posters in this topic seem to consider that to be ok, that 'boys will be boys' and their victims should accept it; I don't.

I am certain that those posters comments would be very different if the headline was "One in five British girls sexually harassed in school by Muslim boys!"

It never occurs to people that think like you over this that it isn't that long ago in the UK when there were very few if any Muslim schoolchildren to be worried in any way about. I'm 55 and can honestly say I cannot remember a single Muslim in any of the schools I went to. I can though remember thinking of very little else apart from how to get into the knickers of the hot girls at school. I can remember the girls to this day that I made it to a feel Upstairs, Downstairs and my first sex. All these years I didn't realise i was a pervert. Should I now go and hand myself in to the police for this heinous behaviour ?

I can only presume that 7by7 went to an all boys school and has no experience of growing up around young girls

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I certainly have no experience of subjecting anyone to unwanted sexual touching, groping, flashing or rape.

That doesn't mean I wasn't attracted to girls at school and have fantasies about them. I even asked some of them out; with varying degrees of success.

As is obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence, my Muslim comment was to show the hypocrisy of certain posters who think it's ok for them to have subjected girls to their unwanted attentions, but, as shown by certain other posts of theirs, would be calling for castration at least if a Muslim boy did it!

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When I was growing up, most young boys engaged in some touching that is considered inappropriate. Most young girls engaged in some slapping that could have been considered assault. Most boys learned what 'no' meant.

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I certainly have no experience of subjecting anyone to unwanted sexual touching, groping, flashing or rape.

That doesn't mean I wasn't attracted to girls at school and have fantasies about them. I even asked some of them out; with varying degrees of success.

As is obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence, my Muslim comment was to show the hypocrisy of certain posters who think it's ok for them to have subjected girls to their unwanted attentions, but, as shown by certain other posts of theirs, would be calling for castration at least if a Muslim boy did it!

So when you was say 14/15 and with a similar aged girl did you always seek prior consent for any sexual touching ? "May I fondle your buttocks" "could I knead your breasts" that kind of thing. Me personally I would gradually move in, if they wasn't wanting it they'd push your hand away or just say no.

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No, I am not saying that. Like you I would see how far I could get before she stopped me.

But when she stopped me, by saying 'No,' pushing me away, moving away, whatever; I stopped.

But the report in the OP is about girls who suffered unwanted attentions despite saying 'No' or pushing the unwanted hand away.

I can see, though, that I am in the minority; most posters in this topic believe that it is ok for young girls to be subjected to unwanted sexual harassment by their male peers; and direct childish remarks at those who don't.

If they have daughters and one of them came home in tears because a boy at school had groped them, would they nave the same "boys will be boys, live with it" attitude?

I really hope not.

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What is it you don't understand about:-

Like you I would see how far I could get before she stopped me.

But when she stopped me, by saying 'No,' pushing me away, moving away, whatever; I stopped.

But the report in the OP is about girls who suffered unwanted attentions despite saying 'No' or pushing the unwanted hand away.

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As you are, one can only assume deliberately, ignoring the difference between consensual and non-consensual then you are obviously

  1. desperate not to admit you are wrong, or
  2. desperate to excuse your own actions when younger.

Whichever, keep it up; I have made my point and your continual baiting is getting tiresome.

I'll leave you to have the last word.

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No, I am not saying that. Like you I would see how far I could get before she stopped me.

But when she stopped me, by saying 'No,' pushing me away, moving away, whatever; I stopped.

But the report in the OP is about girls who suffered unwanted attentions despite saying 'No' or pushing the unwanted hand away.

I can see, though, that I am in the minority; most posters in this topic believe that it is ok for young girls to be subjected to unwanted sexual harassment by their male peers; and direct childish remarks at those who don't.

If they have daughters and one of them came home in tears because a boy at school had groped them, would they nave the same "boys will be boys, live with it" attitude?

I really hope not.

I see nothing in the news article about it being girls suffering unwanted sexual contact despite saying no, just about suffering unwanted sexual contact. If you was dancing with a girl at the local youth centre disco to Shakin Stevens back in the 80's or Take That in the 90's and you moved your hand down her back onto her bum which she objected to then you already carried out unwanted sexual contact even if you ceased said unwanted sexual contact immediately.

Hopefully you wont be getting a visit by your local constabulary's historical sexual offences unit any time soon, but might be an idea to have the number of a good lawyer just in case.

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