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Visa Aranyaprathet border Cambodia


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Hi guys,

I have a few question

i want make visa on arrival in cambodia - Aranyaprathet border ( i have a multi visa-0) so i must live the country (thailand) for get stamp-extension for the next 90 days

But i dont have a money dollars ($) - because i stay in province and any bank here dont exchange thb - to $ :(
what time they open the border? and it is open everyday?

have they there a bank or place for exchange thb to dollars?

how much visa cost now 30 $ ? and how long it will take?

because i want go tommorow make a visa,
thanks for any answer

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note ; that border sometimes requires u remain in Cambodia over night

plus they will take thai baht at the Cambodian immigration 1,500 + they might hit u with a 100-200 "medical" charge.

open everyday 6 am i am fairly sure till 10 pm

You cant access the casinos until AFTER Cambodian immigration. ( they are right across the street from each other.

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Yes, you can pay in Thai baht - at all the Camb crossings AFAIK. Of course they round it up a bit in their favor in the conversion.

Time it requires depends entirely on how many others are there at the same time. I have had waits of well over an hour when I already had a visa, just to get stamped in, but also at other times just a few minutes.

It is an unusually corrupt border crossing and seems to be getting worse. Last 2 times there (most recent being last month) the official spent more than 30 minutes slowly leafing through my passport in an effort to get a bribe (and in both cases, I already had a visa). I chose to stand my ground and if you do, they'll eventually give up and let you through, but it will take longer.

Scams about medical clearance etc are also practiced on the unwary.

Be sure you have passport photos with you - I think just one but have 2 just in case.

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thanks for any answer - i got visa today - no problem :) fee visa 30 $ (i exchange the thb-to $ in ronglya market- have few banks)


VISA FEE - 30 $ + 100 THB "TIP" :)

if you want go and out - same day i must pay extra 200 THB

only that - no question no problem :)

when go - no people (only few)

When come back to thailand about 100-150 people :) must wait about 1-2 hours :)

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