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Thailand is the land of smiles? With growing list of violent attacks you have to be having a laugh

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The "Land of Smiles" thing is just a quaint holdover from earlier, happier, better times, now gone, most likely forever as once lost, these things can't be rebuilt. It's poetic, but entirely antiquated, much as some all-in expats would like to try & insist otherwise.

I sense that these kinds of statements are written primarily by ex-pats who have been here for a long time, and live in either Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, or Bangkok. The bigger cities and resort islands have a somewhat different lifestyle. Also, on the southern islands nearly all the local people (if that is what you want to call them, since most of the locals left long ago with the fortunes they made from selling their land) are terribly jaded, and have bad attitudes. And alot of people in the tourist industries are also jaded.

In the smaller towns, and in the provinces, most Thais I run into are very pleasant. Compared to the average person in the US, Europe, OZ, or NZ, they are positively delightful. I find most cheery, friendly, in good humor, and approachable. More than I can say for the West. I also find it has alot to do with what you put out there. If I am friendly, outgoing, smiling, and warm, people tend to treat me in much the same way here in Thailand. Not so in the west.

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Crap, in all the years I have lived here the only problems I have ever had involved farang. Sure not everywhere is safe just as not everywhere in Australia is not safe. Read the papers, check the net. Thailand is not the only country with "baddies".

A mighty big statement that most, not all Thais are racist, religious zealots. I haven't even met MOST Thais so you must certainly get around. I think it's time for you to give Thailand a break and go back the little safe haven that you call home.

Ta Tah

No matter if you like it or not, sadly, Thailand is not a safe place in general, if you can walk down a street in a popular tourist area with out getting robbed or killed, as in the case of the Australian lady who was stabbed in the heart for her handbag, just to mention one of hundreds of similar cases, then its not a safe place, for tourists.

When I lived in Thailand, I witnessed a young girl and her friends get gunned down, because the girl refused to have per-arranged marriage, my neighbor was stabbed in the neck by a bar girl because he wouldn't buy her a drink.

The only people smiling, where the perps.

In my experience most Thais a racist, religious zealots who are only interested in your money, not all but most.

Its not a safe place to visit and no one will ever guarantee your safety when in Thailand, the only thing that is nice in Thailand is the weather and the natural scenery


lived in thailand 9 years. never once have i felt unsafe. well i was a bit nervous when i got locked up in na jomtien police station over a problem with my work permit but other wise i would say thailand is pretty good. i have seen a few aggressive guys get into trouble but follow the formula of being polite and not escalating any situation. example, if you get presented with a bin you think is to high try to negotiate it down. if it does not work wear it (normally a few dollars) and dont go back there.


Who cares about the smiles, especially if they are from strangers. Personally, unless someone who actually serves me smiles at me, I find any undue attention intimidating almost to the point of: "wait a second, is she smiling at me because I'm a foreigner?" Why, that's not necessary, I'm just a normal person, leave me alone!

I didn't mind all the attention when I was younger, but nowadays it's just annoying. Having said that, things have definitely changed and I rarely get any attention from anyone anymore, the Thais are used to expats/tourists now, even in the most unlikely places.

This article is interesting though because it talks about violent attacks in Thailand, but where all the perpetrators were foreigners. So how does that reflect badly on Thailand, other than Thailand having made the mistake of letting them in?

Of course that doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of crimes committed here, violent or not, are done by Thais, including crimes committed against foreigners, where again, Thais commit them rather than foreigners.


Doubt the average Thai has much to look forward to. Don't know many happy Thais personally. Most are struggling. Those who lean towards violence would be more easily provoked in bad times.

The only Thais I know well, other than the beloved, are the inlaws, and they rarely smile, other than the socially required one.

I live in a small city that rarely sees a farang and has never been a farang tourist destination, and they don't smile much, so nothing to do with the evil farang tourist.

Even if the smiles are fake in tourist areas I'd rather that than no smiles at all.

It is true though, that over 20 years ago The Thai smile was real- it just got lost along the way.


Doubt the average Thai has much to look forward to. Don't know many happy Thais personally. Most are struggling. Those who lean towards violence would be more easily provoked in bad times.

The only Thais I know well, other than the beloved, are the inlaws, and they rarely smile, other than the socially required one.

I live in a small city that rarely sees a farang and has never been a farang tourist destination, and they don't smile much, so nothing to do with the evil farang tourist.

Even if the smiles are fake in tourist areas I'd rather that than no smiles at all.

It is true though, that over 20 years ago The Thai smile was real- it just got lost along the way.

With the Thai economy going in the wrong direction (despite what they are being told on TV every Friday night), Thai people don't have too many reasons to smile nowadays.

Plus, some marketing department was not smart enough to realise, that if you play the same "Return to happiness" message over and over again for a period of 2 years, it has the exact opposite effect, it depresses people even more, because:

Week 1. You are unhappy. You will return to happiness soon

Week 2. You are unhappy.

Week 52. You are unhappy.

Week 89. You are unhappy.

Week 103. You are unhappy.

And then we want them to smile :)


I came to Thailand the first time 26 years ago, made many 1 month to three month trips here during the following 13 years. Been he permanently for the last 13 years (10 years working in Bangkok and now 3 years in the country) and I have never had any angry moments with Thais. I have, however, had several nasty altercations instigated by psycho farang. Just stating my experience.


The "Land of Smiles" thing is just a quaint holdover from earlier, happier, better times, now gone, most likely forever as once lost, these things can't be rebuilt. It's poetic, but entirely antiquated, much as some all-in expats would like to try & insist otherwise.

I sense that these kinds of statements are written primarily by ex-pats who have been here for a long time, and live in either Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, or Bangkok. The bigger cities and resort islands have a somewhat different lifestyle. Also, on the southern islands nearly all the local people (if that is what you want to call them, since most of the locals left long ago with the fortunes they made from selling their land) are terribly jaded, and have bad attitudes. And alot of people in the tourist industries are also jaded.

In the smaller towns, and in the provinces, most Thais I run into are very pleasant. Compared to the average person in the US, Europe, OZ, or NZ, they are positively delightful. I find most cheery, friendly, in good humor, and approachable. More than I can say for the West. I also find it has alot to do with what you put out there. If I am friendly, outgoing, smiling, and warm, people tend to treat me in much the same way here in Thailand. Not so in the west.

"I sense that these kinds of statements are written primarily by ex-pats who have been here for a long time, and live in either Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, or Bangkok."

... and you'd be wrong. But thanks for playing.

You miss the whole point. There was a time when you didn't have to go on safari into the hinterlands to find the "friendly Thais", as I doubt the majority of tourists would want to have to do now. Like the frog in the boiling water, some have been here continuously for so long, that they're actually oblivious to the downward spiral.

Some people are so open-minded they think they should give frog soup a try... Oh well, into the soup and out of the gene pool I guess.


Crap, in all the years I have lived here the only problems I have ever had involved farang. Sure not everywhere is safe just as not everywhere in Australia is not safe. Read the papers, check the net. Thailand is not the only country with "baddies".

A mighty big statement that most, not all Thais are racist, religious zealots. I haven't even met MOST Thais so you must certainly get around. I think it's time for you to give Thailand a break and go back the little safe haven that you call home.

Ta Tah

No matter if you like it or not, sadly, Thailand is not a safe place in general, if you can walk down a street in a popular tourist area with out getting robbed or killed, as in the case of the Australian lady who was stabbed in the heart for her handbag, just to mention one of hundreds of similar cases, then its not a safe place, for tourists.

When I lived in Thailand, I witnessed a young girl and her friends get gunned down, because the girl refused to have per-arranged marriage, my neighbor was stabbed in the neck by a bar girl because he wouldn't buy her a drink.

The only people smiling, where the perps.

In my experience most Thais a racist, religious zealots who are only interested in your money, not all but most.

Its not a safe place to visit and no one will ever guarantee your safety when in Thailand, the only thing that is nice in Thailand is the weather and the natural scenery

I concur waighty, spot on!


The "Land of Smiles" thing is just a quaint holdover from earlier, happier, better times, now gone, most likely forever as once lost, these things can't be rebuilt. It's poetic, but entirely antiquated, much as some all-in expats would like to try & insist otherwise.

I sense that these kinds of statements are written primarily by ex-pats who have been here for a long time, and live in either Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, or Bangkok. The bigger cities and resort islands have a somewhat different lifestyle. Also, on the southern islands nearly all the local people (if that is what you want to call them, since most of the locals left long ago with the fortunes they made from selling their land) are terribly jaded, and have bad attitudes. And alot of people in the tourist industries are also jaded.

In the smaller towns, and in the provinces, most Thais I run into are very pleasant. Compared to the average person in the US, Europe, OZ, or NZ, they are positively delightful. I find most cheery, friendly, in good humor, and approachable. More than I can say for the West. I also find it has alot to do with what you put out there. If I am friendly, outgoing, smiling, and warm, people tend to treat me in much the same way here in Thailand. Not so in the west.

"I sense that these kinds of statements are written primarily by ex-pats who have been here for a long time, and live in either Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, or Bangkok."

... and you'd be wrong. But thanks for playing.

You miss the whole point. There was a time when you didn't have to go on safari into the hinterlands to find the "friendly Thais", as I doubt the majority of tourists would want to have to do now. Like the frog in the boiling water, some have been here continuously for so long, that they're actually oblivious to the downward spiral.

Some people are so open-minded they think they should give frog soup a try... Oh well, into the soup and out of the gene pool I guess.

A percentage of the population wakes up in the morning so constipated, or so determined to see ugliness, that it is difficult to see anything wonderful, lovely, positive, or worthy, about the average day, the place they have chosen to live, the people they are surrounded with, and the life they have chosen for themselves. The downward spiral? Of course things have changed. Things have changed all over the world. One could argue that the quality of life was better 20 or 30 years ago, nearly anywhere. But, what is the point of that argument? Where does it lead? What does it prove? In my opinion that argument is for the sentimentalists. The rest of us just get on with our lives, and extract all of the enjoyment, satisfaction, fulfillment, and humor out of each day.

The real argument that is worthy of engaging in, is the question of whether or not your life is better here, than there. We all have that choice. Most of us came from there, wherever that may have been. Some of us choose to live our lives here, because we know in our hearts how much better our lives are here. And some of us are fortunate to be been blessed with really good lives, and to love living here, and to love the people we interact with, and to love the people we are surrounded with. Some of us have created that reality. It is not a fiction we live. We have not chosen to bury our heads in the sand, and completely ignore the bizarre stuff that is going on. We see the murders, and the mayhem. But, I see that everywhere. Especially in my homeland, the US, which is falling apart from my point of view. But, some of us are not affected by the craziness here, on a daily basis. And some of us would argue that with the exception of alot of the stories that make it into the news, there is far less craziness here.

And I am not talking about a safari. I am talking about people I run into daily, whether it be Bangkok, Hua Hin, or elsewhere. A lot of delightful souls occupy this country. If you do not see that, I suggest you travel overseas, more often, and then make a comparison. I certainly have. What I found was very encouraging.

I am so sorry you are not enjoying your encounters here. My heart genuinely goes out to you.


No matter if you like it or not, sadly, Thailand is not a safe place in general, if you can walk down a street in a popular tourist area with out getting robbed or killed, as in the case of the Australian lady who was stabbed in the heart for her handbag, just to mention one of hundreds of similar cases, then its not a safe place, for tourists.

When I lived in Thailand, I witnessed a young girl and her friends get gunned down, because the girl refused to have per-arranged marriage, my neighbor was stabbed in the neck by a bar girl because he wouldn't buy her a drink.

The only people smiling, where the perps.

In my experience most Thais a racist, religious zealots who are only interested in your money, not all but most.

Its not a safe place to visit and no one will ever guarantee your safety when in Thailand, the only thing that is nice in Thailand is the weather and the natural scenery

Are you actually living in Thailand while writing this? Or are you an armchair observer, writing from overseas, after visiting a couple of times? People are getting gunned down in the streets in the US. Black men are getting gunned down by cops on their way to see a movie in the states. Thailand is plenty safe, if you keep your nose clean, show some kindness and respect toward the Thai people, keep out of other people's business, drive with extreme caution, stay off the bungees and zip lines, stay away from the jet ski scumbags, and watch where you are walking! I feel infinitely safer here on a daily basis than I do in the US. The only thing that is nice here is the weather and the scenery? How does a reasonable and level headed person even respond to such nonsense?

Please alert us to this haven of safety you have found elsewhere.


There are parts of England and other Western countries which are definitive "no go" areas for tourists and residents.

I have lived in Thailand for a long time and have never been threatened.

I feel more 'afraid' walking the streets of London than I ever am in Bangkok or other places in Thailand.


More murders in South Chicago in a week than in Thailand all year.

Methinks you are off a bit...a lot actually.


It estimates 3.48 murders per 100,000 people in Thailand, three times the rate of neighboring Cambodia and on a par with the United States.



No matter if you like it or not, sadly, Thailand is not a safe place in general, if you can walk down a street in a popular tourist area with out getting robbed or killed, as in the case of the Australian lady who was stabbed in the heart for her handbag, just to mention one of hundreds of similar cases, then its not a safe place, for tourists.

When I lived in Thailand, I witnessed a young girl and her friends get gunned down, because the girl refused to have per-arranged marriage, my neighbor was stabbed in the neck by a bar girl because he wouldn't buy her a drink.

The only people smiling, where the perps.

In my experience most Thais a racist, religious zealots who are only interested in your money, not all but most.

Its not a safe place to visit and no one will ever guarantee your safety when in Thailand, the only thing that is nice in Thailand is the weather and the natural scenery

Are you actually living in Thailand while writing this? Or are you an armchair observer, writing from overseas, after visiting a couple of times? People are getting gunned down in the streets in the US. Black men are getting gunned down by cops on their way to see a movie in the states. Thailand is plenty safe, if you keep your nose clean, show some kindness and respect toward the Thai people, keep out of other people's business, drive with extreme caution, stay off the bungees and zip lines, stay away from the jet ski scumbags, and watch where you are walking! I feel infinitely safer here on a daily basis than I do in the US. The only thing that is nice here is the weather and the scenery? How does a reasonable and level headed person even respond to such nonsense?

Please alert us to this haven of safety you have found elsewhere.

May I respectfully suggest "...if you keep your nose clean, show some kindness and respect towards 'other' (the Thai) people, keep out of other people's business, drive with extreme caution, stay off the bungees and zip lines, stay away from the jet ski scumbags (especially in Thailand), and watch where your walking..." if you followed this advice you would be infinitely safer in most countries of the world.


Doubt the average Thai has much to look forward to. Don't know many happy Thais personally. Most are struggling. Those who lean towards violence would be more easily provoked in bad times.

The only Thais I know well, other than the beloved, are the inlaws, and they rarely smile, other than the socially required one.

I live in a small city that rarely sees a farang and has never been a farang tourist destination, and they don't smile much, so nothing to do with the evil farang tourist.

Even if the smiles are fake in tourist areas I'd rather that than no smiles at all.

It is true though, that over 20 years ago The Thai smile was real- it just got lost along the way.

It sounds to me like you found an unpleasant village. There are still alot here that have pleasant people, who are enjoying their lives and smile alot. I see it all the time. I would leave a village as somber as the one you live in, and find another. Wife's family or not. Life is too short to live in a place you are not loving. And it sounds like you will not be missing much, by being farther away from her somber family.


Doubt the average Thai has much to look forward to. Don't know many happy Thais personally. Most are struggling. Those who lean towards violence would be more easily provoked in bad times.

The only Thais I know well, other than the beloved, are the inlaws, and they rarely smile, other than the socially required one.

I live in a small city that rarely sees a farang and has never been a farang tourist destination, and they don't smile much, so nothing to do with the evil farang tourist.

Even if the smiles are fake in tourist areas I'd rather that than no smiles at all.

It is true though, that over 20 years ago The Thai smile was real- it just got lost along the way.

It sounds to me like you found an unpleasant village. There are still alot here that have pleasant people, who are enjoying their lives and smile alot. I see it all the time. I would leave a village as somber as the one you live in, and find another. Wife's family or not. Life is too short to live in a place you are not loving. And it sounds like you will not be missing much, by being farther away from her somber family.

Yes I agree wholeheartedy. The small village I live in is full of happy people. It actually surprises me because most work very hard and struggle to get by but seem very contented with their lot in life. If I cross paths with people I have met before, I am always met with, what seems to me, a geuine smile....sometimes shyly but always genuine looking. If they are strangers I may not immediately be met with that smile, but if I smile first they will surely smile back, almost with relief. My wife says I always have a 'serious' look on my face and she is correct. I think Thais dont know quite how to handle it, especially coming from a farang. Now I always smile at people I meet in the street and I get it returned very warmly.

I have also heard many times that farang are considered "jai rawn" (hot hearted/headed) and I believe it comes from the fact that we dont practise the "mai pen rai" (never mind) attitude like they do. We will stand up for our rights if we feel we are not getting the service we expect, we consider we are being ripped off. I sense this makes them nervous of farang. I have had Thais refuse jobs I have offered, telling my wife that farang are too serious. Maybe we are the real problem??


And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

What about the advice from the Foreign Office


lived in thailand 9 years. never once have i felt unsafe. well i was a bit nervous when i got locked up in na jomtien police station over a problem with my work permit but other wise i would say thailand is pretty good. i have seen a few aggressive guys get into trouble but follow the formula of being polite and not escalating any situation. example, if you get presented with a bin you think is to high try to negotiate it down. if it does not work wear it (normally a few dollars) and dont go back there.

Well said


And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

What about the advice from the Foreign Office

What about it? The UK FCO lists all known and potential problems in all countries, if you took their advice literally you'd never leave home again.


Posted this link on another thread especially since there has been so much talk of ditching Los for South America or similar.

Check out this compilation video of robbery in Rio at a major intersection http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=380_1456933847

The guys in Los Need to man up and stop the tears. Violent attacks are few and far between

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.


South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.

In the months and years ahead of you, the coin will drop at some point.


South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.

In the months and years ahead of you, the coin will drop at some point.

I don't understand Chang mai


South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.

"They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck"

.Sounds like the USA and many other places, in fact I am finding it difficult to think of any country that doesnt.......oh maybe Bhutan wink.png


South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.

In the months and years ahead of you, the coin will drop at some point.

I don't understand Chang mai



South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.

In the months and years ahead of you, the coin will drop at some point.

I don't understand Chang mai


neither does Felix.

South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.

In the months and years ahead of you, the coin will drop at some point.

I don't understand Chang mai

"They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck".

So tell me, do you think your country doesn't have those things?

"How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work"?

Virtually no Thai works for 180 baht (5 Dollars) a day, most work to a much higher figure, one way or the other!

But regardless, the actual number is only relative to the cost of living in that country, 500 baht a day of income when it costs only three hundred baht to live is far better than earning say USD 50k a year minus a whole series of taxes where the cost of living is far far higher. And so on and so on...

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