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US tourist killed, 13 injured as Palestinian terrorists go on bloody rampage in Israel


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The old saying 'One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter' Palestine is occupied by mainly European Zionist Jews, the Palestinians are fighting for their freedom. In World War2 the Nazis called the freedom fighters, the Partisans, Maquis, Dutch Resistance etc. 'Terrorists'. People who call Palestinian freedom fighters 'Terrorists' have a Nazi mentality. One of my family was murdered by Jewish terrorists in Palestine in 1948, he was on his National Service there and was travelling home to UK to be demobbed, he was on the Haifa-Cairo Express when it was blown up by the Stern Gang in Gaza. On his Death Certificate it says he died as a result of 'Terrorist Activity'. Those Jews were not freedom fighters, they already had their freedom, won for them by British soldiers who they went on to murder. The Zionists were terrorists then and are terrorists now, and always will be terrorists, untill one day Palestine will be free.

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​so killing people, deporting or expelling them are all called 'ethnic cleansing'.

Since 20% of the population of Israel is Arab and it is not going down, there is no "ethnic cleansing" going on - no matter what kind of stupid hair splitting one does.

Ethnic cleansing was what the Arabs did when they threw all the Jews out of their countries, after Israel won the war that the Palestinians started, with 5 Arab armies backing them up.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The old saying 'One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter'

You need to read a few books. Both the Jews AND the Arabs fought the Brits, because they were busy stabbing both sides in the back. However,the Jews joined the British Army during WW2 and made up. The Palestinians backed the Nazis.

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Yes, ethnic cleansing.

What does 'invited its enemies in to stay' mean? You mean they occupied the land and should have ethnically cleansed it?

You can't "occupy" your own land. They invited the Arabs to live in peace among them on the land granted by the UN. That looks like it was a big mistake. The Palestinians certainly don't plan to let Jews live in their country - if they every actually get one.

Foreign Office

November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour

What is your point? There is not and never has been a country called Palestine. There is a region that historically was called Palestine and it encompassed part or all of several countries. There never was a people called Palestinians until usurpers under Arafat began calling themselves that in the 1960's.

So read your post again and understand that "in Palestine" means within a very large region of countries, not a country.


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You can't "occupy" your own land. They invited the Arabs to live in peace among them on the land granted by the UN. That looks like it was a big mistake. The Palestinians certainly don't plan to let Jews live in their country - if they every actually get one.

But the jews did not stay in the land "given to them by the UN" did they? No they have gone on to occupy land that is not theirs with a plan to ethnically cleanse it of all non-jews except for a token amount to do the jobs that European jews do not want to do.

You have it wrong. The UN offered a deal after WWII to these Arabs who weren't yet calling themselves "Palestinians". They refused to sign that deal and instead started wars against Israel. To defend itself Israel pushed back. During the 6 day war started by Arabs against Israel, Israel drew the line and said "that's enough" and took it's Old City of E. Jerusalem for its own safety.

If the so-called Palestinians had agreed to the deal after WWII and not instead started wars, they would be living peacefully. It's not a habit of Muslim terrorists to live peacefully though, is it.


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Yes, ethnic cleansing.

What does 'invited its enemies in to stay' mean? You mean they occupied the land and should have ethnically cleansed it?

Deportation IS NOT ethnic cleansing. Anyone who thinks so probably thinks winking at a woman can be the same as rape.


'Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous'

​so killing people, deporting or expelling them are all called 'ethnic cleansing'. it is all about changing the demographics of a land to create a majority of a certain, group, race etc so they can claim the right for the land and sit on it!

you go fool Zionist with your - possibly intentional - misleading words. Most are not stupid to eat that anymore!

There was not such thing as a "Palestinian" 50 years ago. They don't belong there, it isn't their land. Even if it were, it was just a wasteland before the Jews returned. It would return to being a wasteland under "Palestinian" control within a generation. Just look at Gaza for proof. Gaza was handed over 100% to the Palestinians ten years ago and they have done NOTHING to improve it. Wealthy Arab nations should have invested in ways to improve lives of "Palestinians" instead of sending weapons to fight a war they lost 4 decades ago.

That great "Palestinian" leader Yassar Arafat? He himself was Egyptian. He became a billionaire "leading" the "Palestinian" movement. Israel is not the problem for Palestinians, it is the solution. Where do they have more rights? In Gaza or Tel Aviv?

The Arab world dislikes these "Palestinians" more than Israelis. Their own kind don't like them. Why do they still live in refugee camps? Why not integrate like Europe is being told to do with its refugees?

Until the "Palestinians" reject their terrorist leadership, giving them more land would be a crime against humanity and civilization.

There, chew on that reality for a while.

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Yes, ethnic cleansing.

What does 'invited its enemies in to stay' mean? You mean they occupied the land and should have ethnically cleansed it?

You can't "occupy" your own land. They invited the Arabs to live in peace among them on the land granted by the UN. That looks like it was a big mistake. The Palestinians certainly don't plan to let Jews live in their country - if they every actually get one.

Foreign Office

November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour

What is your point? There is not and never has been a country called Palestine. There is a region that historically was called Palestine and it encompassed part or all of several countries. There never was a people called Palestinians until usurpers under Arafat began calling themselves that in the 1960's.

So read your post again and understand that "in Palestine" means within a very large region of countries, not a country.


That is really not true. So you are saying that money coined in 1927 with Palestine clearly on the coin was in fact something like today's Euro.



Edited by Pakboong
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Yes, ethnic cleansing.

What does 'invited its enemies in to stay' mean? You mean they occupied the land and should have ethnically cleansed it?

Deportation IS NOT ethnic cleansing. Anyone who thinks so probably thinks winking at a woman can be the same as rape.


'Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous'

​so killing people, deporting or expelling them are all called 'ethnic cleansing'. it is all about changing the demographics of a land to create a majority of a certain, group, race etc so they can claim the right for the land and sit on it!

you go fool Zionist with your - possibly intentional - misleading words. Most are not stupid to eat that anymore!

There was not such thing as a "Palestinian" 50 years ago. They don't belong there, it isn't their land. Even if it were, it was just a wasteland before the Jews returned. It would return to being a wasteland under "Palestinian" control within a generation. Just look at Gaza for proof. Gaza was handed over 100% to the Palestinians ten years ago and they have done NOTHING to improve it. Wealthy Arab nations should have invested in ways to improve lives of "Palestinians" instead of sending weapons to fight a war they lost 4 decades ago.

That great "Palestinian" leader Yassar Arafat? He himself was Egyptian. He became a billionaire "leading" the "Palestinian" movement. Israel is not the problem for Palestinians, it is the solution. Where do they have more rights? In Gaza or Tel Aviv?

The Arab world dislikes these "Palestinians" more than Israelis. Their own kind don't like them. Why do they still live in refugee camps? Why not integrate like Europe is being told to do with its refugees?

Until the "Palestinians" reject their terrorist leadership, giving them more land would be a crime against humanity and civilization.

There, chew on that reality for a while.

so it this reality? haha, they sound more like some absurd Zionist propaganda to me.

there was no place called Israel 70 years ago too!

and claims like that land belongs to jews bc they were there thousands years before is just bs Zionist propaganda told to some for brainwashing or misleading them but again, no one is eating these lies anymore.

those land belong to Hittites, Assyrians and Egyptians than as they were there before jews.

then maybe Egyptians annex some land from israel now claiming that it is their 6000 years ago and start to bulldoze Israeli homes and do an ethnic cleansing? so what will be the reaction of Israelis? turning the other cheek?

dont get me wrong, if it was arabs doing the same, stealing the land of Israelis, then i support the Israeli resistance of course but yeah, it is never the case and Israel acts as an aggressor as always.

i dont trust arab world like you do but when it comes to resistance due to some stolen land and years of nonsense by Israel, i support Palestinians' resistance.

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Actually, they believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel and who can blame them? They have been plagued by Islamic terrorism for all of their existence and they could have gotten rid of them in 1948, like any other country would have done. Israel invited its enemies stay. Israel is way too humane for its own good.

I think many citizens in Western countries would like to expel Muslims. A little unfair to generalize perhaps, but the radical Muslim terrorists generalize - any who ain't Muslim are suitable for murder, rape, torture and enslavement. The backlash has been slow coming, but coming it is.

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Actually, they believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel and who can blame them? They have been plagued by Islamic terrorism for all of their existence and they could have gotten rid of them in 1948, like any other country would have done. Israel invited its enemies stay. Israel is way too humane for its own good.

I think many citizens in Western countries would like to expel Muslims. A little unfair to generalize perhaps, but the radical Muslim terrorists generalize - any who ain't Muslim are suitable for murder, rape, torture and enslavement. The backlash has been slow coming, but coming it is.

which western countries and which citizens?

for example in Germany, nearly 5 million muslim citizens live there most for many decades so muslim wants muslim to get expelled?

you are just day dreaming my friend:)

Edited by Galactus
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That is really not true. So you are saying that money coined in 1927 with Palestine clearly on the coin was in fact something like today's Euro.

Actually, it IS true. That is an amazingly ignorant statement. You have no idea what you are talking about. The money is from Mandate Palestine, when the entire area was under the control of the British. There was NEVER an independent Arab country called Palestine.

Mandatory Palestine was a geopolitical entity under British administration, carved out of Ottoman Southern Syria after World War I. British civil administration in Palestine operated from 1920 until 1948.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Actually, they believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel and who can blame them? They have been plagued by Islamic terrorism for all of their existence and they could have gotten rid of them in 1948, like any other country would have done. Israel invited its enemies stay. Israel is way too humane for its own good.

i think you have it bass akwards. The Jews are the invaders and in the process of ethnic cleansing and stealing the land that does not belong to them. You know the settlers.


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That stupid map has been debunked on here many times. It is a FAKE. It is the British Mandate. Before that, it was part of the Ottoman Empire and was NEVER controlled by the so-called "Palestinians"

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Quote from Ben Gurion :

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

Says it all, and unfortunately still the root cause of today's atrocities from both sides.

This historical quote should be remembered for all those who persist in creating fallacies of the origins of Palestinians and the true reality that an extreme minority of Israeli citizens can admit or prove that their ascendants were living in Palestine before 1917...the majority of Israeli citizens can't prove this important fact...

Edited by Thorgal
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Actually, they believe Arabs should be "expelled or transferred" from Israel and who can blame them? They have been plagued by Islamic terrorism for all of their existence and they could have gotten rid of them in 1948, like any other country would have done. Israel invited its enemies stay. Israel is way too humane for its own good.

i think you have it bass akwards. The Jews are the invaders and in the process of ethnic cleansing and stealing the land that does not belong to them. You know the settlers.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1457507437.498772.jpg

McGraw Hill have just recalled a text book and destroyed all copies because it contained fabricated maps such as the one you posted. Looks like same lies need debunking repeatedly because the anti-Israel extremists have no problem whatsoever with lies.


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Quote from Ben Gurion :

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

Says it all, and unfortunately still the root cause of today's atrocities from both sides.

This historical quote should be remembered for all those who persist in creating fallacies of the origins of Palestinians and the true reality that an extreme minority of Israeli citizens can admit or prove that their ascendants were living in Palestine before 1917...the majority of Israeli citizens can't prove this important fact...

I think as an avid source policer you should be informed the quote you mentioned is found on hate sites such as Stormfront and rense.com, how about you give a credible source for anything YOU quote.
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That stupid map has been debunked on here many times. It is a FAKE. It is the British Mandate. Before that, it was part of the Ottoman Empire and was NEVER controlled by the so-called "Palestinians"

Yes and the sad thing is the obsessive Israel demonizing/ BDS cult have succeeded so well in brainwashing so many. The truth ... the Jewish people are indigenous to Israel and the Palestinian Arab political identity movement came much much later. Don't get me wrong. Palestinian Arabs have real grievances and even though their political identity movement came later doesn't mean it's not real now. It is real now. For peace to happen both sides need to fully recognize each other and make a deal between themselves. No. Not happening soon.
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Quote from Ben Gurion :

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

Says it all, and unfortunately still the root cause of today's atrocities from both sides.

This historical quote should be remembered for all those who persist in creating fallacies of the origins of Palestinians and the true reality that an extreme minority of Israeli citizens can admit or prove that their ascendants were living in Palestine before 1917...the majority of Israeli citizens can't prove this important fact...

I think as an avid source policer you should be informed the quote you mentioned is found on hate sites such as Stormfront and rense.com, how about you give a credible source for anything YOU quote.
Typical. Those are neo Nazi propaganda sites.
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That is really not true. So you are saying that money coined in 1927 with Palestine clearly on the coin was in fact something like today's Euro.

Actually, it IS true. That is an amazingly ignorant statement. You have no idea what you are talking about. The money is from Mandate Palestine, when the entire area was under the control of the British. There was NEVER an independent Arab country called Palestine.

Mandatory Palestine was a geopolitical entity under British administration, carved out of Ottoman Southern Syria after World War I. British civil administration in Palestine operated from 1920 until 1948.


there were no state called Israel and naturally there were no Israelis 70 years ago as well.

That stupid map has been debunked on here many times. It is a FAKE. It is the British Mandate. Before that, it was part of the Ottoman Empire and was NEVER controlled by the so-called "Palestinians"

Yes and the sad thing is the obsessive Israel demonizing/ BDS cult have succeeded so well in brainwashing so many. The truth ... the Jewish people are indigenous to Israel and the Palestinian Arab political identity movement came much much later. Don't get me wrong. Palestinian Arabs have real grievances and even though their political identity movement came later doesn't mean it's not real now. It is real now. For peace to happen both sides need to fully recognize each other and make a deal between themselves. No. Not happening soon.

arabs there are as indigenous as Israelis.

i start to hear positive words from you like 'peace', 'full recognition from both sides' etc.

thanks for that. that is how peace will prevail on those lands. When both sides start to understand and accept the 'reality' and nothign wrong on this, i respect.

Israel has to do more though about peace and full recognition more than Palestinians and they need to grasp the reality more too.

Edited by Galactus
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Quote from Ben Gurion :

"If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

Says it all, and unfortunately still the root cause of today's atrocities from both sides.

This historical quote should be remembered for all those who persist in creating fallacies of the origins of Palestinians and the true reality that an extreme minority of Israeli citizens can admit or prove that their ascendants were living in Palestine before 1917...the majority of Israeli citizens can't prove this important fact...

I think as an avid source policer you should be informed the quote you mentioned is found on hate sites such as Stormfront and rense.com, how about you give a credible source for anything YOU quote.

The unfamous quote originated from Nahum's Goldmann autobiography 'The Jewish Paradox" from 1978. The book is still available for purchase.

It's also endorsed on :


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When the UK has been taken over by Muslims law and culture I will take every opportunity to randomly stab and kill my oppresor and invader. Look at it that way perhaps !

if you see this problem coming, you can start to stab muslim now if you want:)

so if you cannot do it , just man up.

it is a big mistake to accept that many muslim to UK before so dont cry now.

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The American tourist killed in today's Palestinian terror attack was a West Point grad who served multiple tours in Afghanistan & Iraq. RIP.

Says who???

Nice try though....

Says this.

His name was Taylor Force.


1. In his bio, it says he was a native of Lubbock, Texas, and graduated from the United States Military Academy, with a degree in Engineering Management. Since then, he had worked a Field Artillery officer in the United States Army.
2. According to his LinkedIn page, Force left the service in August 2014 having served in both Iraq in Operation New Dawn and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He was also an Eagle scout.
If you don't like that link, how about CNN? http://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/08/middleeast/israel-violence/
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When the UK has been taken over by Muslims law and culture I will take every opportunity to randomly stab and kill my oppresor and invader. Look at it that way perhaps !

Of course the bluster to threaten to commit random murder attacks amounts to nothing more than hot air for now, but in the meantime will presumably suffice to justify others committing murder in practice. Hiding behind others' skirts is the phrase that comes to mind.

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dont get me wrong, if it was arabs doing the same, stealing the land of Israelis, then i support the Israeli resistance of course but yeah, it is never the case and Israel acts as an aggressor as always.i dont trust arab world like you do but when it comes to resistance due to some stolen land and years of nonsense by Israel, i support Palestinians' resistance.

IF Palestinians took the approach of Ghandi or MLK Jr I could understand your position and I would probably support them myself.

But I grew up watching on the news how they blew up cafes & buses, hijacked planes, dumped a crippled pensioner into the sea, murdered an Olympic team, etc. It hasn't gotten much better since those days so as far as I am concerned any suffering the Palestinians are going through they have brought upon themselves and as long as they continue to raise their babies with such hateful propaganda against their neighbors the suffering will never end. Nor should it, not until they decide to join the civilized world.

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dont get me wrong, if it was arabs doing the same, stealing the land of Israelis, then i support the Israeli resistance of course but yeah, it is never the case and Israel acts as an aggressor as always.i dont trust arab world like you do but when it comes to resistance due to some stolen land and years of nonsense by Israel, i support Palestinians' resistance.

IF Palestinians took the approach of Ghandi or MLK Jr I could understand your position and I would probably support them myself.

But I grew up watching on the news how they blew up cafes & buses, hijacked planes, dumped a crippled pensioner into the sea, murdered an Olympic team, etc. It hasn't gotten much better since those days so as far as I am concerned any suffering the Palestinians are going through they have brought upon themselves and as long as they continue to raise their babies with such hateful propaganda against their neighbors the suffering will never end. Nor should it, not until they decide to join the civilized world.

mopar brother, israel also never take Gandhi or MLK like approach. some (hopefully some and not all as some israelis see the reality now) raising their kids with same hateful propaganda against their neighbors too. but at least their land is not occupied by someone else therefore they are not pushed into poverty and 'no future' kind of sentiments.

of course both sides need to change.

but ropes are in Israel's hand. if they want peace truly, peace can come in a week. power comes with responsibility and as israel is more powerful, they have more responsibility in this bloodshed. dont you see that?

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but ropes are in Israel's hand. if they want peace truly, peace can come in a week. power comes with responsibility and as israel is more powerful, they have more responsibility in this bloodshed. dont you see that?

No II don't and I doubt if you believe it either. The Palestinians started the violence in the first place and have refused to make peace for 100 years. The responsibility is on THEM.

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but ropes are in Israel's hand. if they want peace truly, peace can come in a week. power comes with responsibility and as israel is more powerful, they have more responsibility in this bloodshed. dont you see that?

No II don't and I doubt if you believe it either. The Palestinians started the violence in the first place and have refused to make peace for 100 years. The responsibility is on THEM.

Zionist Propaganda for Dummies... from the introduction.

An unforgettable quote.

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