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virus in Lamphun


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Hello to anyone in Lamphun or some one who knows there is some sort of Virus going about lots of children an adults

are down with it. the symptons are high tempreature, vomiting, dihorea and throat infection. its not Dengue.

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Do expats actually subject themselves to living in Lamphun ?

This in itself could prove to be an exposure to mental health issues.

very funny Stoneboy, with a name like that you need to go crall back under a stone

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There is a virus like that going about in various parts of Thailand and Cambodia right now. Some people get just the GI symptoms, some just the throat, some both.

High fever (meaning 39 C or higher) would be an indication to get medical help, as would inability to keep fluids down. A lower fever and able to take fluids, if the patient is neither a young infant nor very elderly, could try just managing at home symptomatically - paracetemol for the fever and any aches, activated charcoal + electrolyte solution for the GI aspects, and plenty of rest of general fluids. If persist or worsens then doctor.

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this is ground zero!!!

I want the city quarantined!!!

if you are there, don't go anywhere....for the sake of the planet

send me all your money, i'll keep it from getting the virus

and start writing a book.....this will be a made into a movie

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