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Thais give time to Rong Kluea Vendors to Sell Counterfeits

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Khmer Times / Pav Suy

In response to a Thai military crackdown on counterfeit products in multiple Cambodian-owned stores and warehouses at the Rong Kluea market on Saturday morning, the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that Cambodian vendors will be given until the end of April to sell off their remaining counterfeit goods before they are subject to more Thai intervention.

“The Thai authorities will not implement the clearance of [fake] copyright goods in Sakaeo province until the end of April 2016,” Ministry Spokesman Chum Sounry’s statement read.

On Saturday morning, as 500 Cambodian vendors protested, Thai officials seized a large number of counterfeit goods from Cambodian stores, cutting locks off doors and confiscating nearly 10 million baht worth of items – including purses, eyeglasses, shoes and belts bearing the markings of well-known brands.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22349/rong-kluea-vendors-given-time-to-sell-counterfeits/

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