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World ski body pays to end defamation claim by Vanessa-Mae


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At the time the story broke all the relevant timings were made public but unfortunately I can't remember what they were. Depending on the discrepancies did Vanessa ever wonder how she magically reached the Olympic qualifying time ?

Was it ever explained who or WHAT motivated the timing officials to fiddle the figures ?

Search the original subject then your questions will be answered. She didn't have to qualify and no figures were fiddled.

where did you read no figures were fiddled or are you making it up?

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A defamation suit !

Yes she's Thai alright !

...and, as it turns out, she was right!

Odd that you seem to think that defamation claims are a peculiarly Thai thing, don't they exist in your own hick country?

Ever thought of getting good a sense of humour or is your fun in trying to be insulting ?

If you really are a Scouser then we both come from the same hick country, give or take some mileage.

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A defamation suit !

Yes she's Thai alright !

...and, as it turns out, she was right!

Odd that you seem to think that defamation claims are a peculiarly Thai thing, don't they exist in your own hick country?

if you are a scouser you will know that defamation cases in the UK are very rare yet here in Thailand they are daily so, yes, thais love defamation suits and using that law to scare anyone from saying anything - get it now?

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Anyone familiar with the details of this case knows it stinks. Vanessa Mae has won this half-ruling in her favour because the court did not find sufficient evidence to link the dirty dealings all the way to her. She has won (but only half won) on a technicality.

The chain of deceit was clearly shown in the relationship between Slovenian skiing officials and the management company acting on behalf of the Thai national skiing organisation (cheesy.gif ) and also acting on behalf of Vanessa Mae in setting up

i) hastily arranged events not previously announced on skiing websites

ii) with dubious fields

iii) and even more dubious official results

iv) in conditions that would have had any official race anywhere abandoned.

v) with one sole aim - to procure sufficient points to allow Vanessa Mae to qualify for the Olympics.

I suspect the FIS feels a bit miffed at the ruling and they have good reason.

What happened had nothing to do with world level skiing.

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Multi skilled , multi money , multi friends in high places,

Yes, but, It is not enough to win a ski race

Times are , the winner 2.36

the top ten 2.39

the top 50 2.55

Mae @ 3.26 last place , she can ski no doubt , just not to an accepted standard where by she would have qualified to represent a different flag at the games, would she have made any other team

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Multi skilled , multi money , multi friends in high places,

Yes, but, It is not enough to win a ski race

Times are , the winner 2.36

the top ten 2.39

the top 50 2.55

Mae @ 3.26 last place , she can ski no doubt , just not to an accepted standard where by she would have qualified to represent a different flag at the games, would she have made any other team

Correction, last place of the participants who could make it to the finish line.
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Multi skilled , multi money , multi friends in high places,

Yes, but, It is not enough to win a ski race

Times are , the winner 2.36

the top ten 2.39

the top 50 2.55

Mae @ 3.26 last place , she can ski no doubt , just not to an accepted standard where by she would have qualified to represent a different flag at the games, would she have made any other team

Correction, last place of the participants who could make it to the finish line.

yes that is true

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As an avid skier for the better part of 50 years, I can't say I remember when the run-of-the-mill FIS racer posed in vivid red lip-stick. And I've know a lot of racers both male and female. Haven't seen that before. Lip gloss. Yeah, I even wear that. But than again, 30 years ago I didn't see various body piercing and tats. Just an observation. Maybe something is changing. Who knows. I gotta find some video of her running the GS. Entertaining no doubt.


I've seen worse. She wouldn't make the US or Canadian FIS teams any more than I would, but.....Cool Runnings comes to mind. I'd enjoy skiing with her recreationally. Probably be quite fun.
Edited by connda
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Is there a better skier than Vanessa Mae, who could represent Thailand in olympics?

this is not on-topic but she's British born and bred and only applied for a Thai passport (a language she can't speak) to get into the Olympics through that loophole whilst there are FAR better skiers in Britain whose times (much better than hers) would not have made pre-qualifying and I hope that answers your question

But could they have skied for Thailand?

Plenty in Los can fiddle better than her I'd reckon..

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Anyone who knows anything about ski racing can see her qualification races were fixed.

Not the timing, but the racers that set the penalty in the race slowed down/sandbagged

so she could meat the FIS qualifying standard. Weather she was involved is unknown

but she would have known. Like a high school football team playing Manchester United

to a 0-0 draw. The high school team does not have to be aware of the fix but they can do

the math. The issue is they could not prove it with out people admitting complicity. Probably

cost her nothing, someone just asks a few skiers to slow down to help the field in a nothing

unimportant race. whistling.gif

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She is up there with the Jamaican bobsled team & Eddie the Eagle.

They all gave it a go.

Absolutely, and, as stated by the founder of the Olympics, Baron Pierre de Coubertin:

'The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part'

By coincidence the film 'Eddie the Eagle' is being advertised at the moment on Sky News with it being premiered next month in London on 17th March.

Would be good to have a film about Vanessa-Mae's exploits. tongue.png

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Multi skilled , multi money , multi friends in high places,

Yes, but, It is not enough to win a ski race

Times are , the winner 2.36

the top ten 2.39

the top 50 2.55

Mae @ 3.26 last place , she can ski no doubt , just not to an accepted standard where by she would have qualified to represent a different flag at the games, would she have made any other team

Only a minute off, maybe she was slipping the course, I'm sure the next racer appreciated it

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An embarrassing shambles, which just makes her look like a spoilt petulant fool. Stick to what you do best.

Lyndsey Vonn ; now there's a ski racer the whole world can be proud of.

I would sue too if someone claimed i was a criminal and ruined my reputation. (not that I have one but she does). Bit strange not to sue and she is donating the money to charity.. so its not about money at all.

Have you seen her on skis? Well, admittedly, you don't have much time to see her on these when the slope is steep, and, otherwise, you have time for your brunch in the kitchen and still watch her cross the endline. At least those Jamaicans of yore were not ridiculous in their bobsleigh... Seems she lost face, big time, and forever! Well deserved?

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At the time the story broke all the relevant timings were made public but unfortunately I can't remember what they were. Depending on the discrepancies did Vanessa ever wonder how she magically reached the Olympic qualifying time ?

Was it ever explained who or WHAT motivated the timing officials to fiddle the figures ?

Search the original subject then your questions will be answered. She didn't have to qualify and no figures were fiddled.

where did you read no figures were fiddled or are you making it up?

She couldn't sue anyone for telling she's good at 'fiddling', could she? LOL

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As an avid skier for the better part of 50 years, I can't say I remember when the run-of-the-mill FIS racer posed in vivid red lip-stick. And I've know a lot of racers both male and female. Haven't seen that before. Lip gloss. Yeah, I even wear that. But than again, 30 years ago I didn't see various body piercing and tats. Just an observation. Maybe something is changing. Who knows. I gotta find some video of her running the GS. Entertaining no doubt.


I've seen worse. She wouldn't make the US or Canadian FIS teams any more than I would, but.....Cool Runnings comes to mind. I'd enjoy skiing with her recreationally. Probably be quite fun.

Skiing with her, hmm, recreationally, hmm, LOL

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Multi skilled , multi money , multi friends in high places,

Yes, but, It is not enough to win a ski race

Times are , the winner 2.36

the top ten 2.39

the top 50 2.55

Mae @ 3.26 last place , she can ski no doubt , just not to an accepted standard where by she would have qualified to represent a different flag at the games, would she have made any other team

Only a minute off, maybe she was slipping the course, I'm sure the next racer appreciated it

I put a video up. Yeah, she was slipping some of the gates, but to her credit, she 'carved' though most of them, at least on the video.

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Is there a better skier than Vanessa Mae, who could represent Thailand in olympics?

How much you paying? A birth certificate can be ready in the morning...same guys that did Obama's.

Why would the USA authorities, specifically those responsible for issuing birth certificates to natural born USA citizens, be giving out Thai birth certificates?

Is this some sort of out sourcing arrangement?

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At the time the story broke all the relevant timings were made public but unfortunately I can't remember what they were. Depending on the discrepancies did Vanessa ever wonder how she magically reached the Olympic qualifying time ?

Was it ever explained who or WHAT motivated the timing officials to fiddle the figures ?

Search the original subject then your questions will be answered. She didn't have to qualify and no figures were fiddled.

Wrong. She was not going to qualify until this event took place. The qualification event was flawed (at the very least) from start to finish.

The ski authorities are saying she was not aware of the irregularities surrounding this event and the results it generated.

However the event itself and the points she gained from it should not have counted towards qualification.

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She is up there with the Jamaican bobsled team & Eddie the Eagle.

They all gave it a go.

Absolutely, and, as stated by the founder of the Olympics, Baron Pierre de Coubertin:

'The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part'

I understood that such a sentiment had no place in the modern Olympics. The Olympics are now professional, not amateur.

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At the time the story broke all the relevant timings were made public but unfortunately I can't remember what they were. Depending on the discrepancies did Vanessa ever wonder how she magically reached the Olympic qualifying time ?

Was it ever explained who or WHAT motivated the timing officials to fiddle the figures ?

Search the original subject then your questions will be answered. She didn't have to qualify and no figures were fiddled.

Wrong. She was not going to qualify until this event took place. The qualification event was flawed (at the very least) from start to finish.

The ski authorities are saying she was not aware of the irregularities surrounding this event and the results it generated.

However the event itself and the points she gained from it should not have counted towards qualification.

One of the events hastily organised to allow her to qualify was the ' Thai National JUNIOR Championship ' and she was the only competitor !

Luckily at no time did she ever think anything was perhaps a little iffy.

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