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Trump notches another win as Rubio bids to elbow past Cruz


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While socialists on here cannot get past tiresome rhetoric and venting about the personal attributes of candidates e.g. fox on head reference to Trump etc ad nauseum; if Trump wasn't there it would be someone else because he is only a symptom of the collapse in trust in government. There is a shift in trust from public to private. http://www.edelman.com/insights/intellectual-property/2016-edelman-trust-barometer/

If Trump fails then up jumps Trump vs.2, someone else will take his place in time, it's a trend.

Candidates love saying how they will make the rich pay for everything but accept money from banks to fund campaigns. Corporations can buy governments only because we have career politicians. Hilliary has raised millions of $ from the banks she claims she's going to stand against. Sure, that's why they give her money! She will not release the transcripts of her speeches for Goldman Sachs. Cruz's wife works for Goldman Sachs. Why do NY bankers fund candidates? To get their get out of jail free card. Socialist Democrats like Pinot and Publicus need to take off their rose tinted glasses.There's only 2 not bought off and that's Sanders and Trump. Your choice.

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Yeah, Sometimes it seems that some posts must be originating from sheltered academic elites sitting around the faculty lounge.

If by sitting around the faculty lounge you mean the Bangla bar where the girls are dressed like school girls...

I'm proud of being a Democrat (an Irish Catholic from Boston, no less).

I'm for an America that is is generous and compassionate. A place filled with opportunity and optimism. A country where we're responsibility for ourselves and each other. A place where we share a future.

A much different place from the "I got mine, screw you," Republican world of fear.

Pinot, while I note your dreamlike state of idealism, and pride in being a generational Democrat, actually your socialist Utopianism is robbing your children and future generations of the very life you enjoyed. If socialism is so wonderful, then why has accumulated interest been up to 70% of national debt? Did that money create schools and roads or a place "filled with opportunity and optimism"? No it went to fund bondholders. The youth are going for Trump and Sanders while the older generation have paid into a system they don't want to believe is falling apart.

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Never sure has chosen a very wise poster name, right now Trump is picking up the votes of the dispossessed, the disillusioned and the disheartened. They're excited to see someone offering instant solutions to chronic problems, though they're simplistic and plainly ludicrous. It's easy to promise this and that in politics when you're new to the game and haven't got a serious background in the field.

The high can only last so long and November is far away,I know some Trump supporters will argue he is no fool and has a handle on the important issues but his personality is totally unsuitable to be a leader, petulant and egoistical he is way too immature to run a country.

By the way, why didn't he serve in the Vietnam War? oh yes, bone spurs in the foot!

Pass the sick bag Alice.

If the worst comes to the worst I recommend the States follows Thailand's example and have a coup,...... got to be better than the alternative below


" Trump is picking up the votes of the dispossessed, the disillusioned and the disheartened."

​According to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report there are presently 95,051,000 Americans not in the labor force. They are unable to find jobs, are dispossessed, disillusioned and disheartened and have given up looking for employment.

If Trump only appeals to half of them, that's a rather large voting bloc.

About Trump not serving in the military...maybe he had the same draft board that Bill Clinton did.

Edited by chuckd
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While socialists on here cannot get past tiresome rhetoric and venting about the personal attributes of candidates e.g. fox on head reference to Trump etc ad nauseum; if Trump wasn't there it would be someone else because he is only a symptom of the collapse in trust in government. There is a shift in trust from public to private. http://www.edelman.com/insights/intellectual-property/2016-edelman-trust-barometer/

If Trump fails then up jumps Trump vs.2, someone else will take his place in time, it's a trend.

Candidates love saying how they will make the rich pay for everything but accept money from banks to fund campaigns. Corporations can buy governments only because we have career politicians. Hilliary has raised millions of $ from the banks she claims she's going to stand against. Sure, that's why they give her money! She will not release the transcripts of her speeches for Goldman Sachs. Cruz's wife works for Goldman Sachs. Why do NY bankers fund candidates? To get their get out of jail free card. Socialist Democrats like Pinot and Publicus need to take off their rose tinted glasses.There's only 2 not bought off and that's Sanders and Trump. Your choice.

If Trump fails then up jumps Trump vs.2, someone else will take his place in time, it's a trend.

Wrong again over there.

In between the landslide win of FDR in 1932 to the landslide and second win of RR in 1984, this kind of whackjob in an election occurred only once.

It wuz in 1964 when the righwhinge radical Sen Barry Goldwater of Arizona led the seizing of the Republican party nomination for Potus and got wiped out in the general election. This kind of election is a spasm of the political system, an aberration and the rare unique exception. It is far from the norm and completely counter to the modern election cycle and process of choosing the Potus.

Things regularly elected Potus have done after being elected by conventional standards and expectations is one thing, such as Nixon shredding the Constitution and GW Bush shredding the military and America's moral global standing --among allies especially. Fact is the broad moderate centrist electorate of the United States does not consciously vote for a known and recognised crackpot egomaniac for the office of Potus.

The election cycle schedule is that no one is nominated yet so the right fringe has to do better plse thx at trying to keep up with the nature of elections of Potus over the long term to include obvious trends. It will help to understand why Trump = Gone Old Party.

Edited by Publicus
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The assumption seems to be Trump vs HRC. Well not so fast. If HRC ends up being dragged in front of a commission and/or court for her email and indiscretion it could be Trump vs Sanders. I would be inclined to give Trump the edge in that contest.

Another 'if' from the right about HR Clinton and the IG's of the rightwing superpatriot and secretive intelligence agencies and bureaucracies of the government. The same agencies Edward Snowden bamboozled in stealing seriously sensitive national defense and security secrets and who gave us WMD in Iraq thx. Words of Mass Deception.

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Yeah, like we really need another traitor Democrat who's running an anti-white campaign. That is what she's doing, you know, pandering to minorities.

The middle class white worker and those who just wish they had a good job are catching on, too.



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Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected
Why political professionals are struggling to make sense of the world they created.
Feb. 25, 2016 8:02 p.m. ET


Non paywall version:


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While socialists on here cannot get past tiresome rhetoric and venting about the personal attributes of candidates e.g. fox on head reference to Trump etc ad nauseum; if Trump wasn't there it would be someone else because he is only a symptom of the collapse in trust in government. There is a shift in trust from public to private. http://www.edelman.com/insights/intellectual-property/2016-edelman-trust-barometer/

If Trump fails then up jumps Trump vs.2, someone else will take his place in time, it's a trend.

Candidates love saying how they will make the rich pay for everything but accept money from banks to fund campaigns. Corporations can buy governments only because we have career politicians. Hilliary has raised millions of $ from the banks she claims she's going to stand against. Sure, that's why they give her money! She will not release the transcripts of her speeches for Goldman Sachs. Cruz's wife works for Goldman Sachs. Why do NY bankers fund candidates? To get their get out of jail free card. Socialist Democrats like Pinot and Publicus need to take off their rose tinted glasses.There's only 2 not bought off and that's Sanders and Trump. Your choice.

If Trump fails then up jumps Trump vs.2, someone else will take his place in time, it's a trend.

Wrong again over there.

In between the landslide win of FDR in 1932 to the landslide and second win of RR in 1984, this kind of whackjob in an election occurred only once.

It wuz in 1964 when the righwhinge radical Sen Barry Goldwater of Arizona led the seizing of the Republican party nomination for Potus and got wiped out in the general election. This kind of election is a spasm of the political system, an aberration and the rare unique exception. It is far from the norm and completely counter to the modern election cycle and process of choosing the Potus.

Things regularly elected Potus have done after being elected by conventional standards and expectations is one thing, such as Nixon shredding the Constitution and GW Bush shredding the military and America's moral global standing --among allies especially. Fact is the broad moderate centrist electorate of the United States does not consciously vote for a known and recognised crackpot egomaniac for the office of Potus.

The election cycle schedule is that no one is nominated yet so the right fringe has to do better plse thx at trying to keep up with the nature of elections of Potus over the long term to include obvious trends. It will help to understand why Trump = Gone Old Party.

If my memory serves me right, Barry Goldwater wanted to bomb the hell out of Vietnam or China or both in a nuclear strike. I don't think your comparison to Trump is valid, I have heard little saber rattling along extremist military lines such as that. Stuff he does say is only for effect and he revels in being non PC. However since you mention BG, your heroine Hillary endorsed him proclaiming she was proud to be a Goldwater girl in the past.


By the way I am not partisan like you and have never stated I admired Trump. I have just pointed out why he is there, center stage. He has created problems indeed for the GOP because he's a loose cannon and a wild card unconventional candidate. He could ruin the GOP by going independent, which would make HRC a sure thing.

While you might celebrate that, it would mean more of the same and only exacerbate the current socialist position of government consuming more than it produces. Consumption of the economy through growing public spending equals less economic growth means the trend has been to produce discontent and a Donald Trump. You don't get that and think this is a one-off? If there is another housing crash coupled with the growing lump of Baby Boomers all coming into retirement chasing shrinking pension funds, which is a worldwide trend, then there's big problems ahead.

While you chase the political and personal minutiae in your dissertations you miss the big economic picture in my view.

Edited by Linzz
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This u Tube video was published in 2013 but seems to be at the time of Bush's presidency? Whatever, Trump does not sound like a warmonger like Senator Barry Goldwater seemed to be. Rather the reverse. Even left wing liberals and pacifists would surely agree with Trump when he's shows he's serious.

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Aw let's elect another Democrat (Obama 2.0) because they are so good on foreign policy. I wonder what Hillary would come up with to top Obama's declaration that "ISIS is a JV team?"

If I thought a Hillary presidency would be no worse than Obama's, I might vote for her. Not happily, but I might do it. Fact is, I don't think it will be nearly so benign. It's going to be scandal after bleeding scandal. Assuming she wins, she won't see out her first term. She and Bill will get richer and Chelsea will be rolled out soon enough. It's like a dystopian novel.

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