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Us Taxes And Tax Exempt Charities.

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I have a number of items I'd like to give to a charity that helps out the poor and needy.

I'd like to give it to a tax exempt charity that can give me a receipt that the US Internal Revenue Service will honor.

The nature of the items is such that they couldn't use everything themselves - 110 volt appliances, CDs, videos, books and what not - but, maybe they could figure out a way to sell the items and make use of the profits.

Does anything like this exist in Thailand? Preferably in Pattaya or Bangkok.


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Furthermore, even if you could give used household goods or clothing, etc., to a properly listed and eligible charity, you'd only get the fair market value for them, as used items. And, you would only get a deduction if your itemized deductions total more than the standard deduction.

...Then there was that prim, proper missionary lady who gave up her audit when I tried to tell her what her stolen underwear would sell for.

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In order to claim a deduction on your US tax return, charitable contributions must be made to organizations approved by IRS. Such organizations apply for classification under Code Section 501©3 and, once the application is approved, they are placed on the approved list.

As far as I know, no foreign organzations have been approved.

So, unless you ship your things back to the US :o , there is no deduction.

In addition, charitable contributions are an itemized deduction. You take either the standard deduction or the itemized deductions, whichever is higher, on your return. Without something rather large, such as mortgage interest, the standard deduction is usually the higher number.

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Thanks for your answers - now I at least have a starting point. I've checked some of the things out based on what has been posted, and will check out some more things based on your suggestions.

I don't see, or haven't yet found, where the IRS documents actually state that a US charitable organization can't have bases in other countries, but the indications are that the chances are slim for finding what I'm looking for.

Most of what I want to give away would have value only to other falang. It's basically "garage sale" stuff. English language videos, CDs, and books, 110 volt appliances, and cold weather clothes in XXL sizes. I don’t intend to unload a bunch of junk and call it a gift. I have some other things that are definitely high quality items, (guitars, recording equipment and paintings) but I have to find ways to turn them into money first, and then decide best how to give that to the poor. I’ve checked into selling things on eBay, but it seems difficult selling from Thailand, especially with shipping and all.

I guess, from what I have read, there's no way to help out Thai people and still write it off. Of course, giving and expecting something in return isn't really giving with a whole heart, is it?

Before I left the US, I gave away a bunch of used items to homeless shelters and Goodwill, and organizations like that. They were pretty liberal in their valuation of the items, so it made it a far wiser choice to give it away than to sell it. Maybe things have changed.

I'm just trying to get rid of unnecessary stuff, keep my taxes down, and, hopefully help someone in need in the process.



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