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The 50/50 asset split after you married


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If the land that you purchased has been put in her mothers name she is thinking ahead

and it sucks to be you. Move on with whatever you can salvage. sad.png

Go to court and tell that your wife cheated you. You give her the money to buy the land on the name of your wife and you trusted her. You can't read THAI. So you must believe your wife. If you can show you paid the money for the land you will have a great chance to got your money back!!!

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Think I might duck out of this because it is the same story that has happened again and again and again.

OP... Pack a bag and walk away before you lose even more money. Some people already know.... some people have to get turned over by a tuktuk driver to know while some lose millions to know.

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If the land that you purchased has been put in her mothers name she is thinking ahead

and it sucks to be you. Move on with whatever you can salvage. sad.png

Go to court and tell that your wife cheated you. You give her the money to buy the land on the name of your wife and you trusted her. You can't read THAI. So you must believe your wife. If you can show you paid the money for the land you will have a great chance to got your money back!!!

May i advice u to only post here on your sober days...

Do u really believe a Thai court will be lenient to this kind of defense..

He would lost THEN one more million bht for court fees and after 8 years in court he would have lost each and any case!!

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Been quite a bit of response to my post . Thanks for the positiveness . I would imagine many guys like me are told you dont have a chance in getting anything . Your a farang in Thailand .

WRONG . Even us farangs have rights and Thai law is LAW . If a few more stopped listening to the negativity and sought legal advice there might be a few more good results to read about . To one BM yes our marriage is legal signed papers in BKK 06 march 2012 . Yes i can provide the best paper trail any Thai court has seen . Even A&B money who transfered the money from UK to her mums acc sent me 35 statements from july 2013 until sept 2015 . I can access all my HSBC statements online and highlight all transactions dating before july 2013 . I have 20 plus emails from the guy in USA dating back to 2013 . SO why shouldnt i try to fight back . No one on this board knows how i feel at being cheated for the past 4 yrs and maybe more . All i have done is work my butt off 6 days a week 12 hour shifts to help my wife .She has totally destroyed me and if theres any hope then i have to go for it . And so should any other BM in a simular situation .

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Even if it was in the girlfriends name you would still have no chance of getting a 50/50 split on it.how would you expect to get 50% of something you are not allow to own.

If it was a wife, and not a girlfriend, then the divorce court would order it sold and then split the proceeds 50/50, that is how they get around the foreigner not being able to "own"

Correct.............BUT............the house is in the wifes name, and she does not want husband/ex husband to have anything. So the house that has a realistic selling price of 1 million baht is marketed at 2 million baht. Job done, and not in breach of the court.

Your post suggests you know exactly what's going on in the OP's life as well the asking price for the property he posted about, or perhaps you've just made a generalised statement.

He only tries to explains u that the Thai will control the land and the house and also controls any sale...So the foreigner ends up with nothing while he is the one who has invested the money...Its clear to me that you have no idea how its works in Thailand.

Well you would be very wrong in your assumption then. The post was worded to infer an intimate knowledge of the OP's situation including the value of the house.

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Failure to repair afterwards is expensive.
It is better here, before any money is spent on the purchase of land to hand over the money as a notarized credit.

An extrajudicial agreement is often better.
Is your Ex – Wife ok with a 50/50 split?
If not, you could play it hard, if you have clear evidence that the money comes from you.
Pay a lawyer from out of town, who is able to bring also a 4 star policeman friend with him..
Make an appointment with your Ex – wife and her mother.
Let them confirm in word in the presence of witnesses, that the money from the land purchase came from you.
Your lawyer should help to clarify about the legal situation.
Try that they sign a written document.

If that fails, you can still go the way through the courts.
All the stress should be carefully weighed.
Is the sum in dispute, it really worth it?
Can the land be mortgaged and is it might well be sold?

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Been quite a bit of response to my post . Thanks for the positiveness . I would imagine many guys like me are told you dont have a chance in getting anything . Your a farang in Thailand .

WRONG . Even us farangs have rights and Thai law is LAW . If a few more stopped listening to the negativity and sought legal advice there might be a few more good results to read about . To one BM yes our marriage is legal signed papers in BKK 06 march 2012 . Yes i can provide the best paper trail any Thai court has seen . Even A&B money who transfered the money from UK to her mums acc sent me 35 statements from july 2013 until sept 2015 . I can access all my HSBC statements online and highlight all transactions dating before july 2013 . I have 20 plus emails from the guy in USA dating back to 2013 . SO why shouldnt i try to fight back . No one on this board knows how i feel at being cheated for the past 4 yrs and maybe more . All i have done is work my butt off 6 days a week 12 hour shifts to help my wife .She has totally destroyed me and if theres any hope then i have to go for it . And so should any other BM in a simular situation .

Save your money.

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WRONG . Even us farangs have rights and Thai law is LAW .

What do you know about Thai law?

Missus signed over the land to her mother and you agreed. There is no record of this so who do you think the court is going to believe?

Pull out of your drive and some person doing 100kmh slams on the brakes and T-bones you. Person says you just pulled out for no reason. Which way would that go?

Edited by notmyself
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Just out of curiosity, how many posters here have actually been in that position personally rather than just talking about it?

Not me as I've never put myself in such a stupid position. Close friends since 1999 that I've seen them though it? Couple of dozen I guess... Maybe 30. Additional people I know who are not friends but know them? Another 40-50 I guess. Been so many that I can't put and exact figure on it except for..... How many when the separation is amicable would be all but 2 though none of them has the land transferred to another owner. Other than that? None at all.

Anything less than 5 million then just pack a bag and walk away.

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Just out of curiosity, how many posters here have actually been in that position personally rather than just talking about it?

I know plenty of foreigners in Thailand who lost courts their cases...They Lost houses land buildings cars hotels etc...They still had to pay court fees,lawyers...

Thai law is not back them up much.. Even some persons house got stolen by some fake real estate agent and resold to the loan sharks they lost their houses and court cases .Every village has some of these incidents.We all know people like that ...Why are u asking?

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Just out of curiosity, how many posters here have actually been in that position personally rather than just talking about it?

I know plenty of foreigners in Thailand who lost courts their cases...They Lost houses land buildings cars hotels etc...They still had to pay court fees,lawyers...

Thai law is not back them up much.. Even some persons house got stolen by some fake real estate agent and resold to the loan sharks they lost their houses and court cases .Every village has some of these incidents.We all know people like that ...Why are u asking?

Possibly because most TV members (such as the OP) would prefer to hear from people with real past experiences in the subject, and not from people who merely claim to know someone.

The reality is these people who claim to know such people are simply lying and making it up, especially the ones who say they know dozens.

If you claim to know of 1 or 2 instances people may believe you, if you say you know of 30 people you are clearly lying and therefore contributing nothing to the thread.

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Just out of curiosity, how many posters here have actually been in that position personally rather than just talking about it?

I know plenty of foreigners in Thailand who lost courts their cases...They Lost houses land buildings cars hotels etc...They still had to pay court fees,lawyers...

Thai law is not back them up much.. Even some persons house got stolen by some fake real estate agent and resold to the loan sharks they lost their houses and court cases .Every village has some of these incidents.We all know people like that ...Why are u asking?

Possibly because most TV members (such as the OP) would prefer to hear from people with real past experiences in the subject, and not from people who merely claim to know someone.

The reality is these people who claim to know such people are simply lying and making it up, especially the ones who say they know dozens.

If you claim to know of 1 or 2 instances people may believe you, if you say you know of 30 people you are clearly lying and therefore contributing nothing to the thread.

You can read frequently these stories of people loosing land houses cars on this website .If you live in Thailand u will hear these simular stories from close friends and or your neighbours..Why on earth would any one have to make it up?Are you now also saying that the jet ski scam does not exist simply because it has not happened to you?

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I have only ever read about 1 or 2 stories on this website where people have lost land/houses, and these stories had nothing to do with a divorce split. Every divorce case I have personally come across where the married couple acquired property during the marriage was split 50/50.

I purchased a house myself from a divorce case, an English guy who now teaches in Malaysia, the Thai wife who is also a teacher, both are still good friends who simply moved on in different directions. The judge ordered them to sell the house and split 50/50, the guy used his share to buy an apartment and visits Thailand regularly, the wife did the same and bought a condo for herself. A close friend of mine also had a very similar case.

These examples I can confidently say are from direct experiences, not stories that I heard on TV or gossip from neighbours.

So back to the OP's question, if the house/land was put into the name of the mother in law prior to the divorce he can wave goodbye to it.

Also the theory about the wife selling the house for peanuts to a family member to avoid paying the husband is a load of rubbish, either person can ask the court to block a sale if they deem it for a good reason.

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Sorry to hear of your plight. Seek good legal advice. It will be all about the paper trail gather copies of any documents pertaining to your case and go and see a good Lawyer. You do have rights. Best of luck and please keep the forum posted.

you have the right, all money you will get back,

to put in the pocket of the lawyer 55555

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I have only ever read about 1 or 2 stories on this website where people have lost land/houses, and these stories had nothing to do with a divorce split. Every divorce case I have personally come across where the married couple acquired property during the marriage was split 50/50.

I purchased a house myself from a divorce case, an English guy who now teaches in Malaysia, the Thai wife who is also a teacher, both are still good friends who simply moved on in different directions. The judge ordered them to sell the house and split 50/50, the guy used his share to buy an apartment and visits Thailand regularly, the wife did the same and bought a condo for herself. A close friend of mine also had a very similar case.

These examples I can confidently say are from direct experiences, not stories that I heard on TV or gossip from neighbours.

So back to the OP's question, if the house/land was put into the name of the mother in law prior to the divorce he can wave goodbye to it.

Also the theory about the wife selling the house for peanuts to a family member to avoid paying the husband is a load of rubbish, either person can ask the court to block a sale if they deem it for a good reason.

Just keep on Pitching Thailand....

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If the land that you purchased has been put in her mothers name she is thinking ahead

and it sucks to be you. Move on with whatever you can salvage. sad.png

Go to court and tell that your wife cheated you. You give her the money to buy the land on the name of your wife and you trusted her. You can't read THAI. So you must believe your wife. If you can show you paid the money for the land you will have a great chance to got your money back!!!

May i advice u to only post here on your sober days...

Do u really believe a Thai court will be lenient to this kind of defense..

He would lost THEN one more million bht for court fees and after 8 years in court he would have lost each and any case!!

I was about to say the exact same thing.

On top of that he will let the lawyer in on the "let's milk the dopey farang" show, and everyone's a winner, expect the dumb farang.

Move right on to not lose anymore than you already have OP, cause it's obvious common sense didn't come into the equation when you went about buying this land.

Rule number 101 ???? Never spend more in this country than you can afford to lose.

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Sorry to hear of your plight. Seek good legal advice. It will be all about the paper trail gather copies of any documents pertaining to your case and go and see a good Lawyer. You do have rights. Best of luck and please keep the forum posted.

Lawyer for the OP shows all the paper trails and evidence he actually transferred money across.

Lawyer for the OP's wife say, it was a gift, as the family is poor.

Who are the courts going to rule in favour ??

Who knows, maybe the OP has a chance??

I''m sure there would be situations where a forieigner has some chance of getting a portion of assets back, but this one is a no brainer.

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If this guy arrived in Thailand one day ago, had never heard of TV,

Had no friends who warned him of the fact Westerners can never

Land in Thailand, had never heard of another Foreigner who lost

Everything, He has my sympathy.......If, like so many others, He knew

Better...,and he was in love..., and this is different..., and you guys really

Don't know what you are talking about, ,,,Just another (broke) Fool!

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