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Dual Visa. Is It Possible?, Thai Wife And Uk Baby

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sorry should read dual nationality not dual visa

I was wondering if anyone can help me out there with sound advice

When our baby is born early next year in the uk is it possible to have dual nationality ????

Also if baby has dual nationality is it for life and baby will not have to chose at a later date???

Also on another subject what benifits will we be able to claim for the baby when born, i know my

wife cannot claim as she has only being here for one year but iam sure i can claim???

What can and carnt claim???

If can get some answers i appreciate the feedback.. Thanks pete & som

Edited by cuddleypete
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R U A British citizen?

If yes an junior is born in the UK then yes, U will have no prob's getting UK citizenship for the child.

Is mom a Thai citizen?

If yes then it will be no problem to get Thai citizship for the child.

Once dual nationality is claimed/exercised an the nessessery documentation is completed - then yes, it would be for life.

So the short answer to your question is - yes, dual nationality will be no issue in this case - junior will be able to exercise a claim over both, if they are not already by default born a dual citizen, which may well be the case - but still the formalities will have to be completed, just that I can't see any reason at all why it shouldn't be completed as a matter of formality.

I presume you mean "benefits" in the UK as under the Social Security and or NHS systems.

Well, there is no issue as far as you are concerned and therefore as the father of a UK born child I would be certain enough to put my head on a block that the child would therefore also be entitled to all the benefits that UK citizen children would be entitled to.

What I am not clear on is just at what point can the benefits be deemed to be exercisable from i.e. what happens if a Thai women turns up at a UK NHS hospital and sayd "just about to have baby -oh by the way, father is a UK citizen?".

I honestly don't know how it is deal't with as a matter of formality?? She certainly would not be turned away, and from the moment junior popped out, they would have a UK citizen on their hands (excuse pun) as far as the baby went!

In all practicality I think its a technicality i.e. I am pretty sure that mom wil lbe accorded all the rights that a Uk mom would be accorded (make sure you are present to answer any questions).

Its a good question actually - will be interesting to see what others have to say on this.

My concern is this: you have not said if you are married or not, and my concern is how the ECO will treat any visa application knowing your partner is pregent and will be in the UK when the baby is due.

Would they treat the application from a married couple in these circumstances any differently to an application from a girlfriedn/boyfriend partnership?

I honestly don't know that one either, and if I was in that postion and had a pregent girlfriend, rightly or worngly I think I would be inclined to keep it quiet untill she got to/into the UK.

This last point is personal opinion, and there may be no real basis or sense to that desicion. It assumes that there is or maybe something in the small print that says a foreigner cant travel to the UK to have baby. I simply don't know.

It is a different story though if you are married, and in any case this is all quite beside the point because if I read betwene the lines of what you have written, it sounds like you are both already in the UK.

I am married to a Thai girl and have 2 kids - born in Thailand in wedlock.

One is now a UK/Thai citizen and the other is now a USA/Thai citizen - because I hold both UK and USA citizenship. In both cases we had no problems getting them dual citizenship - perfectly legal and perfectly accpetable.

Tri-citizenship in their case would also be in theory possible - but its actually not a good idea in practise as it leads to all sorts of nationality issues if you ever need to rely on one or other of the countries for "help" - one may well find ones self been batted around from one foreign deptment to the next.

It is also the reason why I have not taken up Thai citizenship as a 3rd option.

Lastly - but this I think is obvious: I take it for granted a UK birth certificate will be issued with your name on that birth certificate so there is no doubt at all about junior's dads' nationality i whcih in its self will entitle the child to UK citizenship.

Interestingly have just learnt that Thai's who are born outside the UK but who have a UK father or mother are having to come to the UK initialy on a UK decendents visa if they are over the age of 16 or 18 - which after about 2 years or 4 years they can then apply for UK nationality. Didn't know that before, but apparently its now the case.

......there, have left a lot for someone to come back and clarify in greater detail.

Dual citizenship for the baby - yup, in your case I see no prob's at all - just go through the formalities.

Said my bit ... good luck.


Edited by Maizefarmer
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Cuddleypete, congrats on the forthcoming event!

R U A British citizen?

If yes an junior is born in the UK then yes, U will have no prob's getting UK citizenship for the child.

There will also be no problems getting British citizenship for the child if s/he were born outside the UK.

Cuddleypete, both the UK and Thailand allow their citizens dual nationality. You baby will automatically have both due to the nationality of the parents. Although you will need to register the birth to obtain the benefits. The child will hold both nationalities for life; unless s/he chooses to renounce one or other (or both) of them.

As the child will be born in the UK then the hospital/midwife will arrange the birth registration with you. For the Thai registration and subsequent Thai passport you will need to contact the Royal Thai Embassy in Kensington.

Until she has ILR your wife will not be able to claim any benefit but you can claim all the benefits that any British citizen can claim for their child(ren). Of course you wife is entitled to NHS treatment.

My concern is this: you have not said if you are married or not, and my concern is how the ECO will treat any visa application knowing your partner is pregent and will be in the UK when the baby is due.

Would they treat the application from a married couple in these circumstances any differently to an application from a girlfriedn/boyfriend partnership?

I honestly don't know that one either, and if I was in that postion and had a pregent girlfriend, rightly or worngly I think I would be inclined to keep it quiet untill she got to/into the UK.

This last point is personal opinion, and there may be no real basis or sense to that desicion. It assumes that there is or maybe something in the small print that says a foreigner cant travel to the UK to have baby. I simply don't know.

If a pregnant woman were applying for a visit visa to come to the UK and have her baby on the NHS then she would be refused. However, if the pregnant wife or fiance of a British citizen were applying for a settlement visa then her pregnancy would not effect her eligibility for that visa. Indeed, it may well help prove the relationship!

Not relevant in Cuddleypete's case, as he says his wife has been in the UK for a year.

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