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Stickman Bangkok Versus Not Stickman Bangkok


Stickman Versus Not Stickman Bangkok  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite?

    • Stickman Bangkok is my Favourite
    • John Galt (Not Stickman) is my favourite
    • Never heard of either of them
    • Couldn't give a flying Cahoonas!

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Well for you out there who don't know, the ever popular (or not) Stickman Bangkok has been getting a bit of proverbial stick (no pun intended) from a guy calling himself John Galt on a website called Not Stickman Bangkok

What I would like to know are your views about the two alter egos as I suspect this is going to be either fun and interesting or it will simply get messy. :D

BTW who is going to the Stickman bangkok writers meeting on the 20th November then? :o

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i've been reading john galt for the last few days whilst i've been on holidays. :D

wow, some people think i fire up when i get going but i'm just a amateur compared to this guy.

he's really sticking it up stickman big time and i don't think one can take sides on the debate.

john galt makes some very good points , leads a compelling debate a writes a fine article.

i liked the part where stickman was asked by a third party whether he had ever read what john galt was writing about him and he said he had not. :o

i find that a bit hard to believe. :D

i'm going to keep following his thread as its quite interesting.

its a very open forum and i must say i was surprised by the content, language etc.

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i've been reading john galt for the last few days whilst i've been on holidays. :D

wow, some people think i fire up when i get going but i'm just a amateur compared to this guy.

he's really sticking it up stickman big time and i don't think one can take sides on the debate.

john galt makes some very good points , leads a compelling debate a writes a fine article.

i liked the part where stickman was asked by a third party whether he had ever read what john galt was writing about him and he said he had not. :o

i find that a bit hard to believe. :D

i'm going to keep following his thread as its quite interesting.

its a very open forum and i must say i was surprised by the content, language etc.

yes terry, ever the negative indicator. to borrow one of your phrases, the battle will be "classic".

my belief is that john galt was quite amusing at first, especially his targeting google adwords directly to the stickman site, but his writing gets more and more laboured and sloppy with each article. i also have trouble respecting anyone who posts pics of their latest conquests on their site, regardless of whether or not they pretend it is in the intrests of "educating" others. I mean come on, it aint that hard to get laid.

Galt has become a bit of an egomanic blowhard who cannot seem to take the time to read over his own pieces to correct the glaring spelling and gramatical errors that characterise his writing.

in his favour, he is somewhat fresher than the ever-stale stick, but i dont think we would be missing much if either of them faded into obscurity.

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Well, I do not like stickman much, but he try since a long time to give the opinion of a certain category of long stayer.

This new one ... well I just read 2 articles, and they are sensless:

the one on the visa regulation, where he advice to OVERSTAY. For that and only for that I call it DANGEROUS.

The one on the virgin girls you can get in some beer bars in Pattaya.

Sorry, but noone of those articles where relevant, interresting , nor noone gived an accurate view of the situation of thais people or on the situation of western expats (or do we are all customers of fresh virgins gilrs in pattaya bars, and future over stayers?)

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I don't know the "Notstickman" but I think Stickman was more entertaining when he was a simple school teacher and whore-monger. Being respectable and Hi So doesn't become him.


this exact point has been raised by 'notstickman.'

its not real flash to change your stripes and then start preaching to people, as you have lost your credibility haven't you. :D

he should of just keep-ed up being a bar girl professional and stayed himself. :D

one must be consistent to gain respect. :D

cheers. :o

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i've been reading john galt for the last few days whilst i've been on holidays. :D

wow, some people think i fire up when i get going but i'm just a amateur compared to this guy.

he's really sticking it up stickman big time and i don't think one can take sides on the debate.

john galt makes some very good points , leads a compelling debate a writes a fine article.

i liked the part where stickman was asked by a third party whether he had ever read what john galt was writing about him and he said he had not. :o

i find that a bit hard to believe. :D

i'm going to keep following his thread as its quite interesting.

its a very open forum and i must say i was surprised by the content, language etc.

yes terry, ever the negative indicator. to borrow one of your phrases, the battle will be "classic".

my belief is that john galt was quite amusing at first, especially his targeting google adwords directly to the stickman site, but his writing gets more and more laboured and sloppy with each article. i also have trouble respecting anyone who posts pics of their latest conquests on their site, regardless of whether or not they pretend it is in the intrests of "educating" others. I mean come on, it aint that hard to get laid.

Galt has become a bit of an egomanic blowhard who cannot seem to take the time to read over his own pieces to correct the glaring spelling and gramatical errors that characterise his writing.

in his favour, he is somewhat fresher than the ever-stale stick, but i dont think we would be missing much if either of them faded into obscurity.

i've only cracked on to him in the last few days so i haven't got a lot of experience with him except for a few articles.

i mean that's,

low form to put a slappers photo on the forum and i don't respect that either.

its ok for me to make spelling mistakes as i'm only a punter but i must say i was surprised by him doing it on his own forum . :D

at least stickman uses a spell checker. :D

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Well, I do not like stickman much, but he try since a long time to give the opinion of a certain category of long stayer.

This new one ... well I just read 2 articles, and they are sensless:

the one on the visa regulation, where he advice to OVERSTAY. For that and only for that I call it DANGEROUS.

The one on the virgin girls you can get in some beer bars in Pattaya.

Sorry, but noone of those articles where relevant, interresting , nor noone gived an accurate view of the situation of thais people or on the situation of western expats (or do we are all customers of fresh virgins gilrs in pattaya bars, and future over stayers?)


i think you could be right my friend as he does tend to be well over the top on some of his articles.

i'm wondering whether he's taking the piss in some of them. :o

cant say i'm a great fan of the bad language and disrespect to some females as well. :D

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i personaly have read stickman for 4 plus years and i have to say that over the last 6 months-year, i have found a lot of the articles to be either quite boring or repetitive, the only decent read being the readers submissions. i have also found john gault to be generally a good read, also the man does not profess to have any journalistic or previous writing skills, so his grammer and spelling can be excused. at the end of the day, gault is making a lot of good points that stickman should reply to for his own credibility, but stickmans attitude is probably either Gault won't last or if he does reply to him on his column then he is potentially giving Gault access to a lot more readers.

P.S. excuse my grammer as i have no writing skills either.

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Well for you out there who don't know, the ever popular (or not) Stickman Bangkok has been getting a bit of proverbial stick (no pun intended) from a guy calling himself John Galt on a website called Not Stickman Bangkok

What I would like to know are your views about the two alter egos as I suspect this is going to be either fun and interesting or it will simply get messy. :D

BTW who is going to the Stickman bangkok writers meeting on the 20th November then? :o

In another thread you blathered on about how you would never return to UK because you so much valued your Thailand lifestyle.It turns out you are mainly preoccupied with Stickman type matters like any bum English teacher/sex tourist/visa runner.I shan't take you seriously from now on.

Cassandra may indeed be another just another fornicating 30 day visa runner, but - unlike the rest of us - I think that we can be pretty sure that he drinks a better brand of whiskey than Mekong when he hits Nana or the Pong! :D

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i mean that's,

low form to put a slappers photo on the forum and i don't respect that either.

slapper is as slapper does eh terry ?

stickman got married and stopped paying for sex or for the risible girl friend experience that so many of the mongers seem to love.

with stickman and with the new clone , there is only so much you can write about the nightlife here , its not long (probably about 2000 words ) and you have no choice but to start repeating yourself.

bloke finds new bar , bloke gets laid , bloke got ripped off , family ripped bloke off , police ripped bloke off , bargirl had other bloke , bloke buys a bar , visa ran out , bloke never learns , substitute geezer for bloke and start again.

it happened to trink , its starting to happen to stickman and it will soon happen to the clone , who tries too hard to come across as a hard case shagmeister , but just ends up sounding as a cruel parody of one.

stickman is better when writing about non bar related stuff , he can be quite insightful at times .

galt just trawls the gutters and boasts , its all been done before , its cliched now.

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Other sites least have a better standard of English than the weirdo writings of John Galt. His hapless writing should have deflated his self-hyped ego ages ago. That people read and even praise him I find . . . :o

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Edited by Totster
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I agree, I was interested to see Stick post an article about the law under the 1997 constitution about displaying pictures and privacy issues in Thailand.

Maybe he is rattling a sabre at John Galt on the slander issue as well because quite frankly John galt is sort of edging his bets with the photos and things he says and although this week he too was indicating that Stickman may find himself in trouble (along with his writers) I cannot help but wonder if John galt could be facing a similar predicament with the things he is writing about too.

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hahaha... I see I voted with the overwhelming majority who seem to think that it's "much ado about nothing" and most "don't give a hoot" about the whole issue. The loss of both of these guys' so-called writings wouldn't amount to as much as a loss as the corner som-tam shop.

.... bet Trink and Shakespeare quotes have never been included in the same sentence. :o

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I had a look at the notstickman site, and found it to be quite a laugh at first. However, i don't know how the "Galt" guy can sustain a "one trick pony" piss-take for any length of time.

Apart from that, the guy's ego starts to get annoying after a while, and he comes over like some smarmy salesman. :o

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younghusband and Casanundra

Feel free to debate, but any more flaming will not be tolerated.


Hey I am merely defending myself your honour for the wild assumptions and stereotyping that this guy has leveied at me on a public forum without any cause or justification what so ever.

If you read his other biased view points on other posts you will see that it is the nature of his beast and not mine as he likes to take a provokative higher than though view against everybody who posts.

If you take out his derogatory posts then I am happy to keep the peace

Let me close this debate by offering a sincere apology for whatever offence I may have given.I accept that many of my comments were unfair and inappropriate, and that my suggestion you might need medical help was ill judged.I further accept that your interest in Stickman and similar websites is entirely innocent, and that there is no reflection on your intelligence, taste or way you spend your time in Thailand.

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