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Eating Aluminum in Thailand - And the Thai Life Expectancy


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From alz.org

Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.

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From alz.org

Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.

You may be right in terms of it being a myth, but I'll hedge my bets and avoid scraping aluminum pots with a metal spatula, and eating concomitant tiny particles of aluminum with the food, like I see so many do on a daily basis. The sound alone is bloody grating.sad.png

When I have time, I'll research and see if eating aluminum is good for you, then report back..

Aluminum chocthumbsup.gif late bars may yet hit the shelves of 7-11, but don't hold your breath..

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"A quick look into a database of scientific research reveals hundreds of research papers on the subject of aluminium poisoning from cooking utensils, a few dozen papers on lead poisoning from lead in aluminium cooking utensils and as many on mercury poisoning from mercury in aluminium cooking utensils. I can't see any references to teflon poisoning, or people wrapped in cotton wool - but as I say, only a quick look."

borrowed from Guest House from another thread

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"A quick look into a database of scientific research reveals hundreds of research papers on the subject of aluminium poisoning from cooking utensils, a few dozen papers on lead poisoning from lead in aluminium cooking utensils and as many on mercury poisoning from mercury in aluminium cooking utensils. I can't see any references to teflon poisoning, or people wrapped in cotton wool - but as I say, only a quick look."

borrowed from Guest House from another thread

A likely throw away comment which should be disregarded until "Guest House" provides the link(s) to the claimed scientific research.

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

stir fry with olive oil? One should never overheat olive oil in a pan, it is not recommended for frying. Use sunflower or canula oil.

I use olive oils only COLD in salads, or occasionally add a few drops COLD onto tomato sauces in pasta, or over fried squid or fish

Try to do a bit of reading why oilve oils should not be heated too much

Did some reading, and all the links said -

Nearly every time I lecture on olive oil, people ask whether heat destroys the oil, and whether they can cook with it. I don’t know who invented this misconception (seed-oil companies?), but I’d love to dispel it once and for all. High quality extra virgin olive oil can be heated to 420°F before it reaches smoke-point (ie begins to smoke and starts to form unhealthy compounds), which is higher than nearly every other vegetable oil. Olive oil is much more stable when heated compared to most vegetable oil (16, 17). Cooking with olive oil below the smoke-point does not destroy most of its health benefits, or make it less healthy – under normal cooking conditions,

The olive oil at Macro says its for stir frying.

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borrowed from Guest House from another thread

Borrowed? I'm looking forward to you returning it asap.

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. -Christopher Hitchens

I'm sure you can find yourself to the library, there's more than the works of Hitchens on offer.

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

You may be interested in an article about the state of olive oil these days.


(The title of the article is a play-on-words of a movie title)

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Lived in India for a spell in the 1970s. One of my cooking pots started to dissolve. To this day I won't buy metal cooking utensils from India.

Another big source of ingesting metals are those 'acid relief' products available worldwide, like Tums, Rolaids, etc. Aluminum, magnesium, ...

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Lived in India for a spell in the 1970s. One of my cooking pots started to dissolve. To this day I won't buy metal cooking utensils from India.

Another big source of ingesting metals are those 'acid relief' products available worldwide, like Tums, Rolaids, etc. Aluminum, magnesium, ...

"Tums" = CaCO3 !

Is the degree in chemistry fake ?

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Scratching the teflon pans is also one of my pet peeves. I've got the ole lady using plastic spatulas, we use olive oil for stir fry. Stainless steel for all cooking might be the way to go.

You may be interested in an article about the state of olive oil these days.


(The title of the article is a play-on-words of a movie title)

Same thing goes for virgin coconut oil. One minute it's the new savior, the next minute it's demonized.

Hard to sort out fact from fiction..what's your take on eating a little virgin coconut oil bendejo?

I read that virgin coconut oil lowers blood sugar. I tried it, and my blood sugar is lower, but I did other stuff too.I also ate a leaf that's illegal in Thailand - legal in Canada

Go Figure..

But to get off a wayward tangent - I still despise aluminum cooking pots on general principle, and those cheap aluminum Thai utensils that are arguably weaker than cheap plastic..

Something tells me that eating aluminum is N.F.G.wai2.gif I

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Lived in India for a spell in the 1970s. One of my cooking pots started to dissolve. To this day I won't buy metal cooking utensils from India.

Another big source of ingesting metals are those 'acid relief' products available worldwide, like Tums, Rolaids, etc. Aluminum, magnesium, ...

"Tums" = CaCO3 !

Is the degree in chemistry fake ?

Well well, it's been a long time since I've touched the stuff, much less read the label. The wiki page on Rolaids says:

The active ingredients are calcium carbonate (550 mg) and magnesium hydroxide (110 mg). The inactive ingredients are dextrose, flavoring, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol, pregelatinized starch, sucralose and sucrose.

(sorry about the underlining)

Yes, Tums page does not list metals.

I also recall aluminum in these things. Maybe that was in the kind of knock-offs made in SEA.

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Hard to sort out fact from fiction..what's your take on eating a little virgin coconut oil bendejo?


The smell of coconut oil turns my stomach, can't go near the stuff. But I recall when it was demonized for anything other than rubbing on your skin. Time changes, truth changes wink.png

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I'd be surprised if that was a major reason. Westerners have been spraying highly absorbable aluminium into their armpits for decades. However, you definitely shouldn't cook anything acidic in an aluminium pan - rhubarb being the worst. That really is mental. Tomato isn't good either.

I'm not keen on hot food in thin plastic bags.

Some of the westerners I have been around certainly haven't been spraying anything into their armpits...unless it has a terrible smell that isbah.gif

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Aluminium has been linked to Alzheimer's more than life expectancy. My Grandmother used to brew tea in an aluminium teapot and ended up with severe Alzheimer's (she forgot who I was) and we suspected it was the aluminium.

alzheimers is age related, everybody would get alzheimers if they lived long enough,some sooner, some later, whats the advantage of being 84?

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5 of those 10 years can be attributed to Thai design 'U turns' lowering the statistics. What Einstein thought it would be a clever idea to have two directional u turns in the same opening? Blindsided in the face of the oncoming fast lane, brilliant concept. Like many Thai driving methods it was probably OK in the days of buffalo carts.

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Thais eat what would be called dinner (or supper) in the west - 3 times a day - fried in Palm oil no less

Meat and rice, meat and rice, meat and rice, with a little vegetable for good measure..

Dinner for Breakfast, Dinner for Lunch, so what's on the menu for Dinner? More White rice and meat or fish of course..

As a result - Most Thais I have ever known have great trouble pooooping.. Sound familiar??

And there are at least 98 more reasons for the ten year swing..

I eat an almost entirely Thai diet, and the one thing I have never really had is a problem with is pooping.......Actually most of the Thai food I eat, which is normally cooked by Thais for Thais has a much higher ratio of vegetables to meat. Meat is more expensive component.

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I think the supposed link between aluminium & dementia/Alzheimers was debunked years ago. I don't like aluminium or any metal in my food anyway so stainless is the way to go. Teflon is not good for us to eat either. There is a world wide scandal on olive oil being fake. In many cases it is anything but olive oil. Even some of the the best Italian brands are involved including Bertolli which I always used to buy and even Newmans Own.. It is a bit like true Champagne. Much more is sold annually than is harvested annually. Buy the best brand of rice bran oil you can find to fry. It is way better that olive oil which has to low a smoking temperature to be good for frying. http://realfoodforlife.com/which-olive-oil-to-buy-the-olive-oil-fraud/

Personally do not think the typical Thai diet is all that healthy. We use way too much oil in my house. They fry everything. I think that probably cooking pot aluminium is an unlikely serious demon but why eat it anyway?

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just a guess - - lifespan is reduced greatly by the number of teens dying on motorcycles... that can really bring down an average...

dementia is rampant in the West - just coincidental observation, I see less of it here - but that can be partly becuase they don't let the elderly out to drive the car etc...

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Aluminium has been linked to Alzheimer's more than life expectancy. My Grandmother used to brew tea in an aluminium teapot and ended up with severe Alzheimer's (she forgot who I was) and we suspected it was the aluminium.

This is an urban myth. The link between aluminium and Alzheimer's was made in a study where brain plaques typical of dementia were found to have high levels of aluminium - hardly surprising when an aluminium microtome was used to prepare the samples.

The modern hypothesis of the cause of Alzheimer's is the plaques are caused by a series of microstrokes.

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Thais eat what would be called dinner (or supper) in the west - 3 times a day - fried in Palm oil no less

Meat and rice, meat and rice, meat and rice, with a little vegetable for good measure..

Dinner for Breakfast, Dinner for Lunch, so what's on the menu for Dinner? More White rice and meat or fish of course..

As a result - Most Thais I have ever known have great trouble pooooping.. Sound familiar??

And there are at least 98 more reasons for the ten year swing..

most Thais don't eat meat

Thais don't eat much Red meat. They predominantly eat chicken and pork, the so called healthier White meats and also fish. They do eat squid and prawns, which are high in cholesterol, and some use coconut oil for cooking, which we are informed as being unhealthy. Aluminum, twenty years ago, was given as a major cause for dementia, I don't know the present findings on this, but Aluminuna hydroxide is used in toothpastes, antacids etc. I tend to believe that, uncontrolled, hereditary factors are the largest contributed factors to many health conditions. Hence I try to control what I can and be vigilant, but not worry too much, about what I can't.

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I once watched a fascinating lecture on a TED Talks program, by Dr Mary Newport. She serendipitously

stumbled came across something which radically improved her husband's advanced Alzheimer's -

coconut oil. She believes that the fact that coconut oil has an abundance of MCT's (Medium Chain

Triglycerides) and Ketones is responsible for the therapy.

She has written books on the treatments and therapies, one of which is called "Suppose there was a

cure for Alzheimer's Disease . . . and no one knew?"

I rarely drink coconut milk, but full fat cow's milk is also high in MCT's. Since watching her talk, I

switched from fat-free milk to full fat milk. I would do anything to avoid the onset of Alzheimer's.

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Aluminium has been linked to Alzheimer's more than life expectancy. My Grandmother used to brew tea in an aluminium teapot and ended up with severe Alzheimer's (she forgot who I was) and we suspected it was the aluminium.

There has been no verifiable link to dietary or environmental aluminum as the cause of Alzheimer's. A news media sensation but no substance behind it.

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Poor maternal nutrition is a major factor. If your mother doesn't have enough omega three and the like stored your brain won't be right, and without enough in the way of other nutrients nothing else is made right either, starting with your kidneys, which is what gives you high blood pressure.

Thais consume a lot of salt and sugar in theiriets. In Fact kidney desease and failure affect 8% of the thai population. There are many factors.

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