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Majority of people polled satisfied with PM's leadership, decisiveness, transparency


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Majority of people polled satisfied with PM's leadership, decisiveness, transparency


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha still won the hearts of the people in the latest poll conducted by the National Institute of Development Administration.

The Nida Poll surveyed opinions of a total of 1,252 people from all levels of education and all occupations throughout the country from February 19-21.

They were asked on the performance of the prime minister after one year and a half in office since the 22 May coup in 2014.

The result showed that the majority of people asked are satisfied with his performance in working. But for his decisiveness, leadership, and transparency, the scores given to the prime minister are over 70%, according to Bangkok Post.

For general performance in office, 29.68% said Gen Prayut performed very good, 49.92% fairly good, 11.60,% rather unsatisfactory, and only 7.84% very unsatisfactory.

For his work ideology, 84.56% said he has strong ideology and determination to work for the nation and the people, with only 12.80% seeing him having no ideology and working only to uphold his power.

For decisiveness in working, 84.72% said Gen Prayut has courage to make decision on important political and administrative issues, while only 13.52% argued that he has no courage.

Regarding his personality as a leader, 72.88% viewed he has military style leadership, while 17.52″ saw him having democratic style leadership, and 7.36% said he has mixed personalities of military and Democratic style leadership.

On the solving of national problems, 76.08% admired his efficiency in solving national problems, while 21.76% said he has no efficiency.

But for his transparency in working, 70.80% gave their thumps up for his transparency, while 17.84% argued his work in not transparent and can’t be cross checked.

The survey also showed five ministers whose performances were most impressive. They are Gen Prawit Wongsuwon, Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatisripitak; Tourism and Sports Mininister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam and, Social Development and Human Security Minister Pol Gen Adul Saengsingkaew.

But the least impressive voted by the people in the survey are Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Gen Chatchai Sarikalya, Deputy Commerce Minister Suvit Maesincee, Commerce Minister Mrs Apiradi Tantraporn, Education Minister Gen Dapong Rattanasuwan, and Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith.

The reliability of the survey result was given as 95.0%, with the standard error not exceeding 1.4.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/152292

-- Thai PBS 2016-02-25

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The Nida Poll surveyed opinions of a total of 1,252 people from all levels of education and all occupations throughout the country from February 19-21.

A vast cross section of Thai society. The enormity of this poll staggers me..........................One thousand two hundred and fifty two.........wow!

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total of 1,252 people

Let me poll my echochamber and see how popular I am there...geez. That's barely 1300 people out of thousandfold higher population and isn't even remotely representative of anything. Swear to god can there really be people who fall for easy headlines? /sigh

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I'm ex-mil, I don't have a problem with how he leads, but I sense it's starting to get old and in time, the fuse on the powder keg will be lit.....again. Wash, rinse, repeat. The US, even with its ills, and as much as I hate to admit, is starting to look like an option. Damn!

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The guy is so insecure, it's pathetic.

These constant "you love me" polls.

Excellent analysis here:


"Subject is driven by a deep need for acceptance and legitimacy."

"Countless case studies of ... who came to power by taking it, struggle to be loved by those who would have preferred to choose who led them."

“I don’t know what to do. When I speak at length (on compulsory-broadcast TV monologues every Friday evening) people don’t listen and want to watch soaps." laugh.png

"...for his decisiveness, leadership, and transparency, the scores given to the prime minister are over 70%"

Therein lies the glaring BS factor.

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The guy is so insecure, it's pathetic.

These constant "you love me" polls.

Excellent analysis here:


"Subject is driven by a deep need for acceptance and legitimacy."

"Countless case studies of ... who came to power by taking it, struggle to be loved by those who would have preferred to choose who led them."

“I don’t know what to do. When I speak at length (on compulsory-broadcast TV monologues every Friday evening) people don’t listen and want to watch soaps." laugh.png

"...for his decisiveness, leadership, and transparency, the scores given to the prime minister are over 70%"

Therein lies the glaring BS factor.

oooooh, Pravit used the "D" word... biggrin.png

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Nothing wrong about pools conducted over a sample of ~1000 persons. Most of the ones you read in your favourite western newspapers don't use a much bigger sample if you care reading the small print.

Of course, in this case, one can be sure that the sample was chosen very carefully to provide the expected results. Or more ever, that the replies by the pooled people were entirely irrelevant because the results were written in advance.

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


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I'm ex-mil, I don't have a problem with how he leads, but I sense it's starting to get old and in time, the fuse on the powder keg will be lit.....again. Wash, rinse, repeat. The US, even with its ills, and as much as I hate to admit, is starting to look like an option. Damn!

You may have notice since he arrived :

-Thailand not anymore a place for political refugees.

- drop of 78% of foreign investments



-no freedom of press

-Adjustment sessions

-drop of economy

-Clearly side for one part of the population and despise the other one

The most funny in this is the "praising the transparency" of his politic...what a joke!

I would laugh if it didn't make me cry

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As opposition has been gagged, there is no free Thai press to counter any of the propaganda, what result could be expected? Saw his Friday night show last week, couple of hours prattling on, then Saturday night one of the ministers was also monopolizing broadcast airwaves. My gf reads enough English so that I gave her link to NY Times article regarding SE Asia and corruption.... she'd never heard reports about the nasty things that have gone down. I can understand why Thais zone out and just look for a bit of sanook now and then. To be aware of what is going on might lead to action, and action can get you seriously dead.

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The Nida Poll surveyed opinions of a total of 1,252 people from all levels of education and all occupations throughout the country from February 19-21.

A vast cross section of Thai society. The enormity of this poll staggers me..........................One thousand two hundred and fifty two.........wow!

I am sure they were vetted before noting their opinion. 99.9% solid gold for the the PM. He does seem to have that Jack Benny look on his face again though.

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