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Eating Aluminum in Thailand - And the Thai Life Expectancy


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5 of those 10 years can be attributed to Thai design 'U turns' lowering the statistics. What Einstein thought it would be a clever idea to have two directional u turns in the same opening? Blindsided in the face of the oncoming fast lane, brilliant concept. Like many Thai driving methods it was probably OK in the days of buffalo carts.

Yep absolute stupidity by me theyve gone one better and also included a road sign at eye level so even if there are no cars u turning the opposite way you you still cant see because of the effin sign.

It ranks up there with the stupidity of doorstops right next to the hinges of a door guaranteed to damage the bottom hinge ripping it off the door..... foooook knows what the retards are thinking ( sorry not thinking) but they all copy each other like the stupid sheep they are.

So I'm sure you don't live here, so why are you even on this site for?

your amusement?

Top shelf reply kannotcheesy.gif IMHO

Funny how only two words can be so intrinsically amusing..

One could infer (from your wise retort) that you haven't ingested much aluminumwai2.gif at all..

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Zakynthos is a very small island (the "Turtle Island") and only a few families are harvesting and cold-pressing olives there. A short research shows that the Koroneiki Olives used in the process are indeed of superb quality, yet they make the oil a bit pricey. A normal sales price of 15.- Euro per litre and 10.- Euro per litre/5 litre Can, when sold throughout Europe, is normal for this oil. If you pay less, it is too good to be true.

as soon as I saw the words "Organic" i got suspicious....load of balls as far as Im concerened

google for Kurambakos Tzavalas olive oil

I dont doubt it I meant "organic" is some how superior

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In our household we eat alot of prawns and squid, pretty much everyday, along with chicken, pork and bbq fish. So, back in states I have a physical and Dr. tells me my cholesterol level which had gone up. But he said the good was way high and the bad was way low. I eat very little beef even when I'm away working.

You start eating a lot of garlic - I mean a lot - exercise a bit and perhaps lose a little weight - and your cholesterol WILL go down, almost 100% for sure..

My point was my cholesrerol level sounded high but because I had so much good cholesterol the Dr. told me to keep on doing what I'm doing. The total number doesn't tell the whole story. And yes, wife cooks with lots of garlic.

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Check out the contents of Chemtrails.Its one of the reasons I left the US.I do not see them here,but.

Oh look, a conspiracy theorist!!!!

You should get out to Isaan, we're under a high altitude international route here, we get vapour trails, but you need to be an early riser to see them in the cool morning air.

does this cool Eesarn morning air really reach a 36,000 ft altitude?? (heights airplanes are cruisin in)

satire off.

there is slightly mote than temperature involved. http://www.aero-net.info/fileadmin/aeronet_files/links/documents/DLR/Schumann_Contrails.pdf

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I suspect it's the content of those aluminium pots, pans and kettles that presents the greater threat. From the Alzheimer's Association:

Myth: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminium pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer's. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer's. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.

Edited by ChristianBlessing
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