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Brit, Russian busted for multi-year overstays

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Somebody who has overstayed by 300 days has broken the law deliberately 300 times!. The few I met in the old days in India and Thailand were always criminals in other ways such as junkies, or on the lam from their own county, or had an Interpol red or amber flag on them, or were sex offenders, etc. So they were crims two times over - once in their home country and again here in Thailand. Those that overstay here and work etc to not pay taxes or contribute in any meaningful way. They are also really stupid because what ever their status there is usually a way around the problem which they have not bothered with. There is another category of over stayer criminal: those that actively pursue lives of crime here, fraud, deception, theft, financial scams, and even drugging and mugging.

Dear Sherlock

Your armchair detective work is wasted on us mere amateur sleuths and someone such as yourself needs be commended for your criticisms that show your so well heeled in such cases with your experiences portrayed to all and sundry on TV. You bring tears to a glass eye and must be proud for your deliverances to the general ex-pat brigade engrossed and hanging on your every word. Your so unique - like everyone else !!!!!

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No excuses really , bad luck guys but you ruin it for everyone

What is ruined? And for everyone? How does this affect in any way at all?

Not a thing has changed for me. I'm curious what got ruined for you, please tell!

The sense of trust got ruined. The respect got ruined. The affection got ruined. Repeated bad behaviour and criminal behaviour has let to a worse situation for us all.

We, the foreigners were trusted and respected in Thailand before the over stayers ruined it for us? LOL.

You think it's the over stayers who ruined farangs great reputation in minds of Thais. So it's this over stay issue that makes some locals not like us very much. At least now I got to bottom of it lol.

I'm going to have a guess, 98.7% of Thais have never heard of such thing as over staying the permission to stay stamp. There are many reasons why Thais don't much like us, main reason being that we are not Thai.

You know who criticizes this tiny handful of foreigners who over stay? Other foreigners. Makes them feel good about themselves, having a valid stamp in passport makes you a stand up guy, and not at all sad old men.


You know who criticizes this tiny handful of foreigners who over stay? Other foreigners. Makes them feel good about themselves, having a valid stamp in passport makes you a stand up guy, and not at all sad old men.


You'll notice overstayers seem to be hated even more than organised criminals, drug dealers, ATM skimmers, etc. etc. if you judge by the sheer volume of posts about overstaying on this forum.

My theory is that expats hate other expats who are like themselves, because they want to feel like a big fish in a small pond - and that is threatened much more by overstayers than by criminals, because the average overstayer will probably be more similar to them - same western nationality, similar background and appearance, more likely to bump into him down the bars, more likely to be appealing for the same girls as them.


I don't hate overstayers. I just think the rules should apply to them the same as they do to everyone else.

And yes, I have a valid stamp in my passport. But I'm not a sad old man.


I don't hate overstayers. I just think the rules should apply to them the same as they do to everyone else.

And yes, I have a valid stamp in my passport. But I'm not a sad old man.

Was speaking to manic.


How nice and friendly , stop and demand papers buy the police.

This is a win, win, win, for tourism in Thailand.

Go get the real criminals coffee1.gif


713 days is one hell of a holiday.

Thats how I feel after two years here.

I don't hate overstayers. I just think the rules should apply to them the same as they do to everyone else.

And yes, I have a valid stamp in my passport. But I'm not a sad old man.

Was speaking to manic.

I didn't realise this was a private conversation between the two of you.

You referred to 'other foreigners'. As a foreigner myself, I figured I had the right of reply.


I don't hate overstayers. I just think the rules should apply to them the same as they do to everyone else.

And yes, I have a valid stamp in my passport. But I'm not a sad old man.

Mostly referring to the posters who use phrases like

- they should be banned for life

- should be given a month's mandatory prison before deportation

- they're probably all terrorists

- these illegal immigrants are making things harder for the rest of us law-abiding expats

- where can we report an overstayer if we suspect someone? they should pay us a bounty

- don't care if they get separated from families, they should've thought about that

- the law is the law no matter what (meanwhile they probably drink and drive, ride with a helmet, service prostitutes, download torrents, park illegally, run red lights, etc.)

- they're doing something unlawful, therefore they're 'criminals' (even though not all laws are criminal laws, overstay doesn't come with a criminal record, they wouldn't call a jaywalker a 'criminal', etc.)

Those are quite common on these boards


You know who criticizes this tiny handful of foreigners who over stay? Other foreigners. Makes them feel good about themselves, having a valid stamp in passport makes you a stand up guy, and not at all sad old men.


You'll notice overstayers seem to be hated even more than organised criminals, drug dealers, ATM skimmers, etc. etc. if you judge by the sheer volume of posts about overstaying on this forum.

My theory is that expats hate other expats who are like themselves, because they want to feel like a big fish in a small pond - and that is threatened much more by overstayers than by criminals, because the average overstayer will probably be more similar to them - same western nationality, similar background and appearance, more likely to bump into him down the bars, more likely to be appealing for the same girls as them.

You nailed it!

When young Eastern European ATM skimmers make news the vitriol here is not on same level as some unfortunate foreignets being detained for over stay. This is truly weird fenomena, ATM skimming is a nasty crime, it can seriously affect victims life, if mans account is cleaned out, say, 200.000 baht gone from his account victim faces very real possibility of life falling apart, literally. If he's renter, he can be evicted from his home, in Thailand all law is on landlords side, dont pay and you'll be out within days. Then there's matter of food, there are many, many people with no friends and no family here, it is very common to be completely solitary in late in life. If this man only has 1 bank account and it's cleaned out, this can mean a total utter disaster for a person, since it can take several month for his bank to reimburse the balance, if ever. I was slimmed once and lost 20.000 Euros, it took only 3 days of withdrawals. Now I wasn't broke, and after 2 month my Swedish bank restored the money thst was skimmed. As you said, ATM skim is a nasty, nasty crime. I can see tge scenario older loner ending his life over it.

Yet ATM skim crime news never evokes such passionate hate fest in comment section. Just read this and 2 other running threads about over stayed foreigners. Again, it isn't crime, not a criminal act, no one is charged, ni one convicted, no one sentenced, over stay is as serious as jay walking, riding without helmet, smoking at Stsrbucks patio while No Smoking signs are on every table.

So what makes over stay such heated topic on TVF? You said it - it's one of the few, probably THE only moment in some guys day, when he gets to feel superior of a fellow foreigner. It is exactly the same with Tourist Visa vs Non Immigrant visa, it gives a pensioner opportunity to shine because he is over 50.

Many expats here don't much like their fellow expats. So all it takes is the tiniest of excuses, such as over stay, and the same tired brigade of posters come out to say they are better than some other expat, if course it's packaged as law abiding foreigners vs the crooked foreigners. No one mentions that over stay affects one person only, and had we not read it here on TV, we'd go about our days just the same, over stayer affects me and you as much as some guy crossing the road jaywalking.

There's case to be made TVF makes people mean, brings out nasty side in us, I doubt these holier than thou posters here would confront a man who is over staying, and tell him know what a criminal he is!


I don't hate overstayers. I just think the rules should apply to them the same as they do to everyone else.

And yes, I have a valid stamp in my passport. But I'm not a sad old man.

Was speaking to manic.

I didn't realise this was a private conversation between the two of you.

You referred to 'other foreigners'. As a foreigner myself, I figured I had the right of reply.

When in your reply you tell me that you don't hate over stayers, it implies that I have suggested you do. You understand this, yes? Earlier you pointed out someone was overly pedantic, so clearly you understand nuance, and you knowingly twisted my post.

Again, I have not accused you, or otherwise suggested that you hate somebody, an over stayer or someone else.

This is public forum, you can jump in, but dont try to make it look as if I spoke to you. Please read my post again, I didn't quote you, I didn't accuse you, didnt speak to you. And now you twist this further by saying Oh, I didn't know this was private conversation. Every debate, every convo is based on good faith and honest approach, if you don't follow these simple rules, better not join at all.



If you can't take part in a discussion without getting that upset at people breaking your perceived rules of conduct, maybe forums aren't for you.



If you can't take part in a discussion without getting that upset at people breaking your perceived rules of conduct, maybe forums aren't for you.

Maybe forums aren't for me?

Why so nasty? First you twist my post as if I accused you of hating over stayers, now telling forum may not be for me?

Speaking of, you are prolly correct, this here isn't for me. I try to be kind onlune and in real life, again and again I notice how I'm becoming mean and angry online, I see it and don't like it.

I was thinking about logging out, and never again reading TVF after the news of two Canadian teachers assaulted. Many replies were nasty, incredibly nasty. Reading the replies, and knowing these people are my fellow comrads in Pattaya felt sickening.

Now these over stay threads, if not for reading comments here at TVF I'd never know people here can be so vicous and unpleasant. So I'd rather not know, and I'm prolly gonna delete TVF bookmark on my phone and stay away.

SoiBiker, don't take it upon yourself to give unsolicited life advise to people on anonymous web board, you don't know me, and it's rude. Try to talk to people online the way you'd talk to them face to face.



legally you can stay illegally. this is how :

do like China or kadafi , use a 25 miles Radius around your feet and claim it s your territory. no need of visa anymore as you are at "home".


How nice and friendly , stop and demand papers buy the police.

This is a win, win, win, for tourism in Thailand.

Go get the real criminals coffee1.gif

they were breaking the law so they are criminals

they were not tourists

it is not difficult to ensure your documentation is up to date during your stay here; foreign borders and immigration offices are easily accessible.

if foreigners didnt break the law and stay here illegally the police wouldnt need to check documents.

That is a rather "school yard", infantile statement (last line). Where is this utopia where no one breaks any rules?

There are many situations where police and others (City Hall Officers) will check documents... and it's their duty. Without going into details, I've had my documents checked numerous times this year. Try to make a police report about anything without showing your passport and having your status checked?


Please stop the off topic bickering and attacks on other members

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I think this world is for everybody.

putting people in jail because they are not in the right place is part of the past. this world is free. millions years ago, we had no boundary , no custom, and people didn't know what a visa was.

I don't care if people decide to stay in Thailand illegally.


The illegal immogrants here are low level mediocre criminals who do not understand what they are doing is illegal - that is what causes causes people's ire. The sheer, self entitled arrogance of the overstayers. As for feeling superior to some dozy crim who is too lazy to drag his sorry arse across a border every few months - of course I do but By and large I do not bother to compare myself to anti social inadequates.


Let's get this right!!! They are not OVERSTAYS!! After their visa

Expires they are Illegals!! Criminals: and should be treated as

Criminals. No respect for Thailand....go home or go to jail.

Not all laws are criminal laws. Overstayers in Thailand aren't charged with a crime and don't receive a criminal record.

It's an administrative infraction, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter.


I think this world is for everybody.

putting people in jail because they are not in the right place is part of the past. this world is free. millions years ago, we had no boundary , no custom, and people didn't know what a visa was.

I don't care if people decide to stay in Thailand illegally.

Sure, lets go back to the wild west , let's all break the law, is that what you want ?

Over-stayers are according to the law criminals whether you like it or not, Rapists and murderers are also criminals , and in any civilized country there are laws to punish us if we do something stupid.


To those who think it is not a crime to overstay on any Visa under Thai Immigration Laws and no criminal record is applicable etc. etc. need only to visit the Bangkok Immigration Detention Centre to realise that penalties for overstay can be - and often are - far more severe than for many other offences under different Thai laws where small fines only might apply.

Visa overstay can lead to jail, deportation at own expense or payment from another source other than the Thai Government, and ban from re-entering Thailand for a number of years.

Nothing to do with a nanny-state or anything else. Just facts.

We can debate how this might compare with other countries but all have something to penalise overstaying a valid visa or entry permit.

I do not condemn overstayers but nor do I overly sympathise. Laws are laws wherever we live and wherever we come from.


I think this world is for everybody.

putting people in jail because they are not in the right place is part of the past. this world is free. millions years ago, we had no boundary , no custom, and people didn't know what a visa was.

I don't care if people decide to stay in Thailand illegally.

Sure, lets go back to the wild west , let's all break the law, is that what you want ?

Over-stayers are according to the law criminals whether you like it or not, Rapists and murderers are also criminals , and in any civilized country there are laws to punish us if we do something stupid.

I m not talking about people acting dangerously, I m talking about being in a place of the universe and suddenly being illegal because some retarded humans have decided that wearing your shoes in the wrong place of this planet is worse than raping a 8 years old kid.

most people in this world are sheep and will never understand what I mean. I m talking about universal freedom. ask your local monk, he will explain.



Unfortunately for your viewpoints, smartpant, most people do not live in a temple nor contemplate or live utopian existences and I don't think anyone has said that raping a child is less important than a visa offence. What is being discussed is in the real world as it applies to Pattaya and the rest of Thailand when it comes to overstay offences. Peace.


Off topic totally irrelevant post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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