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Foreign correspondents based in Thailand being denied media visas


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Mr Heads biased and inaccurate BBC reports are probably part of the reason for the restrictions on unaffiliated (freelance) "journalists".

Any Journalist employed by a genuine, legal , news organization will not have a problem which explains Mr Heads continued presence in Thailand

They are /were all bona Fide journalists.
See note below added the Khoasod story:

Editor's note: After this story was published, Peray wrote Tuesday night to say he'd been contacted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and asked to submit a letter of support from The Nation instead of relying on his longstanding affiliation with The Kuwait Times.

"So apparently it's not politically motivated just [a] new regulation from the Foreign Ministry to make life harder on freelance journalists," Peray wrote.


Edited by thaihome
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Mr Heads biased and inaccurate BBC reports are probably part of the reason for the restrictions on unaffiliated (freelance) "journalists".

Any Journalist employed by a genuine, legal , news organization will not have a problem which explains Mr Heads continued presence in Thailand

One part of freedom of speech is not to try to silence anyone reporting on events anywhere in the world.

It's of course up to the country in question to abide to the only protection against governments, political groups or any other surpressor of FS.

Every publication published has a responsible juristic person whom you or others can sue for slander, false facts etc.

Picking out who is legit or not shouldn't be the government or politicians, it's actually not anyone's business to do so, that's why readers of published material has to be critical to news stories all around the world.

A journalist can write for his own blog, website, newspaper or any other type of published material.

ISIS are using this "right" for it's own purpose, but it's up to every publicist to scrutinize and verify true facts, that's where it clashes with the public demand for fresh news, we are too eager to hear, read about new news so the publishers, broadcasters sometimes don't take the time to verify what's being given(sold) to them.

The issue isn't if the journalist is genuine or not, it's the publishers responsibility to confirm facts before publishing it.

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What a great example to the world that Thailand continues to show it's willingness to be a welcoming place

to visit, purchase property, open a business and as long as you shut your mouth and do not pay too close attention to the constant brainwashing and propaganda driveled out to the population as some on here appear to condone.

Why how could you possibly be a THAI and not mindlessly follow Loyalty and Unity meaning WHY would you watch anything else during the day than follow what you are told on Channel 5 and Pro-Junta Channels. Thai papers are misleading at best and are Self-Censored and are a Joke to Journalism.

Because our Loyalty and Unity curriculum has one of the POOREST records in the world for EDUCATION

Thai's Can't read Or understand Western Programs and International Media informing them of the lies they

have been influenced by for years. International Media and the corespondents club should voice their demands

and not back down to these Puppet Leaders.

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Is anyone surprised since foreign journalists tend to report issues as they are and not as the government wants and we know that criticism is one of the biggest No No's around.

Recently, the Australian Dept of Foreign affairs issued a 'Travel Advice' to Australians thinking of travelling to Thailand.

It certainly pulled no punches, and if I was a first time would-be tourist, I'd certainly think again about holidaying here.

It covered everything from terrorism in the south, to murders, bag snatchers, jet ski scams, spiked drinks... well, you know the rest....

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Yes !!!! Sheer bias, unresearched, biased nonsense, most unprofessional and more akin to Fox News' unfair and unbalanced propaganda channel.

is that Thai news he's talking about, everybody can have they say in England ,but here there is only one truth

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When did this turn into a discussion about the bias or non-bias of the BBC?? The point here is that the junta are slowly turning the screws on freedom of expression (as well as other freedoms) and it should be plain to see for all but the most right wing nutters that this is heading the wrong way.

there is a difference on the freedom of expression and the biased/untruthful reporting by certain reporters. If these reporters actually wrote the truth and did investigations on all parties concerned then reported their finding without any bias it would be a lot different. Makes it hard when a wanted criminal hiding out is using certain people to make him and his party/colleagues out to be innocent and everyone else being in the wrong, what is needed is truth not this fiction we are seeing now.

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When did this turn into a discussion about the bias or non-bias of the BBC?? The point here is that the junta are slowly turning the screws on freedom of expression (as well as other freedoms) and it should be plain to see for all but the most right wing nutters that this is heading the wrong way.

there is a difference on the freedom of expression and the biased/untruthful reporting by certain reporters. If these reporters actually wrote the truth and did investigations on all parties concerned then reported their finding without any bias it would be a lot different. Makes it hard when a wanted criminal hiding out is using certain people to make him and his party/colleagues out to be innocent and everyone else being in the wrong, what is needed is truth not this fiction we are seeing now.

Bla, bla, bla, Thaksin, bla, bla, bla...

Tell me, who decides what the "thruth" is??

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What Thailand needs are reporters that have no affiliations with either side of politics, in the past we have all seen totally biased reporting from journo's which is simply bulls**t that is written to suit their biased views. Reporters used to be honest and wrote the truth, these days are long gone and we are seeing them simply pushing their versions of what they want people to believe. When we see the garbage they write about yl or thaksin made out as the truth you really have to wonder at just who they are working for, honesty and truth are no longer the domain of reporters and the results are causing a lot of conflict. This applies to both sides, the truth needs to be put out their without any of the bulls**t bias added.

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What Thailand needs are reporters that have no affiliations with either side of politics, in the past we have all seen totally biased reporting from journo's which is simply bulls**t that is written to suit their biased views. Reporters used to be honest and wrote the truth, these days are long gone and we are seeing them simply pushing their versions of what they want people to believe. When we see the garbage they write about yl or thaksin made out as the truth you really have to wonder at just who they are working for, honesty and truth are no longer the domain of reporters and the results are causing a lot of conflict. This applies to both sides, the truth needs to be put out their without any of the bulls**t bias added.

it seems you have no idea of what news s or how to approach it critically - I suspect that if you agree with it , it is "unbiased" and if you don't, it is "biased"

No newspaper or any other media in the world can possibly be "unbiased" in one way or another - without it there is no opinion or analysis and it is that that turns it from a page of letters into news.

It is unfortunate that so many people leave school without the first idea of what news is, how it is disseminated and how to look critically at the media they simply don't have the tools to deal with it.....in fact governments are very reluctant to have "media studies" on school curriculum because it educates the masses.....QED the majority of posts on ThaiVisa.

So - Reductio ad Hitlerum - how else do you think people like trump and Hitler get elected???

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Mr Heads biased and inaccurate BBC reports are probably part of the reason for the restrictions on unaffiliated (freelance) "journalists"


Who needs journalists when we have professional armchair sleuths like you sitting enthralling us with your opinions.

Any Journalist employed by a genuine, legal , news organization will not have a problem which explains Mr Heads continued presence in Thailand

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Is anyone surprised since foreign journalists tend to report issues as they are and not as the government wants and we know that criticism is one of the biggest No No's around.

I think there are two separate issues:

  • Good journalists strive to present the truth, or at least what they can of issues as they are. They do this without bias or favor; and hopefully with some investigative ability. No Thai government has ever appreciated or wanted this. It's not the accepted practice here.
  • Some journalists "flavor" their reports by emphasizing somethings, leaving somethings out, the terminology chosen and some deliberately are very economical with the truth. This happens in all countries (if you read the Daily Mail or Morning Star you know what to expect). Most countries leave it to the readers' intelligence to discount the crap. Thailand wants to eliminate the crap - but of course, each side has it's own idea of what's crap and what's not.

So faced with an edict, Immigration take the safe option and just deny some whether they deserve it or not.

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When did this turn into a discussion about the bias or non-bias of the BBC?? The point here is that the junta are slowly turning the screws on freedom of expression (as well as other freedoms) and it should be plain to see for all but the most right wing nutters that this is heading the wrong way.

there is a difference on the freedom of expression and the biased/untruthful reporting by certain reporters. If these reporters actually wrote the truth and did investigations on all parties concerned then reported their finding without any bias it would be a lot different. Makes it hard when a wanted criminal hiding out is using certain people to make him and his party/colleagues out to be innocent and everyone else being in the wrong, what is needed is truth not this fiction we are seeing now.

Bla, bla, bla, Thaksin, bla, bla, bla...

Tell me, who decides what the "thruth" is??

That's the million dollar question. Are you asking who should or who does?

The reality is in a free society people are allowed to make their own minds up, what's true, who is believable etc. But then in those societies people are educated and informed enough to make decisions. In less developed societies people are more impressionable and give more credence to what the newspapers wide or radio and TV broadcast.

My parents generation were must trusting of newspapers, especially local ones, and TV / Radio news - "the BBC wouldn't lie would they" - but they also thought banks, the legal profession, the insurance industry and the government were all honorable too. My, and subsequent generations have found out to our cost how wrong that was.

Just because Thaksin says he's "never done anything wrong" on CNN and Al Jazeera, and is not challenged by the interviewer as it's a scripted interview, does not make it true, much as you'd like to believe it. Anymore than telling people it's the hot weather making you imagine food prices are going up, they're not really. Or pretending everyone's happy or there's no crime and corruption.

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-snip- I do believe that the BBC is " a genuine, legal, news organization!"

I'm glad you didn't say "truthful" or "accurate".


Sadly NeverSure your post reflects a painful truth.

The BBC, at one time, was an organisation who could be relied upon to offer honest,truthful and balanced reporting,

Then it was taken over by EU funded "lovies " who have destroyed the credibility of anything the BBC now offers.

Very true. The BBC is just a vassal of the loony UK left these days. All it does is bang on about global warming and how millions of migrants should be let in to the EU.

I can only imagine you guys have this opinion because as outsiders you desperately aspire to fit in to society and please your fuedal overlords by criticizing anyone who dare speak the truth. This Bbc reporter was about as unbiased as anyone will likely find among journalists here.
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What Thailand needs are reporters that have no affiliations with either side of politics, in the past we have all seen totally biased reporting from journo's which is simply bulls**t that is written to suit their biased views. Reporters used to be honest and wrote the truth, these days are long gone and we are seeing them simply pushing their versions of what they want people to believe. When we see the garbage they write about yl or thaksin made out as the truth you really have to wonder at just who they are working for, honesty and truth are no longer the domain of reporters and the results are causing a lot of conflict. This applies to both sides, the truth needs to be put out their without any of the bulls**t bias added.

it seems you have no idea of what news s or how to approach it critically - I suspect that if you agree with it , it is "unbiased" and if you don't, it is "biased"

No newspaper or any other media in the world can possibly be "unbiased" in one way or another - without it there is no opinion or analysis and it is that that turns it from a page of letters into news.

It is unfortunate that so many people leave school without the first idea of what news is, how it is disseminated and how to look critically at the media they simply don't have the tools to deal with it.....in fact governments are very reluctant to have "media studies" on school curriculum because it educates the masses.....QED the majority of posts on ThaiVisa.

So - Reductio ad Hitlerum - how else do you think people like trump and Hitler get elected???

some people just like to put their feet in their mouths, I actually have a press pass from my studies at a university to go with my diploma, might not use it these days(as I am too cynical and medical reasons) but that puts paid to your presumption. When a reporter/journo writes they are supposed to approach the story with an open mind and write the facts, if they add their personal bias it is no longer just a news piece and becomes a personal view, for opinion pieces that is left to the editor/sub editor not the reporters, they are there to write facts only. I have always read everything possible then broken it down to work out what the probable truth is and then formed my own opinions, I will only give them as my opinions as well, like you are doing now. The reason idiots are elected etc is due in part to journo's that write biased crap about their preferred people instead of facts like they are supposed too. I suggest you look at the code of ethics, that is what the truth is based on and what all journo's are supposed to follow, if people want opinion pieces they read TV as this is all these things are, everyones personal opinions, I actually dont think you would know what news was if it bit you on the bum, it is supposed to be based on fact not personal bias/opinions. The problem is too many of the journo's/reporters in Thailand do just that, they dont write the truth, they write personal opinion or pieces that are sensationalized/exaggerated, total garbage in other words.

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Where did the Daily Mirror correspondent (Paul) go? I haven't seen, nor did others see him for some time now, at our local bar in Bangkok.

He used to hang out there almost daily. (when open)

Edited by FredNL
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When did this turn into a discussion about the bias or non-bias of the BBC?? The point here is that the junta are slowly turning the screws on freedom of expression (as well as other freedoms) and it should be plain to see for all but the most right wing nutters that this is heading the wrong way.

there is a difference on the freedom of expression and the biased/untruthful reporting by certain reporters. If these reporters actually wrote the truth and did investigations on all parties concerned then reported their finding without any bias it would be a lot different. Makes it hard when a wanted criminal hiding out is using certain people to make him and his party/colleagues out to be innocent and everyone else being in the wrong, what is needed is truth not this fiction we are seeing now.

Bla, bla, bla, Thaksin, bla, bla, bla...

Tell me, who decides what the "thruth" is??

That's the million dollar question. Are you asking who should or who does?

The reality is in a free society people are allowed to make their own minds up, what's true, who is believable etc. But then in those societies people are educated and informed enough to make decisions. In less developed societies people are more impressionable and give more credence to what the newspapers wide or radio and TV broadcast.

My parents generation were must trusting of newspapers, especially local ones, and TV / Radio news - "the BBC wouldn't lie would they" - but they also thought banks, the legal profession, the insurance industry and the government were all honorable too. My, and subsequent generations have found out to our cost how wrong that was.

Just because Thaksin says he's "never done anything wrong" on CNN and Al Jazeera, and is not challenged by the interviewer as it's a scripted interview, does not make it true, much as you'd like to believe it. Anymore than telling people it's the hot weather making you imagine food prices are going up, they're not really. Or pretending everyone's happy or there's no crime and corruption.

What's your point? Do you think it's OK for the junta to deny visa to journalists who do not tow the junta line? If yes then I guess e.g. the UK should expel all Russian journalists and Russia expel all UK journalists because of the overwhelmingly negative amount of stories they produce about each others countries.

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-snip- I do believe that the BBC is " a genuine, legal, news organization!"

I'm glad you didn't say "truthful" or "accurate".


Sadly NeverSure your post reflects a painful truth.

The BBC, at one time, was an organisation who could be relied upon to offer honest,truthful and balanced reporting,

Then it was taken over by EU funded "lovies " who have destroyed the credibility of anything the BBC now offers.

And this hilarious RT spoof points up what you say to a tee laugh.png

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Talking of whom...

Very true. The BBC is just a vassal of the loony UK left these days. All it does is bang on about global warming and how millions of migrants should be let in to the EU.

OK - let me put it another way - Jonathan Head's reporting as the BBC's correspondent here has been very much against the Junta, and has criticised them at every juncture. In view of this, and given that the Junta are a prickly and humourless bunch of old army Generals, the Junta more than likely has a very low opinion of Jonathan Head (or the biased BBC) and, as a consequence of this, the Junta will delight in doing the very opposite of anything that Jonathan Head asks of them.

I'm as in favour of a free press as you are, but to use Jonathan Head as a spokesperson in asking the regime to reconsider a decision, when the regime hold all the cards, is unlikely to result in the desired outcome. A more neutral spokesperson would be a more sensible choice.

Edited by dbrenn
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When did this turn into a discussion about the bias or non-bias of the BBC?? The point here is that the junta are slowly turning the screws on freedom of expression (as well as other freedoms) and it should be plain to see for all but the most right wing nutters that this is heading the wrong way.

I'm right wing, but hopefully not a nutter, yet I strongly support democracy. This is about facism, and with the junta's leaning towards China, is more left than right.

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When did this turn into a discussion about the bias or non-bias of the BBC?? The point here is that the junta are slowly turning the screws on freedom of expression (as well as other freedoms) and it should be plain to see for all but the most right wing nutters that this is heading the wrong way.

Because this whole story is based on something that was said by the man who works for the BBC, and has a history of bias and poor reporting.

False. He has a history of reporting what you don't want him to report. The TRUTH.

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When did this turn into a discussion about the bias or non-bias of the BBC?? The point here is that the junta are slowly turning the screws on freedom of expression (as well as other freedoms) and it should be plain to see for all but the most right wing nutters that this is heading the wrong way.

there is a difference on the freedom of expression and the biased/untruthful reporting by certain reporters. If these reporters actually wrote the truth and did investigations on all parties concerned then reported their finding without any bias it would be a lot different. Makes it hard when a wanted criminal hiding out is using certain people to make him and his party/colleagues out to be innocent and everyone else being in the wrong, what is needed is truth not this fiction we are seeing now.

Bla, bla, bla, Thaksin, bla, bla, bla...

Tell me, who decides what the "thruth" is??

That's the million dollar question. Are you asking who should or who does?

The reality is in a free society people are allowed to make their own minds up, what's true, who is believable etc. But then in those societies people are educated and informed enough to make decisions. In less developed societies people are more impressionable and give more credence to what the newspapers wide or radio and TV broadcast.

My parents generation were must trusting of newspapers, especially local ones, and TV / Radio news - "the BBC wouldn't lie would they" - but they also thought banks, the legal profession, the insurance industry and the government were all honorable too. My, and subsequent generations have found out to our cost how wrong that was.

Just because Thaksin says he's "never done anything wrong" on CNN and Al Jazeera, and is not challenged by the interviewer as it's a scripted interview, does not make it true, much as you'd like to believe it. Anymore than telling people it's the hot weather making you imagine food prices are going up, they're not really. Or pretending everyone's happy or there's no crime and corruption.

There you go again suggesting that the Thais are uneducated. The contempt you have for the Thais is despicable.

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When did this turn into a discussion about the bias or non-bias of the BBC?? The point here is that the junta are slowly turning the screws on freedom of expression (as well as other freedoms) and it should be plain to see for all but the most right wing nutters that this is heading the wrong way.

Screwed is the key word here/

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That's the million dollar question. Are you asking who should or who does?

The reality is in a free society people are allowed to make their own minds up, what's true, who is believable etc. But then in those societies people are educated and informed enough to make decisions. In less developed societies people are more impressionable and give more credence to what the newspapers wide or radio and TV broadcast.

My parents generation were must trusting of newspapers, especially local ones, and TV / Radio news - "the BBC wouldn't lie would they" - but they also thought banks, the legal profession, the insurance industry and the government were all honorable too. My, and subsequent generations have found out to our cost how wrong that was.

Just because Thaksin says he's "never done anything wrong" on CNN and Al Jazeera, and is not challenged by the interviewer as it's a scripted interview, does not make it true, much as you'd like to believe it. Anymore than telling people it's the hot weather making you imagine food prices are going up, they're not really. Or pretending everyone's happy or there's no crime and corruption.

MZ surf...

What's your point? Do you think it's OK for the junta to deny visa to journalists who do not tow the junta line? If yes then I guess e.g. the UK should expel all Russian journalists and Russia expel all UK journalists because of the overwhelmingly negative amount of stories they produce about each others countries.

You know Baerboxer just wants to be a puppet. He will do what he is told no questions asked.

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Mr Heads biased and inaccurate BBC reports are probably part of the reason for the restrictions on unaffiliated (freelance) "journalists".

Any Journalist employed by a genuine, legal , news organization will not have a problem which explains Mr Heads continued presence in Thailand

Scroll down a bit and read post number 4 if you cannot read it is self explanatory. You state that any journalist with a genuine legal news organization will have no problem? Hmm are you sitting at the right hand of the PM with ear whisper privileges?

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